Def Leppard / Fresno 1980: The Video /1DVDR

Def Leppard / Fresno 1980: The Video /1DVDR / Non Label

Live at Warnors Theatre, Fresno, CA, USA 21st May 1980

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First time traveling, first time to a foreign country, first time to America… DEF LEPPARD was in the 1980s when they were just starting out. A superb video that captures the scene is now available.
This work was filmed at the “Fresno performance on May 21, 1980.” This is the audience shot. As many people may have noticed from “Fresno” and “Audience Shot,” this work is also one of the vintage videos that is currently becoming a hot topic. This is the initial DEF LEPPARD edition. Let’s first look back at the schedule at the time to see how early it was.

・January 18th – February 29th: UK #1 (34 performances)
《“ON THROUGH THE NIGHT” released on March 14th》
・April 5th-29th: UK #2 (21 performances)
・May 20th – August 3rd: North America (57 performances) ←★Here★
・August 24th – October 2nd: Europe (20 performances)
・December 8th-13th: UK #3 (7 performances)

This is DEF LEPPARD in 1980, right after their debut. It was about two months after the release of “ON THROUGH THE NIGHT”, but until 1979 they had only performed live in their home country of England, and had not even experienced it in continental Europe. DEF LEPPARD crossed the ocean for the first time and stood in the foreign land of America. The Fresno performance of this work was the second concert in the very early stages of the “North American” tour. This “North American” tour served as support for various bands, but the first 10 performances were also the opening act for Pat Travers.
This work recorded at such a show is a superb vintage shot with a spectacular view. If you have experienced the AEROSMITH and VAN HALEN editions the other day, you will be impressed by the transcendent visual beauty that pervades this work. However, for those who have not experienced it, it will be refreshing, so if you start from the beginning, this work is an audience shot taken on film from the audience seats. Normally, when you think of audience seating, you think of video, but it wasn’t until the 1980s that it really became popular. Up until then, I had mainly shot on 8mm film. Please think of 1980 as just before the switch, and the end of the 8mm era.
8mm film and early video have their advantages and disadvantages. On the plus side, it’s very beautiful. Although videos can be easily dubbed, the original master is easily lost, and in the early days, there were many cases in which expensive tapes were used repeatedly and deteriorated. As a result, there may be severe deterioration noise and bleeding, or there may be only masters left that are covered in dubbing roots. In that respect, 8mm film is beautiful by standards. Of course, it depends on how the film was stored, but the image quality is clear, down to the finest details, and even approaches that of digital equipment, and the color reproduction is exactly as it was back in the day. The Fresno series, which is currently attracting collectors all over the world, is also at its highest level.
On the other hand, the biggest drawback of 8mm is the short shooting time. It’s not uncommon for one cut to be anywhere from a few seconds to a minute long, making it difficult to perform a full show or even a single song. Therefore, although they are beautiful and valuable, they are generally not suitable for entertainment. However, this Fresno series was not like that, which surprised enthusiasts. Although it is not a complete recording, it is worth seeing. Each cut is often close to five minutes long, and parts that were not filmed are supplemented with still images as much as possible. The show is captured for about 30 minutes. As mentioned above, this show is the undercard stage, so 30 minutes is almost full. You can fully immerse yourself in the stage of young DEF LEPPARD.
Furthermore, the sound of this series is also super high quality. I don’t know if it is equipped with a camera or recorded separately, but its quality can be proudly called “just like a sound board.” The AEROSMITH and VAN HALEN editions were amazing, but this one is even more intense. If you don’t feel any sense of distance, you will have a great sense of stability and separation. In addition, there is almost no audience noise at all, and it is a close-contact sound that really feels like synchronizing an FM sound board.
A show drawn with that quality… “Young!” That’s all there is to it. “Lady Strange” and debut E.P. “Ride Into the Sun” will also be played, but all others are “ON THROUGH THE NIGHT” numbers. The members who write such sets are young and young. After all, even the three oldest members, Joe Elliott, Steve Clark, and Pete Willis, are 20 years old, and Rick Allen is 16 years old. The poor lighting of a single spotlight on a dark stage made it seem like it was an opening act, and Joe, floating in the light, was wearing a black bowtie and vest, making him look like a new wave. And that singing voice. Although they are far more powerful than the average new band, their voice still has a strong rustic quality, and their singing style is single-minded. Steve and Pete interrupt the spotlight that Joe is monopolizing, repeating convulsive headbanging, as if there were three Angus Youngs. The strong body odor of the NWOBHM band is emitted.

Anyway, it’s “young” and “excellent.” These two words are the essence of this work. Many British bands have talked about the culture shock they experienced when they first moved to the United States, and this work, DEF LEPPARD, is right in the middle of that shock. This is one of the special pieces in the Fresno series, which is full of masterpieces. This is a shocking and valuable video that allows you to experience an intense show where the excitement of witnessing the center of the music industry bubbles up from your whole body. Please take your time and enjoy it.

★Some people related to the band came to the store today, and they were absorbed in watching this video.

★After watching it, I received a request: “I want to give it to the members, so please prepare enough copies for each member.” That’s it, it’s an amazing piece.

初めての渡航・初めての異国・初めてのアメリカ……そんな駆け出し時代にあった1980年のDEF LEPPARD。その姿を捉えた極上映像が登場です。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは「1980年5月21日フレズノ公演」。そのオーディエンス・ショットです。「フレズノ」「オーディエンス・ショット」で気づかれた方も多いと思いますが、本作も今話題となっているヴィンテージ映像の1つ。その初期DEF LEPPARD編なのです。どれほど初期だったのか、まずは当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。


これがデビュー直後となる1980年のDEF LEPPARD。『ON THROUGH THE NIGHT』のリリースから約2ヶ月後だったわけですが、1979年までの彼らは母国イギリスでしかライヴを行っておらず、大陸ヨーロッパでさえ経験していませんでした。そんなDEF LEPPARDが初めて大洋を渡り、異国アメリカの地に立った。本作のフレズノ公演は、その「北米」ツアーでも超・極初期な2公演目のコンサートでした。この「北米」ツアーはさまざまなバンドのサポートを務めたわけですが、冒頭10公演はパット・トラヴァースの前座でもありました。
そんなショウで記録された本作は、絶景にして極上のヴィンテージ・ショット。先日のAEROSMITH編・VAN HALEN編をご体験された方ならピンと来ると思いますが、あの超絶な映像美が本作も貫かれているのです。とは言え、未体験の方にはサッパリでしょうからイチから始めますと、本作は客席からフィルム撮影されたオーディエンス・ショット。普通、客席撮影というとビデオと思われますが、その普及が本格化したのは80年代に入って少し経ってから。それまでは8ミリ・フィルムでの撮影がメインでした。1980年というと丁度切り替わる少し前で、8ミリ時代の末期にあたるとお考えください。
その反面、8ミリ最大の欠点は撮影時間の短さ。1カットが数秒から1分ほどの事も珍しくなく、フルショウどころか丸1曲さえも難しい。そのため、美しく貴重ではあってもエンターテインメントには向かないのが基本です。ところが、今回のフレズノ・シリーズはそうではないからマニアが驚いた。さすがに完全収録ではないのですが、それに迫る見応えがある。1カットが5分近くたっぷり見られるものが多用され、撮影されなかったパートも静止画などでできる限り補足。ショウを約30分に渡って捉えている。前述の通り、このショウは前座ステージですので、30分はほぼフルに近い。若きDEF LEPPARDのステージにじっくりと浸れるのです。
さらにさらに、このシリーズはサウンドも超・極上。カメラ付設か別録音かは分かりませんが、そのクオリティは堂々と「まるでサウンドボード」と呼べるもの。AEROSMITH編やVAN HALEN編も凄かったですが、本作は輪をかけて強烈。距離感もまったく感じなければ、安定感も分離感も絶大。加えて、オーディエンス・ノイズもまったくと言って良いほどなく、本当にFMサウンドボードをシンクロさせているようなド密着サウンドなのです。
そのクオリティで描かれるショウは……「若い!」。もう、これに尽きます。「Lady Strange」やデビューE.P.の「Ride Into the Sun」も演奏されますが、他はすべて『ON THROUGH THE NIGHT』ナンバー。そんなセットを綴っていくメンバーの若いこと若いこと。何しろ、最年長のジョー・エリオット、スティーヴ・クラーク、ピート・ウィリスの3人でさえ二十歳ですし、リック・アレンに至っては16歳。暗めのステージにスポット・ライト1個というショボいライティングからしていかにも前座ですし、そのライトに浮かぶジョーは黒のボウタイ&ベストというニューウェーヴっぽい出で立ち。そして、その歌声。凡百の新人バンドよりは遙かに力強いとは言え、声質にはまだまだ青臭さが色濃く残り、歌い口はひたすらにひたむき。そんなジョーが独占するスポットライトに割り込んでくるスティーヴやピートと痙攣するようなヘドバンを繰り返し、まるでアンガス・ヤングが3人いるかのよう。濃厚なNWOBHMバンドの体臭が発散されるのです。

とにかく「若い」「極上」。この2ワードこそが本作の本質です。幾多の英国バンドが渡米したてのカルチャーショックを語ってきましたが、本作のDEF LEPPARDはそのショック真っ直中。傑作連発のフレズノ・シリーズでも特濃の1枚です。音楽産業の中心地を目の当たりにした興奮が全身から吹き出す苛烈なショウを現場体験できる衝撃の貴重映像。どうぞ、じっくりとご堪能ください。



1. When The Walls Came Tumbling Down
2. It Could Be You
3. Hello America
4. Lady Strange
5. Rock Brigade
6. Answer to the Master
7. It Don’t Matter
8. Rocks Off
9. Wasted
10. Ride Into the Sun
Joe Elliott – lead vocals
Steve Clark – guitar
Pete Willis – guitar, backing vocals
Rick Savage – bass, backing vocals
Rick Allen – drums
COLOUR NTSC Approx.30min.


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