Deep Purple / Bournemouth 1971 Revisited / 2CD

Deep Purple / Bournemouth 1971 Revisited / 2CD / Darker Than Blue
Live at Winter Gardens, Bournemouth, UK 29th September 1971

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From the strongest improvisational group to a variety of music orientations … DEEP PURPLE in 1971 was about to make a big change. A legendary recording that allows you to experience the best of such a turning season is brushed up. Appeared in a press 2CD that permanently preserves the sound polished by detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.
“Bournemouth performance on September 29, 1971” is engraved on this work. It is the best audience recording. This week, the new masterpiece “DANISH YODEL: REEL TO REEL (Darker Than Blue 315/316)” will be released at the same time, but this work is the same 1971, but the meaning is completely different due to the difference of a few months. In order to explain the meaning, let me first introduce from the schedule at that time.

・ January 1 + 2: Netherlands (2 performances)
《February single “Strange Kind of Woman” released》
・ January 29-March 8: UK (21 performances)
・ April 7-June 25; Europe #1 (29 performances) ← * DANISH YODEL
《“FIREBALL” released on July 9》
・ July 2-August 12: North America # 1 (25 performances)
・September 4-October 11: Europe #2 (15 performances) ← Coco
・ October 22-24: North America # 2 (3 performances)
《Tour suspended due to Guillain’s hepatitis → production of “MACHINE HEAD” in December》

This is the 1971 DEEP PURPLE. The simultaneous release of “DANISH YODEL: REEL TO REEL” was before the release of “Fireball”, but the Bournemouth performance of this work was after the release. It was a concert that was the 10th performance of “Europe # 2”. And this difference is a big show content. As I mentioned in the commentary on “DANISH YODEL”, 1971 was the time when “improvised machine DEEP PURPLE” reached its peak. On the other hand, another aspect of the group, the talent as a “composing group”, was about to blossom. Speaking of “Fireball” before the release, the new song is about “Strange Kind Of Woman” and basically a set that conforms to “IN ROCK Tour”. On the other hand, this work appeared not only the “Fireball” number, but also “Highway Star” and “Lazy”. It was a moment when the big representative songs of the 70’s, which have been played to this day, were born at once. The overflowing creative power is obvious if you compare the set of “DANISH YODEL: REEL TO REEL” and this work. Let’s sort things out here.

●Fireball (4 songs)
・Strange Kind Of Woman/No No No (★)/The Mule (★)/Fireball (★)
● Others (5 songs)
・In Rock: Child In Time/Speed ​​King
・Machine Head: Highway Star (★) / Lazy (★)
・Cover: Lucille
* Note: “★” marks are songs that were not performed at the time of “DANISH YODEL: REEL TO REEL”.

… and more than half of the set changed like this. Starting with the temporary lyrics “Highway Star”, “Lazy” is also an early version, but the original form of “MADE IN JAPAN” has already been completed, and it has transformed into a colorful show at once. Moreover, this new song rush also has a secondary effect. As the number of song parts increased, the improvisation became more compact than before (although the 10-minute range was still rough), but at that time it was also the peak of improvisation. The potential is converted into concentration. The free mood that has not been able to follow the promises of later years remains strong, and it is full of delicious inspirational phrases in a short time. Although the feeling of immersion over a long period of time has faded, it is also a tremendous concentration for that amount.
The introduction has become long, but this work is a representative sound source that allows you to experience such a turning point at its finest. It is the highest peak update board. It is a famous recording known for the Bondage Music label’s masterpiece “AUTUMN OF 1971” in the old days, but the base of this work is the familiar upgrade master from our shop “BOURNEMOUTH 1971”. It is a signature product that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has refined it. If you have noticed this article, you may know the accuracy of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering, but the noise processing is particularly large in this work. Not only does it carefully remove petite noises one by one, but it also cleans up high-frequency hiss and low-frequency hum noise. Of course, currently, applications can be used for one-shot processing, but that would be too rough and could even distort the sound of the performance. It is necessary to perform the last-minute “dimension processing” that does not affect the performance sound. Moreover, the troublesome thing is that in vintage recordings, the “dimension line” continues to change randomly. With just this one point, you can imagine the strange amount of work that went into mastering.
From “IN ROCK” mode to “MACHINE HEAD” mode. Although the change was a gradation, there was also a “point” that changed decisively. This work is a live album where you can experience such a turning point on site. “Autumn of 1971” switches between extreme improvisational power and rich compositional power. Please fully enjoy this work with the highest peak updated sound.

(remastered memo)

★ High frequency noise removal around 15khz
* Hum noise removal
★ EQ correction for some areas where the band is down.

The best audience recording of “September 29, 1971 Bournemouth Performance”. It is the highest peak record of legendary recording, and is a product that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has refined the upgrade master familiar with “BOURNEMOUTH 1971”. The high-frequency hiss and low-frequency hum noise have been beautifully processed, and the sound has been updated to a record high. “Lazy” can also experience a delicious full show on site.

最強の即興集団から多彩な楽曲指向へ……大きく舵を切ろうとしていた1971年のDEEP PURPLE。そんな転換の季節を極上体験できる伝説録音がブラッシュ・アップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングで磨き上げられたサウンドを永久保存するプレス2CDで登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているのは「1971年9月29日ボーンマス公演」。その極上オーディエンス録音です。今週は新名盤『DANISH YODEL: REEL TO REEL(Darker Than Blue 315/316)』が同時リリースとなりますが、本作は同じ1971年でありながら数ヶ月の違いで意味合いがまるで違っています。その意味をご説明する為にも、まずは当時のスケジュールからご紹介致しましょう。

《2月シングル『Strange Kind of Woman』発売》
・4月7日ー6月25日;欧州#1(29公演)←※DANISH YODEL
《ギランの肝炎によりツアー中断→12月『MACHINE HEAD』制作》

これが1971年のDEEP PURPLE。同時リリースの『DANISH YODEL: REEL TO REEL』は『ファイアボール』の発売前でしたが、本作のボーンマス公演はリリース後。「欧州#2」の10公演目にあたるコンサートでした。そして、この違いがショウ内容を大きい。『DANISH YODEL』の解説でも触れましたが、1971年は「即興マシンDEEP PURPLE」が絶頂を迎えた時期。その一方、もう1つの側面「作曲集団」としての才能も大きく開花しようとしていました。『ファイアボール』発売前と言えば、新曲は「Strange Kind Of Woman」程度で基本的には“IN ROCK Tour”に準じるセット。それに対し、本作は『ファイアボール』ナンバーだけでなく、「Highway Star」「Lazy」まで登場。現在に至るまで演奏され続けている70年代の大代表曲が一気に誕生した刹那だったのです。その溢れる創作力は、『DANISH YODEL: REEL TO REEL』と本作のセットを見比べれば一目瞭然。ここで整理してみましょう。

・Strange Kind Of Woman/No No No(★)/The Mule(★)/Fireball(★)
・イン・ロック:Child In Time/Speed King
・マシン・ヘッド:Highway Star(★)/Lazy(★)
※注:「★」印は『DANISH YODEL: REEL TO REEL』時点では演奏していない曲。

……と、このようにセットの半数以上が様変わり。仮歌詞の「Highway Star」を初め、「Lazy」も初期バージョンではありますが、『MADE IN JAPAN』の原形がすでに出来上がり、一気にカラフルなショウに変貌しているのです。しかも、この新曲ラッシュが副次的な効果も生んでいる。曲パートが増えた分だけインプロヴィゼーションが従来よりもコンパクトになった(それでも10分台がザラですが)わけですが、当時は即興力のピークでもあった。そのポテンシャルは濃度に転化。後年のようなお約束の流れも出来ていない自由なムードが色濃く残っており、短い中で美味しい閃きフレーズが充満。長い時間をかけた没入感は薄れたものの、その分だけ凄まじい集中力でもあるのです。
前置きが長くなってしまいましたが、本作はそんなターニング・ポイントを極上体験できる代表音源。その最高峰更新盤なのです。古くはBondage Musicレーベルの名盤『AUTUMN OF 1971』でも知られる名録音ですが、本作のベースになっているのは当店の『BOURNEMOUTH 1971』でお馴染みのアップグレード・マスター。それを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き直した銘品なのです。本稿に目を留めた方なら「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングの精度をご存知と思いますが、本作で特に大きいのはノイズ処理。プチノイズを1つひとつ丁寧に除去しているだけでなく、高周波のヒスや低域のハムノイズも綺麗に処理している。もちろん、現在はアプリケーションの機能で一発処理もできるのですが、それでは雑すぎて演奏音まで歪んでしまいかねない。演奏音に影響しないギリギリの「寸止め処理」が必要なのです。しかも厄介なことに、ヴィンテージ録音は「寸止めライン」がランダムに変化し続ける……。この1点だけでも、マスタリングに注がれた異様な作業量がご想像頂けるのではないでしょうか。
『IN ROCK』モードから『MACHINE HEAD』モードへ。その変化はグラデーションではあるものの、決定的に転換した「点」もありました。本作は、そんなターニング・ポイントを現場体験できるライヴアルバムなのです。極みの即興力と、芳醇な作曲力が両立しつつも切り替わった「1971年の秋」。どうぞ、最高峰更新サウンドの本作で存分に味わい尽くしてください。



「1971年9月29日ボーンマス公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。伝説録音の最高峰盤で、『BOURNEMOUTH 1971』でお馴染みのアップグレード・マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き直した銘品。高周波のヒスや低域のハムノイズも綺麗に処理されたサウンドは過去最高を更新しており、セット入りしたばかりの「No No No」「Fireball」「The Mule」やまだ未完成の初期バージョン「Highway Star」「Lazy」も美味しいフルショウを現場体験できます。

Disc 1 (47:33)
1. Intro.
2. Highway Star(仮歌詞)*-初演?
3. Strange Kind Of Woman
4. No No No
5. Child In Time

Disc 2 (48:54)
1. MC
2. The Mule incl. Drums Solo
3. Lazy
4. Fireball
5. Speed King
6. Lucille

Ian Gillan – Vocal
Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar
Roger Glover – Bass
Jon Lord – Keyboards
Ian Paice – Drums

Darker Than Blue 317/318

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