Deep Purple / Blue Night In Detroit / 1DVDR

Deep Purple / Blue Night In Detroit / 1DVDR / Non Label
Live at Joe Louis Arena, Detroit, Michigan, USA 8th May 1987

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DEEP PURPLE’s 1987 American tour with the release of “HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT” includes the official live work “NOBODY’S PERFECT” and “LA LIGHTS” which recorded the Los Angeles performance which was one of the original materials with a stereo line sound source. (Sold out), and even “MAD DOG USA” and “BLACK AND BLUE”, which are packaged with excellent audience recording at the beginning of the tour, are very blessed in terms of sound source. On the other hand, there is another level of fulfillment in terms of images, and it is a little unsatisfactory for fans who want to see the appearance of “moving PURPLE” at that time. This work is one of the long-awaited fans to meet the desire to “enjoy the video”!
It was
This video is a good audience shot of the 16th performance of “Joe Louis Arena” in Detroit, Michigan for 82 minutes from the 1987 US tour. The master started from the 5th song “Perfect Strangers” on the live set list, and unfortunately it was incompletely recorded, but the image quality that captured the dynamic members on the stage with a certain outline is easier to see than in the VTR era. The composition that stably accommodates the stage from the left hand side of the second floor seats also makes it easy to grasp the live development, and it can be said that it is at a very high level as an audience shot image at that time. In particular, I am grateful that the state of the stage set at that time can be understood well, and it can be understood from the sound source, such as the appearance of the members entering and exiting by opening the doors on the left and right of the stage, probably because of the jacket of the album “HOUSE OF BLU LIGHT”. The atmosphere of no live is transmitted firmly.

Ritchie’s action was very noticeable everywhere on this day, and his appearance moving vertically and horizontally on the stage will attract the eyes of fans. In the latter half of the solo of “Hard Lovin’Woman”, a figure that crouches near the bass pedal and gives a flashy action, a bottleneck playing method that makes you hear a mysterious solo with the solo of “Bad Attitude”, a solid solo next to the drum riser There are lots of things to see, such as the “Child In Time” that unfolds. The end is “Black Night”, and the guitar crash that literally crushes the guitar by climbing from the set to the top of the PA is powerful! The striking movements that Ritchie responds to the photographer’s (and video enthusiast’s) requests are timeless and staring at (for some reason, in “Space Truckin'” where a giant balloon is thrown onto the stage. , The reaction of the members is also interesting). Ritchie’s movements on the stage will become more mature after 1991, so this video showing him moving around so far is worth more than enough.
Of course, not only the movement but also the performance itself is excellent, and we are spinning an attractive solo in the middle part of “Difficult To Cure”. John is also excited about this with a wonderful keyboard solo, and it should be said that the color is good. In addition, the long ad lib in the intro, “Lazy” that makes the hall turbulent, the solo in “Space Truckin'” that blows fire, and the entanglement with John and Pace in the latter half of the song are the best highlights. Giran’s voice was well heard on that day, and he was able to sing quite well in “Hard Lovin’Woman” and “Child In Time”, which he often suffered from live performances at that time (the personality he wore at this time). Is it the highlight of the stage costumes?). The stage of PURPLE, which is suitable for a large venue and has a sense of scale, is spectacular.

The sound was a little overloaded in the original master, but this has been adjusted appropriately by remastering to make it the best version in terms of audio. This is definitely a must-see for fans to know about the 1987 tour, and please enjoy it together with “KNOCK THE TRUCKIN'”.

「HOUSE OF BLUE LIGHT」リリースに伴うDEEP PURPLEの1987年アメリカツアーは、公式ライヴ作品「NOBODY’S PERFECT」のほか、その元素材のひとつとなったロサンゼルス公演をステレオ・ライン音源で収録した「L.A. LIGHTS」(完売)、さらにはツアー最初期を優れたオーディエンス録音でパッケージした「MAD DOG U.S.A.」や「BLACK AND BLUE」など、音源面では非常に恵まれています。それに対して映像面では充実度がもうひとつで、当時の”動くPURPLE”の姿を見たいファンには、やや物足りない状況です。本作はその「映像を楽しみたい」欲求に応える、ファン待望の一本です!

本映像は’87年アメリカツアーより、16公演目に当たる5月8日のミシガン州デトロイト”ジョー・ルイス・アリーナ”公演を82分間に渡り良好なオーディエンス・ショットで収録しています。マスターはライヴのセットリスト5曲目「Perfect Strangers」からのスタートで、残念ながら不完全収録なのですが、ステージ上で躍動するメンバーを確かな輪郭で収めた画質はVTR時代を上回る見易さです。2階席の左手側からステージを安定して収めた構図もライヴ展開の掴みやすさを両立しており、当時の観客撮り映像としては非常に高いレベルにあると言えます。特に当時のステージ・セットの様子が良く判るのは有り難く、アルバムの「HOUSE OF BLU LIGHT」のジャケに因んだのか、ステージ左右のドアをあけて出入りしているメンバーの姿など、音源では判らないライヴの雰囲気がしっかりと伝わります。

この日はリッチーのアクションが随所で非常に目立っており、ステージ上を縦横に躍動する彼の姿はファンの目を惹き付けるでしょう。「Hard Lovin’ Woman」のソロ後半でベースペダル付近にしゃがみこんで派手なアクションをキメる姿や、「Bad Attitude」のソロでミステリアスなソロを聴かせるボトルネック奏法、ドラムライザーの横でソリッドなソロを繰り広げる「Child In Time」など、見どころは満載です。とどめは「Black Night」で、セットからPAの上へ登り、文字通りギターを粉砕するようなギタークラッシュはド迫力! まるでリッチーが撮影者の(そして映像を観るマニアの)リクエストに応えるような目覚しい動きの数々は、時間を忘れて見入ってしまいます(なぜか巨大なバルーンがステージに投げ込まれる「Space Truckin’」では、メンバーの反応も面白いです)。リッチーは’91年以降になるとステージでの動きが大人しくなってくるので、ここまで動き回る彼の姿を収めた本映像は、それだけで充分以上の価値が認められます。
もちろん動作だけでなく演奏そのものも優れていて、「Difficult To Cure」中間パートでの魅力的なソロを紡ぎだしています。これにはジョンも素晴らしいキーボードソロで盛り上げており、出色の出来栄えと言うべきでしょう。さらにイントロで長いアドリブを聴かせ、場内を騒然とさせる「Lazy」や、火を吹くような「Space Truckin’」 でのソロ、同曲後半でのジョン,ペイスとの絡みは最高の見所です。この日はギランの声も良く出ており、この当時ライヴでの再現でしばしば苦しんだ「Hard Lovin’ Woman」や「Child In Time」でもかなりしっかりと歌えています(この時期彼が着ていた個性的な?ステージ衣装も見どころ?でしょうか)。大きな会場にふさわしく、スケール感のある演奏を繰り広げるPURPLEのステージは見応えがあります。

元もとのマスターではサウンドがややオーバーロード気味でしたが、これをリマスターで適宜調整し、音声面でも最良のバージョンに仕上げてあります。’87年ツアーを知る上で間違いなくファン必見の一本を、「KNOCK THE TRUCKIN’」と併せて、どうぞじっくりとお楽しみください。

1. Perfect Strangers
2. Hard Lovin’ Woman
3. Bad Attitude
4. Child In Time
5. Difficult To Cure
6. Knockin’ At Your Back Door
7. Lazy
8. Space Truckin’
9. Woman From Tokyo
10. Black Night
11. Smoke On The Water

Ian Gillan – Vocal Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Roger Glover – Bass Jon Lord – Keyboards
Ian Paice – Drums

COLOUR NTSC Approx. 82min.

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