Beatles / Stowe School / 1CD

Beatles / Stowe School / 1CD / Non Label

Roxburgh Hall, Stowe School, Buckinghamshire, UK 4th April 1963
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今回の音源は曲間や「Till There Was You」などで「ゴー」というまるでボイラー音のようなノイズが気になったのですが、それも図書館という場所柄、再生音量を上げて録音するのが難しく、代わりに録音機材の音量を上げて録音した結果が例の曲間のノイズとして現れてしまったのでした。
 その図書館での録音を偲ばせるように、ライブの開始前では当日のストウ・スクールとは関係のない図書館のBGMとおぼしきクラシックが遠巻きに鳴っています。場内にクラシックが低い音量で流れているのが図書館というもの。おまけに「A Taste Of Honey」の途中では近くにいた人が鳴らしたとおぼしき物音も入ってる。さらにノイズだけでなく、テープはピッチが低い。先行アイテムの登場後、マニアの間ではそうした音源の状態が話題となったのでした。
 そんな命題に立ち上がってくれたのが「GRAF ZEPPELIN」。彼なら低いピッチの修正など朝飯前な訳で、気になるのはあのボイラー調ノイズ。もちろんそれを全て抑えてしまうと不自然極まりない音へと豹変してしまう訳ですが、そこを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は実にうまく処理。あの「ゴー」というボイラー音が「サー」というヒスノイズ状態にまで収まって一気に聞きやすくなったのです。現在出回っている各バージョンと比べたらその違いは歴然。そもそも音源が存在する、さらには聞けるだけでもありがたいレベルの歴史的大発見かつ流通だった訳ですが、それでも聞きやすいことに越したことはない。
 マニアの間では古くからデビュー後ビートルズの初期ライブ活動における伝説の一日とされ、男子校ゆえに静まった雰囲気の中で敢行されたと言われていたストウ・スクールでのライブでしたが、いざ聞けるようになってみれば伝えられていたものとはまるで違う雰囲気であったことを思い知らされます。さすがに人気爆発後のビートルマニア的な絶叫こそありませんが、それでも「Misery」を皮切りに所々で熱狂的な盛り上がりを見せており、それが「Hippy Hippy Shake」になるといよいよ激しい。
 一方でブレイク前らしい牧歌的な盛り上がりも微笑ましく、デビュー曲「Love Me Do」で巻き起こる手拍子の和やかさ。さらに「Please Please Me」ではビートルズ初のナンバーワン・ヒット・シングルに相応しい大合唱も起きている。デビュー後かつ注目を浴び始めた時期でありながら、それでいてまだブレイクには至っていない時期ならではリアクションではないかと。
 こうした状況で余裕に溢れた演奏を披露するビートルズも素晴らしいの一言。「Too Much Monkey Business」などはこの日の午前中に収録したBBC『SIDE BY SIDE』のテイクそのままな雰囲気が同日の演奏であることを偲ばせますし、一方で「I Just Don’t Understand」や「I’m Talking About You」といった同時期のBBCでおなじみなレパートリーも観客を前にしたからこその力強い演奏が魅力。またこの日はジョージの声が出ないということで代わりにリンゴの出番が二曲、それらが続けて歌われるというのも本当にレア。
そしてフィナーレは再び「I Saw Her Standing There」が歌われた訳ですが、残念ながら録音は途中で終了。今回はオープニング・テイクをつなぐような疑似コンプリート編集は行わず、敢えてテープそのままの不完全な状態を残しましたが、おかげで二秒ほどですが先行アイテムと比べてテープが終わる前の演奏を長く収録する結果となっています。それどころかオープニングもフェイドインでなくレコーダーのスイッチが押されたところからの収録となっており、そこから独自に入手したバージョンを元にしたリリースであることを解っていただけるかと。
 世界中のビートルマニア狂喜の歴史的発掘となったストウ・スクールですが、今回は「GRAF ZEPPELIN」ならではの緻密なレストアがいかんなく発揮された聞きやすさマシマシなバージョンでの限定プレスCDリリース!

he Beatles’ 1963 live recording at Stowe School, whose existence was revealed this spring and shocked enthusiasts around the world. It was a time when there were no recorded live performances other than those appearing on BBC radio, and a full-length show at a unique boys’ school was recorded…and I was intrigued by the fact that it still existed, but it was already public. ・Because it is a domain-registered sound source, a copy has been donated to the British Museum, where it can be listened to.
The item was released last month and enthusiasts from all over the world flocked to it, but the source of the sound source was the library. There was a maniac who took the liberty of recording it while I was listening to it. However, it seems that it was not possible to record with a plug-in, so they were recording by picking up the sound coming from the speakers.
This time’s sound source had a “go” noise that sounded like a boiler between songs and during songs like “Till There Was You,” but since it was a library, I had to turn up the playback volume and record. It was difficult to do this, so instead, I turned up the volume on the recording equipment and recorded, and the result appeared as the noise between songs.
As if to remind us of the recording at the library, before the start of the live performance, classical music that seemed to be the background music of the library, which had nothing to do with Stowe School that day, was playing in the distance. A library is where classical music is played at a low volume. What’s more, in the middle of “A Taste Of Honey” there is a noise that seems to have been made by someone nearby. In addition to the noise, the tape has a low pitch. After the appearance of the preceding item, the condition of the sound source became a hot topic among enthusiasts.

Even so, the quality is still listenable enough for a recording made in 1963, and after all, it is a sound source that enthusiasts all over the world are delighted with because of the extremely valuable performance content. This release is not an online version with the pitch of the item corrected, but a uniquely obtained sound source based on a library recording sent from a British enthusiast. However, even though it is an independently obtained sound source, there is already a precedent item, so there is no point in releasing it as is. How far can the boiler-like noise between songs, which is a chronic problem of this recording, be alleviated? Is that possible?
“GRAF ZEPPELIN” rose to such a proposition. Correcting low pitches is a trivial task for him, so it’s the boiler-like noise that bothers him. Of course, if you suppress it all, it will suddenly change into an extremely unnatural sound, but “GRAF ZEPPELIN” handles that very well. The boiler’s “go” sound was reduced to a “sir” hiss, and it suddenly became easier to hear. The difference is obvious when compared to the versions currently on the market. In the first place, it was a great historical discovery and distribution that I am grateful for the existence of the sound source and even just being able to listen to it, but it is still better to be easy to listen to.

Among enthusiasts, it has long been considered a legendary day in the Beatles’ early live activities after their debut, and it was said that the live performance at Stowe School was held in a quiet atmosphere because it was an all-boys school, but now you can hear it. When you look back, you realize that the atmosphere was completely different from what was being conveyed. As expected, there is no Beatlemania-like scream after the explosion of popularity, but it still shows enthusiastic excitement in places starting with “Misery”, and it becomes even more intense when it becomes “Hippy Hippy Shake”.
On the other hand, the idyllic excitement that seems to be coming before the band’s breakout is also heartwarming, and the gentle clapping that ensues during their debut song “Love Me Do.” Furthermore, “Please Please Me” has a huge chorus worthy of the Beatles’ first number one hit single. I think it’s a reaction that can only be expected from a time when they started receiving attention after their debut, but had not yet become a big hit.
The Beatles, who performed with such ease under these circumstances, are also wonderful. Songs such as “Too Much Monkey Business” have the same atmosphere as the take of BBC “SIDE BY SIDE” recorded that morning, reminding us that they were performed on the same day, while “I Just Don’t Understand” The repertoire that was familiar to the BBC from the same period, such as “I’m Talking About You”, was played in front of an audience, making it a powerful performance. Also, on this day, since George’s voice does not come out, Ringo appears in two songs instead, and it is really rare that they are sung consecutively.
And for the finale, “I Saw Her Standing There” was sung again, but unfortunately the recording ended midway. This time, I did not do a pseudo-complete edit that connects the opening takes, and I intentionally left the tape in an incomplete state as it is, but thanks to this, the performance before the tape ends is longer than the previous item, although it is only about 2 seconds. This is the result to be recorded. On the contrary, the opening is not a fade-in, but is recorded from the moment the recorder switch was pressed, so you can understand that this release is based on the version obtained independently from there.
Stowe School has become a historical excavation of Beatlemania frenzy around the world, but this time, a limited press CD release with a much easier to listen version that fully demonstrates the meticulous restoration unique to “GRAF ZEPPELIN”!

01. Introduction
02. I Saw Her Standing There
03. Too Much Monkey Business
04. Love Me Do
05. Some Other Guy
06. Misery
07. I Just Don’t Understand
08. A Shot Of Rhythm And Blues ★0:33カット
09. Boys
10. Matchbox
11. From Me To You
12. Thank You Girl
13. Memphis, Tennessee
14. A Taste Of Honey
15. Twist And Shout
16. Anna (Go to Him)
17. Please Please Me ★0:38カット*但しエディットしてません
18. Hippy Hippy Shake
19. I’m Talking About You
20. Ask Me Why
21. Till There Was You
22. Money (That’s What I Want) ★0:19以降レベルダウン部音量調整 /0:25カットアウト
23. I Saw Her Standing There ★0:01(カウント部)カット / 1:29カットアウト

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