Iron Maiden / Power Trip 2023 / 1DVDR

Iron Maiden / Power Trip 2023 / 1DVDR / Shades

Empire Polo Club, Indio, CA, USA 6th October 2023

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“THE FUTURE PAST Tour 2023” has finally been completed. The best video that allows you to fully experience the highlight performance has arrived.
The highlight performance was held on “October 6, 2023 in Indio”. This work is a superb view audience shot when appearing at the super famous festival “Power Trip”. The latest tour, which combines the worlds of old and new classics, was touring European festivals in the summer, but in the fall they crossed the ocean and landed in the United States. Just the other day, we completed all scheduled dates. This film was shot on the final day. We have been reporting on various masterpieces since the start of the tour, but this time we will organize our collection by focusing on video works.

●European leg
・May 30th – June 14th (9 performances)
*June 17th “HELLFEST 2023”
・June 19th – July 8th (12 performances)
*July 11th “AMSTERDAM 2023 (3-disc set)”
・July 13th – August 4th (11 performances)
●North American leg
・September 28th – October 2nd: Canada (3 performances)
*October 6th: POWER TRIP appearance ←★This work★

This is an overview of our activities in 2023. According to manager Rod Smallwood, “THE FUTURE PAST Tour” will continue in 2024, but the dates have not yet been announced. I would like to make the performance in Japan happen no matter what. In recent years, it has been customary for IRON MAIDEN to separate years into “Europe” and “North America,” but this time it is a special case. After the regular style “European” leg, there was also a “North American” leg with only four performances. This work’s “Power Trip” appearance is the last one. To put it more simply, it seems like they included three warm-up performances in Canada for “Power Trip”.

– Spectacular views captured by the skill of a skilled photographer
In any case, this film, which is a vacuum-packed version of that final performance, is a spectacular video with a wonderfully wide field of view. I’m shooting from the closest position on the right side of the stage (Yannick Guards side), looking directly at the stage over the heads of the audience in front. This is surprising considering the situation on the ground. This wouldn’t be surprising if the venue was a hall with steeply sloping stands, but this production was an open venue set up outdoors. The audience seating is a wide plain with no angles, making it difficult to take photos from a high vantage point. If you use something like a selfie stick, you can get a higher viewpoint, but then camera work becomes difficult. It’s painful and itchy.
However, this work perfectly balances such “perspective” and “camera work”. Apparently, the person who shot this film was a very skilled person. He is a person who frequently releases the latest videos of numerous bands/artists, and he is probably making full use of his know-how. While gaining height, he uses a bold zoom to closely follow each member, and at the same time maintains an outstanding sense of stability, showing off the craftsmanship.

●Super tight and direct sound like a soundboard
Even more powerful than such skilled photography is the sound. This is also fiercely on and super direct. It also absorbs real enthusiasm, so you won’t mistake it for a soundboard, but the essential performance sound and vocals are completely soundboard-grade.
The reason for this is clear. Being an open-air outdoor stage, there are no walls or ceilings to reflect sound. It picks up the sound output from the PA directly with zero echo. Of course, if you are far from the PA, it will be sparse, but this work is close to the stage. Although it doesn’t appear on the screen, the PA is clearly nearby. As mentioned above, the photographer of this work is skilled, so he does not make mistakes that are too direct and startle, and has recorded the latest stage with super superb sound. .
The full show of the latest “THE FUTURE PAST Tour” is depicted with such a spectacular view and superb sound. Since there was a gap in the North American leg, there were rumors that even more rare songs would be added (Steve Harris said he wanted to do “Only the Good Die Young” as well). When you open the lid, the set is the same as the European leg. In that respect, I had no choice but to look forward to the upcoming 2024 edition, but there is no way that the set, which is rumored to be the No. 1 tour of all time, will be bad. The catchy and rare masterpieces of “SOMEWHERE IN TIME” excited the venue, and the epic “SENJUTSU” number provided a vivid contrast. Compared to Europe, where people were singing even new songs, Americans seem to prefer classical music, but even so, when a Harris-branded riff is played, the large crowd jumps and spreads out like a rippling carpet.

Now, what kind of flavor will the 2024 “THE FUTURE PAST Tour” have? And will they be able to perform in Japan for the first time in eight years? This work is a sinful piece that comforts that feeling of motivation… no, it burns it even more passionately. A video masterpiece that allows you to experience the latest and final scene in 2023. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content!

★Spectacular audience shot of Chishu Raku “October 6th Power Trip Performance” of “THE FUTURE PAST Tour 2023”. You can pass directly over the heads of the audience in front of you and look directly at the stage, a spectacular view that belies the fact that it is a flat outdoor stage. Moreover, despite the high viewpoint, the camera work is active, and the audio that takes advantage of the outdoor flavor with zero echoes is soundboard quality. It is a video masterpiece that allows you to experience the best show that is rumored to be the No. 1 tour of all time.

ついに完遂された“THE FUTURE PAST Tour 2023”。そのハイライト公演をフル体験できる極上映像が到着です。
そのハイライト公演が行われたのは「2023年10月6日インディオ」。本作は、超有名フェス“Power Trip”に出演した際の絶景オーディエンス・ショットです。新旧名盤の世界を融合させた最新ツアーは夏の欧州フェスを巡っていましたが、秋には大洋を渡って米国へ上陸。つい先日、予定された全日程を終了いたしました。本作が撮影されたのは、その最終日です。当店ではツアー開始直後から様々な傑作でレポートしてきましたが、今回は映像作に絞ってコレクションを整理してみましょう。

*6月17日『HELLFEST 2023』
*7月11日『AMSTERDAM 2023(3枚組)』
*10月6日:POWER TRIP出演 ←★本作★

これが2023年の活動概要。マネージャーのロッド・スモールウッドによると“THE FUTURE PAST Tour”は2024年も続行されるそうですが、まだ日程は未発表。何が何でも来日公演を実現させていただきたいところです。近年のIRON MAIDENは「欧州」と「北米」で年を分けるのが通例となっていましたが、今回は特例。通常スタイルの「欧州」レッグを終えた後、わずか4公演だけの「北米」レッグも実施されました。本作の“Power Trip”出演は、その大ラス。もっと端的に言えば、“Power Trip”のためにウォームアップのカナダ公演を3回入れた……とも見えます。


そんな絶景&極上サウンドで描かれるのは、最新“THE FUTURE PAST Tour”のフルショウ。北米レッグは間が空いた事もあって更なるレア曲も追加されるのではないかとも噂されていた(スティーヴ・ハリスが「Only the Good Die Youngもやりたい」と語っていた)のですが、フタを空けてみると欧州レッグとセットは同一。その点は今後の2024年編に期待するしかありませんでしたが、歴代No.1ツアーとも囁かれているセットが悪かろうはずがない。キャッチーでレア度満点な『SOMEWHERE IN TIME』の名曲群が会場を沸かせ、エピカルな『SENJUTSU』ナンバーがじっくりと聴かせる対比も鮮やか。新曲でも歌いまくっていた欧州に比べるとアメリカ人はクラシックス好みにも見えますが、それでもハリス印のリフが繰り出されると飛び跳ねる大観衆が波打つ絨毯のように広がるのです。

さて、2024年の“THE FUTURE PAST Tour”はどんな趣向を見せてくれるのか。そして、8年ぶりの来日公演は実現するのか。本作は、そのはやる気持ちを慰め……いや、一層熱く焚きつけやがる罪作りな1枚です。2023年最新・最終の現場を極上体験できる映像傑作。どうぞ、存分にご堪能ください!

★“THE FUTURE PAST Tour 2023”の千秋楽「10月6日Power Trip公演」の絶景オーディエンス・ショット。前方客の頭上を素通りしてステージを直視しており、平坦な野外ステージとは思えない絶景。しかも視点が高いにも関わらずアクティヴなカメラワークですし、反響ゼロな野外の旨みを活かしきった音声はサウンドボード級。歴代No.1ツアーとも囁かれるショウを極上体験できる映像傑作です。

1. Intro: Bladerunner (End Titles)
2. Caught Somewhere In Time
3. Stranger In A Strange Land
4. The Writing On The Wall
5. Days Of Future Past
6. The Time Machine
7. The Prisoner
8. Death Of The Celts
9. Can I Play With Madness
10. Heaven Can Wait
11. Alexander The Great
12. Fear Of The Dark
13. Iron Maiden
14. Hell On Earth
15. The Trooper
16. Wasted Years

COLOUR NTSC Approx.110min.

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