George Harrison With Eric Clapton & His Band / Hiroshima 1991 / 2CD

George Harrison With Eric Clapton & His Band / Hiroshima 1991 / 2CD / Tricone

Live at Hiroshima Sunplaza, Hiroshima, Japan 6th December 1991

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

[George Harrison & Eric Clapton, the definitive version of the Hiroshima performance on December 6, 1991 completed! ]

The 1991 “GEORGE HARRISON WITH ERIC CLAPTON AND HIS BAND Japan Tour” has become a legend in the history of Western music rock in Japan as a super event that proved the strong friendship between George Harrison and Eric Clapton. That’s why the attention of George and Clapton’s fans has been MAX since then, and audience sources for all performances have been released since 1992. In the quality of the cobblestone mixture, the content of the fifth performance in Hiroshima was called “the best” by overseas collectors, and the performance with the most groove feeling in this tour was performed. The rough play that is sometimes heard is also developed in the whole story to make it an advantage with the synergistic effect with the strange excitement level of the audience at the local venue. Regarding the sound source of the Hiroshima performance, we also released it under the title of “OLD FRIENDS, OLD LOVE” (Tricone 045/046) from the excellent original master, and it was well received. This time, GRAF ZEPPELIN has remastered the original master and released it as the definitive edition of the Hiroshima performance that has been upgraded! We further equalized the remastered version we received from them, corrected the phase, and made it a perfect version. In the title that recorded the Hiroshima performance, there will be nothing to the right of this work. This is the definitive version of the Hiroshima performance in both name and reality, with clearness, sound balance, power, and performance quality, all four beats!

[The friendship between the two behind the realization of the Japan tour! ]

Now, let’s take a look at the implications of this Japan tour becoming a legend from the tour schedule at that time.
・January 21-29, 1991: Tour rehearsals at The Point, Dublin, Ireland
・January 31, 1991, February 2: Warm-up performance at The Point
・February 5, 1991 to March 9, 1991: 24 consecutive days performances at the Royal Albert Hall in London
· September 4, 1991: Jumped into Buddy Guy’s gig at Roxy, Los Angeles.
· September 26, 1991: Appeared in a comedy show where Nathan East, recorded at The Palace in Hollywood, serves as a house band leader. This pattern aired on the FOX channel on Sunday 29th.
・December 1, 1991-December 17, 1991: Full backup of George Harrison’s Japan tour with his own band
December 1: Yokohama Arena performance (additional performance)
December 2nd and 3rd: Performance at Osaka-jo Hall
December 5th: Performance at the Nagoya International Trade Fair Hall
December 6: Hiroshima Sunplaza Performance ←★This work★
December 9: Performance at Fukuoka International House
December 10th, 11th, 12th: Performances at Osaka-jo Hall
December 14th, 15th, 17th: Tokyo Dome Performance

As you can see, I was off from March 9th to September. Clapton went into a complete rest after completing the “Journeyman World Tour” of the previous year and the hard Royal Albert Hall consecutive performances that he had performed for two years in a row, living with his 4-year-old son Connor. It seems that I was going to enjoy the. However, on March 20th, that incident happened. From there, Clapton became, in his own words, “like stone.” Due to the shock of losing his young son, he had no contact with anyone and continued to stay at home. Keith Richards, Elton John, and George Harrison immediately sent a letter of concern and comfort to Clapton. Encouraged by warm words from his fellow musicians, Clapton managed to keep his spirits sane, including going to sea in his manager’s cruiser while attending meetings of the Alcoholics Anonymous Society. At that time, when I met George, Clapton told me that the fans in South America, who toured the previous year, asked me about George’s current situation. Is it okay if I return to the stage? George laughed at Clapton’s words and decided to forget this story, but one day George suddenly noticed. “If I ask him to help me get back on the road, won’t Eric be overwhelmed by the execution and recovering from that painful experience?” I told Clapton about the live return and requested cooperation. Clapton was surprised by George’s decision, but he was willing to cooperate. He convened his own band, decided the set list from George’s repertoire, divided the parts and selected the third guitarist, arranged the rehearsal venue, and took care of all the schedules. So Clapton was busy preparing for George’s live return and was able to relieve his heartbreak. However, even during rehearsals, George seems to have said many times, “After all, I will stop returning.” It is said that he was traumatized by being hit by the media during the 1974 U.S. tour. He really didn’t want to come back live. So Clapton convinced George by recommending Japan as a tour place, where he listens to music warmly and seriously. And finally the Japan tour was realized. In order to get Clapton back on his feet, George threw himself into a reluctant live while trying not to understand his true intentions. Clapton worked hard to prepare for George’s live return, which he had decided to do. This Japan tour was, so to speak, a lifelong friendship between George and Clapton. As mentioned above, the sound sources of all performances have been released from this tour, but as you listen in chronological order, you can see George’s appearance as the tension is relieved and the original tone is regained with each passing day. . It hit its original course in Nagoya last night and was perfected in Hiroshima. During the tour, the set list was fixed from the 3rd performance, but due to Clapton’s ad lib, the performance of each song in all performances was different. That was the charm of this tour. High-quality performances are being developed in all songs in Hiroshima, but Clapton’s hand vibrato in While My Guitar Gently Weeps is too dangerous! There is a play that goes beyond the official live board here. This alone is worth listening to this work. Of course, the other songs are also great performances.

[Hidden episode that produced a perfect performance (?)]

In fact, there is an unbelievable scandalous episode in Hiroshima that came to light last year. The episode was revealed to British gossip magazine by Italian model Lori Del Santo, mother of Clapton’s late son Connor. According to her, Clapton did not give Lori any emotional care from the moment Connor died. It was the same at the funeral, and after the funeral, Clapton quickly cut ties with himself (Actually, in Clapton’s autobiography, Lori got pregnant at the moment he decided to break up after an affair). When he was told, he recognized his son and acted like a father, but he didn’t think of Lori as a life partner. Lori was very angry about it, and when she was thinking about taking revenge someday, she learned that Clapton had recovered by herself and was going on a Japan tour with George, so she thought about her plan and contacted George. . And I’m going to see George, so I’m going to show it to Clapton, and I want to see what he looks like and laugh at George. George, who sometimes liked to play pranks too much, was amused by Lori’s proposal and called her over. It was Hiroshima. Lori checked in at George’s luxury hotel, spent time with George, and looked at Clapton’s surprised face, and she went home satisfied.

It was just a prank without any malice to George, but it was natural for Clapton to be caught in unbridled anger. On this night’s stage there was Clapton who hit his anger on the play. He put all his energy into playing and venting his own anger through play. So, was the performance quality of this Hiroshima performance high? Or would that be too silly? I would like you to judge with your own ears. If you listen to this high-quality sound of this work, you will be able to appeal to something about the deep friendship between the two and the performance that is mixed with conflicting and complicated emotions. It will be released on a limited press CD with a sticker only for the first time, so please order as soon as possible.

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(remastered memo)
★ Latest mastering from Omoto master

* Phase correction

★ The sound volume and frequency range have been adjusted appropriately, and you can enjoy the sound image with a larger sound pressure than the previous version.

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ジョージ・ハリスンとエリック・クラプトンの固い友情を証明したスーパーイベントとして、もはや日本の洋楽ロック史上の伝説となっている91年の「GEORGE HARRISON WITH ERIC CLAPTON AND HIS BANDジャパン・ツアー」。それだけにジョージ、クラプトンそれぞれのファンの注目度は当時からMAXであり、92年以降全公演のオーディエンスソースがリリースされてきました。玉石混合のクオリティにあって、中でも5公演目の広島公演の内容は、海外のコレクターから「ベスト」と称されるほどで、本ツアーの中で最もグルーブ感のある演奏が行われており、時折聴かれるラフなプレイも、地方会場のオーディエンスの異様な興奮度との相乗効果でアドバンテージにしてしまうステージが全編において展開されています。広島公演の音源につきましては、当店でもオリジナルの優良マスターから「OLD FRIENDS, OLD LOVE」(Tricone 045/046) のタイトルでリリースし、好評をいただきました。今回、その大元となったマスターをかのGRAF ZEPPELINがリマスターし、よりグレードアップした広島公演の決定版としてリリースすることになりました!彼らから受け取ったリマスターバージョンを当店ではさらに若干イコライズし、位相修正を行ない、完璧なバージョンと致しました。広島公演を収録したタイトルでは、本作の右に出るものはないでしょう。クリアさ、サウンドバランス、迫力、そして演奏のクオリティ、4拍子揃った、名実共に広島公演の決定版が本作です!


12月6日:広島サンプラザ公演 ←★本作★

3月9日から9月までオフだったことがお分かりでしょう。クラプトンは、前年の「ジャーニーマン・ワールドツアー」と2年続いてこなしたハードなロイヤル・アルバート・ホール連続公演が終了すれば、完全休養に入り、4歳になった幼い息子コナー君との生活をエンジョイするつもりだったそうです。ところが、その矢先の3月20日、あの事件が起こってしまいました。そこからクラプトンは、ご本人の言葉を借りれば「石のように」なってしまいました。幼い息子を失ったショックから、誰とも接触せず、自宅に引き篭もる生活が続きました。キース・リチャーズ、エルトン・ジョンに混じり、ジョージ・ハリスンからもすぐにクラプトンを気遣い、慰める手紙が届けられました。クラプトンは友人ミュージシャンたちからの温かい言葉に励まされ、アルコール中毒匿名の会のミーティングに参加しながら、マネージャーのクルーザーで海に出るなど、何とか精神を正常に保ち続けました。そんな折、ジョージに会った際、クラプトンは前年にツアーで回った南米でファンにジョージの近況ばかりを尋ねられたと伝えたのです。ステージ復帰してもいいんじゃないか?というクラプトンの言葉をジョージは一笑に付し、この話を忘れることにしたのですが、ある日、ジョージははたと気づきました。「もし僕がツアー復帰するから手伝ってくれと言えば、エリックはその実行作業に追われ、あの辛い出来事から立ち直ってくれるのではないか?」そしてジョージはその気がなかったにもかかわらず、クラプトンにライブ復帰を伝え、協力を要請したのです。クラプトンはジョージの決断に驚いたものの、協力を惜しみませんでした。自らのバンドを招集し、ジョージのレパートリーからのセットリスト決定、パートの楽器分担とサード・ギタリストの人選、リハーサル会場の手配、スケジュールのすべてを取り仕切りました。そうしてクラプトンはジョージのライブ復帰の準備に忙殺され、傷心を紛らわすことができたのです。しかしリハーサル中もジョージは「やっぱり復帰はやめる」と何度も言い出したそうです。74年の全米ツアーでマスコミから叩かれたことがトラウマになっていたとのこと。本当はライブ復帰などしたくはなかったのです。そこでクラプトンは、温かく、そして真剣に音楽を聴いてくれる日本をツアー場所に推薦し、ジョージを納得させました。そして遂にジャパン・ツアーが実現したというわけです。クラプトンを立ち直らせるために、真意を悟られぬようにしながら気乗りのしないライブに身を投じたジョージ。せっかく決意したジョージのライブ復帰のために身を粉にして準備に奔走したクラプトン。このジャパン・ツアーは、言わばジョージとクラプトンの生涯に亘った友情を目の当たりに示してくれたものだったのです。前述のように、このツアーからは全公演の音源がリリースされていますが、時系列で聴いていくと、日を追うごとに緊張が解け、本来の調子を取り戻していくジョージの姿が分かります。それはこの前公演の名古屋で本来の軌道に乗り、広島で完璧なものとなりました。ツアー中、3公演目からセットリストは固定されましたが、クラプトンのアドリブにより、全公演での各曲の出来映えは異なりました。それがこのツアーの魅力でもありました。この広島でも全曲でクオリティの高い演奏が展開されていますが、中でもWhile My Guitar Gently Weepsにおけるクラプトンのハンドビブラートはヤバ過ぎます!オフィシャルライブ盤を超えるプレイがここにあります。これだけでも本作を聴いていただく価値はあります。もちろん他曲も素晴らしい演奏です。










Disc 1 (73:09)
01. Introduction
02. I Want To Tell You
03. Old Brown Shoe
04. Taxman
05. Give Me Love
06. If I Needed Someone
07. Something
08. What Is Life
09. Dark Horse
10. Piggies
11. Pretending
12. Old Love
13. Badge
14. Wonderful Tonight

Disc 2 (61:28)
01. Got My Mind Set On You
02. Cloud Nine
03. Here Comes The Sun
04. My Sweet Lord
05. All Those Years Ago
06. Cheer Down
07. Devil’s Radio
08. Isn’t It A Pity
09. While My Guitar Gently Weeps
10. Roll Over Beethoven

George Harrison – guitar / vocals
Eric Clapton – guitar / vocals
Andy Fairweather Low – guitar
Chuck Leavell – keyboards
Greg Phillinganes – keyboards
Nathan East – bass / vocals
Steve Ferrone – drums
Ray Cooper – percussion
Katie Kissoon – backing vocals
Tessa Niles – backing vocals

Tricone 227/228

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