Beatles / The Complete Rooftop Soundboard – Black Cover/ 1CD

Beatles / The Complete Rooftop Soundboard – Black Cover  / 1CD / Non Label
Apple Corps, 3 Savile Row, London, UK 30th January 1969 & Stereo Soundboard 2021 Mix

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Thanks to you, “THE COMPLETE ROOFTOP SOUNDBOARD” has become a complete Sold Out with great popularity, including several restocks. It coincided with the timing of the release of the principal image to the theater, and the response was tremendous. There are no plans to re-release it anymore, and this is the end! As I announced a few weeks ago, the screening of the encore of the principal idol has begun, and the voice calling for the re-release of “THE COMPLETE”, which seemed to have been extinguished by the complete Sold Out, literally reignited … On the contrary, it escalated to the voice saying “Please give it out because I ask”. In response to everyone’s request, “THE COMPLETE ~” will be re-released in the face of voices that far exceed expectations.
However, reissuing the previous release as it is is not interesting as a beetle item, so I decided to change the format this time. Last time it was released as a two-disc set, but this time it is simply a single disc. In other words, only the part that has been completely edited will be reissued. This makes it an extremely easy-to-use version for beginners, and it’s easy to have even if you’re not a maniac. What is the rooftop of the complete after seeing the principal image? It will be the best guidebook to know.

As I said at the time of the previous release of “THE COMPLETE ROOFTOP SOUNDBOARD”, the performance on the rooftop itself was a painstaking measure for the live performance that could not be realized by any means, but the regular recording by the multi-track recorded at the same time is live. The aim was not to make an album, but to create a “rooftop recording session” to create a take to be adopted for the new Beatles album. Therefore, the recorder was often stopped between performances, and I didn’t intend to capture every moment in multi.
It was the movie “LET IT BE” that filled the gap, or the monaural recording that was recorded by the shooting team for the purpose of recording the video that was also used for the hot topic from last year. However, not all of their recordings were recorded together on the rooftop, but rather it is ironic that there were several rooftop scenes that happened to be captured from a distance by the team preparing to cover under the building. was.
Therefore, it is unthinkable to use this sound source as a supplement when releasing a live album, and it was unavoidable that the album released in January actually consisted of only multi-track parts. That’s why “THE COMPLETE ROOFTOP SOUND BOARD” reproduces the literally complete rooftop by making full use of various existing sound sources.

When asked in this way, even though the production of the principal image was skillfully created, such as the scene of reviewing “Get Back” before the start of the live, it is completely different from the actual performance. Not only did the filming team make up for the scenes that the principal image couldn’t hear, but the finish that enhanced the truth of the document is also an important part of this title. In addition to that scene, the sound source that captured the scene where John sang a little “I Want You” and the moment when “God Save The Queen” heard from behind the street interview started is the sound source of the shooting team. It is left only in. In addition, some of them are distant recordings of sound images, so it is also the kitchen situation of the principal idol that these recordings cannot be used for video releases and sound source releases. That is why the release of “THE COMPLETE” was so significant.
Then the first two-disc version was sold out while it was very popular, but I omitted the part of the second multi-track only, this time one slim, all of the rooftop. It will reappear as a simple and smart live album that reproduces. It’s released as a single disc, so it’s easier to hear than last time, and it’s a simple complete rooftop that we want all music fans to have, let alone enthusiasts. Don’t miss this time!

おかげさまで「THE COMPLETE ROOFTOP SOUNDBOARD」は何度かの再入荷も含め、大好評の内に完全Sold Outとなりました。ちょうどご本尊の劇場公開というタイミングと重なり、その反響は凄まじいものがありました。もはや再リリースの予定もなく、これにて完結!であったことは数週間前にお知らせした通りなのですが、まさかのご本尊アンコール上映が始まってしまい、完全Sold Outによって鎮火したかに思えた「THE COMPLETE~」再リリースを求める声が文字通り再燃…どころか「頼むから出してくれ」という声にまでエスカレート。その予想をはるかに上回る声を前に、皆様のご要望にお応えして「THE COMPLETE~」再リリースが実現します。

前回の「THE COMPLETE ROOFTOP SOUNDBOARD」リリース時にも申しましたように、ルーフトップでの演奏自体、どうしても実現できなかったライブパフォーマンスに対する苦肉の策であった反面、同時に収録されたマルチトラックによる正規のレコーディングはライブアルバムを作るのではなく、あくまでビートルズの新しいアルバムへ採用するテイクを生み出すための「屋上レコーディング・セッション」という狙いがあった。よって演奏の合間ではレコーダーが止められることが多く、はなからすべての瞬間をマルチで捉えるつもりがなかったのです。
その合間を埋めてくれるのが映画「LET IT BE」、あるいは昨年から話題沸騰なご本尊にも使われた映像収録が目的の撮影班によって収録されたモノラル録音でした。ところが彼らの録音に関してもすべてが屋上で一緒に録音されていた訳ではなく、むしろビルの下で取材すべく準備していたチームがたまたま遠くから捉えた屋上の場面がいくつもあったのは皮肉でした。
ですからこの音源をライブアルバムのリリースに際して補填として使うことは考えられず、実際この一月にリリースされたアルバムがマルチトラックのパートだけで構成されていたのは仕方のないことだったのです。だからこそ現存する各種音源を駆使して文字通りのコンプリートなルーフトップを再現してみせたのが「THE COMPLETE ROOFTOP SOUNDBOARD」。

こうして聞いてみるとライブ開始前に「Get Back」をおさらいしている場面など、ご本尊の演出がいくら巧みに作り上げられたとはいえ、実際の演奏とはまるで違う。単にご本尊で聞けない場面を映画の撮影班で補ったというだけでなく、そうしたドキュメントとしての真実味を高めた仕上がりも本タイトルの重要なところでしょう。その場面に加え、ジョンが少しだけ「I Want You」を歌ってみせた場面、そして街頭インタビューの後ろから聞こえた「God Save The Queen」が始まった瞬間を捉えてくれた音源は撮影班の音源にしか残されていない。おまけにその内のいくつかは音像の遠い録音であり、それ故に映像リリースや音源リリースでこれらの録音を使えないのがご本尊の台所事情でもある。だからこそ「THE COMPLETE~」のリリースには大きな意味があった。



01. Warm Up
02. Get Back (Take 1)
03. I Want You (She’s So Heavy)
04. Get Back (Take 2)
05. Don’t Let Me Down (Take 1)
06. I’ve Got A Feeling (Take 1)
07. One After 909
08. Dig A Pony
09. God Save The Queen
10. I’ve Got A Feeling (Take 2)
11. Get Back (Take 3)
12. Don’t Let Me Down (Take 2)
13. Get Back (Take 4)

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