Rainbow / London 1983 2nd Night / 2CD+2 Bonus Single CDR

Rainbow / London 1983 2nd Night / 2CD+2 Bonus Single CDR / Black Box
Translated Text:

Live at Michael Sobell Sports Centre, Finsbury Park, London, UK 18th September 1983 Plus Bonus 2CDR “WHITLEY BAY 1983” Taken from the original 3LP “WORLD TOUR 1983-84″(XL1556/1557/1558)


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Kinney recording which contained precious “BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR 1983-1984” home country British performance is reprinted. This tour is known as the shortest tour in RAINBOW history, and the number of recordings is extremely limited. This work is an audience album of one such precious record, “September 18, 1983 London Show”. If you say “BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR”, Japanese performances will soon appear, but first let’s look back from the whole tour.

· September 6 – 23, 1983: Britain (13 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
· September 28, 1983 – October 7: Scandinavia (5 performances)
· October 28 – 1983 – December 4: North America (23 performances)
· March 11 – 14, 1984: Japan (3 performances)

All 44 concerts over. It is less than half as compared with “DIFFICULT TO CURE TOUR (96 performances)” and “STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES TOUR (90 performances)”. It is not hard to imagine that the DEEP PURPLE reunion was moving under the water, but the sound source is also rare.
Such a work is a part of the home country British performance which adorned the beginning of the tour. When saying “1983” “London”, I think that “LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT (Darker Than Blue 213/214)” which I received great popularity recently will come up, but it is a sister work which is the next day of that masterpiece and the venue . Moreover, it is not just a date / venue. If you recorded the same prestigious Kinney, the production process is the same. As a matter of fact, “LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT” was a live album woken up from a famous analogue “STARGAZER” without original cassettes being left. The next day’s work is also exactly the same, Omoto cassette has been lost, and it has been reprinted from the LP boot leg “WORLD TOUR 1983-84 (XL 1556/1557/1558)”. Of course, when raising LP, the quality of master disk becomes important, but the original of this work is the mint · quality board brought in the same route as Kinney’s original cassette. It is the highest quality quality board ever made by carefully digitizing it with similar latest equipment.
And this work revived for the first time in 34 years, the sound quality is also a sister work of “LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT”. Although the masterpiece was very popular as “Was such a good sound left” just after the release, this work also is a business that Kinney · Magic of this same aircraft and the same aircraft glitterily shines. There is no type called “as if it is a soundboard”, but with a natural feeling unique to analog, musical sounds reached clearly, rich squealing is also wonderful. Ritchie · Blackmore’s guitar and Joe · Lin · Turner’s singing voice are cleverly naturally, and on top of that the virtuosity of Dave · Rosensal and Chuck · Bergi is also well-balancedly captured. Late in the late RAINBOW which became compact in pop, little by little, this last lineup was just listening to a sharp performance that is not defeated to the famous band of American Progress Hard. It is a live album that tells with eloquent “sound” more than a hundred words.
And, “London day 2” drawn with such quality is a surprise right after playing. As usual, I think that “dignity dignity” will flow, how female vocals and majestic male chorus echo in the venue. If you listen carefully thinking “That was wrong CD?”, That melody is certainly “dignified. Actually, the opening SE of this day is not the tape of the orchestra performance, but the chorus version is used. And, as usual, it leads to “Over The Rainbow” → “Spotlight Kid”. In addition, the ending has directing only on this day, and as usual “Over The Rainbow” takes place, the female vocal songs are flowing again. Apparently this is a singer called “British Army ‘s Lover” in World War II: Vera Lin’ s representative song “We’ll Meet Again”. It seems that she is singing at the beginning of “the majestic dignity” at her.
I do not know why it is only phosphorus on this day, but as I prepared such a surprise, I can see the spirit in my performance. Chuck hides a tiny phrase in a solid beat and flips it with a light sense of speed while pinching it in the taste extent. Whether it is related to the production of the ending or not, although the encore is short, the ensemble with that millet is brighter than “LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT”. Joe ‘s voice also grew brilliantly well and is doing well, Richie continues to spin a phrase so that it feels good. Including the glittering rose monkey, the taste of “only 1983/1984” is even more remarkable.

The tightened ensemble is even tighter, and there are plenty of London 2 performances that can not be heard elsewhere. It is a stock that caught it by the prestigious Kinney’s magic sound. A long-awaited annoyance from the CD era, the original recording cassette was also lost a name recording. One that revived the forgotten masterpiece with the highest quality ever. We will contain it in the press CD leaving the glow forever and deliver it to you at hand this weekend.

貴重な“BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR 1983-1984”の本国イギリス公演を収めたキニー録音が復刻です。このツアーはRAINBOW史上でも最も短いツアーと知られ、録音の数も極めて限られています。本作はそんな貴重な記録のひとつ、「1983年9月18日ロンドン公演」のオーディエンス・アルバムです。“BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR”というと、日本公演がすぐに浮かびますが、まずはツアーの全容から振り返ってみましょう。

・1983年9月6日-23日:英国(13公演) ←★ココ★

以上、全44公演。“DIFFICULT TO CURE TOUR(96公演)”や“STRAIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES TOUR(90公演)”と比べても半分以下。水面下でDEEP PURPLE再結成が動いていたのは想像に難くありませんが、それだけに音源も稀少なのです。
そんな本作は、ツアー冒頭を飾った母国イギリス公演の一幕。「1983年」「ロンドン」と言うと、先日大好評を賜った『LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT(Darker Than Blue 213/214)』が浮かぶと思いますが、あの傑作の翌日・同会場にあたる姉妹作なのです。しかも、日付・会場だけではない。録音したのも同じ名門キニーなら、制作過程も同一なのです。実のところ、『LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT』はオリジナル・カセットが残されず、アナログ時代の名盤『STARGAZER』から起こされたライヴアルバムでした。その翌日たる本作も事情はまったく同じで、大元カセットが失われており、LPブートレッグ『WORLD TOUR 1983-84(XL1556/1557/1558)』から復刻しているのです。もちろん、LP起こしとなると原盤クオリティが重要になるわけですが、本作の元になっているのはキニーのオリジナル・カセットと同じ経路でもたらされたミント・クオリティ盤。それを同様の最新機材で丁寧にデジタル化した史上最高峰クオリティ盤なのです。
そうして34年ぶりに蘇った本作は、サウンド・クオリティも『LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT』の姉妹作。かの傑作はリリース直後から「こんなに良い音が残っていたのか」と大好評でしたが、本作も同会場・同機材のキニー・マジックがギラリと光る業物。「まるでサウンドボード」と呼ぶタイプありませんが、アナログならではの自然な感触を湛えつつ、骨太が楽音がクリアに届き、豊かな鳴りも素晴らしい。リッチー・ブラックモアのギターやジョー・リン・ターナーの歌声はクッキリしていて当たり前、その上でデイヴ・ローゼンサルやチャック・バーギの妙技もバランス良く捉えられている。少しずつポップに、コンパクトになっていった後期RAINBOWですが、この最終ラインナップはまさにアメリカン・プログレハードの名バンド群にも負けないシャープな演奏を聴かせていた。それが百の言葉よりも雄弁な“音”で伝えてくれるライヴアルバムなのです。
そして、そんなクオリティで描かれる「ロンドン2日目」は、再生直後からサプライズ。いつものように「威風堂々」が流れるかと思いきや、なんと女性ヴォーカルと荘厳な男声合唱が会場中に響き渡る。「あれ? CD間違った?」と思ってよく聴くと、そのメロディは確かに「威風堂々」。実は、この日のオープニングSEにはオーケストラ演奏のテープではなく、コーラス・バージョンが使われているのです。そして、それがいつものように「Over The Rainbow」→「Spotlight Kid」へと繋がっていく。さらに、エンディングもこの日だけの演出があり、いつもなら「Over The Rainbow」がかかるところで、またもや女性ヴォーカルの曲が流される。どうやらこれは第二次世界大戦で“イギリス軍の恋人”と呼ばれたシンガー:ヴェラ・リンの代表曲「We’ll Meet Again」。冒頭の「威風堂々」で歌っているのも彼女のようです。
なぜ、この日だけリンなのかは寡聞にして分かりませんが、そんなサプライズを用意するだけあって演奏にも気合いが見える。チャックは堅実なビートの中に小粋なフレーズを隠し味程度に挟み込みつつ、軽快なスピード感でかっ飛ばす。エンディングの演出と関係でもあるのか、アンコールは短いものの、そのキビキビとしたアンサンブルは『LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT』よりも鮮やかなくらい。ジョーの声も艶やかに良く伸びて好調ですし、リッチーもえらく気持ち良さそうにフレーズを紡ぎ続ける。煌びやかなローゼンサルも含め、“1983年/1984年だけ”の旨みが一層引き立っている名演なのです。


Disc 1 (70:00)
1. Land of Hope and Glory 2. Over the Rainbow 3. Spotlight Kid 4. Miss Mistreated
5. Fool for the Night 6. I Surrender 7. Can’t Happen Here 8. Catch the Rainbow
9. Drinking with the Devil 10. Guitar Intro. 11. Difficult to Cure 12. Drum Solo

Disc 2 (35:04)
1. Power 2. Blues 3. Stargazer 4. Stranded 5. Death Alley Driver 6. Fire Dance 7. All Night Long
8. We’ll Meet Again (Outro.)

Ritchie Blackmore – Guitar Joe Lynn Turner – Vocals Roger Glover – Bass
David Rosenthal – Keyboards Chuck Burgi – Drums

Black Box 015
RAINBOW – WHITLEY BAY 1983(Special Bonus 2CDR)
Live at Whitley Bay Ice Rink, Tyne and Wear, UK 8th September 1983 PERFECT SOUND


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The main press 2CD “LONDON 1983 2ND NIGHT” is a decision board that holds a precious “BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR” home country British performance in a prestigious Kinney magic sound. Although I mentioned in that commentary, this homeland schedule also decorated the beginning with “BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR”. Therefore, we will also present a treasure live album to further solidify the “1983 British” collection for that bonus.
Such a work was recorded in the British schedule very early “September 8, 1983 Tyne and Weir Performance”. In our shop, we introduced several live albums from this home country tour. Since it is a good opportunity, let’s organize a bit.

· September 6th + 7th: Liverpool
· September 8th: Tyne And Weir 【this work】
· September 10: Stafford
· September 11: Bristol
· September 12: Nottingham “NOTTINGHAM 1983”
· September 14: Cardiff
· September 15: Cardiff ‘DEFINITIVE CARDIFF 1983’
· September 17th: London “LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT”
· September 18th: London * Main Press 2CD
· September 19th: Cornwall “ST AUSTELL 1983”
· September 22 + 23: Edinburgh

……, and it looks like this. This work is an audience album that contains the first tour 3 performances eyes in our “1983 UK” collection. Of course, the greatest taste is precious “BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR” It is in the early stage, but the splendid audience sound that is not similar to its preciousness is wonderful. Although it is not a type that makes a big deal of “fantasy!” “Just like a soundboard!”, In the kind of roar and explosion (absolutely!), Neat musical tones reaches clear and straight. “Whitley Bay Ice Rink” which became the work place is a hockey link of 3000 people scale, but there is no enthusiasm for enthusiasm at all at all. Every time each song finishes, a cheers cheers, but during the performance is quiet and only the band dominates everything completely. Although the site is definitely Britain, it is a recording that concentrates on the performance as if it were a Japanese performance. Perhaps, I think that this home country tour was not noticed because the broadcast sound source of Cardiff performance is so famous, but even if there is a sound board, it is said that the recording so far has been overlooked ….
It is also due to the performance of this work that such thoughts become deep again. Although it can not deny the hardness somewhat because it is the beginning of the tour, the show carrying carried out carefully is truly wonderful. RAINBOW ‘s show at this time is a style that entertains with the goodness of one song’ s songs from the style overwhelming with super – epic masterpieces, but it matches the tempo you play and the solid performances that undoubtedly play the famous songs. Crisp Phil of Chuck Burgi, who is newly joined, and fresh draming is also fresh, and Richie and Joe are getting better as the show progresses. Especially when saying the comfort of 3 consecutive shots which accelerates from “Stranded” which arranged resurrection “Stargazer” in the intro to “Death Alley Driver” “Fire Dance”! It is the true point of “BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR” which decides footwork lightly as a visibishi. The mood of such age aged grows as the show progresses, and finally guitar crash at encore! Richie’s passion, with fire, burning up and finally exploding. It is a live album that you can enjoy clearly to every corner of it.

Just “Hidden name recording”. Just saying it is simply unknown, the sound and the show are masterpieces of a perfect live album. Kinney’s secret treasure main book press 2CD “LONDON 1983 2ND NIGHT” is also wonderful, but still the treasure is sleeping in the history of RAINBOW. I want to know further The 1983 sound source depth, and coolness. Together with the main part, please enjoy it to yourself!

本編プレス2CD『LONDON 1983 2ND NIGHT』は、貴重な“BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR”の本国イギリス公演を名門キニーのマジック・サウンドで収めた決定盤です。その解説でも触れましたが、この本国日程は、“BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR”でも冒頭を飾るものでした。そこで、そのボーナスにはさらに“1983年イギリス”コレクションを固める秘蔵ライヴアルバムをお贈りします。

・9月12日:ノッティンガム『NOTTINGHAM 1983』
・9月15日:カーディフ『DEFINITIVE CARDIFF 1983』
・9月17日:ロンドン『LONDON 1983 1ST NIGHT』
・9月18日:ロンドン ※本編プレス2CD
・9月19日:コーンウォール『ST AUSTELL 1983』

……と、このようになっています。本作は、当店の“1983年イギリス”コレクションの中でも、もっとも初期となるツアー3公演目を収めたオーディエンス・アルバムです。もちろん、最大の旨みは貴重な“BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR”極初期の様子にあるわけですが、その貴重さに似つかわしくない見事なオーディエンス・サウンドも素晴らしい。「極上!」「まるでサウンドボード!」と大騒ぎするタイプではないものの、轟音・爆音の類では(まったく!)なく、端正な楽音がクリアかつ真っ直ぐに届く。現場となった“Whitley Bay Ice Rink”は、3000人規模のホッケーリンクなのですが、そこで沸き起こる熱狂もまったく演奏を邪魔しない。各曲が終わるごとにやんやの大喝采が起こるものの、演奏中はいつに静かで完全にバンドだけがすべてを支配する。現場は間違いなく英国なのですが、まるで日本公演かのように演奏に集中する録音なのです。恐らく、この本国ツアーはカーディフ公演の放送音源があまりにも有名なために注目されなかったのだと思いますが、たとえサウンドボードがあろうとも、ここまでの録音が見逃されてきたとは……。
そんな想いが殊更深くなるのは、本作のパフォーマンスのせいでもある。ツアー冒頭ということでやや固さも否めませんが、ていねいに演奏されるショウ運びが実に素晴らしい。この時期のRAINBOWのショウは、超大作で圧倒するスタイルから1曲1曲の曲の良さで楽しませるスタイルとなっていますが、惜しげもなく名曲を連発する繰り出すテンポとしっかりとした演奏がマッチ。新加入の名手チャック・バーギのさり気ないフィルと小気味良いドラミングも新鮮で、ショウが進むほどにリッチーもジョーも調子を上げていく。特に復活「Stargazer」をイントロに配した「Stranded」から「Death Alley Driver」「Fire Dance」と加速していく3連発の気持ちよさと言ったら! フットワークも軽やかにビシビシと決めていく“BENT OUT OF SHAPE TOUR”の真骨頂です。こうしたアゲアゲのムードはショウが進むほどに醸成されていき、アンコールではついにギタークラッシュ! 火が付き、燃え上がり、ついには爆発するリッチーの情熱。その隅々に至るまで、クリアに堪能できるライヴアルバムなのです。

まさに“隠れた名録音”。単に知られていないと言うだけで、サウンドもショウも申し分のないライヴアルバムの傑作です。キニーの秘宝たる本編プレス2CD『LONDON 1983 2ND NIGHT』も素晴らしいですが、まだまだRAINBOWの歴史には秘宝が眠っているのです。さらに知っていただきたい1983年音源の深み、そしてカッコ良さ。本編と合わせ、どうぞ存分にお楽しみください!

Disc 1(58:26)
1. Over The Rainbow 2. Spotlight Kid 3. Miss Mistreated 4. Fool For The Night 5. I Surrender
6. Can’t Happen Here 7. Catch The Rainbow 8. Drinking With The Devil 9. Difficult To Cure
10. Guitar & Drums Duet 11. Drums Solo

Disc 2(51:14)
1. Power 2. Blues 3. Stargazer 4. Stranded 5. Death Alley Driver 6. Fire Dance 7. All Night Long
8. Maybe Next Time 9. Since You Been Gone 10. Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll
11. Kill The King / Guitar Clash / A Light In The Black / Long Live Rock ‘n’ Roll (Reprise)

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