Rory Gallagher / Tokyo 1975 1st Night / 2CDR

Rory Gallagher / Tokyo 1975 1st Night / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Translated Text:
Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 26th January 1975

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Rory Gallagher who came back to Japan again for the first year since the legendary first visit Japan. That vintage recording is appearing.
What is included in this work is “2nd January 1975: Shibuya public hall” performance of the second Japan tour. After my first visit to Japan in 1974, it was a reintroduction of my daimyo ‘IRISH TOUR’ 74 ‘(by the way, “IRISH TOUR’ 74” was recorded about three weeks before the first visit to Japan). First of all, let’s check the position of the show from the schedule of the time.

· January 26: Shibuya Public Hall 【this work】
· January 27: Tokyo Gymnasium
· January 28: Osaka Health Pension Center
· January 29: Nagoya City Auditorium
· January 31: Everyday Hall

Over all, 5 shows. The concert of Shibuya public hall of this work was a concert corresponding to head of re-arrival. Such a work is a really wonderful vintage audience. Although it is not a type like mistaking the line recording, the performance and singing voice are really sturdy and rings are rich. Although it draws in realistic enthusiasm, it does not exceed the extraordinary performance sound at all. Besides, it is not simply recorded with a decadent sound, and no matter how much Rory screams, Strat does not bite or distort even if it screams. It is a name recording that can continue to taste the glittering vintage ringing with the sense of stability of the ballad.
The quality depicted in that quality is the enthusiasm of Rory’s coming back to Japan for the first time visiting Japan. The set is “TATTOO” + “BLUEPRINT” + blues cover, the IRISH TOUR ’74 color just recently released is thick. Seven songs out of all 10 songs recorded on that daimyo board can also be heard in this work. Of course, there are plenty of delicious songs to show off, but there is a shadow of Muddy Waters that Rory loves. Not only “I Wonder Who” that I heard even at “IRISH TOUR ’74”, “Garbage Man” is also a repertoire of Maddy, and as for “I Do not Know Why” it is “Maddy and Rory” at “THE LONDON SESSIONS” Number co-starred. Junior Wells who is the masterpieces of the high-profile “Messin With The Kid” is also a master of Maddie, Junior & Buddy Guy lightly raise with this song in the 70’s, giving the stage to Maddy’s father …… Such a show well It was what was seen.
Besides that, “Too Much Alcohol” playing in the acoustic corner is also a song of low-down Chicago shit JB Hatto and blind boy fuller of “Pistol Slapper Blues” is a hero before the war. “Bruce Classics Cover” is a hobby common to British lockers, but Rory is “rich” before the “modern” scent. Anyway Deep Ina select want is mind-boggling.
While holding such a genuine hobby, the hot rock soul of Rory’s swirling is playing itself. It is not just a copy, but even without knowing the original, it finishes to a furiously cool looking rock & blues. For example, a large classic “Messin With The Kid”. Even though Junior’s original was a song that originally drifts hard, the rock sensation that Rory injects is still a crown that does not come with the original floating. Moreover, it is not merely intense, but it is a completely different song by injecting plenty of improvisation into the skeleton of the song. Even if I listen simply, I am amazed at the depth and boldness of Rory as I know the original as much as I can. It is a show that you can enjoy many times.
And listen to the real enthusiasm that witnessed Rory. In the first visit to Japan, “the best concert in 1974” was also said, boiling popularity at once. In this work, you can taste plenty of mood at such a place. Hot cheers are awarded from the strumming of the performance, the intro of “Tattoo’d Lady” roars, and the voice of “Ya !!” flies.
And, the extreme is the last “Hands Off”. A crazy audience on this song is a dash of strength on stage. It was a terrible fuss. This scene is already amazing. Although the performance of the stage is pretty cool, it gets ridiculous with Gotong, Gashan, whether it was swallowed by the wave of the rushing person. Since it is not a riot to the end, there are no screams or sounds of destructive sounds, but it was not a situation where you can record calmly. You can experience the legendary scenes written in the magazine review at the time.

Here in Japan also Rory Gallagher in 1975 who made a leap from “Knowing person guitarist” to “popular boiling guitar hero”. It is a valuable live album that vacuum packed that moment with a real vintage sound. A masterpiece of live in Japan that strikes deep and burning blues & rocks over the famous “IRISH TOUR ’74”. Please, enjoy plenty.

本作に収められているのは、2度目の来日公演のうち「1975年1月26日:渋谷公会堂」公演。1974年の初来日後、かの大名盤『IRISH TOUR ‘74』を引っさげての再来日でした(ちなみに『IRISH TOUR ‘74』が録音されたのは初来日の約3週間前です)。まずは、当時の日程からショウのポジションを確認してみましょう。

・1月26日:渋谷公会堂 【本作】

そのクオリティで描かれるのは、初来日で一気に名声を高めたロリー再来の熱演。セットは『TATTOO』+『BLUEPRINT』+ブルース・カバーでして、リリースされたばかりの『IRISH TOUR ‘74』カラーが濃厚。あの大名盤に収録された全10曲のうち7曲が本作でも聴けるのです。もちろん、それ以外にも美味しい曲がたっぷりと披露されるわけですが、そこに漂うのはロリーが敬愛するマディ・ウォーターズの影。『IRISH TOUR ‘74』でも聴けた「I Wonder Who」はもとより、「Garbage Man」もマディのレパートリーですし、「I Don’t Know Why」に至っては『THE LONDON SESSIONS』でマディ本人とロリーが共演したナンバー。大得意「Messin With The Kid」のオリジナルであるジュニア・ウェルズもマディの門下生で、70年代にはジュニア&バディ・ガイがこの曲で軽快に盛り上げ、マディ親父にステージを譲る……そんなショウもよく見られたものでした。
それ以外にもアコースティック・コーナーで弾く「Too Much Alcohol」もロウダウンなシカゴ野郎J.B.ハットーの曲ですし、「Pistol Slapper Blues」のブラインド・ボーイ・フラーは戦前の英雄。「ブルース・クラシックスのカバー」は英国ロッカー共通の趣味ではありますが、ロリーは“モダン以前”の薫りが濃厚。とにかくディープでイナたいセレクトが何とも心くすぐるのです。
そんな本物趣味を漂わせつつ、演奏自体はロリー流の熱いロック魂が渦巻く。ただのコピーではなく、オリジナルを一切知らなくても猛烈に格好いいロック&ブルースに仕上げる。例えば、大定番の「Messin With The Kid」。ジュニアのオリジナルはしても元々ハードにドライヴする曲でしたが、それでもロリーが注入するロック感覚はオリジナルが浮かんでこないほどの苛烈ぶり。しかも単に激しいわけではなく、曲の骨格にたっぷりとインプロヴィゼーションを注入して、まったく別の曲になっている。シンプルに聴いてもカッコ良く、オリジナルを知るほどにロリーの深さと大胆さに驚く。幾重にも楽しめるショウなのです。
そして、そのロリーを目の当たりにしたリアルな熱狂も聴きどころ。初来日では「1974年のベストコンサート」とも言われ、一気に人気が沸騰。本作では、そんな会場のムードもたっぷりと味わえるのです。開演のかき鳴らしから熱い喝采が贈られ、「Tattoo’d Lady」のイントロが轟くや「やったー!」の声が飛ぶ。
そして、極めつけはラストの「Hands Off」。この曲で熱狂した観客がステージに猛ダッシュ。凄まじい騒ぎとなったのです。このシーンがもう凄い。ステージの演奏はシッカリとしているのですが、押し寄せる人の波に呑まれたのか、ゴトン、ガシャンととんでもない状態になる。あくまで暴動ではないので悲鳴や破壊音の類はありませんが、冷静に録音していられる状況ではなかった。当時の雑誌レビューにも書かれた伝説のシーンを実体験できるのです。

ここ日本でも“知る人ぞ知る名ギタリスト”から“人気沸騰のギターヒーロー”へ飛躍した1975年のロリー・ギャラガー。その刹那をリアルなヴィンテージ・サウンドで真空パックした貴重なライヴアルバムです。大名盤『IRISH TOUR ‘74』以上にディープで灼熱なブルース&ロックを叩きつけるライヴ・イン・ジャパンの大傑作。どうぞ、たっぷりとお楽しみください。

Disc 1(59:11)
1. Introduction 2. Messin With The Kid 3. Tattoo’d Lady 4. Garbage Man 5. Cradle Rock
6. I Don’t Know Why 7. A Million Miles Away 8. Walk On Hot Coals

Disc 2(56:17)
1. I Wonder Who 2. Daughter Of The Everglades 3. Pistol Slapper Blues 4. Too Much Alcohol
5. Who’s That Coming 6. Bullfrog Blues 7. Hands Off

Uxbridge 787

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