Bob Dylan / Zepp Namba 2014 2nd & 3rd Night / 4CDR

Bob Dylan / Zepp Namba 2014 2nd & 3rd Night / 4CDR / Non Label
Zepp Namba, Osaka, Japan 22nd & 23rd April 2014

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★ The so-called “HIDE sound source” series, which archived Dylan’s 2014 Japan tour with the ultimate level of highest sound quality audience recording, is now available for the first time in nine years.

Dylan’s 2014 club live tour, the final chapter of Dylan’s 2014 club tour, which spanned all 17 performances in the history of Western music in Japan. Complete recording. Perhaps it was inspired by the enthusiasm of the enthusiastic Dylan fans in Osaka, but compared to the first day in Osaka, which was a hot topic with a very intense live, I saw an evaluation on the net that the second day was somewhat standard. , The wild singing that seems to have increased sharpness due to this restraint is a masterpiece. And above all, the sound quality is so good that it seems to be the best tour in every sense, so you will fall in love with this stunning sound and performance. Vocals and musical tones are recorded very close, but the proximity is the best anyway, and the balance with cheers is also the best. As I wrote earlier, compared to this miraculous recording on the second day, the recording on the final day of the third day has a slightly larger presence, and if you listen to this alone, it sounds very good, but the cheers and applause are loud. However, on the first schedule, I get the feeling that the sound does not come out in front. If I had to say it, it would be the second day like a line recording, and the third day as a venue recording, but in any case, I recorded a miraculous sound that can not be reached with an average taper over both days. It is an intense 4-disc set that is a must-listen and must-experience for fans who can fully enjoy it. The set is almost the same, the second day is Waiting For You on the 5th song, the last day played Huck’s Tune which was a big topic on this tour, Bob played “Arigatou” at the end of the first part, the last day Say “Tomodachi!” and “Arigatou!” in Japanese. (However, like Dylan, even though it is the last day, there are no special greetings or surprises on the last day, and the stage is performed calmly.) Sound quality and content, a must-have 4-disc title for fans. Please enjoy this opportunity.


日本での洋楽ライヴ史に残る全17公演に及んだディラン2014年クラブ・ライヴ・ツアーの最終章となった、大阪3デイズより、ラスト2日間のステージを超高音質を誇るHIDE音源マスターより完全収録。熱狂的な大阪のディラン・ファンの熱気に触発されたのか、あまりに強烈なライヴで話題を呼んだ大阪初日に比べると、2日目はややスタンダードな内容だったという評価をネットで目にしますが、この抑制を効かせた分、切れ味の鋭いが増したようなワイルドな歌い回しは圧巻です。そして何より、音質があらゆる意味でツアーベストかと思えるほどに優れているので、この見事なサウンド、パフォーマンスに聴き惚れてしまいます。ボーカルも楽音は非常に近く録れているのですが、とにかくその近さが最適で、歓声とのバランスもベスト。先にも書きましたが、この奇跡的2日目の録音に比べると3日目最終日録音はやや臨場感が大きめで、これ単独で聴けば大変良い音なのですが、歓声・拍手がラウドな分、初日程、音が前に出てこないという感じを受けます。強いて言えばライン録音のような2日目、会場録音然とした3日目と言った印象なわけですが、どちらにしても、並のテーパーでは到達できない奇跡的な音の記録を両日に渡ってたっぷりと堪能できる、ファン絶対必聴・必体験の強烈4枚組であります。セットは殆ど同じで、5曲目で2日目がWaiting For You、最終日が今回のツアーで大きな話題を呼んだHuck’s Tuneを演奏、第一部の終わりにはボブが「アリガトウ」、最終日は「トモダチ!」「アリガトウ!」と日本語で言います。(しかしディランらしく、最終日と言えど、ラストには特別な挨拶とかサプライズは無しで、淡々とステージをこなしています。)音質・内容、極上のファン必携の4枚組タイトル。是非、この機会にお楽しみ下さい。

Live at Zepp Namba, Osaka, Japan 22nd April 2014

Disc 1(48:57)
1. Things Have Changed 2. She Belongs To Me 3. Beyond Here Lies Nothin’ 4. What Good Am I?
5. Waiting For You 6. Duquesne Whistle 7. Pay In Blood 8. Tangled Up In Blue 9. Love Sick

Disc 2(59:42)
1. High Water (For Charley Patton) 2. Simple Twist Of Fate 3. Early Roman Kings 4. Forgetful Heart
5. Spirit On The Water 6. Scarlet Town 7. Soon After Midnight 8. Long And Wasted Years
9. All Along The Watchtower 10. Blowin’ In The Wind

Live at Zepp Namba, Osaka, Japan 23rd April 2014

Disc 3(47:58)
1. Things Have Changed 2. She Belongs To Me 3. Beyond Here Lies Nothin’ 4. What Good Am I?
5. Huck’s Tune 6. Duquesne Whistle 7. Pay In Blood 8. Tangled Up In Blue 9. Love Sick

Disc 4(59:01)
1. High Water (For Charley Patton) 2. Simple Twist Of Fate 3. Early Roman Kings 4. Forgetful Heart
5. Spirit On The Water 6. Scarlet Town 7. Soon After Midnight 8. Long And Wasted Years
9. All Along The Watchtower 10. Blowin’ In The Wind

Bob Dylan – Vocal, Piano, Harp Tony Garnier – Bass George Recile – Drums
Stu Kimball – Guitar Charlie Sexton – Guitar
Donnie Herron – Banjo, Violin, Electric Mandolin, Pedal Steel, Lap Steel

Non Label


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