Def Leppard / South Fallsburg 1981 /1CDR

Def Leppard / South Fallsburg 1981 /1CDR / Shades

Live at Music Mountain, South Fallsburg, NY, USA 8th August 1981


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1981 DEF LEPPARD who challenged the world with Pete Willis. That precious masterpiece recording is a new excavation … I started writing as usual, but this work is not the only one. This is a complete version of Ozzy Osbourne’s shocking new masterpiece “SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981 (Zodiac 363)”, which will be released at the same time this week!
I’m sorry for suddenly writing something that I don’t understand. For the time being, let’s put “Ozzy Unun” aside and explain from the beginning. What is recorded in this work is “August 8, 1981 South Fallsburg performance”. This is a new excavation audience recording that vacuum-packed the first act of “HIGH’N’ DRY WORLD TOUR”. First of all, let’s confirm the position of the show from the schedule at that time.

・ June 3-July 5: Europe # 1 (21 performances)
<< July 6th “HIGH’N’DRY” released >>
・ July 13-25: UK (12 performances)
・ August 2-November 22: North America (82 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ November 27-December 13: Europe # 2 (16 performances)

This is 1981 DEF LEPPARD. The following year, in 1982, he did not perform live and spent on producing “PYROMANIA”, but Pete was dismissed on the way. As a result, 1981 was the last tour of Pete’s time. The South Fallsburg performance of this work was the sixth concert of the “North America” ​​leg even on such a tour. On this tour, I went around with various bands such as RAINBOW, UFO, and JUDAS PRIEST, but the first 33 performances of the “North America” ​​leg were the undercard of Ozzy Osbourne. Yes, the Ozzy board released at the same time this week and this work are recorded at the same time by the same person. It is a sister work that allows you to fully experience “August 8, 1981” by combining the two works.
Of course, this work is not an adjunct to the Ozzy board. A new masterpiece that even fans of DEF LEPPARD cannot ignore. In the first place, it is valuable just because it is a live album of the Pete era, but the quality blows away even its preciousness. As you can imagine from the permanent preservation of the Ozzy board, the most wonderful thing is the on-core and clearness. Anyway, the thick and powerful core jumps straight into your hand, and the details are also vivid. As a matter of fact, I am breathing in the noisy atmosphere of the site, but the sound of the hall is strangely thin and does not give a sense of distance. The noisy surrounding sounds are overwhelmed by the thick playing sounds (the more the show progresses, the less chats there are, and it’s real and refreshing to switch to cheering).
What is drawn with such a sound is a show unique to 1981 where youth and rare songs explode. Here, let’s organize the set as well.

・ It Could Be You / It Don’t Matter / Rock Brigade / Wasted
● HIGH’N’DRY (5 songs)
・ On Through the Night / Another Hit and Run / Lady Strange / High’N Dry (Saturday Night) / Let It Go

… And it looks like this. It seems obvious, but the blockbuster songs that will rewrite history have not yet been born, and the initial two “ON THROUGH THE NIGHT” and “HIGH’N’DRY” are concentrated and reduced. A lot of numbers such as “Rock Brigade”, “On Through the Night” and “Lady Strange” are played because of the early 80’s, but the best ones are “It Could Be You” and “It Don’t Matter”. Neither was selected as a surprise for later years, and the repertoire up to this tour. Perhaps it’s an early number that Phil Collen would never have played.
That said, there are many numbers that will be revived in later years, but it is the ensemble with Pete that will never return. Phil may be better at personal skill, but the twin with Steve Clark is rough but full of momentum, and it is clear that he is in the middle of improving. A twin of those who wrote songs together, cultivated the musicality of the band, and raised their skills. Of course, Rick Allen’s beat, which was only 17 years old at the time, was full of youthfulness, and Joe Elliott’s roar, which was just 22 years old, was the power of a young lion whose green odor began to disappear. The body odor of the time when I was a member of NWOBHM is strongly emitted.

NWOBHM band: DEF LEPPARD show that does not fit in the dimension of simply listening to Pete Willis’ live performance. It is a live album that you can experience it on-site with a superb sound with plenty of direct feeling. This work alone is a masterpiece, but if you listen to it together with Ozzy’s press board SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981, you can fully experience the night of 1981 when metal was about to burn. A sister work of new excavation that is inevitable for both DEF LEPPARD fans and Ozzy fans. Please enjoy it together!

 ピート・ウィリスと世界に挑んでいた1981年のDEF LEPPARD。その貴重な大傑作録音が新発掘です……と、いつも通りに書き始めましたが、本作はそれだけではありません。今週同時リリースとなるオジー・オズボーン衝撃の新名盤『SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981(Zodiac 363)』を完全にする1枚なのです!
 いきなりワケの分からない書き方をして申し訳ありません。ひとまず「オジーうんぬん」は脇に置き、イチからご説明致しましょう。本作に記録されているのは「1981年8月8日サウス・フォールズバーグ公演」。“HIGH ‘N’ DRY WORLD TOUR”の一幕を真空パックした新発掘オーディエンス録音です。まずは、当時のスケジュールからショウのポジションを確かめておきましょう。
《7月6日『HIGH ‘N’ DRY』発売》
 これが1981年のDEF LEPPARD。翌1982年はライヴを行わず『PYROMANIA』製作に費やすわけですが、その途中でピートが解雇。結果として、1981年がピート在籍時代の最後のツアーとなりました。本作のサウス・フォールズバーグ公演は、そんなツアーでも「北米」レッグ6公演目にあたるコンサートでした。このツアーではRAINBOWやUFO、JUDAS PRIESTなど、さまざまなバンドと組んで回ったのですが、「北米」レッグの冒頭33公演はオジー・オズボーンの前座を務めていました。そう、今週同時リリースのオジー盤と本作は、同じ人物による同時録音。2作を合わせて「1981年8月8日」を完全体験できる姉妹作なのです。
 もちろん、本作はオジー盤の添え物ではない。DEF LEPPARDだけのファンにも無視できない新名盤。そもそもピート時代のライヴアルバムというだけでも貴重なのですが、クオリティはその貴重度さえ吹き飛ばす。オジー盤が永久保存されたことからもご想像頂けると思いますが、何よりも素晴らしいのはオンな芯とクリアさ。とにかく極太で力強い芯が手元に真っ直ぐ飛びこみ、それに伴ってディテールも鮮やか。実のところ、騒然とした現場の空気感も吸い込んではいるのですが、ホール鳴りは不思議なほど薄く、距離感にならない。その騒然とした周囲の音も肉厚な演奏音が蹂躙し尽くしてしまうのです(ショウが進むほどに雑談が減り、声援に入れ替わっていくのもリアルで爽快です)。
・It Could Be You/It Don’t Matter/Rock Brigade/Wasted
●HIGH ‘N’ DRY(5曲)
・On Through the Night/Another Hit and Run/Lady Strange/High ‘N Dry (Saturday Night)/Let It Go
……と、このようになっています。当たり前のような気もしますが、歴史を塗り替える大ヒット曲達はまだ生まれておらず、初期2枚『ON THROUGH THE NIGHT』『HIGH ‘N’ DRY』の濃縮還元。「Rock Brigade」「On Through the Night」「Lady Strange」等、80年代初期だからこそのナンバーが大量に演奏されますが、極めつけは「It Could Be You」と「It Don’t Matter」でしょう。どちらも後年のサプライズにも選ばれず、このツアーまでのレパートリー。恐らく、フィル・コリンが一度も演奏していないであろう初期ナンバーなのです。
 単にピート・ウィリスの生演奏が聴けるという次元では収まらないNWOBHMバンド:DEF LEPPARDのショウ。それをダイレクト感たっぷりの絶品サウンドで現場体験できてしまうライヴアルバムです。そんな本作だけでも大傑作ですが、さらにオジーのプレス盤SOUTH FALLSBURG 1981』とセットで聴けば、メタルが燃え上がろうとしていた1981年の一夜を完全体験できる。DEF LEPPARDファンにも、オジーのファンにも不可避となる新発掘の姉妹作。どうぞ、併せてたっぷりとお楽しみください!
1. Intro
2. On Through the Night
3. It Could Be You
4. It Don’t Matter
5. Another Hit and Run
6. Lady Strange
7. Rock Brigade
8. High ‘N Dry (Saturday Night)
9. Let It Go
10 Wasted
Joe Elliott – lead vocals, backing vocals
Steve Clark – guitar, backing vocals
Pete Willis – guitar, backing vocals
Rick Savage – bass, backing vocals
Rick Allen – drums, backing vocals

Shades 1140


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