Eric Clapton / LE Cannet 2006 Dat Master / 2CD

Eric Clapton / LE Cannet 2006 Dat Master / 2CD / Beano
La Palestre, Le Cannet, France 5th May 2006

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Clapton’s best-selling band, Doyle Bramhall & Derek Trucks, and the rhythm section with Steve Jordan & Willie Weeks, is a 2006 tour band’s super-stereo audience album.
What is recorded in this work is the highest peak stereo that DAT recorded the performance of Le Canet in Southern France on May 5, the first day of the 2006 world tour, right in front of the PA speaker in the front row of the arena seat. -Audience recording. Whatever you want to hide, the recorder is a London-based heavyweight taper familiar to us as our master provider. He flew all the way to Southern France to see this first day performance. As a result, we were able to make recordings that were satisfying to the person who was noisy about the sound. There is an existing record for this day because the heavyweight taper had previously provided the same master on a different route, but excessive equalization raises the midrange too much, so it is strongly pressed and distorted. It had such an annoying texture. On the other hand, this work is different. Since we started over from the master DAT of the heavy taper, it is possible to release with a very natural and easy-to-listen sound, even though it was originally a powerful full sound of overinput. Even those who have already released the album will understand that “Oh, this sound is easier to listen to.”
Before touching the content and quality of the shock, first the position of the show. Let’s look back at the full view of the 2006 World Tour.

● 2006
・ May 5th-June 10th: Europe # 1 (24 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ July 7-August 3: Europe # 2 (17 performances)
・ August 13: Jump into the Jimmy Vaughan stage in Columbus, Ohio, USA
・ September 16-October 23: North America # 1 (24 performances)
・ November 11-December 9: Japan (19 performances)
-December 15: Guest participation in Gary Brooker’s “No Stiletto Shoes” gig in Chiddingford, Surrey, UK
・ December 31: Hosting the “New Years Eve Dance” in Walking, Surrey, England

This was a typical year for live artist Eric Clapton. It was a holiday until April, but from May to the end of the year, I spent my days on tour. This work captures the first day of such a busy tour life start. On the 30th of August of the previous year, “BACK HOME” (recording 13th place hit in the US album chart) was released for the first time in 7 years as an uncovered original album, and the moment when the promotion tour was fully started. (The main activity was the reunion of cream in the previous year). Since it was a self-confidence work, it is natural to set the number from there (DISC1-3.5.8. Applies). However, as the tour progressed, new songs gradually moved away from the set, and when I came to Japan, there were no new songs. This is a place that seems to be Clapton again, and even on the tour that started with the promotion of the album, I will gradually change to the song I want to do as I proceed. As the final stage of the Japan tour became “Derek & The Dominos Day”, it was a tour that showed a completely different development from the original purpose, but for that reason, this first day was a set that Clapton carefully considered at the start of the tour It can be said that it is a representative sound source of the early 2006 tour that reflected the list (Disc 1-3-4, Disc 2-1-2, Disc 2-3-4 medley is also well considered. ). In other words, listening to the live version of the songs included in the album “BACK HOME” is most valuable. Moreover, it is the versatile support musicians mentioned at the beginning that reproduce it. Moreover, there was a horn section that was off the North American tour starting in September. It’s easy to imagine how great this sound was, with three guitarists, a powerful unrivaled rhythm section, a soulful black female chorus, and a horn of killer crispy. In addition, Clapton who got Derek Trucks, which was said to be the return of Duein Allman, set in three new Dominos numbers at this timing. One of them, I Am Yours, was the first live performance at this time. In addition to enjoying Derek’s slide play with these three songs, you can also listen to a super-luxury slide competition where Clapton and Doyle also slide, including Derek, at Motherless Children. There were two points in this band. (1) By using young guitarists named Doyle and Derek, they have set up them and solo-featured them in most of the songs. I can’t stand two fans. And ②. Inspired by that, Clapton shows a dignified solo and shows dignity. In other words, it was a stage that showed strange tension while featuring young people and showing that they were not losing. The power of the representative songs played by this member has also been improved. The set-in of Everybody Oughta Make A Change since the 1983 tour is also strong. Of course, you can’t miss the good support of Doyle and Derek at Layla. What’s interesting is that Clapton suddenly flew the first lyrics at the opening Pretending, and he sang with a proper deception. It’s hard to imagine that if you became an artist like Clapton, the tension on the first day stiffened it, but it’s a rare opening happening. Also, in Layla’s intro, Clapton plays a different twisted phrase. It is full of listening places including those.
By the way, the sound quality who recorded such a great performance, but this is the highest level that some people believe even if it is a sound board recording. As I said, it was recorded in front of the PA speaker, which is also natural. The master’s original natural sound without excessive equalization. This will allow you to hear the details of the sound of the 12-piece large band. Of course, you can also listen to Clapton, Doyle, and Derek guitars. The quality is likely to be released by another artist in the “Official Bootleg Series”. Another interesting point is that the sounds are so good and too close that you often hear Clapton between the songs and conversations with the members. Why don’t you listen to the voice of Clapton, who is in good mood all the time? One of the best bands in Clapton’s career history, the highest peak audience recording of the tour’s first day performance that exposes its essence to the daylight. First of all, it is a history-worthy title that you can listen to. Please reaffirm the greatness of 2006 Clapton.



これがライブアーティストたるエリック・クラプトンの典型的な一年でした。4月までは休暇だったものの、5月から年末まではツアーに明け暮れる日々。本作はそんな多忙なツアー生活開始の初日を捉えたもの。前年8月30日に、カバーではないオリジナルアルバムとしては7年ぶりとなる「BACK HOME」(全米アルバムチャート13位のヒットを記録)をリリースし、満を持してそのプロモーションツアーを開始した瞬間の公演でした(前年はクリーム再結成がメインの活動でした)。自信作であっただけに、そこからのナンバーをセットインさせるのは当然のこと(DISC1-3.5.8.が該当します)。しかしながら、ツアーが進行するに連れ、新曲はどんどんセットからはずれ、日本に来た時には新曲はゼロとなっていました。これがまたクラプトンらしいところで、アルバムのプロモーションで始めたツアーでも、進めていくうちにどんどん自分のやりたい曲に変更していく。ジャパンツアー終盤が「デレク&ザ・ドミノス・デイ」になったように、当初の趣旨とはまったく異なる展開を見せたツアーでしたが、それだけにこの初日はツアー開始に際してクラプトンが熟考して作成したセットリストが反映された、2006年ツアー初期の代表音源と言ってもよいものなのです(Disc 1-3~4、Disc 2-1~2、Disc 2-3~4のメドレーもよく考えられています)。つまりアルバム「BACK HOME」収録曲のライブバージョンが聴けるのが何より貴重。しかもそれを再現するのが冒頭に述べた多才なサポートミュージシャンたちというわけです。しかも9月からの北米ツアーからははずれてしまったホーンセクションがいました。3人のギタリスト、強力無比なリズムセクション、ソウルフルな黒人女性コーラス、キレッキレのホーン、このサウンドがいかに凄かったかは想像するに難くないでしょう。さらにデュエイン・オールマンの再来と言われたデレク・トラックスを得たクラプトンがこのタイミングでドミノスナンバーを新たに3曲セットイン。そのうちの1曲I Am Yoursはこの時が初ライブ演奏曲でした。これら3曲でデレクのスライドプレイがたっぷり楽しめるほか、Motherless Childrenではデレクを含みクラプトン、ドイルもスライドをかますという超豪華スライド競演が聴けます。このバンドでのポイントは2つありました。①ドイル、デレクという若手ギタリストを起用したことで、彼らを立ててほとんどの曲で二人をソロフィーチャーしていること。二人のファンには堪らないところでしょう。そして②。それに触発されたクラプトンが凄まじいソロを披露して貫禄を示していること。つまり、若手をフィーチャーしながら自らも負けてはいないことを示し、異様なテンションをもたらしたステージであったということです。このメンバーで奏でられる代表曲もさらなるパワーアップが図られています。83年ツアー以来となるEverybody Oughta Make A Changeのセットインも強力。もちろんLaylaでのドイル、デレクの好サポートも聴き逃せません。面白いのは、オープニングのPretendingでクラプトンがいきなり1番の歌詞が飛んでしまい、適当に誤魔化して歌っていることです。クラプトンほどのアーティストになれば初日の緊張感で硬くなったとは考え難いのですが、とにかく珍しいオープニングのハプニングです。また、Laylaのイントロでは、クラプトンがいつもと違う工夫したフレーズを弾いています。それらも含めて聴き所が満載です。


Disc 1 (64:42)
1. Intro
2. Pretending
3. So Tired
4. Got To Get Better In A Little While
5. Lost And Found
6. I Shot The Sheriff
7. Anyday
8. Back Home
9. I Am Yours
10. Nobody Knows You When You’re Down And Out
11. Milkcow’s Calf Blues
12. Running On Faith

Disc 2 (59:47)
1. After Midnight
2. Little Queen Of Spades
3. Everybody Oughta Make A Change
4. Motherless Children
5. Wonderful Tonight
6. Cocaine
7. Layla
8. Crossroads

Eric Clapton – guitar, vocals
Doyle Bramhall II – guitar, vocals
Derek Trucks – guitar
Chris Stainton, keyboards
Tim Carmon – keyboards
Willie Weeks, bass
Steve Jordan – drums
Michelle John, backing vocals
Sharon White – backing vocals
The Kick Horns (Simon Clarke – baritone saxophone, Roddy Lorimer – trumpet, Tim Sanders – tenor saxophone)


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