Iron Maiden / Birmingham 2023 / 2CDR

Iron Maiden / Birmingham 2023 / 2CDR / Shades
Utilita Arena, Birmingham, UK 4th July 2023

Play sample :

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The latest “THE FUTURE PAST World Tour” has finally landed in their home country, England. Two top-notch live albums that convey the latest stage will be released at the same time.
This work is the second of the simultaneous releases. It is a transcendental audience recording of “Birmingham performance on July 4, 2023”. The biggest point of this work is the super clear sound that took the tour No. 1 throne. Before explaining the different dimension sense, first of all, the position of the show. This week, “MANCHESTER 2023 (Shades 1808)” will be released at the same time, so let’s organize our store collection, which will be the previous 5 titles.

●European leg
* May 28 “ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023 (video)”
・ May 30-June 4 (4 performances)
* June 7 “BERGEN 2023”
・June 9-14 (4 performances)
* June 17 “HELLFEST 2023 (video)”
・June 19-28 (5 performances)
* June 30 “MANCHESTER 2023”
・June 28-July 3 (3 performances)
*July 4th: Birmingham performance ← This work
・July 7-August 5 (12 performances)
●North American leg
・September 28-October 6 (4 performances)

This is the 2023 schedule that has been announced so far. Two videos / three live albums are reported, and this work is the latest work of the latter. Those who have experienced “BERGEN 2023 (Shades 1783)” and “MANCHESTER 2023 (Shades 1808)” may have enjoyed the highest quality thick sound, but this work is a little different. Anyway, super clear. The feeling of extreme thickness and zero distance of the core is about the same as the previous two works, but the feeling of air is crystal clear and the treble stretches comfortably and shines brilliantly. Of course, this doesn’t mean a squeaky sound with protruding highs. The attack feeling of the base is gorigori bakibaki, and the kick of the bass drum also kicks up the five organs. On top of that, the treble, which tends to be cloudy due to hall noise, is vivid to the smallest details.
Especially wonderful is Bruce Dickinson’s vocals. This tour surpasses “Somewhere on Tour 1986/1987” by far, and has taken the world by storm, but the clear sound of this work doubles the exhilaration. The soaring high notes stretch beautifully straight, and the deep tone roars heroically. That’s why I want you to remake “SOMEWHERE IN TIME” with the sound and vocalization of this work.
The full show of the latest tour, which is said to be the No. 1 of all time, is depicted with such brilliant and superb sound. The set is already familiar, but there are some things I want to talk about, so let’s repost it here.

Somewhere in Time (5 songs)
・Caught Somewhere In Time (★)/Stranger In A Strange Land/Heaven Can Wait/Alexander The Great (★★)/Wasted Years
● Tactics (5 songs)
・The Writing On The Wall/Days Of Future Past(★★)/The Time Machine(★★)/Death Of The Celts(★★)/Hell On Earth(★★)
● Others (5 songs)
・The Prisoner/Can I Play With Madness/Fear Of The Dark/Iron Maiden/The Trooper
* Note: The “★” marks are the songs that were performed for the first time after the formation of 6 members. In particular, the “★★” mark is the song that was played for the first time on the current tour.

… and it looks like this. Rare songs such as the revival number of “SOMEWHERE IN TIME” and new songs of “Takutsu” have become a hot topic, but in fact, “songs that have not been performed” are also points. Looking at the entire history of IRON MAIDEN (with the exception of Eddie’s theme song “Iron Maiden”), if you say live super standard, “The Number of the Beast”, “Hallowed Be Thy Name”, “The Trooper”, ” Run to the Hills and 2 Minutes to Midnight are by far the most popular. However, in this set, four songs other than “The Trooper” have been removed. You might think that “there are no super-famous songs” is a drawback, but the interesting thing about music is that it’s not so simple. Because there is no do standard, the feeling that you usually feel, “It’s about to end soon,” doesn’t occur. In other words, even in the second half of the show, the excitement is not interrupted, and it finally becomes “Huh?
What’s more, it’s amazing that even if you remove the super standard, it doesn’t sound inferior at all. “The Prisoner” from “Magical Mark” and “Can I Play With Madness” from “The Seventh Prophecy” are also catchy lines, and the contrast between “Tactics” is vivid, and the 80’s style “Alexander The Great” and 21 It is also spectacular that the two major songs of the century style “Death Of The Celts” line up. And the first encore song “Hell On Earth”. The uplifting feeling of majestic and majestic melody is the new peak of Steve Harris section.
“Anyway, the sound quality is ridiculous.” Tour No. 1 at the moment is definitely, it may be a little impossible to exceed this … It is the birth of a new masterpiece that makes you feel even such a premonition. Even if the official live album was not made from “THE FUTURE PAST Tour”, even if the full sound board did not appear, there is this work. A modern daimyo board that stands in such a dimension. Here is my grand birth.

★ Superb audience recording of “Birmingham performance on July 4, 2023”. It is a masterpiece recording that will be the interim No. 1 champion of “THE FUTURE PAST Tour”. The base is also gorigori bakibaki, and the high notes that fly in the sky are straight and beautiful, and the deep tone roars heroically. It is a new masterpiece that makes you want to remake “SOMEWHERE IN TIME” with the sound and vocalization of this work.

遂に母国イギリスへ上陸を果たした最新“THE FUTURE PAST World Tour”。その最新ステージを伝える話題の極上ライヴアルバム2作が同時リリース決定です。
本作は同時リリースの第二弾。「2023年7月4日バーミンガム公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音です。本作最大のポイントは、ツアーNo.1の王座をもぎ取ったスーパー・クリアなサウンド。その異次元感覚をご説明する前に、まずはショウのポジション。今週は『MANCHESTER 2023(Shades 1808)』も同時リリースとなりますので、合わせて前5タイトルとなる当店コレクションを整理しておきましょう。

*5月28日『ALEXANDER IN SLOVENIA 2023(映像)』
*6月7日『BERGEN 2023』
*6月17日『HELLFEST 2023(映像)』
*6月30日『MANCHESTER 2023』
*7月4日:バーミンガム公演 ←★本作★

これが現在までに公表されている2023年のスケジュール。映像2作/ライヴアルバム3作がでレポートしており、本作は後者の最新作となるわけです。『BERGEN 2023(Shades 1783)』や『MANCHESTER 2023(Shades 1808)』をご体験の方は、それぞれに極上級の極太サウンドを楽しまれたと思いますが、本作はちょっと次元が違う。とにかく、スーパー・クリア。芯の極太感やゼロ距離感は前2作と同程度なのですが、空気感がクリスタル・クリアに透き通り、高音が気持ちよく伸びてキラキラと輝いている。もちろん、これは高音が突き出たキンキン・サウンドという意味ではありません。ベースのアタック感はゴリゴリ・バッキバキですし、バスドラのキックも五臓を蹴り上げてくる。その上でホール鳴りで曇りがちな高音が微細部まで鮮やかなのです。
特に素晴らしいのが、ブルース・ディッキンソンのヴォーカル。今回のツアーでは“Somewhere on Tour 1986/1987”を遙かに凌駕する伸びやかさで世界中のド肝を抜いていますが、本作のクリア・サウンドによって高揚感が数倍増。天翔るハイ・ノートがまっすぐ綺麗に伸び、深みあるトーンがヒロイックに轟く。それこそ、本作のサウンドとヴォーカリゼーションで『SOMEWHERE IN TIME』をリメイクして欲しいくらいです。

・Caught Somewhere In Time(★)/Stranger In A Strange Land/Heaven Can Wait/Alexander The Great(★★)/Wasted Years
・The Writing On The Wall/Days Of Future Past(★★)/The Time Machine(★★)/Death Of The Celts(★★)/Hell On Earth(★★)
・The Prisoner/Can I Play With Madness/Fear Of The Dark/Iron Maiden/The Trooper

……と、このようになっています。『SOMEWHERE IN TIME』の復活ナンバーや『戦術』の新曲など、レア曲が話題になっていますが、実は「演奏していない曲」もポイント。IRON MAIDEN全史を俯瞰してみますと(エディのテーマ曲「Iron Maiden」は例外として)ライヴの超ド定番と言ったら「The Number of the Beast」「Hallowed Be Thy Name」「The Trooper」「Run to the Hills」「2 Minutes to Midnight」がズバ抜けて多い。ところが、今回のセットでは「The Trooper」以外の4曲が外されているのです。「超名曲がない」のは欠点かと思いきや、そう単純じゃないのが音楽の面白いところ。ド定番がない事で、いつもなら感じる「そろそろ終わりも近いな」感覚が起きない。つまり、ショウ後半に差し掛かってもワクワクが途切れず、「Fear Of The Dark」のイントロまで来てようやく「え?もう?」となるのです。
しかも、超ド定番を外してもまったく聴き劣りしないから凄い。『魔力の刻印』の「The Prisoner」や『第七の予言』の「Can I Play With Madness」もキャッチー路線で『戦術』田の対比が鮮やかですし、80年代式「Alexander The Great」と21世紀式「Death Of The Celts」の2大曲が並び立つのも壮観。そして、アンコール1曲目の「Hell On Earth」。威風堂々として雄々しいメロディの高揚感は、スティーヴ・ハリス節の新たなる頂点です。
とにもかくにも、とんでもない高音質。現時点でのツアーNo.1は間違いなく、コレを超えるのはちょっと無理かも知れない……そんな予感さえ感じさせる新名盤の誕生です。もし、“THE FUTURE PAST Tour”から公式ライヴアルバムが作られなかったとしても、フル・サウンドボードが登場しなかったとしても、本作がある。そんな次元に立つ現代の大名盤。ここに堂々の誕生です。

★「2023年7月4日バーミンガム公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。“THE FUTURE PAST Tour”の暫定No.1王者となる名録音です、クリスタル・クリアに透き通った空気感のド真ん中を極太な芯が気持ちよく伸び、ディテールもキラキラと輝いている。ベースもゴリッゴリ・バッキバキですし、ヴォーカルも天翔るハイ・ノートがまっすぐ綺麗に伸び、深みあるトーンがヒロイックに轟く。本作のサウンドとヴォーカリゼーションで『SOMEWHERE IN TIME』をリメイクして欲しくなるほどの新名盤です。

Disc 1(52:55)
1. Blade Runner (End Titles)
2. Caught Somewhere In Time
3. Stranger In A Strange Land
4. The Writing On The Wall
5. Days Of Future Past
6. The Time Machine
7. The Prisoner
8. Death Of The Celts

Disc 2(56:07)
1. MC
2. Can I Play With Madness
3. Heaven Can Wait
4. Alexander The Great
5. Fear Of The Dark
6. Iron Maiden
7. Hell On Earth
8. The Trooper
9. Wasted Years

Bruce Dickinson – Vocals
Steve Harris – Bass
Dave Murray – Guitar
Adrian Smith – Guitar
Janick Gers – Guitar
Nicko McBrain – Drums

Shades 1807


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