David Bowie / LA Forum 1978 2nd Night Mike Millard 1st Generation Tapes / 2CD

David Bowie / L.A. Forum 1978 2nd Night: Mike Millard 1st Generation Tapes / 2CD / Wardour
The Forum, Inglewood, Los Angeles, CA, USA 4th April 1978

Play sample :

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Did that Mike Millard record up to Bowie’s stage? And the audience album “L.A. FORUM 1978 MIKE MILLARD 1ST GEN” that shocked enthusiasts all over the world.
The ultra recording, which has both a sense of realism and an on-the-spot sound image that is typical of him, is rumored to be sold out. Not only is it the time when the live album “STAGES” was officially released, but it was also during the 1978 “Isolar II” tour, which was blessed with audience recordings, and one outstanding recording quality was unique to the mirrored sound source.
With such an excellent audience recording, it’s impossible for it to remain sold out. Rather, it must be stably supplied to maniacs as an introductory audience album for the “Isolar II” tour and American leg. Isn’t it even more so if it becomes Mike Millard recording?
Another factor that surprised maniacs around the world with this mirrored recording was that it was recorded on the same day as the “Isolar II” tour and the masterpiece LP “SLAUGHTER IN THE AIR” that conveyed the charm of the American leg. It was recorded firmly from the opening “Warszawa” that could not be heard on that masterpiece, and the presence of the day, which was difficult to convey from the same board, was captured with a wonderful balance that seems to be a mirrored recording. It is undeniable that the impact made “L.A. FORUM 1978 MIKE MILLARD 1ST GEN” a big hit.

In that case, the reissue of the same edition, which was sold out, was considered as a matter of course, but in fact, even in Takumi’s recording by Millard, there were several cuts between the songs in the second half of the live. Most of all, it is not a performance but a defect between songs, so it can not be passed through. However, these cut points are recorded firmly in “SLAUGHTER IN THE AIR” (hereinafter referred to as “LP”). Then, if you compensate from there, a complete version without cuts will be realized.
Regarding this point, when the mirrored sound source appeared in 2019, overseas maniacs immediately tried it, and it was also circulated among Bowie traders. However, the version at that time was poorly edited (which is common in editing work for overseas enthusiasts), and the sound of the LP part was not good.
“GRAF ZEPPELIN” stood up there. Finely adjust using the LP source again to those missing parts. When I listened to both songs at a glance, I didn’t see any edit marks, and the finish was so smooth that it seemed as if Millard had recorded it uncut.

However, that’s not all, for this re-release, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has remastered the mirrored recording itself. If you think about it, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is a brilliant master of the eternal masterpiece “LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE”. Yes, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is a masterpiece if you let him work on his recording in the late 1970s, the heyday of mirrored recording. That’s why the remaster that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” showed us this time is also a wonderful finish.
While maintaining the delicate treble spread typical of mirrored recordings in the late 70’s, it has evolved into a more solid sound quality. Of course, it is completely different from the intrusive finish that drastically changes the charm and impression of the original sound. In that sense, it may be said that it came a little closer to the robust sound quality of “SLAUGHTER IN THE AIR”. It is certain that it also contributed to the smooth editing of this time.
In this way, a high-level, undisputed strongest board with the best of the two types of audience recordings at the April 4, 1978 LA Forum was born. The definitive edition of the 1978 LA Forum, which maniacs all over the world have been waiting for, that you can enjoy the live uncut until the end, while mainly recording Millard’s whole body. “L.A. FORUM 1978 MIKE MILLARD 1ST GEN” was also a masterpiece, but this time the strongest audience album representing the American leg of the “Isolar II” tour is born!



(remastered memo)

★The mirrored master was remastered, and the LP sound source was used to compensate for the two cuts between songs, reproducing the longest version ever.

★In the mirrored master section, EQ processing is applied to all bands, resulting in a tight and chewy sound that is typical of mirrored sound sources.

* Phase correction
★ High frequency noise removal


あのマイク・ミラードがボウイのステージまで録音してくれていたのか?と世界中のマニアに衝撃を与えたオーディエンス・アルバム『L.A. FORUM 1978 MIKE MILLARD 1ST GEN』。
いかにも彼らしい広がりのある臨場感とオンな音像の両方を兼ね備えたウルトラ・レコーディングは噂に噂を呼んでSold Outに。ただでさえオフィシャルにライブアルバム『STAGES』がリリースされた時期というだけでなく、オーディエンス録音も恵まれている1978年“Isolar II”ツアーの中にあって、一つ抜き出た録音クオリティがさすがはミラード音源ならではだと唸らされたもの。
これほど優れたオーディエンス録音となれば、Sold Outのままというのはありえない。むしろ“Isolar II”ツアー、アメリカン・レグの入門編オーディエンス・アルバムとしてマニアに安定供給されなくてはならない。それがマイク・ミラード録音ともなればなおさらではないでしょうか。
このミラード録音が世界中のマニアを驚かせた更なる要因としては、リアタイで“Isolar II”ツアー、アメリカン・レグの魅力を伝えてくれた名作LP『SLAUGHTER IN THE AIR』と同じ日の録音であったということ。あの名盤では聞けなかったオープニング「Warszawa」からしっかりと収録され、なおかつ同盤からは伝わりづらかった当日の臨場感もミラード録音らしい見事なバランスで捉えられてくれていた。その衝撃が『L.A. FORUM 1978 MIKE MILLARD 1ST GEN』を大ヒットへと結び付けてくれた感も否めません。

そうなるとSold Outとなってしまった同盤の再発は当然のように検討されるのですが、実はミラードによる匠の録音でもライブ後半の曲間にはいくつかのカットがあった。もっとも演奏ではなく曲間の欠損ですのでスルーできなくもない。ところがこれらのカット個所が『SLAUGHTER IN THE AIR』(以下“LP”と称します)ではしっかり録音されている。となれば、そこから補填すればカットなしの完全版が実現。
そこで立ち上がってくれたのは「GRAF ZEPPELIN」。それら欠損個所に改めてLPソースを用いて緻密にアジャスト。どちらの曲間もパッと聞いた感じではまるで編集痕がみられず、まるでミラードがノーカットで録音してくれたのかと錯覚しそうなほどなめらかな仕上がりは「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の面目躍如。

ところがそれだけではありません、今回の再リリースに際して「GRAF ZEPPELIN」はミラード録音自体を洗い直したリマスターを敢行。思えば「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は永遠の名盤『LISTEN TO THIS EDDIE』のミラード・マスターでも見事な手腕を発揮。そう、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」はミラード録音の絶頂期である1970年代後半の彼の録音を手掛けさせたら天下一品。それだけに今回「GRAF ZEPPELIN」がみせてくれたリマスターもまた見事な仕上がり。
70年代後半のミラード録音らしい繊細な高音の広がりはそのままに、それでいてより腰の据わった音質へと進化。もちろん原音の魅力や印象を大幅に変えてしまうような押しつけがましい仕上がりとはまるで別次元。その意味では、『SLAUGHTER IN THE AIR』の骨太な音質に少し近づいたと言えるかもしれません。それがまた今回のなめらかな編集に貢献したのも確かなところ。
こうなるとハイレベルな1978年4月4日LAフォーラム二種類のオーディエンス録音のいいとこどりをした文句なしの最強盤が誕生することになったのです。ミラード渾身の録音をメインとしていながら、それでライブを最後までノーカットで楽しめるという、世界中のマニアが待ち望んであろう78年LAフォーラムの決定版。『L.A. FORUM 1978 MIKE MILLARD 1ST GEN』も掛け値なしの名盤でしたが、もはや今回は“Isolar II”ツアーのアメリカン・レグを代表する最強のオーディエンス・アルバムが爆誕!





★ミラードマスター部は、全帯域にEQ処理を施し、ミラード音源らしくタイトでコシのあるサウンドへ。 ミラードらしい迫力がいくぶん増してます。



Disc 1 (49:28)
01. Warszawa
02. “Heroes”
03. What In The World
04. Be My Wife
05. The Jean Genie
06. Blackout
07. Sense Of Doubt
08. Speed Of Life
09. Breaking Glass
10. Beauty And The Beast
11. Fame

Disc 2 (55:40)
01. Band Introductions / Five Years
02. Soul Love
03. Star
04. Hang On To Yourself
05. Ziggy Stardust
06. Suffragette City
07. Rock ’n’ Roll Suicide ★3:55-4:09(演奏後曲間) 補填
08. Art Decade
09. Station To Station
10. Stay
11. TVC15 ★4:47-5:03(演奏後曲間) 補填
12. Rebel Rebel

David Bowie: Vocals / Guitar
Adrian Belew: Lead Guitar
Carlos Alomar: Rhythm Guitar / Backing Vocals Dennis Davis: Drums / Percussion
George Murray: Bass / Backing Vocals
Roger Powell: Keyboards / Synthesizer / Backing Vocals
Sean Mayes: Piano / Backing Vocals Simon House: Electric Violin


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