Crusaders / Ohne Filter Extra Germany 1987 Broadcast / 1DVDR

Crusaders / Ohne Filter Extra Germany 1987 Broadcast / 1DVDR / Uxbridge

Broadcast Date: 17th November 1988

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独自のお宝ライヴを残してくれたドイツの伝説番組“OHNE FILTER”。そのTHE CRUSADERS篇が貴重な日本放送バージョンでリリース決定です。

“OHNE FILTER”とは、かつてSWF(南西ドイツ放送:現SWR)が放送していた音楽番組。80年代には旬のアーティスト/バンドが次々と登場し、絶大な人気を誇りました。今なお当時の映像が好事家に愛され続けているわけですが、その人気の秘訣は、他では観られない生演奏であること。70年代から音楽番組と言えばマイムが基本であり、80年代に入ると今度はMTVがブレイク。PV番組が大全盛を極め、手間がかかるわりに見栄えが地味になりがちな生演奏は制作側から敬遠されがちでした。もちろん現代視点で言えば、散々見飽きたPVよりも独自ライヴの方が数百倍価値がある。特に二度と戻らない全盛時代の貴重映像はお宝となっているわけです。
こうしたドイツの生演奏番組と言えば、WDR(西部ドイツ放送)の“Rockpalast”も有名ですが、あちらがホール規模の会場なのに対して“OHNE FILTER”はもっと小規模なクラブ規模で、1回・約45分と尺もコンパクトでした。2001年までおよそ300回ほど放送され、本作は1987年に出演したTHE CRUSADERS特集回をDVD化したものなのです。

“OHNE FILTER”は、その人気からコンピレーション映像として公式リリースされたこともあるのですが、本作はそれとは異なる。独本国放送の翌年(1988年)に、某民放局の深夜番組“ミッドナイト・ライブ・スペシャル”として放送された日本バージョンなのです。驚きなのは、そのクオリティ。35年前のエアチェック・マスターなのですが、とてもそうは思えない。もちろん、デジタルに慣れきった現代の眼で見ればアナログ感こそありますが、ノイズのない画面は隅々まで艶やかで、VHSにありがちな変色/退色もなければ、走行ヨレや白線ノイズも発生しない。まるでレーザーディスク起こしのようい美しい……と言いますか、実際に公式LD起こしを謳ったバージョンも出回っているのですが、それよりもずっと美しいのです。
その映像美で描かれるのは、『THE GOOD AND BAD TIMES』時代の大熱演。収録日時はハッキリしていないのですが、1987年のヨーロッパと言えば7月にスイス公演やロンドン公演が行われており、恐らく本作の収録もその前後。そう、日本公演とほぼ同時期なのです。ステージは『THE GOOD AND BAD TIMES』の「Mischivous Ways」「The Way It Goes」を軸としつつ、70年代の名曲群も大量に演奏。デイヴィッド・T・ウォーカーもキレッキレならウィルトン・フェルダーのサックスも色気たっぷり。そんな彼らをバックにしたリッキー・ギロリーの歌声がまた素晴らしい。その発声は初々しく可憐でありつつ、たっぷりとした声量も聴かせるのです。


80年代を駆け抜けたTHE CRUSADERSの大熱演と、当時の日本が甦る懐かCM。一瞬たりとも目が離せない日本放送の大傑作です。音楽作品としても、タイム・カプセルとしても必見・必携の1枚。どうぞ、存分に味わい尽くしてください。

★伝説番組“OHNE FILTER”に出演した際のマルチカメラ・プロショット。日本放送のエアチェック・マスターからDVD化されており、その映像美は公式レーザーディスクにも匹敵する。『THE GOOD AND BAD TIMES』時代の大熱演だけでなく、放送された1988年の時代感にむせ返る日本CMの数々も必見です。

“OHNE FILTER” is a legendary German program that left us with a unique and treasured live show. THE CRUSADERS edition will be released as a valuable Japanese broadcast version.

●Legendary music program alongside “Rockpalast”
“OHNE FILTER” is a music program that was once broadcast by SWF (Southwest German Radio: currently SWR). In the 1980s, new artists/bands appeared one after another and enjoyed tremendous popularity. Videos from that time continue to be loved by enthusiasts to this day, and the secret to their popularity is the live performance, which cannot be seen anywhere else. Since the 1970s, mime has been a staple of music programs, and in the 1980s, MTV took off. With PV programs at the peak of their popularity, producers tended to avoid live performances, which take a lot of effort and tend to look bland. Of course, from a modern perspective, an original live performance is hundreds of times more valuable than a boring PV. In particular, valuable footage from the heyday, which will never return, has become a treasure.
Speaking of such German live music programs, “Rockpalast” on WDR (Western German Radio) is also famous, but while that one is a hall-sized venue, “OHNE FILTER” is a smaller club-sized venue, with a single performance. The length was compact, about 45 minutes. It was broadcast approximately 300 times until 2001, and this work is a DVD version of the special episode of THE CRUSADERS that appeared in 1987.

●Superior Japanese broadcasting master
“OHNE FILTER” was even officially released as a compilation video due to its popularity, but this work is different from that. This is the Japanese version that was broadcast as the late-night program “Midnight Live Special” on a certain commercial station the year after it was broadcast in Germany (1988). What’s surprising is the quality. It’s an Air Check Master from 35 years ago, but I don’t think so. Of course, if you look at it with modern eyes that are accustomed to digital, it has an analog feel, but the noise-free screen is glossy from corner to corner, and there is no discoloration/fading that is common with VHS, and there is no running distortion or white line noise. do not. It’s as beautiful as a laser disc release…or should I say, there is a version on the market that actually claims to be an official LD release, but it’s much more beautiful than that.
The beautiful visuals depict the great performances from the “THE GOOD AND BAD TIMES” era. The recording date and time is not clear, but speaking of Europe in 1987, performances in Switzerland and London were held in July, and this work was probably recorded around that time. Yes, it is almost the same time as the Japanese performance. The stage centered on “Mischivous Ways” and “The Way It Goes” from “THE GOOD AND BAD TIMES”, but also played a large number of famous songs from the 70’s. If David T. Walker is sharp, Wilton Felder’s saxophone is also full of sexiness. Ricky Guillory’s singing voice backing them is also wonderful. While her vocalizations are innocent and lovely, they also have plenty of volume.

●Nostalgic commercials that evoke a sense of the times 35 years ago
In addition to such a stage, this work also features a delicious production unique to Japan Broadcasting. There are subtitles introducing the artists, but even more than that, there are a number of nostalgic commercials that exude a strong sense of the times. The main sponsor, Yodobashi Camera, is only located in Shinjuku, Ueno, and Yokohama, and the movie “Midnight Run” is touted as “Robert De Niro’s latest work.” Even more intense is the TV drama promotion, “Suspicious Family (amazing title…)”, which was canceled soon after, in which Mr. Kazama ○o passionately barked, “What is the name of my real disease!” and Shimada ○ Suke’s autobiographical drama “Kaze yo, Suzuka e” is also being promoted. She is also co-starring with Kakako, who is still married to Mr. Higashikokubaru, and the late Takuzo Kawatani. I wonder where he is and what he is doing now…)
And the most important one is the late Shingo Yamashiro. Not only does he show off his energetic appearance as a 50-year-old at the time, but he also promotes the Red Riding Hood performance. The venue was the now defunct Shinjuku Koma Theater, and the excitement of “Shingo on Stage!” and “Shingo No matter where you look” really touched my heart.

A great performance by THE CRUSADERS that ran through the 80’s and a nostalgic commercial that brings back the Japan of that time. This is a masterpiece of Japanese broadcasting that you cannot take your eyes off even for a moment. This is a must-see and must-have piece, both as a musical work and as a time capsule. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★Multi-camera professional shot when appearing on the legendary program “OHNE FILTER”. It has been made into a DVD from the Air Check Master of Japan Broadcasting System, and its visual beauty rivals that of the official laser disc. In addition to the great performances from the era of “THE GOOD AND BAD TIMES,” don’t miss the many Japanese commercials that evoke the feeling of the times when they were aired in 1988.

1. Intro
2. CM
3. Mischievous Ways
4. Chain Reaction
5. CM
6. Sunrise
7. CM
8. The Way It Goes
9. Street Life
10. CM
11. Put It Where You Want It
12. Covert Action
13. CM

Joe Sample – keyboards
Wilton Felder – saxophone
David T.Walker – guirar
James Earl – bass
Scott Peaker – drums
Eddie Davis – trumpet
Reichii Guillory – vocals




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