KISS / Osaka 2015 / 2CD

KISS / Osaka 2015 / 2CD / Zodiac

Translated Text:
Live at Osaka-Jo Hall, Osaka, Japan 25th February 2015


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KISS audience album that came to celebrate the 40th anniversary is appeared! That the present work has been recorded is, in the “February 25 – Osaka Castle Hall, 2015”, recording artist is “West strongest taper Mr.”. The venue, due to taper you who knows the HR / HM, and full recording with the latest digital equipment. Exactly, it is live album in conformity to “winning formula”!
However, even by substituting the much superior official, does not answer the aim street come out. There is also the difficulty of recording, but is not there also a lock of real pleasure, in, this result is …… calculation Street! Position up that recording obtained in mini stage side of the arena center perfect. When it comes to Osaka Castle Hall scale, not necessarily near the front seat is necessarily best, no less that collapses balanced by the wrap around it echoes. However, Arena center sound of this work, direct feeling slightly wear response from the PA is ideal, treble does not occur also in the distance while taking listening bass also clearly. That what feels good bass sound of Jean ……. Stereo balance of left and right is also perfect.
In addition, realism who is in the middle of a big arena also great. This work, the is has been recorded from state before curtain, another atmosphere perfect score was from here. GUNS ‘N the “Nightrain” to the back of ROSES but I flowing female voice announcement, it is also excellent. “This time of the KISS concert, mobile phone, photography smartphone limited is now OK. (Snip) Customers with Twitter and Facebook accounts, today’s performance, we were up the excitement and excitement Do not “boost the current Japan tour. Then, more rice forces, bitten and tightened as “So, KISS, 40 anniversary, Japan tour, Osaka performances, will soon curtain!” And announcement. This and the other, in the venue is standing ovation! Indeed, it Osaka ….
Just listening, Although it is a scene that would contain downright force, who are looking for this work, I recommend that you become a you listen without looking at the running time. Then, I would like you to assimilate the audience to wait along with the clapping. You will probably seems to be “I’m starting Once in time?”, But I think itself what its tail feeling is filled during the venue. This more realistic will not! Then, the roar of thunderous where became irresistibly patience “Detroit Rock City”! Phew, this ecstasy. I want to deliver in early everyone.
When the show begins, and then explodes to have finally the power of the central arena. Surrounded the front, back, left and right to the large crowd, enormity of the scale feeling! To KISS spree boil a large venue to experience the ultra-realistic, why, I wonder so much music is direct …. As a result of hit the question to taper himself, unexpected answer. “Actually, there is a monitor for Paul in mini stage, I have picked up the sound.” There until what had been calculated and Whatever Is it coincidence …, this much sound the because I want to mono every, the ordinary man is an area that can not be imitated. “But, I’ll’m also a lucky. Although it was a great climax also around me, but it I do not why most sung”. Yes, but I have a large chorus occur wound in this work, it heard to rush from only vast venue, I have never personal voice is coming penetrate (although, indeed “Love Gun,” “Rock And Roll All Nite “is all singing, but: laughs). Luck of the ability. And precisely because to even ally to chance, Wazamono of Takumi I have more shining.

To the unfolds in such an ideal sound, suitable for the 40 anniversary of THE BEST OF KISS. But was also hit songs full of 2013 the last visit to Japan, even if the set-in until the “Parasite” of “Deuce” and of second this time debut. In the 1980s, “Creatures Of The Night” and the latest up to “Samurai Son” also is playing, it is just a live of the history of KISS is jammed tightly to 2 hours. 1 songs 1 songs Susumutabi, “After all this I think the song’s necessary,” “Oh yeah, this song is also” golden set in golden and would continue to hit the knee. Although it is always luxurious KISS at any time, but this time of gorgeous feeling is tremendous in especially.
Involving from idle to music programs of terrestrial, of storm as of went to celebrate the 40th anniversary in 2015 KISS. 1 is this which was completely packed with the highest quality only of concert band among them. From the start of ecstasy to the end of the chorus, thoroughly venue and the synchro can experience type of press album. Now, everyone with us!

40周年を祝いに来たKISSのオーディエンス・アルバムが登場です! 本作が収録されたのは、「2015年2月25日・大阪城ホール」で、録音師は「西日本最強テーパー氏」。会場を、HR/HMを知り尽くしたテーパーによる、最新デジタル機材によるフル収録。まさに、“勝利の方程式”に則ったライヴ・アルバムです!
しかし、いくら優れた公式に代入しても、狙い通りの答えが出てくるわけではありません。そこが録音の難しさでもあり、ロックの醍醐味でもあるわけですが、では、今回の結果は……計算通り! アリーナ中央のミニステージ脇で録られたというポジション取りは完璧。大阪城ホール規模になると、最前席付近が必ずしも最善とは限らず、回り込んだ反響でバランスが崩れてしまうことも少なくありません。しかし、本作のアリーナ中央サウンドは、PAからのダイレクト感にほんのり纏う反響が理想的で、高音も低音もハッキリと聴き取れながら距離の差も生じない。ジーンのベース・サウンドのなんと気持ちいいこと……。左右のステレオ・バランスもパーフェクトです。
さらに、大きなアリーナのド真ん中にいる臨場感も素晴らしい。本作は、開演前の様子から記録しているのですが、ここからしてもう雰囲気満点。GUNS ’N ROSESの「Nightrain」をバックに女声アナウンスが流れるのですが、それがまた秀逸。「今回のKISS公演は、携帯電話、スマートフォン限定で写真撮影がOKになりました。(中略)TwitterやFacebookのアカウントをお持ちのお客様は、本日の公演を、興奮と感動をアップしていただき、今回の日本公演を盛り上げて下さいませ」。その後、一段と力を込め、噛みしめるように「それでは、KISS、40周年記念、ジャパンツアー、大阪公演、まもなく開演いたします!」とアナウンス。これにはもう、会場中が大喝采! さすが、大阪だ……。
聴いているだけで、なんとも力が入ってしまうシーンですが、本作をお求めの方は、ランニング・タイムを見ないでお聴きになることをオススメします。その後、手拍子と共に待つオーディエンスと同化していただきたい。恐らく「いつになったら始まるんだ?」と思われるでしょうが、そのお気持ちこそが会場中に充満した思いそのもの。これ以上の臨場感はないでしょう! そして、辛抱たまらなくなったところで轟く雄叫びと「Detroit Rock City」! ふぅ、このエクスタシー。早く皆さんにもお届けしたい。
ショウが始まると、アリーナ中央の威力がいよいよ持って炸裂します。前後左右を大観衆に囲まれた、そのスケール感の巨大さ! 大会場を沸かしまくるKISSが超リアルに体感させるのに、なぜ、こんなにも音楽がダイレクトなんだろう……。その疑問をテーパー本人にぶつけたところ、予想外の答えが。「実は、ミニステージにポール用のモニターがあり、その音を拾っているんです」。そこまで計算されていたのか、偶然なのか……何にせよ、これほどのサウンドを毎回モノにするのですから、凡人には真似のできない領域です。「でも、ラッキーでもあるんですよ。私の周りも凄い盛り上がりだったんですが、なぜかほとんど歌わないんですよね」。そう、本作でも大合唱が巻き起こるのですが、それはあくまで広大な会場から沸き上がるように聞こえ、個人の歌声が突き抜けて入ってくることがないのです(もっとも、さすがに「Love Gun」「Rock And Roll All Nite」は全員歌唱ですが:笑)。運も実力のうち。偶然までも味方にするからこそ、匠の業物は一段と輝いているのです。

そんな理想サウンドで繰り広げられるのは、40周年に相応しいTHE BEST OF KISS。前回来日の2013年もヒット曲満載でしたが、今回はデビュー作の「Deuce」やセカンドの「Parasite」までもがセットイン。80年代の「Creatures Of The Night」や最新の「Samurai Son」までもが演奏され、まさにKISSの歴史が2時間にギュッと詰まったライヴなのです。1曲1曲が進むたび、「やっぱりこの曲は必要だよね」「そうそう、この曲も」と膝を打ち続けてしまう黄金中の黄金セット。いつでも常に豪華なKISSではありますが、今回のゴージャス感は殊更に凄まじいです。
Disc 1 (55:07)
1. Pre Show Music 2. Introduction 3. Detroit Rock City 4. Creatures Of The Night
5. Psycho Circus 6. Parasite 7. Shout It Out Loud 8. War Machine 9. Do You Love Me
10. Deuce 11. Hell Or Hallelujah

Disc 2 (54:23)
1. I Love It Loud 2. Sukiyaki 3. Lick It Up 4. Bass Solo 5. God Of Thunder 6. Love Gun
7. Black Diamond 8. I Was Made For Lovin’ You 9. Samurai Son 10. Rock And Roll All Nite


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