Paul McCartney & Wings / San Diego 1976 / 2CD

Paul McCartney & Wings / San Diego 1976 / 2CD / Non Label

Translated Text:
Live at San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego, CA. USA 16th June 1976

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This is the first time that the sound release of the same tour realizes press CD limited release from our shop because Paul sound source release at the beginning of 2018 is Wings’ zenith over the US tour. Now all the existing live sound sources of Wings are grasped and organized on the net and it is widely circulating. It does not require such a trouble as a site, it is as easy to obtain as it can easily be dropped via Google Drive etc. BIRMINGHAM 1975 “that our shop has released such as modifying the pitch from among the sounds being circulated in such a place. In the 19th year of the Wings 1975 tour which was strictly sound recordings of strict audience recordings, the release of precious contents and sound quality boasting ease of listening received high praise from maniacs.
And this time the Paul led Wings got the most popular peaks 1976 From the over-the-air tour we release two performances at once with our own audience recordings. Both are wonderful sound sources that recorded the high-tension stage of the final stage of the tour, but first it is San Diego on June 16th.
On this day Old Mania nostalgic rare LP ‘ORIENTAL NIGHTFISH’ saw the second half of the show the day’s show, but the full length version of the same audience recording used there was circulated in the CD-R trade era. Currently this is a popular presence. Regarding audience recording of wings spreading on the Internet as mentioned earlier, there are not many inferior states, and I think that this sound source was also mixed in due to the transfer of the tape all the time, while the sound of another music was only slightly It also circulated in a state of overlapping. Sometimes the sound is mistaken for scratch noise, and now it is on the net with the touch of “SAN DIEGO 1976” from the LP. Actually, however, such LP does not exist, and only that excerpt contained in the above “ORIENTAL NIGHT FISH” was heard in that era.

Of course, it is completely different audience recording that is released on limited press CD. Another sound source that finally appeared from the San Diego performance that only existed that sound source until now, it was due to the Japanese who went directly to San Diego Sports Arena in 1976 and recorded the stage of Wings. It is envious as long as you can see the over-the-air tour of that cum in raw, but it was said that he was recording!
This is the first appearance audience recording that was offered at our shop, but the sound quality tendency is similar to the previous sound source. However, because there is no unevenness in the transfer of sound and sound quality itself like that, it can be said that it is a sound source in a state that is easy to hear. Although the beginning of the live is the beginning that is not going to be quite a bit since it was impossible to determine the position of the microphone, fortunately the outlook opens from “Jet” and it makes it easier to hear at a stretch. Of course it is not an exceptional quality sound source for this tour like Fort Worth, Boston, Toronto, and Detroit, but in a nice sense monaural sound quality with a sense of vintage should be a favorable condition for mania rather.
And the over-the-America tour brought enthusiasm throughout the United States that it was Paul’s live tour since the 1966 Beatles, the last tour, but the circumstances where the surroundings have not risen exciting all the time it works well this day It will spur your ease of listening.

However, this is Over and America where the peak was extremely high. The excitement of the venue and the enthusiasm for Wings are truly amazing. Although not limited to this day, the wonderful thing about Overseas America is that as far as the Beatles number that Paul showed up on the stage of the American who stood for the first time in ten years, Wings’ number and then The spectator ‘s reaction to the new song’ s news has also been amazing. As for this day, the audience is very enthusiastic around “Live And Let Die” and the latest hit “Silly Love Songs”. It gives you a sense of realism of the tour that culminately caught up and a performance of Wings that took on the ride without spending it.
I regret that the taper only recorded up to “Magneto and Titanium Man”. In the cassette published at the site for this release, the notation “San Diego 1” can be seen, but this does not mean “the first tape” but “side 1”. Either way, since the second half is not recorded, after “My Love” we connected the traditional audience recording touched first, and finished it to the full length version of the show.
Unfortunately this sound source is not recorded “Letting Go” and “Band On The Run”, and Encore’s “Hi, Hi, Hi”. Therefore, although it did not reach completion recording, the contents which featured original sound source of the main easy-to-hear quality will be taken notice of Paul · mania’s attention. Furthermore, since there is almost no difference from the sound source connected in the second half, it is a big merit that you can listen without learning the uncomfortable feeling that the sound source has switched. And it is also epoch – making that the first full – length version appears from the San Diego performance that had never existed before. Paul and Wings’ s enthusiast tear – drop release is realized by a proprietary sound source.

2018年初のポール音源リリースはウイングスの絶頂期オーバー・アメリカ・ツアーであり、当店から同ツアーの音源がプレスCDの限定リリースが実現するのはこれが初めて。今やウイングスの現存するライブ音源すべてが把握された上でネット上に整理され、広く出回っています。それはトレント・サイトのような手間すら必要とせず、グーグル・ドライブなどを経由して簡単に落とせてしまうほど入手の容易な状況なほど。そんな中で出回っている音源の中から当店がピッチを修正するなどしてリリースしてみせたのが「BIRMINGHAM 1975」。音質的には厳しいオーディエンス録音ばかりが居並んでいたウイングス1975年ツアーの中においては別格とも言える聞きやすさを誇る音質と貴重な内容のリリースがマニアから高い評価を受けました。
この日はオールド・マニアにとって懐かしいレアLP「ORIENTAL NIGHTFISH」でショー後半部分が日の目をみましたが、そこで使われたのと同じオーディエンス録音の全長版がCD-Rトレード時代になって流通。現在はこちらがポピュラーな存在となっています。先にも触れたネット上に広まっているウイングスのオーディエンス録音に関しては粗悪な状態なものが少なくなく、この音源に関しても終始テープの転写によって混入してしまったと思しき別の音楽の音がほんのわずかながらも重なったままの状態で流通してしまいました。その音が時にはスクラッチノイズと勘違いされることもあり、今では「SAN DIEGO 1976」というLPからという触れ込みでネット上に出回っています。ところが実際にはこのようなLPは存在せず、その時代に聞けたのは先の「ORIENTAL NIGHTFISH」に収められた抜粋だけ。


とはいってもこれは頂点を極めたオーバー・アメリカ。会場の盛り上がりやウイングスに対する熱狂ぶりが本当に凄まじい。この日に限ったことではありませんが、オーバー・アメリカの素晴らしいところは、ポールが10年ぶりに立ったアメリカのステージで披露してくれたビートルズ・ナンバーに対してと同じくらい、ウイングス・ナンバーや当時の新曲に対する観客の反応も凄まじいものがあるということ。この日に関して言うと「Live And Let Die」や最新ヒット「Silly Love Songs」辺りで観客が大熱狂。正に絶頂を迎えたツアーの臨場感と乗りに乗ったウイングスの演奏を余すことなく伝えてくれます。
惜しむらくはテーパーが「Magneto and Titanium Man」までしか録音しなかったことかと。今回リリースに際してサイトで公開したカセットには「San Diego 1」という表記が見られますが、これは「一本目のテープ」という意味ではなく「サイド1」という意味です。いずれにせよ後半が録音されていませんので「My Love」以降には最初に触れた従来のオーディエンス録音をつなげてショーの全長版収録に仕上げました。
残念なことにこちらの音源も「Letting Go」と「Band On The Run」、そしてアンコールの「Hi, Hi, Hi」が録音されていません。よってコンプリート収録までは届かなかったのですが、それでもなおメインの聞きやすいクオリティの独自音源をフィーチャーした内容はポール・マニアの注目を浴びることでしょう。さらには後半につなげられた音源との差がほとんどないことから、音源が切り替わった違和感を覚えずに聞き通せるというのが大きなメリット。そして今までになかったサンディエゴ公演から初の全長版アイテムが登場するというのも画期的。ポールやウイングスのマニア感涙のリリースが独自入手の音源によって実現します。


Disc 1 (61:11)
1. Intro 2. Venus And Mars / Rock Show 3. Jet 4. Let Me Roll It 5. Spirits Of Ancient Egypt
6. Medicine Jar 7. Maybe I’m Amazed 8. Call Me Back Again 9. Lady Madonna
10. The Long And Winding Road 11. Live And Let Die 12. Picasso’s Last Words (Drink to Me)
13. Richard Cory 14. Bluebird 15. I’ve Just Seen A Face

Disc 2 (49:34)
1. Blackbird 2. Yesterday 3. You Gave Me The Answer 4. Magneto And Titanium Man
5. My Love 6. Listen To What The Man Said 7. Let ‘Em In 8. Time To Hide
9. Silly Love Songs 10. Beware My Love 11. Soily

Paul McCartney – vocals, bass guitar, guitar, piano Linda McCartney – vocals, keyboards
Denny Laine – vocals, guitar, bass, piano Jimmy McCulloch – vocals, guitar, bass
Joe English – vocals, drums, percussion

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