ZZ TOP / Del Mar 2010 / 2CDR

ZZ TOP / Del Mar 2010 / 2CDR / Shades
Del Mar Infield, Del Mar, CA, USA 4th September 2010

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ZZ TOP is rapidly re-evaluating in the collector’s world, probably because of Dusty Hill’s obituary. Introducing a live album that allows you to experience the “2010 World Tour” as the latest work.
It is “September 4, 2010 Del Mar performance” that is imbued with such a work. It is the best audience recording. They started to keep away from the studio works by separating “MESCALERO”, and spent their days on tour every year. First of all, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and confirm the position of the show.

・ April 23-May 14: North America # 1 (12 performances)
・ May 18-26: South America (5 performances)
・ May 28-June 26: North America # 2 (16 performances)
・ July 2-24: Europe # 1 (17 performances)
・ July 31-October 2: North America # 3 (36 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ October 14-29: Europe # 2 (11 performances)

This is the 2010 ZZ TOP. Live live live without releasing any work. In particular, Ogatada’s North America has made three laps, and the Del Mar performance of this work is the final stage. It was the 20th performance of “North America # 3”.
This work recorded at such a site is a refreshing audience recording like an autumn festival. Anyway, what is wonderful is the clear, vivid and distanceless core. It’s not so close that it’s mistaken for a sound board, but that doesn’t mean it’s far away. The sound of the snare has a sense of guest record, and the clear core reaches the details straight, with no blur or cloudiness. It jumps into your ears with the vividness of a laser beam. The factor is probably the venue. The site, “Del Mar Infield,” is a so-called racetrack and is performed on a special stage on a spacious outdoor track. Therefore, there are no walls or ceilings that reflect the sound, and the sound emitted by the PA is picked up with zero reverberation. That’s why you can fully enjoy the powerful and vivid performance and singing voice like a sound board.
While the performance sound is like a sound board, this work has plenty of taste of the audience. It’s a feeling of openness in the venue. Perhaps because it is a special site, the audience’s glue is completely in festival mode. Cheers backed by immense popularity boiled from all over the place, and the atmosphere was somewhat flirty rather than a touching frenzy. It’s not enough to talk without listening to the performance, but I laugh, cheer, and cheer for each song and every move of ZZ TOP. The feeling of openness that the voice is sucked into the sky is irresistible.
The clear and refreshing sound is drawn with a selection of masterpieces that have been loved for a long time. At that time, it was two years since “LIVE FROM TEXAS”. The set is basic, but the details have changed. Here, let’s organize it while comparing it with the official live work.

● LONDON RECORDS era (8 songs)
・ First album: Brown Sugar (★)
Rio Grande Mud: Just Got Paid
Tres Hombres: Waitin’for the Bus / Jesus Just Left Chicago / La Grange
・ Fandango !: Tush
・ Others: Future Blues (★: Willie Brown) / Hey Joe (★: THE LEAVES)
● WARNER RECORDS era (9 songs)
・ Degüello: I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide / Cheap Sunglasses
・ El Loco: Party On The Patio (★)
・ Eliminator: Got Me Under Pressure / I Need You Tonight (★) / Gimme All Your Lovin’/ Sharp Dressed Man / Legs
・ Recycler: My Heads In Mississippi (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be seen in “LIVE FROM TEXAS”.

… And it looks like this. While it seems to be a big classic sound, the debut work “Brown Sugar”, the blockbuster era “I Need You Tonight”, and a valuable cover hold the key points. The strangeness of the composition that allows you to freely carry the show and keep your concentration is wonderful, and you can see that the audience who are enjoying themselves freely are drawn in rather than getting tired of overlapping each song. It is a full show that seems to be a big veteran of 100 battles.
It seems that you are experiencing “LIVE FROM TEXAS” on-site with the audience sound, and the accent of rare songs and the open mood are also wonderful live albums. You can see how ZZ TOP music has taken root and is widely loved in the United States. One that can inhale such authentic fragrance to the fullest. Please enjoy it carefully.

★ The best audience recording of “September 4, 2010 Del Mar performance”. The clear, vivid and detailed core reaches straight without a sense of distance, and it is as vivid as a laser beam. The site is a stage specially set up on the race track of the racetrack, and there are no walls or ceilings that reflect the sound, and the sound emitted by the PA is picked up with zero echo. On the other hand, the mood with plenty of openness outdoors is also wonderful, and it feels irresistible. “Brown Sugar”, “I Need You Tonight”, a number of valuable covers, and other famous songs that cannot be heard on “LIVE FROM TEXAS” are also delicious live albums.


ダスティ・ヒルの訃報を受けてか、コレクター界で急速に再評価の機運が盛り上がっているZZ TOP。その最新作にして“2010 World Tour”を極上体験できるライヴアルバムが登場です。


これが2010年のZZ TOP。何一つ作品をリリースすることなく、ひたすらライヴ・ライヴ・ライヴ。特に大票田の北米はじっくり三周しており、本作のデル・マー公演はその終盤。「北米#3」の20公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
演奏音がサウンドボード的である一方、本作はオーディエンスの旨みもたっぷり。それは、会場の開放感。特殊な現場なこともあってか、観客のノリは完全にお祭りモード。絶大な人気に裏打ちされた歓声が各所から沸き立ちつつ、その雰囲気は気の触れた狂乱と言うよりは、どこかワイワイとしている。演奏を聴かずに会話するほどではないのですが、繰り出される1曲1曲やZZ TOPの一挙手一投足に笑い、ツッコミ、声援を送る。その声が大空に吸い込まれていくような開放感がたまらなく気持ちイイのです。
そんなクッキリ爽やかサウンドで描かれるのは、長いキャリアで愛されてきた名曲選。当時は『LIVE FROM TEXAS』から2年。セットは基本こそ通じるものの、ディテールも変化していました。ここでは公式ライヴ作と比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・ファースト・アルバム:Brown Sugar(★)
・リオ・グランデ・マッド:Just Got Paid
・トレス・オンブレス:Waitin’ for the Bus/Jesus Just Left Chicago/La Grange
・その他:Future Blues(★:ウィリー・ブラウン)/Hey Joe(★:THE LEAVES)
・皆殺しの挽歌:I’m Bad, I’m Nationwide/Cheap Sunglasses
・エル・ロコ:Party On The Patio(★)
・イリミネイター:Got Me Under Pressure/I Need You Tonight(★)/Gimme All Your Lovin’/Sharp Dressed Man/Legs
・リサイクラー:My Heads In Mississippi(★)
※注:「★」印は『LIVE FROM TEXAS』では観られない曲。

……と、このようになっています。大定番音大盤振る舞いのようでありつつ、デビュー作の「Brown Sugar」や大ヒット時代の「I Need You Tonight」、それに貴重なカバーなどが要所を押さえる。自在なショウ運びと集中力を切らさない構成の妙が素晴らしく、気ままに楽しんでいる観客たちも1曲1曲と重ねるほどに飽きるどころかグイグイと引き込まれているのがよく分かる。百戦錬磨の大ベテランらしいフルショウなのです。
オーディエンス・サウンドで『LIVE FROM TEXAS』を現場体験しているようでもあり、レア曲のアクセントや開放的なムードも素晴らしいライヴアルバムです。アメリカではいかにZZ TOPの音楽が根付き、広く愛されているかがよく分かる。そんな本場の薫りを胸いっぱいに吸い込める1本。どうぞ、じっくりと味わい尽くしてください。

★「2010年9月4日デル・マー公演」の極上オーディエンス録音。クッキリと鮮やかでディテールまで克明な芯が距離感もなく真っ直ぐ届き、まるでレーザー光線のような鮮やか。現場は競馬場のレーストラックに特設されたステージで、音を反射する壁も天井もなく、PAが吐き出す出音を反響ゼロで拾っています。その一方、野外の開放感たっぷりなムードも素晴らしく、たまらなく気持ちイイ。「Brown Sugar」や「I Need You Tonight」、貴重なカバーの数々など、『LIVE FROM TEXAS』では聴けない名曲群も美味しいライヴアルバムです。

Disc 1(48:00)
1. Got Me Under Pressure
2. Waitin’ For The Bus
3. Jesus Just Left Chicago
4. I’m Bad I’m Nationwide
5. Future Blues
6. Cheap Sunglasses
7. My Head’s In Mississippi
8. I Need You Tonight
9. Hey Joe
10. Brown Sugar
11. Party On The Patio

Disc 2(34:57)
1. Just Got Paid
2. Gimme All Your Loving
3. Sharp Dressed Man
4. Legs
5. La Grange
6. Tush

Billy Gibbons – Guitar & Vocal
Dusty Hill – Bass & Vocal
Frank Beard – Drums

Shades 1390

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