Iron Maiden / Hellfest 2023 / 1DVDR

Iron Maiden / Hellfest 2023 / 1DVDR / Shades
Val de Moine, Clisson, France 17th June 2023

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The latest “THE FUTURE PAST World Tour”, which has been acclaimed for its rare song rush. A powerful video that you can experience through the full show is now available.
This work was filmed on “June 17, 2023 Clisson”. This is an audience shot when they appeared at “HELLFEST”, which is now one of the best summer festivals in Europe. This work is the third installment of the “THE FUTURE PAST Tour” report, and the second work as a video. First of all, let’s check the current situation with the schedule along with the progress of the tour.

* May 28 “ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023 (video)”
, May 30-June 4 (4 performances)
* June 7 “BERGEN 2023”
, June 9-14 (4 performances) )
*June 17: Clisson performance ← This work ★
・June 19-26 (4 performances)
>> Now here <<
・June 28-August 5 (18 performances)
North America
9 Month 28-October 6 (4 performances)

This is the 2023 schedule that has been announced so far. “BERGEN 2023 (Shades 1783)”, which I introduced the other day, was a live album with only audio, but this work, along with the first report “ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023 (Shades 1775)”, is a video work.
The biggest points of such a work are “the power of the closeness of the stage” and “a consistent experience from beginning to end”. “ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023” is an edited work that combines images from multiple cameras, and while you can watch each song with the best image, the quality and angle have changed. Since the first report was a mission to confirm the mechanism of the new tour, such a style was optimal, but now that the tour has progressed, a sense of experience has been required.
However, it was difficult to come up with a full-length image that met that need. Most of the videos that appear on the net one after another are pieces of one song unit. Although there are some full images, they were all distant views that could be seen from far away from the stage. A special seat shot where you can enjoy the full show calmly while staring at the performance of the members with great power … Yes, that is the long-awaited work.
In fact, the scene of this work is “powerful”. As for the shooting position, it was about the 10th row on the left side of the stage (closer to Yannick Garz). From there, it is further zoomed in, and at the highest up, Bruce Dickinson’s West Up is full of the screen. When it comes to “front seat + zoom”, the screen seems to be violently frenzied, but it is a powerful camera shake prevention function that suppresses it and makes it easier to see. It is captured with a sense of stability that is sharp with a focus on blues. However, this requires supplementation. The camera shake prevention mechanism used in this work does not reduce the angle of view, but is a type that supplements the image for the frame-out. It’s hard to put into words, but when the blurring becomes severe, images are inserted on the top, bottom, left, and right of the screen as if they were mirrored, forcibly stabilizing the image. As a result, the first song “Caught Somewhere In Time” becomes a psychedelic video with too much enthusiasm, but it is only for a moment. By the time the song ends, the hustle and bustle of the scene will calm down, and after that you can enjoy plenty of crisp images.
Another point is the superlative sound. “HELLFEST” is an outdoor festival with no ceiling or walls, and the sound has a tight and direct feeling with zero echo. Although the enthusiasm is absorbed only in the front seats, the essential performance sounds and vocals that suppress it approach “BERGEN 2023”, which has been acclaimed as a new masterpiece. Although this work is more of an experience-based full video than anything else, it can be used as a live album even if you take your eyes off the screen.
What you can enjoy from such a special seat is the full show of “THE FUTURE PAST Tour”, which is craving for performances in Japan. In addition to “HELLFEST”, bonus footage has been added to this work, so let’s reorganize it together.

Somewhere in Time (5 songs)
Caught Somewhere In Time/Stranger In A Strange Land/Heaven Can Wait/Alexander The Great/Wasted Years
Tactics (5 songs)
The Writing On The Wall/Days Of Future Past/ The Time Machine/Death Of The Celts/Hell On Earth
Others (5 songs)
・The Prisoner/Can I Play With Madness/Fear Of The Dark/Iron Maiden (2 takes)/The Trooper

… and it looks like this. In this tour, two kinds of stilt Eddie and giant Eddie will appear at the same time in “Iron Maiden”, but unfortunately the photographer of the “HELLFEST” video was concentrating on the nearby stilt Eddie and not shooting the giant Eddie. do not have. Therefore, in this work, only “Iron Maiden” was added from the next “Zurich performance on June 19”. This video is not just a show immediately after, but a special video specializing in a huge samurai Eddie. It is said that it is one of Eddie’s representative images this time, since it has been shot intensively from the moment of appearance with a stable panorama shot. “HELLFEST” It is the optimal shot that covers the biggest flaws of the video.
“ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023” was a little awkward because I was so particular about the best images of many tricks and productions. Unlike that, this work is a powerful video that allows you to fully experience the performance of the members from the front seat. We haven’t received any news about their coming to Japan yet, but when it does happen, we’ll be able to see this stage…a photo that will give you that kind of excitement. Please enjoy it to the fullest.

★ “Audience shots of HELLFEST on June 17, 2023. Until now, there were only fragmented images and distant shots of each song, but this work is powerful enough to experience a full show from close to the stage. Video.The ultra-tight sound of zero echoes is also wonderful only for outdoor festivals without walls or ceilings.The only drawback is that the huge Eddie of “Iron Maiden” is out of frame, but it is a bonus of the Zurich video two days later. Follow me for adding. It is an experience-based video where you can enjoy the acclaimed “THE FUTURE PAST Tour” up close.

レア曲ラッシュで大絶賛を巻き起こしている最新“THE FUTURE PAST World Tour”。そのフルショウを通し体験できるド迫力映像が登場です。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは「2023年6月17日クリソン」。今やヨーロッパ屈指の夏フェスとなった“HELLFEST”に出演した際のオーディエンス・ショットです。本作は“THE FUTURE PAST Tour”レポートの第三弾であり、映像としては二作目。まずは、ツアーの進行度と併せて現時点の状況をスケジュールで確認しておきましょう。

*5月28日『ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023(映像)』
*6月7日『BERGEN 2023』
*6月17日:クリソン公演 ←★本作★

これが現時までに公表され得ている2023年のスケジュール。先日ご紹介した『BERGEN 2023(Shades 1783)』は音声だけのライヴアルバムでしたが、第一報だった『ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023(Shades 1775)』と本作は映像作です。
そんな本作最大のポイントは「ステージ間近のド迫力」と「終始一貫の体験感」。『ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023』は複数カメラの映像を組合わせた編集作で、1曲1曲をベスト映像で観られる一方、クオリティや角度がコロコロ変わっていました。第一報は新ツアーの仕掛けを確認するのが使命なのでそうした作風が最適だったのですが、ツアーが進んできた現在では体験感が求められてきました。
実際、本作の光景は「ド迫力」。撮影ポジションとしては、ステージ左寄り(ヤニック・ガーズ寄り)の10列目くらい。そこからさらにズームで迫りまくり、最アップではブルース・ディッキンソンのウェストアップが画面いっぱいになるほど。「前方席+ズーム」となると激しい熱狂で画面が暴れそうですが、それを抑えて観やすくしているのが強力な手ブレ防止機能。ブルースを中心にビシッとした安定感で捉えているのです。ただし、これには補足も必要。本作で使用されている手ブレ防止機構は画角を削るのではなく、フレームアウト分の映像を追加補填するタイプ。言葉にすると分かりづらいですが、ブレが激しくなると画面の上下左右にミラーで写し込んだような映像が挿入して強引に安定させるのです。そのため1曲目「Caught Somewhere In Time」ではあまりの熱狂に豪快でサイケな映像になってしまいますが、それは一瞬だけのこと。曲が終わる頃には現場の喧騒も落ち着き、その後はビシッとした映像をたっぷりと楽しめるのです。
さらにもう1つのポイントなのが極上級のサウンド。“HELLFEST”は天井も壁もない野外フェスであり、音声も反響ゼロのタイト感とダイレクト感が素晴らしいのです。前方席だけに熱狂も吸い込んではいますが、それを制圧する肝心の演奏音やヴォーカルは新名盤と絶賛された『BERGEN 2023』にも迫る。本作は何よりも体験型フル映像ではありますが、画面から視線を外してもライヴアルバムとして十分に通用するのです。
そんな特等席から楽しめるのは、日本公演も渇望されている“THE FUTURE PAST Tour”のフルショウ。本作は“HELLFEST”だけでなく、ボーナス映像も追加されていますので、まとめて整理し直しておきましょう。

・Caught Somewhere In Time/Stranger In A Strange Land/Heaven Can Wait/Alexander The Great/Wasted Years
・The Writing On The Wall/Days Of Future Past/The Time Machine/Death Of The Celts/Hell On Earth
・The Prisoner/Can I Play With Madness/Fear Of The Dark/Iron Maiden(2テイク)/The Trooper

……と、このようになっています。今回のツアーでは「Iron Maiden」で竹馬エディと巨大エディの2種が同時に登場するのですが、残念ながら“HELLFEST”映像の撮影者は間近な竹馬エディに集中していて巨大エディを撮影していない。そこで、本作では次の「6月19日チューリッヒ公演」から「Iron Maiden」だけを追加収録しました。この映像は単に直後のショウというだけではなく、巨大な侍エディに特化した特別映像。安定した全景ショットで出現の瞬間から集中撮影しており、今回エディの代表映像の1つとも言われている。“HELLFEST”映像最大の欠点を見事にカバーする最適ショットなのです。
数々の仕掛けや演出のベスト映像にこだわるあまり、ややギクシャクしていた『ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023』。本作はそれとは異なり、メンバーのパフォーマンスを前方席からじっくりとフル体験できるド迫力映像です。今はまだ来日の報は届きませんが、実現した暁には、このステージを観られる……そんなワクワクをカタチにした1枚。どうぞ、存分にご堪能ください。

★「2023年6月17日HELLFESTのオーディエンス・ショット。これまでは1曲ずつの細切れ映像や遠景ショットばかりでしたが、本作はステージ間近からフルショウを体験できるド迫力映像。壁や天井のない野外フェスだけに反響ゼロの超タイト・サウンドも素晴らしい。唯一の欠点は「Iron Maiden」の巨大エディがフレームアウトしている事ですが、それは2日後のチューリッヒ映像をボーナス追加している事でフォロー。大絶賛されている“THE FUTURE PAST Tour”を間近で味わえる体験型映像です。

1. Caught Somewhere In Time
2. Stranger In A Strange Land
3. The Writing On The Wall
4. Days Of Future Past
5. The Time Machine
6. The Prisoner
7. Death Of The Celts
8. Can I Play With Madness
9. Heaven Can Wait
10. Alexander The Great
11. Fear Of The Dark
12. Iron Maiden
13. Hell On Earth
14. The Trooper
15. Wasted Years

16. Iron Maiden (Zurich 16th June 2023)

COLOUR NTSC Approx.108min.

Bruce Dickinson – Vocals
Steve Harris – Bass
Dave Murray – Guitar
Adrian Smith – Guitar
Janick Gers – Guitar
Nicko McBrain – Drums

Shades 1798

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