Delaney & Bonnie & Friends Featuring Eric Clapton / Beat Club 1969 Raw Videos / 1DVDR

Delaney & Bonnie & Friends Featuring Eric Clapton / Beat Club 1969 Raw Videos / 1DVDR / Non Label
“Beat Club” TV Radio Bremen Studios, Bremen, Germany 26th November 1969 PRO-SHOT Aird on 29th November 1969

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With the introduction of the first limited press CD item on the 2019 Japan Tour, the best gift items suitable for this week are now available. “BEAT CLUB” appeared on TV in 1969, which is known as a classic video that captures how Clapton joined Delaney & Bonnie and started in earnest. The show was recorded at Radio Bremen Studios on November 26th, and their performance scene was last shown in the BEAT CLUB 49th broadcast program on the 29th.
From that broadcast, a song “Poor Elijah / Tribute to Johnson” was recorded on the official software in the 1980s, and many enthusiasts are here with Clapton’s male figure who is a guitarist as a member of Delaney & Bonnie & Friends. Seeing the band formed by the face made me feel like I was nailed.
After that, it was revealed that three songs were broadcast because only the audio was excavated from the other performance songs by the CD item, but for the two songs other than “Poor Elijah”, the video did not appear easily, and all the songs were video. It wasn’t until surprisingly recently that it came to be seen on.

Currently, in “BEAT CLUB VOL.2: 1968-1970”, the 49th broadcast is softened as a whole along with Jesus’ “No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed” as well as these three songs.
However, recently, the video footage of the BEAT CLUB official account on YouTube before it was edited for broadcasting has been released one after another. The program has a production that overlaps the band logo and album cover at the time of broadcasting, and it has escalated since the color broadcasting after 1970. Deep Purple, Jeff Beck Group, etc. had already released the video before such production, but even the black and white broadcast before switching to color recording still has the video before adding the production. I was surprised.
The video of Delaney & Bonnie was released earlier this year, so there are many enthusiasts who don’t even know its existence. ..
Therefore, you can see the performance scenes of the three songs in the state before editing, but first of all, for the two songs “Poor Elijah” and “Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way”, the cue appears before the performance starts. The video starts from the scene that is unique to before editing, which can be seen from. Therefore, the opening band logo is not projected on “Poor Elijah”, which has been familiar for a long time. In addition, regarding “Where There’s ~”, the appearance of Delaney starting the performance by counting is firmly captured.
As you can see from these scenes, it can be seen that the images of Delaney and others were actually not shot in front of the audience, but rather “special treatment” recording. In the actual broadcast, the announcer’s comment that followed the audience between the songs, and applause when the performance started, but these were all “Yarase” (laugh).
And as for “Comin’Home”, which was started without a break from “Where There’s ~”, it was faded out in less than a minute after being played in the back of the ending roll in the actual broadcast. However, the performance is complete here! This alone will be a shocking excavation for enthusiasts around the world.
However, after Clapton’s guitar solo is over, a deep echo suddenly enters, and there is a problem that seems to be a mistake on the broadcasting station side, so it is possible that it was broadcast only at the beginning of the performance due to that. You can guess. However, this is only a minor issue, and “Comin’Home”, which has been seen only one-third of the performance until now, is complete, and it can be seen without credit for the ending roll.
Although only three songs were recorded like this, there is no doubt that all Clapton enthusiasts will be shocked by the press-level image quality and extremely valuable images. Have a great time with high-grade gifts containing amazing new excavations from enthusiasts around the world.

2019年ジャパン・ツアー初の限定プレスCDアイテムの登場に合わせ、今週に相応しい最高のギフト・アイテムが登場です。クラプトンがデラニー&ボニーに加入して本格始動した様子を捉えた定番映像として知られる1969年のテレビ出演“BEAT CLUB”。同番組の収録は11月26日にラジオ・ブレーメン・スタジオにて行われ、29日にBEAT CLUB第49回放送プログラムの中で彼らの演奏シーンが最後に流されました。
その放送から「Poor Elijah / Tribute to Johnson」一曲が80年代になってオフィシャル・ソフトに収録され、多くのマニアはココでデラニー&ボニー&フレンズの一員としてギタリストに徹するクラプトンの雄姿と、そうそうたる面子で結成されたバンドの姿が見られたことで、思わず釘付けになったのではないでしょうか。
その後CDアイテムによって他の演奏曲も音声だけが発掘されたことから都合三曲の放送が判明しましたが、「Poor Elijah」以外の二曲に関してはなかなか映像が登場せず、すべての曲が映像で見られるようになったのは意外なほど最近になってからでした。

現在は「BEAT CLUB VOL.2: 1968-1970」にてこれら三曲はもちろん、イエスの「No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed」などと共に第49回放送分が丸ごとソフト化されています。
ところが、ここ最近になってYouTube上のBEAT CLUBオフィシャル・アカウントが放送用の編集が施される前のビデオ映像を次々に公開。同番組は放送時にバンド・ロゴやアルバム・カバーをオーバーラップさせる演出を身上としており、1970年以降のカラー放送以降はそれがエスカレート。ディープ・パープルやジェフ・ベック・グループなどはそうした演出が施される前の映像が既に公開されていましたが、まだカラー収録に切り替わる前の白黒放送ですら演出を加える前のビデオが残されていたとは驚き。

よって編集前の状態で三曲の演奏シーンが見られるのですが、まず「Poor Elijah」と「Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way」の二曲に関しては、演奏が始められる前、キューが出るスレイトから見られるという、正に編集前ならではの場面から映像が始まっています。よって古くから見慣れた「Poor Elijah」ではオープニングのバンド・ロゴが映し出されません。おまけに「Where There’s~」に関してはデラニーがカウントで演奏をスタートさせる様子までしっかり捉えられている。
そして「Where There’s~」から間髪入れずに始められていた「Comin’ Home」に関しては、実際の放送分においてエンディングロールのバックで流された挙句、一分にも満たない内にフェイドアウトさせられていましたが、ここでは何と演奏がコンプリート!これだけでも世界中のマニアにとっては衝撃の発掘でしょう。
しかしクラプトンのギターソロが終わった後で突如として深いエコーが入ってしまう、明らかに放送局側のミスと思われるトラブルが起きていますので、それが原因で演奏序盤のみの放送となった可能性が推測できます。もっともこれは微塵な問題でしかなく、今まで演奏の3分の1しか見られなかった「Comin’ Home」がコンプリートで、おまけにエンディングロールのクレジットなしで見られるとは。

1. Poor Elijah / Tribute to Johnson
2. Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way
3. Comin’ Home

Eric Clapton – Guitar / Vocals Delaney Bramlett – Guitar / Vocals
Bonnie Bramlett – Vocals Rita Coolidge – Vocals Bobby Whitlock – Keyboards / Vocals
Carl Radle – Bass Jim Gordon – Drums Tex Johnson – Percussion Jim Price – Trumpet
Bobby Keys – Saxophone

B&W NTSC Approx. 11min.

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