Black Sabbath / Definitive Long Beach 1975: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD

Black Sabbath / Definitive Long Beach 1975: Mike Millard Master Tapes / 2CD / Zodiac
Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA, USA 7th September 1975

Play sample :

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The super-famous recording by the absolute master Mike Millard has been brushed up. Introducing a press 2CD that permanently preserves the highest peak updated sound by detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.

[Historical most important board left by absolute master] “September 7, 1975 Long Beach performance” is imbued in this work. It is the super superb audience recording. This recording was discovered in the summer of 2020. The shock was incredible. It was surprising just to say, “That Millard is Sabbath!?”, But what’s important is the content. Not only was it a recording that had not been known at all until then, but with its transcendental sound quality, it has climbed to the top of the “masterpiece audience of the ‘SABOTAGE Tour’” at once. And that “SABOTAGE Tour” is the culmination of the 70’s Sabbath, and the 70’s is the culmination of the entire history of Sabbath. In other words, from the moment of its appearance, it pushed aside countless audience recordings and became “the most important board in the entire history of Sabbath”.

[Detailed mastering that also leads to the restoration of cultural properties] “The preface has gotten really long.” This work is the latest and highest peak update board of such historical most important recording. The key is “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering. We returned to the original master released by the prestigious “JEMS” and maximized its potential. As you may know if you have read this article, the true value of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering is “on-site sound supremacy”. When it comes to Digilima, easy sound pressure gaining and unfashionable equalizing that decorates with mess are the mainstream, but “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is different. Pitch/phase correction that does not allow deviations of 1/1000th of a second, thorough processing of various noises, stereo/sound range balance adjustment by band analysis, etc. In other words, repair and reproduction, not modification. It is similar to the restoration work of masterpieces and cultural properties.
“What you need to be careful about here is that anything can be changed into something else with “modification”, but “restoration” is different.” If the original scratches are difficult to see, the effect of “repair” is also difficult to see. This time, only the unpublished Omoto cassette in the Mirrored Collection is super-superb from the beginning. It is not “just another thing” (it would be ruined if a historical treasure was another thing). That said, of course, there is no doubt that it has updated the highest peak ever. Especially the point this time was “restore the range”. Actually, sound processing was already done at the stage of “JEMS” public master, and it was finished in a somewhat flashy way for mirrored recording. From the point of view of HR/HM, which emphasizes power, it’s not a mistake, but the reaction has narrowed the range. It is a feeling close to the so-called seaweed waveform.
Therefore, in this work, we made adjustments for each band (sorry, but I can’t introduce the details and tips), and made the range that was clogged up as wide as it should be. The resulting sound is dynamic and natural. The sound pressure has not risen compared to the conventional board … or should I say, the sound pressure has dropped in terms of the physical waveform, but I can not feel it, only the clogging that hits the ceiling with the head at the peak Gone. You can feel the original dynamism of the performance sound, which is different from the pretended sound pressure gain.

[Climax “SABOTAGE Tour” with a unique set and performance] The full show of the climax “SABOTAGE Tour” is depicted with such a new record sound. BLACK SABBATH in the early 70’s had many short shows that fit on one CD, but the “SABOTAGE Tour” expanded at once. I’ve come to play a full set of over 100 minutes. Moreover, it was also a singularity. The 70’s Sabbath set can be roughly divided into three periods: “1970-1974”, “1975” and “1976-1978”. In the “1970-1974” period, minor changes were seamlessly repeated while replacing new songs little by little, but in “1975” everything changed at once. However, the composition was not inherited and changed greatly again in “1976-1978”. In other words, “1975” was a special set isolated from the tour before and after. And the contents are wide ranging from large classics to extremely rare songs. Let’s organize the set here.

● Early trilogy (5 songs + α)
・Black Sabbath: Black Sabbath
・ Paranoid: War Pigs / Iron Man / Paranoid
・Master of Reality: Orchid/Embryo-Children Of The Grave
● Mid-term trilogy (8 songs)
・Black Sabbath 4: Snowblind/Supernaut
・Bloody Sabbath: Killing Yourself To Live / Sabbra Cadabra / Spiral Architect
・Sabotage: Hole In The Sky/Symptom Of The Universe/Megalomania

… and it looks like this. At that time, Ozzy Osbourne was a full-fledged high-tone singer, and “SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH” and “SABOTAGE” have many famous songs that make use of his high-pitched tone. In this work, you can enjoy plenty of repertoire that can no longer be sung in later reunions. In particular, “Hole In The Sky” is a limited song that has only been played on the “SABOTAGE Tour” before and after.
And in addition to the set, the ensemble is also special. Not only does Ozzy give us some career-high throats, but his fifth member: Gerald Woodruff also joins us. Only the “SABOTAGE Tour” and “TECHNICAL ECSTASY Tour” were accompanied by the keyboard in the 70’s, and “Spiral Architect” and “Megalomania” are rare songs that became possible because of him.
The “SABOTAGE Tour”, which is highly praised as the “Best Tour” by enthusiasts. Speaking of its symbolic board, the sound board album “LIVE LONGEST … DIE AT LAST (Zodiac 424)” reigns, but the realistic on-site experience cannot match the audience recording. This work is one that stands at the top of such audience recording. An absolute live album that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” refined the treasure of the absolute master Millard. Please enjoy it anytime, forever with the press 2CD that leaves the shine forever.

★ Superb audience recording of “September 7, 1975 Long Beach Performance”. The highest peak update board that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” polished the original master of absolute master Mike Millard. The sound that restores a wide range is dynamic and natural, and the original smoothness and luster of the performance sound are fresh. It is the most important live album where you can fully experience the climax “SABOTAGE Tour”, which is called “Best Tour” both in terms of set and performance.



(remastered memo)

★ New mastering from the master cassette data!

* Phase correction

★Remove small gap noise seen in various places

★Band equalization processing was done in advance at the time of publication, and it is almost as it is,

Since the waveform was cut off considerably (seaweed waveform = narrow range), it was restored to a natural waveform (wide range)


絶対名手マイク・ミラードによる超名録音がブラッシュ・アップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングによる最高峰更新サウンドを永久保存するプレス2CDで登場です。

そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1975年9月7日ロングビーチ公演」。その超極上オーディエンス録音です。この録音が発掘されたのは2020年の夏。その衝撃はとんでもないものでした。「あのミラードがサバスを!?」というだけでも意外だったのですが、重要なのはその中身。それまで一切知られていなかった録音であるばかりか、超絶のサウンド・クオリティで一気に「“SABOTAGE Tour”の最高傑作オーディエンス」に登り詰めてしまった。そして、その“SABOTAGE Tour”こそが70年代サバスの絶頂であり、70年代はサバス全史の絶頂。つまり、登場の瞬間から無数のオーディエンス録音を押しのけ「サバス全史の最重要盤」となってしまったのです。

すっかり前置きが長くなりました。本作は、そんな歴史的な最重要録音の最新・最高峰更新盤なのです。その要は「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリング。名門「JEMS」が公開したオリジナル・マスターに立ち返り、その可能性を最大限に引き出したのです。本稿に目を留めた方ならご存知と思いますが、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングの真骨頂は「現場音至上主義」。デジリマというと安易な音圧稼ぎやゴテゴテと飾り立てる無粋イコライジングが主流ですが、「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は違う。1/1000秒の狂いも許さないピッチ/位相補正や各種ノイズの徹底処理、帯域分析によるステレオ/音域バランスの調整など、基本に忠実な処理を規格外の精度で行う。つまり、改変ではなく補修・再現。名画や文化財の修復作業に通じるものなのです。

【セットも演奏も独特な絶頂“SABOTAGE Tour”】
そんな新記録サウンドで画かれるのは、絶頂“SABOTAGE Tour”のフルショウ。70年代前半のBLACK SABBATHは、CD1枚に収まるやや短めのショウが多かったのですが、“SABOTAGE Tour”では一気に拡張。100分超えのフルセットで演奏するようになりました。しかも、特異点でもあった。70年代サバスのセットはざっくり「1970ー1974年」「1975年」「1976ー1978年」の三期に分けられる。「1970ー1974年」期は少しずつ新曲を入れ替えながらシームレスにマイナーチェンジを繰り返していたのですが、「1975年」で一気に様変わり。しかし、その構成は引き継がれず「1976ー1978年」でまた大きく変化している。つまり「1975年」は前後のツアーとは隔絶した特別なセットだったのです。そして、その中身は大定番から激レア曲まで幅広い。ここで、セットも整理しておきましょう。

・黒い安息日:Black Sabbath
・パラノイド:War Pigs/Iron Man/Paranoid
・マスター・オブ・リアリティ:Orchid/Embryo-Children Of The Grave
・血まみれの安息日:Killing Yourself To Live/Sabbra Cadabra/Spiral Architect
・サボタージュ:Hole In The Sky/Symptom Of The Universe/Megalomania

……と、このようになっています。当時のオジー・オズボーンはいっぱしのハイトーン・シンガーで『SABBATH BLOODY SABBATH』『SABOTAGE』には、彼の高音を活かした名曲が多い。本作では、後年の再結成では歌えなくなったレパートリーもたっぷり楽しめるのです。特に「Hole In The Sky」は後にも先にも“SABOTAGE Tour”でしか演奏していない限定曲です。
そしてセットに加えてアンサンブルも特別。オジーがキャリアハイなノドを聴かせてくれるだけでなく、5人目のメンバー:ジェラルド・ウッドルフも参加している。70年代にキーボードを帯同させていたのは“SABOTAGE Tour”と“TECHNICAL ECSTASY Tour”だけでして、「Spiral Architect」「Megalomania」は彼がいるからこそ可能になったレア曲でもあるのです。
マニア筋からも「ベスト・ツアー」の誉れ高き絶頂の“SABOTAGE Tour”。その象徴盤と言えば、サウンドボード・アルバム『LIVE LONGEST… DIE AT LAST(Zodiac 424)』が君臨しておりますが、リアルな現場の体験感ではオーディエンス録音に敵うはずもない。本作は、そんなオーディエンス録音の頂点に立つ1本なのです。絶対名手ミラードの至宝を「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き込んだ絶対のライヴアルバム。どうぞ、輝きを永久に残すプレス2CDでいつでも、いつまでもお楽しみください。

★「1975年9月7日ロングビーチ公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。絶対名手マイク・ミラードの大元マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き直した最高峰更新盤。広いレンジを回復させたサウンドはダイナミック&ナチュラルで、演奏音本来の伸びやかさと艶やかさが瑞々しい。セット面でも演奏面でも「ベスト・ツアー」の呼び声高い絶頂“SABOTAGE Tour”を超極上フル体験できる最重要ライヴアルバムです。










Disc 1 (44:11)
1. Intro
2. Supertzar
3. Killing Yourself To Live
4. Hole In The Sky
5. Snowblind
6. Symptom Of The Universe
7. War Pigs
8. Megalomania

Disc 2 (61:09)
1. MC
2. Sabbra Cadabra
3. Jam / Guitar Solo
4. Sometimes I’m Happy Jam
5. Drum Solo
6. Supernaut
7. Iron Man
8. Orchid
9. Rock ‘N’ Roll Doctor Jam
10. Black Sabbath
11. Spiral Architect
12. Embryo/Children Of The Grave
13. Paranoid

Ozzy Osbourne – Vocals
Tony Iommi – Guitar
Geezer Butler – Bass
Bill Ward – Drums
Gerald Woodroffe – Keyboards


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