Dream Theater – Nagoya 2000 Dat Master / 2CD

Dream Theater – Nagoya 2000 Dat Master / 2CD / Zodiac

Live at Club Diamond Hall, Nagoya, Japan 8th May 2000

Play sample :

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“METROPOLIS Pt.2: SCENES FROM A MEMORY” is the gold standard of the concept album and the best masterpiece of the music genre “Progressive Metal”. Introducing an amazing original recording that allows you to experience the performance in Japan.
The engraving on this work is “May 8, 2000 Diamond Hall Performance”. It is the transcendental audience recording. From the beginning, I wrote out that “The best work is IMAGES AND WORDS!”, But I forgive it because it is Twin Peaks, and the show at that time is a rare story reproduction. No one would argue that it was a tour. Normally, we will introduce the items that come to Japan only for performances in Japan, but it is also a good opportunity, so let’s look back on the whole view of the story tour of the century.

● 1999
・ July 31: Performed at Tripport Rock Festival
“October 26,” METROPOLIS Pt.2 “released”
・ November 8-24: Europe # 1 (13 performances)
● 2000
・ January 31st-March 10th: North America # 1 (30 performances)
・ March 24-April 20: Europe # 2 (20 performances)
・ May 6-20: Asia (9 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ July 8-23: Europe # 3 (10 performances)
・ August 4-30: North America # 2 (19 performances) ← * Official
・ October 2-21: Europe # 4 (15 performances)

This is the whole picture of the famous “METROPOLIS 2000 Tour” in history. The official live work “LIVE SCENES FROM NEW YORK”, which is a symbolic work, was the final day of “North America 32” at the end, but the “Asia” leg was about 4 months ago. With the composition of “Korea (1 performance) → Japan (7 performances) → Taiwan (1 performance)”, this work sound Nagoya performance was a concert that appeared on the first day of coming to Japan.
This work recorded at such a show is a superb audience recording with “super”. Recently, DAT masters near Nagoya have been excavated one after another in our shop, and this work is one of them. Anyway, the clear and vivid core that is vividly transparent to the fine parts is wonderful. If you listen carefully with headphones, you will feel like an audience, but that is just the tone. The hall sound only gives thickness and dynamism to the realistic performance sound, and does not hide the details (even fine dust!). The ensemble in which the four feats are intertwined is also beautifully separated, and the vocals of the livelier and the chorus of Portnoy are placed there, and even if you wear the SE that creates the story mood, it will not mix … It is out of the common sense of spatial recording. It’s a super clear sound.
I just wrote “4 people’s feats”, but this is not the only thing. As you know, each one is a monster player with a tremendous amount of effort, and it is not a clean tone with thin lines. Even if the four people entangle the battle phrases and hit each other, they will not mix. As you can see from a multi-track sound board, was it really recorded with a single microphone? “?” Swirls in my head.
What is even more surprising is that even if a big cheer occurs in the feat, it is strangely far away. It feels like a big cheer of “Wow!” Is ringing on the other side of the performance sound, and it feels like the clapping corps that is lined up is on the other side of the thick drumming. As you can see in the ticket photo, it’s actually a recording of the audience seats, but the sound itself gives the illusion of listening to the show from behind the stage.
The whole story of the story concert, which is different from “LIVE SCENES FROM NEW YORK”, is drawn with such a different dimension sound. Of course, the axis is the complete reproduction of “METROPOLIS Pt.2”, but the encore part after that is quite different. Let’s organize them while comparing them here.

● Part 1: Metropolis Part 2 (all songs)
● Part 2: Others
・ Images and Words Medley (★: Pull Me Under / Under A Glass Moon / A Fortune In Lies / Only A Matter Of Time / Take The Time)
・ Awake: Erotomania
・ Falling into Infinity: Peruvian Skies (★)
・ Liquid Tension Experiment: Paradigm Shift
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard on the official version “LIVE SCENES FROM NEW YORK”.

…… And it looks like this. Anyway, the highlight is the complete reproduction of “METROPOLIS Pt.2”. The historical dramaticism is tremendous, and when you listen to it with a sense of the scene only for the audience, you will be impressed again. I will avoid talking about the whole story, but what I really want to mention is the ending part. The overwhelming catharsis tsunami washed away the entire venue, but the footsteps SE that flowed immediately after that were also full of mood. The tranquility of not missing even one sound covers the scene, and white noise finally causes a clapping that seems to return to me. Then, the mood becomes relaxed and relaxed at once, and Portnoy blurs in Japanese saying “I want to pee!”. This series of flows is the feeling that the story of the century has ended in front of you. After watching a Hollywood blockbuster movie, I think you’ve had a half-stupid feeling of “Is it the reality you’ve seen now?” You can.
And the biggest difference from “LIVE SCENES FROM NEW YORK” is after that. In the official live version, we played a wide variety of songs starting with the previous work “Metropolis Pt.1”, but that is a rough technique only if there is a final day & official recording. Here, it seems to be one act of the tour, and the representative parts are taken up one by one from 2nd / 3rd / 4th / LTE. Among them, the most delicious is the “IMAGES AND WORDS” medley that will be shown at the end. While removing “Metropolis Pt.1”, the essence of 5 songs is compressed to about 17 minutes. In the “Metropolis” world, the sense of balance that is limited to the main story and the rich arrangement that solidifies “other than that” at once are effective. At that time, they worked well no matter what they did. The ending will make you feel even the smiling power of such a goddess.
Japan where neither “Tommy” nor “The Lamb Lies Down” nor “The Wall” could be experienced. For us, the reproduction of “OPERATION: MINDCRIME” in 1991 and “METROPOLIS Pt.2” in 2000 may have been the real pleasure of the story concert. A rare original recording that allows you to experience the scene with super clear sound. Please enjoy it anytime and forever with Press 2CD that will not lose its brilliance forever.

★ A transcendental audience recording of “May 8, 2000 Diamond Hall Performance”. The original DAT master only for this work, the clear and vivid core that is vividly transparent to the finest parts is wonderful. The hall sound only gives thickness and dynamism to the realistic performance sound, and does not hide the details. The ensemble in which the four feats are intertwined is also beautifully separated, and the vocals of the livelier and the chorus of Portnoy are placed there, and even if you wear the SE that creates the story mood, it will not mix … It is out of the common sense of spatial recording. It’s a super clear sound. It is a super masterpiece that allows you to fully enjoy the historic scene of “METROPOLIS Pt.2”, which was unveiled for the first time in Japan, with a super catharsis sound.

コンセプトアルバムの金字塔にして、音楽ジャンル“プログレメタル”の最高傑作でもある『METROPOLIS Pt.2: SCENES FROM A MEMORY』。その日本公演を極上体験できる驚異のオリジナル録音が登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「2000年5月8日ダイヤモンドホール公演」。その超絶級オーディエンス録音です。冒頭から「最高作はIMAGES AND WORDSだろ!」お叱りを受けそうな書き出しをしてしまいましたが、そこはツイン・ピークスということでご容赦いただきまして、当時のショウが類い希なる物語再現ツアーだった事に異論を挟む方はいないでしょう。普段なら来日物は日本公演だけに絞り込んだ日程でご紹介するのですが、良い機会でもありますので世紀の物語ツアー全景から振り返ってみましょう。

・7月31日:Triport Rock Festival出演
《10月26日『METROPOLIS Pt.2』発売》
・5月6日ー20日:アジア(9公演) ←★ココ★

これが歴史に名高い“METROPOLIS 2000 Tour”の全体像。象徴作である公式ライヴ作『LIVE SCENES FROM NEW YORK』は終盤「北米32」の最終日でしたが、「アジア」レッグはその約4ヶ月前。「韓国(1公演)→日本(7公演)→台湾(1公演)」という構成で、本作音名古屋公演は来日初日にあらるコンサートでした。
そんな異次元サウンドで描かれるのは『LIVE SCENES FROM NEW YORK』とはまたひと味違った物語コンサートの一部始終。もちろん、軸となるのは『METROPOLIS Pt.2』完全再現ですが、その後のアンコールパートはかなり違います。ここで比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・イメージズ・アンド・ワーズ・メドレー(★:Pull Me Under/Under A Glass Moon/A Fortune In Lies/Only A Matter Of Time/Take The Time)
・フォーリング・イントゥ・インフィニティ:Peruvian Skies(★)
・リキッド・テンション・エクスペリメント:Paradigm Shift
※注:「★」印は公式盤『LIVE SCENES FROM NEW YORK』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。とにかく圧巻なのは『METROPOLIS Pt.2』完全再現。その歴史的なドラマティシズムは凄まじく、オーディエンスだけの現場感で聴くとまた感動もひとしお。全編語るのはさすがに避けますが、どうしても触れておきたいのはエンディング・パート。圧倒的なカタルシスの津波で会場中を洗い流すのですが、その直後に流れる足音SEもムード満点。1音たりとも聞き逃すまいという静けさが現場を覆い、ホワイトノイズでやっと我に返ったような手拍子が起こる。そして、いっきに弛緩したリラックス・ムードになり、ポートノイが「おしっこしたーい!」と日本語でボケをかます。この一連の流れこそ、世紀の物語が目の前で終わったという空気感。ハリウッドの超大作映画を見終わった後、「今、観たのは現実なんだろうか」という半ば茫然とした感覚を味わった事があると思いますが、本作もその現場感覚を超リアル体験できるのです。
そして、『LIVE SCENES FROM NEW YORK』と一番違いのは、その後。公式ライヴ盤では前作にあたる「Metropolis Pt.1」を皮切りに多種多彩な曲を演奏していきましたが、あれは最終日&公式収録があればこその荒技。ここではツアーの一幕らしく、2nd/3rd/4th/LTEから代表パートを1曲ずつ取り上げています。その中でもひと際美味しいのがラストに披露される『IMAGES AND WORDS』メドレー。あくまで「Metropolis Pt.1」は外しつつ、5曲のエッセンスを約17分に圧縮している。「Metropolis」世界は本編だけに留めるバランス感覚も「それ以外」を一気に固める濃厚なアレンジもメチャクチャ効果的。当時の彼らは、何をやっても上手くいく。そんな女神の微笑みパワーさえ感じさせるエンディングを迎えるのです。
『トミー』も『眩惑のブロードウェイ』も『ザ・ウォール』も体験できなかった日本。その私たちにとって1991年の『OPERATION: MINDCRIME』再現と2000年の『METROPOLIS Pt.2』は、物語コンサートの醍醐味を教えてくれる存在だったかも知れません。その現場を超クリア・サウンドで現場体験できる希代のオリジナル録音。どうぞ、輝きを永遠に失わないプレス2CDでいつでも、いつまでもお楽しみください。

★「2000年5月8日ダイヤモンドホール公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。本作だけのオリジナルDATマスターで、微細部まで鮮やかに透き通ったクリアさと鮮やかな芯が素晴らしい。ホール鳴りもリアルな演奏音に厚みとダイナミズムを与えるだけでディテールを隠さない。4人の妙技が絡み合うアンサンブルも綺麗にセパレートしており、そこにライブリエのヴォーカルやポートノイのコーラスが載り、さらに物語ムードを書き立てるSEまで被っても混ざり合わない……という空間録音の常識外となる超クッキリ・サウンドです。『METROPOLIS Pt.2』の日本初披露という歴史的な現場を超カタルシス・サウンドで味わい尽くせる超名盤です。


Disc 1 (78:58)
Metropolis Pt. 2: Scenes From a Memory

1. Act I: Scene One: Regression
2. Act I: Scene Two: I. Overture 1928
3. Act I: Scene Two: II. Strange Deja Vu
4. Act I: Scene Three: I. Through My Words
5. Act I: Scene Three: II. Fatal Tragedy
6. Act I: Scene Four: Beyond This Life
7. Act I: Scene Five: Through Her Eyes
8. Act II: Scene Six: Home
9. Act II: Scene Seven: I. The Dance of Eternity
10. Act II: Scene Seven: II. One Last Time
11. Act II: Scene Eight: The Spirit Carries On

Disc 2 (47:28)
1. Act II: Scene Nine: Finally Free

2. Peruvian Skies
3. Erotomania
4. Paradigm Shift
5. When Images and Words Unite Medley (Pull Me Under, Under a Glass Moon, A Fortune in Lies, Only a Matter of Time, Take the Time)

James LaBrie – lead vocals
John Petrucci – guitar
Jordan Rudess – keyboards
John Myung – bass
Mike Portnoy – drums

Zodiac 485

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