George Harrison / Royal Albert Hall 1992 Revisited / 2CD

George Harrison / Royal Albert Hall 1992 Revisited / 2CD / Non label

Live at Royal Albert Hall London, UK 6th April 1992

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

“GEORGE HARRISON – ROYAL ALBERT HALL 1992” was released in June 2016 and sold out in a short period of time. This time, Graf Zeppelin has remastered the master of this popular title! Originally recorded directly from the master cassette of the recording person (THAT’S MRX PRO 90 (Metal Position: Type IV) x 2), it was an amazing first appearance sound source, and it was very popular because of the title that had the highest level of sound quality. bottom. The natural treble extension and clearness unique to high-positive cassette analog recordings were a great attraction that could not be experienced on the already released board, but the point of this Graf Zeppelin remaster is to further correct the mid-to-high range, It is the realization of a calm sound that emphasizes on the ear. It was the exact opposite of remastering, which is often mechanically dynamic, such as “increased power” or “sound pressure”. Furthermore, although it is written in the song list, we have supplemented 3 places between songs with different sources on the same day, realizing the longest recording ever (this time it has increased by about 3 minutes). Since the same talking voice and applause can be heard on the same day source, it can be seen that the positions are very close to each other with the original master of this work, so there is no difference in sound quality, it was the best source for compensation. As a total, the natural sound of the original master itself can be faithfully reproduced, and this work, which has been reborn as the longest version with an increase of 3 minutes, is the definitive version of this performance sound source, and I assert that it is the highest peak. I will.

By the way, I would like to explain the last performance of George Harrison in England. It was held as a support concert for “For Natural Law Party”. You know that George and Clapton with His Band toured in Japan in December of the previous year, but George, who wiped out the bad memories of the live stage in 1974 on this tour, decided to hold a concert in his home country England. And it was this concert that came true. After half a year, Bob Dylan participated in the 30th anniversary concert of his debut, and at that time, he seemed to be under the illusion that “George finally returned to active stage activities. So much. However, after 1993, the Beatles anthology project and his own health problems overlapped, and as a result, this concert became his last live.

Backing George at this concert was Clapton’s backing band as in the previous year. However, Clapton himself and Nathan East of the base did not participate. They were replaced by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers guitarist Mike Campbell and renowned session bassist Will Lee. East was also a busy session musician, so it may not have been convenient, but Clapton’s non-participation was actually due to an unexpected feud with George at this timing. The live album of the previous year’s Japan tour was officially released, and George was in charge of producing the master tape. A decision was made not to include Besides, Clapton was furious, George did not give up, and both of them became a bad relationship. If George was his own live album, he thought that he would remove Clapton’s set, which changes the sound world, but if it was Clapton, he thought that George’s resurrection live would convey the truth only by containing everything. is. After a disagreement, Clapton admitted to lending his band, but told George that he would not be participating.

The two later met at Dylan’s 30th anniversary concert, but didn’t even exchange a word. However, in 1999, when Clapton exhibited at Christie’s auction for charity purposes, George rushed to the venue and held a guitar and settled in a two-shot. So George originally called out to Mike Campbell, who had recommended before Andy Feather Row, on the previous year’s tour, and recruited Will Lee. Due to the absence of Clapton, it seems that the charm has been halved, but from the Beatles fans and George fans, there was also a view that this was the original George Harrison main concert. Without inserting a guest set in the middle, complete with your own number at once. It can be said that this was a George Harrison concert without interrupting the tension on the part of the viewer.

Also, unlike the Japan tour, this concert had an opening act. Joe Walsh and Gary Moore. Since it was an opening act, their stage was a short set, but it is also completely recorded in this work. It is a perfect reproduction of the day. Of course, the sound quality of their set is also recorded with the same superb sound quality as the main George set. The two of them will also appear in the encore, so I would like you to listen to Joe Walsh’s set so that you can understand the flow of the day.

[Different set list and guest appearance from the Japan tour! ]

As you can see from the photos of this performance, George at this time had a mustache unlike during the Japan tour (that’s why the illustration of George on the jacket of the official live album had a mustache. That’s right). The set list has changed a little from the previous year’s Japan tour, and two songs “If I Needed Someone” and “Dark Horse” have been cut, but Mike Campbell is Blackfinish who mounted Bigsby’s tremolo unit. I was playing a Rickenbacker 325. Yes, I was reproducing the early Beatles with George’s ally John Lennon in mind. You can cry After “Taxman”, despite George’s audience in his home country, it is a familiar scene for maniacs to say thank you “Domo Arigatou” in Japanese, as it is an illusion that it is a Japan tour. Introducing the band members after the song is also a fresh part that was not on the Japan tour. Furthermore, there is a difference in the band ensemble, and in the second half of “Isn’t It Pity”, unlike the Japan tour, Greg Filiganes also sings, and you can hear the enthusiastic singing that makes you feel like Billy Preston. Not only is it unique that the next “Devil’s Radio” concludes before the encore, but Campbell’s craftsmanship play that does not play as flashy phrases as Clapton is fresh.

And the ultimate is “While My Guitar Gently Weeps”. Gary Moore, who served as the second set of opening acts, joined the performance, and while being conscious of Clapton’s phrase, you can listen to a valuable co-star that explodes his unique crying play. Not only that, there was a clear development that the guitar solo moved from Clapton to George at the end of the Japan tour, but here Moore was playing all the time, and George only put in a modest phrase in between. increase. Now that not only George but also Moore has passed away, I wonder if this can also be called a historical and legendary moment.

In addition, George’s ally Ringo Starr participated in this number on drums! You can already see that this concert is as good as the previous year’s Japan tour. Ringo continues to participate in the next song. It would have been a memorable concert for his lifetime for Ringo. In the encore last, George’s son Dani and Joe Walsh, who served as the first set of opening acts, also participate and play guitar. What a gorgeous encore! In many ways, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was the best concert in George’s career. From the only 1992 London performance, which had fewer items compared to the Japan tour, please thoroughly enjoy the splendor of the upgrade of this original superb longest version complete recording master that surprised maniacs all over the world!

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(remastered memo)

Direct recording from the master cassette of the recording person (THAT’S MRX PRO 90 (Metal
Position: Type IV) X 2). Completely first appearance sound source of astonishment, and the highest level of sound quality!

★Correction centered on the mid-high range.
It is a remastering that is the exact opposite of what is often seen in remastering, such as “increased power” or “there is sound pressure”.

★Same day different sources fill in 3 places between songs, realizing the longest recording ever (★3 minutes more this time)
The same day’s sources are below, and you can hear the same chatter and applause, so you can see that they are very close to each other.

★ Disc change position changed due to recording time due to compensation above

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2016年6月にリリースされ、短期間で完売した「GEORGE HARRISON – ROYAL ALBERT HALL 1992」。今回、この人気タイトルのマスターをかのGraf Zeppelinがリマスターしてくれました!元々録音者のマスターカセットよりダイレクト収録(THAT’S MRX PRO 90(Metal Position: Type IV) X 2本)した驚愕の完全初登場音源で、しかも最高レベルの音質だったタイトルにつき、大人気を博したものでした。ハイポジ・カセットのアナログ録音ならではの自然な高音の伸びやクリアネスは既発盤では味わえなかった大きな魅力でしたが、今回のGraf Zeppelinのリマスターのポイントは、さらに中高音域を中心に補正し、耳当たり重視の落ち着いたサウンドを実現したことです。リマスターでよくある「迫力が増した」とか「音圧がある」とか、やたら機械的にダイナミックにするリマスターとは真逆の方向でした。さらに、ソングリストに表記していますが、同日別ソースで曲間を3箇所補填し、過去最長収録を実現しました(今回は3分ほど増加しています)。同日別ソースは同じしゃべり声や拍手が聞こえる事から、本作の元マスターとは互いに非常に近いポジションである事が分かるもので、従って音質の差はない、補填には最適のソースでした。トータルとして、オリジナルマスターそのものの自然なサウンドが忠実に再現でき、3分増の最長版となって新たに生まれ変わった本作は、これこそこの公演音源の決定版であり、最高峰であると断言致します。

さて、改めてこのジョージ・ハリスン生前最後となったイギリス公演について解説しておきますと、1992年4月6日、ロンドン、ロイヤル・アルバート・ホールにて、名目は、当時ジョージが支持していた政党「For Natural Law Party」の支援コンサートとして行われたものでした。この前年12月には日本にてジョージとクラプトンwithヒズバンドのツアーが行なわれたことはご存知でしょうが、このツアーで74年のライブステージの悪い思い出を払拭したジョージが母国イギリスでもコンサートを行なう決心をし、実現したのが当コンサートでした。この半年後にはボブ・ディラン、デビュー30周年記念コンサートに参加するなど、当時は「遂にジョージもアクティブなステージ活動に戻ってくれたか。またツアーに本格復帰してくれるのでは。」と錯覚しそうになったほど。しかし1993年以降はビートルズ・アンソロジーのプロジェクトや自身の健康問題などが重なり、結果としてこのコンサートが彼のラスト・ライブとなってしまったのです。





この公演の写真をご覧になればお判りのように、この時のジョージはジャパンツアー時とは違い、口髭を生やしていました(だからオフィシャルライブ盤のジャケットのジョージのイラストは髭を生やしていたのですね)。セットリストは、前年のジャパンツアーからは少し変わっており、「If I Needed Someone」と「Dark Horse」の2曲がカットされていますが、マイク・キャンベルはビグズビーのトレモロユニットをマウントしたブラックフニッシュのリッケンバッカー325を弾いていたのです。そう、ジョージの盟友ジョン・レノンを意識して初期のビートルズを再現していたのです。泣けますね。「Taxman」の後でジョージが母国のオーディエンスにもかかわらず、ついジャパン・ツアーかと錯覚してしまい、日本語で「ドウモアリガトウ」とお礼を言うのはマニアにはおなじみの迷場面ですし、同曲の後でバンドメンバーを紹介するのもジャパンツアーにはなかった新鮮な部分です。さらにバンド・アンサンブルにも違いがあり、「Isn’t It Pity」の後半ではジャパンツアーと違い、グレッグ・フィリゲインズも歌い、まるでビリー・プレストンかと錯覚しそうになるほどの熱唱ぶりが聞かれます。次の「Devil’s Radio」がアンコール前を締めくくるというのもユニークなだけでなく、クラプトンほど派手なフレーズを弾かないキャンベルの職人プレイも新鮮です。

そして極めつけは「While My Guitar Gently Weeps」。オープニングアクトの2組目を務めたゲイリー・ムーアが演奏に加わり、クラプトンのフレーズを意識しつつも、それでいて彼ならではの泣きのプレイを炸裂させるという貴重な共演を聴くことができます。それだけでなく、ジャパン・ツアーでは終盤でクラプトンからジョージにギター・ソロが移るという明快な展開がありましたが、ここでは終始ムーアが弾きまくっており、ジョージは合間で控えめなフレーズを入れるに留まっています。ジョージどころかムーアまでも亡くなってしまった今となっては、これもまた歴史的伝説的瞬間と呼べるものかと。





★録音者のマスターカセットよりダイレクト収録(THAT’S MRX PRO 90(Metal
Position: Type IV) X 2本)。驚愕の完全初登場音源、しかも最高レベルの音質!





Disc 1 (75:35)
01. Introduction

Joe Walsh:
02. Pretty Maids All In A Row
03. In The City
04. Life In The Fast Lane
05. Funk #49
06. Rocky Mountain Way

Gary Moore:
07. Walking By Myself
08. The Sky Is Crying
09. The Blues Is Alright ★5:33-5:45補填
10. Still Got The Blues

George Harrison:
11. I Want To Tell You
12. Old Brown Shoe
13. Taxman
14. Member Introduction
15. Give Me Love
16. Something ★Disc1から移動

Disc 2 (75:16)
01. What Is Life
02. Piggies
03. Got My Mind Set On You
04. Cloud Nine
05. Here Comes The Sun ★3:17-3:33補填
06. My Sweet Lord
07. All Those Years Ago
08. Cheer Down
09. Isn’t It A Pity
10. Devil’s Radio ★4:19-7:10補填
11. Introductions
12. While My Guitar Gently Weeps (with Ringo Starr, Gary Moore)
13. Roll Over Beethoven (with Ringo Starr, Joe Walsh, Gary Moore)
14. Drum Solo (Ringo Starr)
15. Roll Over Beethoven (with Dhani Harrison)
16. Outro.

George Harrison with The Hijack Band:
Mike Campbell – guitar Andy Fairweather Low – guitar Ray Cooper –
Greg Phillinganes – Keyboards Will Lee – Bass Steve Ferrone – Drums
Chuck Leavell – Keyboards Katie Kissoon – Vocal Tessa Niles – Vocal


Non label

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