Black Sabbath / Last Gig With Ray Nottingham 1986 / 2CD

Black Sabbath / Last Gig With Ray Nottingham 1986 / 2CD / Zodiac

Live at Royal Centre, Nottingham, UK 4th June 1986

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BLACK SABBATH from the Ray Gillen era, which was foamy but had a unique charm. The legendary original recording, which is also a symbol of this, has achieved an upgrade. Press 2CD will be permanently stored!
“June 4, 1986 Nottingham performance” was imbued with the legendary recording. Yes, it is a brush-up version of the masterpiece “LAST GIG WITH RAY” recorded by the audience at the final performance of “SEVENTH STAR Tour” (= Ray’s final performance). Ray Gillen joined Sabbath as a replacement for Glenn Hughes, who dropped out of the “SEVENTH STAR Tour” on the way. Let’s look back on the schedule at that time in order to understand the situation in that area.

<< January 28, “SEVENTH STAR” released >>
・ March 14: Rehearsal
・ March 21-26: North America # 1 (5 performances)
《Glen dismissal: Ray Gillen joins》
・ March 29-April 19: North America # 2 (14 performances)
・ May 21-June 4: UK (12 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
《October “THE ETERNAL IDOL” production started》

This is BLACK SABBATH in 1986. Glenn, who had various troubles such as drug habits and fighting injuries, was dismissed in just five performances. Ray has done the remaining 26 performances. After that, the production of “THE ETERNAL IDOL” started with Rei as the official singer, but Rei who was worried about the future of the band continued to mess with management and withdrew on the verge of completion. He will be replaced by Tony Martin. In any case, Ray never went on tour as a member of Sabas again, and the Nottingham performance on the final day of the “SEVENTH STAR Tour” became the last gig of Ray SABBATH.

[Upgrade of a dimension where legendary name recording is impossible] Such a show is famous for the fact that the famous recordings that represent the tour have been left for a long time, but the person who worked on the famous recordings is the master “Crazy S.”. In 2010, Mr. “Crazy S.” himself provided us with the Omoto Master, and we released it as the ultimate Gene’s treasure board “LAST GIG WITH RAY”. It was very popular for its wonderful sound, and sold out and out of print in no time. It has been difficult to obtain for a long time. This work is the highest peak update board that maximizes the potential of the original sound by refining the original sound “LAST GIG WITH RAY” with meticulous mastering.
In fact, the sound of this work is completely “reborn” level. In fact, digital mastering isn’t the magic that makes any recording good, it relies heavily on the recording itself. Some recordings can grow big with just a little tweaking, and others become unnatural the more you squeeze. This depends not on the quality of the original recording but on the individuality, and there are times when the original best recording is further improved, and there are sounds that can not be improved as it is.
So, in the case of this work, it is an ideal case that “it is wonderful from the beginning, but it grows big with a little modification”. If you are familiar with the conventional version, you may be wondering if there is room for improvement in the sound board-like on-core and fine details, but that unexpected realization has been realized. The edges are crisp and vivid, but the naturalness is unwavering, and the treble of the vocals stretches beautifully, while also achieving a deep bass-based ruggedness. And above all, the jet black of the silent part. The outline is improved by feeling the gap between the instruments and the gap between each note. There is no choice but to call it an “official-class audience” … No, it is a “completely official quality” that does not even reach the feet of the actually formalized Hammersmith performance sound board.
However, it seems that the scolding “The official sound board is only Shoboy!” Is likely to fly here, but if that is the case, the superb FM sound board “RAY OF THE BLACK LIGHT” performed by San Antonio will do. Even if you deal with that official masterpiece-class sound, you will not give up a step … No, it is revealing a miracle that surpasses it.

[Final goal of Ray Gillen who continued to grow to the end] The content drawn with such an official transcendental sound is completely beyond the official. No matter how bad it is, when it comes to live performances during the Ray era, the Hammersmith performance officially announced in the deluxe edition of “SEVENTH STAR” is the most famous. Let’s organize the set while comparing here.

● Ozzy era (4 songs)
・ Black Sabbath: Black Sabbath / N.I.B.
・ Paranoid: War Pigs / Paranoid
● Ronnie era (5 songs)
・ Heaven & Hell: Children Of The Sea (★) / Die Young / Neon Knights / Heaven And Hell (★)
・ Devil’s Rule: The Mob Rules
● Others (3 songs + α)
・ Seventh Star: Danger Zone (★) / Heart Like A Wheel (★) / Turn To Stone (★)
・ Medley: Symptom Of The Universe (★) / Sweet Leaf (★) / Zero The Hero (★) / Sphinx (The Guardian) (★) / Seventh Star
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard in the deluxe edition of “SEVENTH STAR”.

… And it looks like this. This work is a full show, unlike the official sound board that was based on a short radio broadcast. In particular, the three songs “Children Of The Sea”, “Turn To Stone” and “Heaven And Hell” and “Zero The Hero” and “Sphinx (The Guardian)”, which are part of the medley, are the FM soundboards of the San Antonio performance mentioned above. But I can’t listen. The Ray era itself is rare, but you can enjoy the extremely rare repertoire with official-grade sounds.
Moreover, the final performance is also good. Ray was hired in a hurry during the tour and remains in the growth stage until the very end. In other words, the more I stepped on the number of places, the better I got, and I got used to the SABBATH style without getting tired (in contrast to Glen, who was the best on the first day and got worse and worse). What’s more, on the final day, I feel confident that I’ve survived the tour, and I don’t have to worry about the condition of the next day. What comes out of this work is not the “final performance” as a symbol of history, but the masterpiece of the “end point” musically. And at the very end, Iommi’s greeting is the last day’s emotions. I thank the audience and the tour staff, but Iommi usually doesn’t do it even on the last day. It’s a famous scene where you can see the relief of finishing the tour with troubles (although the hardships will continue: bitter smile).
This work that flows out with superb sound until “Laguna Sunrise” which announces the end of the performance and closes the curtain. When Tony Iommi released the deluxe edition of “SEVENTH STAR,” he said, “I was able to leave Ray’s contribution,” but its true value is still unknown. This work is the true charm of Ray Gillen SABBATH (which you can’t know in the official work). This is a live album in which legendary recording has achieved an unexpected upgrade. The pinnacle of an era that had a special brilliance in the history of Sabas crowded with heroes. Please fully experience with the permanent storage press 2CD.

★ Superb audience recording of “June 4, 1986 Nottingham Performance”. This is a brush-up of the legendary recording by “Crazy S.”, and the sound that was originally one of the best on the tour has been greatly upgraded. The formalized Hammersmith performance SBD has been reborn as a transcendental sound that surpasses the FM sound source of San Antonio at the top. Ray Gillen SABBATH This is a miracle live album where you can fully experience the last show with superb quality.

泡沫でありながら独特の魅力を放っていたレイ・ギラン時代のBLACK SABBATH。その象徴ともなる伝説のオリジナル録音がまさかのアップグレードを達成。プレス2CDで永久保存決定です!
その伝説の名録音に吹き込まれていたのは「1986年6月4日ノッティンガム公演」。そう、“SEVENTH STAR Tour”の最終公演(=レイの最終公演)で記録されたオーディエンス録音の大名盤『LAST GIG WITH RAY』のブラッシュ・アップ盤です。レイ・ギランがサバスに加入したのは“SEVENTH STAR Tour”を途中脱落したグレン・ヒューズの交代要員として。その辺の事情を把握する意味でも、当時のスケジュールから振り返ってみましょう。

《1月28日『SEVENTH STAR』発売》

これが1986年のBLACK SABBATH。ドラッグ癖や喧嘩での負傷など、様々なトラブルを抱えたグレンはわずか5公演で解雇。残りの26公演をレイがこなしました。その後、レイを正式シンガーとして『THE ETERNAL IDOL』の制作が始まりますが、マネジメントとのゴタゴタが続いてバンドの将来を不安視したレイは完成を目前にして脱退。トニー・マーティンに交代することになります。ともあれ、レイは再びサバスの一員としてツアーに出ることはなく、“SEVENTH STAR Tour”の最終日であるノッティンガム公演がレイSABBATHのラスト・ギグとなったわけです。

そんなショウは、古くからツアーを代表する名録音が残された事でも有名なのですが、その名録音を手掛けた人物こそ、かの名匠“Crazy S.”氏。当店では2010年に“Crazy S.”氏本人から大元マスターを提供していただき、究極ジェネの至宝盤『LAST GIG WITH RAY』として世に送り出したのです。あまりに素晴らしいサウンドに大好評を呼び、あっと言う間に完売・廃盤。長らく入手困難となっていました。本作は、そんな大元サウンドの『LAST GIG WITH RAY』を細心マスタリングで磨き直し、原音の可能性を最大限に引き出した最高峰更新盤なのです。
もっとも、ここで「公式サウンドボードがショボイだけだろ!」とのお叱りが飛んできそうですが、それでしたらサンアントニオ公演の超極上FMサウンドボード『RAY OF THE BLACK LIGHT』でも構いません。あのオフィシャル名盤級サウンドを相手にしても一歩も譲らない……いや、上回るほどの奇跡を現出させているのです。

そんなオフィシャル超越サウンドで描かれる内容も完全にオフィシャル超え。いかに今いちとは言っても、やはりレイ時代のライヴと言えば『SEVENTH STAR』のデラックス・エディションで公式化されたハマースミス公演が一番有名。ここでは比較しながらセットを整理しておきましょう。

・黒い安息日:Black Sabbath/N.I.B.
・パラノイド:War Pigs/Paranoid
・ヘヴン&ヘル:Children Of The Sea(★)/Die Young/Neon Knights/Heaven And Hell(★)
・悪魔の掟:The Mob Rules
・セヴンス・スター:Danger Zone(★)/Heart Like A Wheel(★)/Turn To Stone(★)
・メドレー:Symptom Of The Universe(★)/Sweet Leaf(★)/Zero The Hero(★)/Sphinx (The Guardian)(★)/Seventh Star
※注:「★」印は『SEVENTH STAR』のデラックス・エディションでは聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。短いラジオ放送を元にしていた公式サウンドボードとは次元が違い、本作はフルショウ。特に「Children Of The Sea」「Turn To Stone」「Heaven And Hell」の3曲やメドレーの一部である「Zero The Hero」「Sphinx (The Guardian)」辺りは前述したサンアントニオ公演のFMサウンドボードでも聴けない。レイ時代自体がレアですが、その中でも激レアなレパートリーをオフィシャル級のサウンドで楽しめるのです。
終演を告げる「Laguna Sunrise」まで超極上サウンドで流れ出て幕を閉じる本作。トニー・アイオミは『SEVENTH STAR』のデラックス・エディションをリリースした際に「これでレイの貢献を残すことができた」と言っていましたが、その真価はまだまだ知られていません。本作こそが(公式作品では知る由もない)レイ・ギランSABBATHの真なる魅力。伝説録音が想定外のアップグレードを果たしたライヴアルバムです。英雄ひしめくサバス史でも特別な輝きを放っていた一時代の頂点。どうぞ、永久保存プレス2CDで存分にご体験ください。

★「1986年6月4日ノッティンガム公演」の超極上オーディエンス録音。“Crazy S.”氏による伝説の名録音をブラッシュ・アップしたもので、元々ツアー屈指のサウンドが大きくアップグレード。公式化されたハマースミス公演SBDは元より、頂点のサンアントニオのFM音源も超える超絶サウンドに生まれ変わりました。レイ・ギランSABBATH最後のショウを超極上クオリティでフル体験できる奇跡のライヴアルバムです。


Disc 1 (57:03)
1. Supertzer
2. The Mob Rules
3. Children Of The Sea
4. Danger Zone
5. War Pigs
6. Heart Like A Wheel
7. Symptom Of The Universe
8. Sweet Leaf
9. Zero The Hero
10. Sphinx (The Guardian)
11. Seventh Star
12. Member Introduction
13. Turn To Stone
14. Drum Solo
15. Die Young

Disc 2 (45:01)
1. Black Sabbath
2. Bass Solo
3. N.I.B.
4. Neon Knights
5. Heaven And Hell
6. Paranoid
7. Tony Iommi says “Thank you”

Tony Iommi – Guitars
Ray Gillen – Vocals
Dave Spitz – Bass
Eric Singer – Drums
Geoff Nicholls – Keyboards

Special Thanks: Crazy S.

Zodiac 438

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