Beatles / Live At The Washington Coliseum 1964 / 1CD+1DVD With OBI Strip

Beatles / Live At The Washington Coliseum 1964 / 1CD+1DVD With OBI Strip / Goldies

New Experimental Fullcolor/Stereo Remaster Edition

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The legendary live performance of the Washington Coliseum, where the Beatles landed in the United States for the first time in February 1964 and made the United States enthusiastic, is completely reproduced with high-quality colorized images and stereo remastered sound sources using the latest AI technology! The single “Hugging” recorded the number one hit in the United States and appeared on TV, “Ed Sullivan Show” was the first unveiling concert held in a sensational topic that can be said to conquer the United States with an amazing audience rating of over 70%. The Washington Coliseum performance that became. Images have been left as a historical record that conveys the enthusiasm and excitement of the early Beatles, and some of them have been released to theaters and made into videos, but after nearly 60 years, the first high-quality colorized images and multi-track stereo sound sources are used. First appearance from the GOLDIES label as a complete version! The colorization of the video by the latest AI technology was recorded in the 2016 documentary movie “EIGHT DAYS A WEEK –The Touring Years” from the Washington performance, but this time it was the last “Roll Over Beethoven” from the opening “Roll Over Beethoven”. All 12 songs that were shown at the concert up to “Long Tall Sally” are recorded in the latest quality colorized video. In recent years, these attempts have succeeded in producing high-quality video color by professional-level overseas video specialists, while some images have evolved but become unnatural and unstable. At the moment, all the songs in the concert are reproduced with high-quality color that is almost the same level as that movie quality, although it is an experimental result that combines multiple images for each song. In addition, a new type of stereo remaster that multi-track analyzes vocals, guitars, and drums using the latest AI technology that is different from the former pseudo-stereo from the original monaural sound source has also been realized. Since both the CD and DVD are recorded together with the original black and white video monaural sound source, the difference is obvious and the difference in sound source editing can be heard and compared, so it is possible to compare the old and new and check the difference. ing. The long-awaited definitive edition of the shocking must-see video that evokes new excitement and excitement with this latest remaster of the familiar Washington Coliseum performance with more realistic color images and wide real stereo sound images! The DVD also includes the famous press conference and arrival in Washington in master quality from the valuable news footage of the Beatles before and after the first landing in the United States by “British Pathe News” as an extra footage. The latest CD & DVD Special Collector’s Edition from the GOLDIES label, which revives a historic concert that cannot be overlooked among the many Beatles live performances with the latest AI technology! !!

1964年2月ビートルズが初めてアメリカ上陸を果たし全米を熱狂させた伝説のライブ、ワシントン・コロシアム公演が最新AI技術による高画質カラー化映像&ステレオ・リマスター音源で完全再現!シングル「抱きしめたい」が全米ナンバー1ヒットを記録しTV出演した「エド・サリバン・ショウ」は驚異の視聴率70%超えでまさに全米制覇といえるセンセーショナルな話題の中で行われた初のお披露目コンサートとなったワシントン・コロシアム公演。初期ビートルズの熱狂と興奮を伝える歴史的記録として映像も残されその一部は劇場公開やビデオ化もされてきたが60年近い時を経て初の高画質カラー化映像とマルチトラック・ステレオ音源による完全版としてGOLDIESレーベルから初登場!最新AI技術による映像のカラー化は2016年ドキュメンタリー映画『EIGHT DAYS A WEEK – The Touring Years』でワシントン公演から1曲だけ収録されていたが今回はオープニングの「ロール・オーバー・ベートーベン」から最後の「ロング・トール・サリー」までコンサートで披露された全12曲を最新クオリティのカラー化映像で収録。近年こうした試みは進化しつつも不自然さや不安定に劣化した映像も見受けられる中でプロ・レベルの海外映像専門家によるハイ・クオリティの映像カラー化に成功。現時点では曲単位の複数映像を組み合わせた実験的成果ながらあの映画クオリティとほぼ同レベルの高画質カラー化でコンサート全曲を再現。更に元のモノラル音源からかつての疑似ステレオとは異なる最新AI技術によるヴォーカルやギター、ドラムスをマルチトラック解析した新機軸のステレオ・リマスターも実現。今回CD、DVD共にオリジナル版となる白黒映像モノラル音源も合わせて収録されているのでその差は一目瞭然で音源編集の違いも聞き比べられるので新旧を比較して違いを確認することも出来る内容となっている。これまでお馴染みのワシントン・コロシアム公演がよりリアルに迫るカラー映像とワイドなリアルステレオ音像による今回の最新リマスターによって新たな興奮と感動を呼び起こすまさに衝撃の必見映像といえるファン待望の決定版!DVDにはエクストラ・フッテージとして”British Pathe News”によるビートルズのアメリカ初上陸前後の貴重なニュース映像からあの有名な記者会見やワシントン到着の様子もマスター・クオリティで追加収録。数あるビートルズのライブの中でも見逃す事の出来ない歴史的コンサートを最新AI技術で甦らせたGOLDIESレーベル注目のCD&DVDスペシャル・コレクターズ・エディション最新作!!

1. Concert Opening
2. Roll Over Beethoven
3. From Me To You
4. I Saw Her Standing There
5. This Boy
6. All My Loving
7. I Wanna Be Your Man
8. Please Please Me
9. Till There Was You
10. She Loves You
11. I Want To Hold Your Hand
12. Twist And Shout
13. Long Tall Sally
14. Concert Ending
15. Concert Opening
16. Roll Over Beethoven
17. From Me To You
18. I Saw Her Standing There
19. This Boy
20. All My Loving
21. I Wanna Be Your Man
22. Please Please Me
23. Till There Was You
24. She Loves You
25. I Want To Hold Your Hand
26. Twist And Shout
27. Long Tall Sally
28. Concert Ending
Live at Washington Coliseum, Washington D.C. U.S.A. February 11th 1964
Digital stereo remastered and new compiled by GOLDIES 2022

1. Concert Opening
2. Roll Over Beethoven
3. From Me To You
4. I Saw Her Standing There
5. This Boy
6. All My Loving
7. I Wanna Be Your Man
8. Please Please Me
9. Till There Was You
10. She Loves You
11. I Want To Hold Your Hand
12. Twist And Shout
13. Long Tall Sally
14. Concert Ending
1. Introduction
2. Concert Opening
3. Roll Over Beethoven
4. From Me To You
5. I Saw Her Standing There
6. This Boy
7. All My Loving
8. I Wanna Be Your Man
9. Please Please Me
10. Till There Was You
11. She Loves You
12. I Want To Hold Your Hand
13. Twist And Shout
14. Long Tall Sally
15. Concert Ending
1. Beatles Off To America
2. Beatles Conquer America
3. Beatlemania Grips Gotham (In New York)
4. Arrive In Washington D.C.
5. Welcome Home To England

DVD Color / B&W NTSC 16:9 Dolby Digital Stereo (duration 92min.)


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