Y & T / Tokyo 1986 / 1CDR

Y & T / Tokyo 1986 / 1CDR / Non label

Live at Shibuya Kokaido, Tokyo, Japan 26th January 1986

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Japan tour in January 1986 when Y & T visited Japan for the second time. On January 26th, the third performance, the live performance at Shibuya Public Hall in Tokyo will be released with a gift title! This work, which uses a stereo sound board sound source with the highest sound quality, is a must-listen for all Y & T fans.

Y & T completed Y & T-style melodious and hard musicality with “MEAN STREAK” in 1983 and “IN ROCK WE TRUST” in 1984, and his career has finally reached its peak. They announced “DOWN FOR THE COUNT” in 1985 when heavy metal was in full swing. While focusing on catchy songs that featured a large keyboard, the content with Y & T-like melody and sharpness was finished in a high-quality style that reflected the timeliness. From this work, two songs, “Summertime Girls” and “All American Boy”, were made into video clips, and the band became more oriented toward a major direction.
Y & T, who carried the “DOWN FOR THE COUNT”, realized the Japan tour for the first time in a long time in January 1986 immediately after the album was released. Partly due to the band’s major orientation mentioned above, some serious hard rock / metal enthusiasts were reluctant to say that the band had popped, but enthusiastic Y & T fans have been around since July 1981. We welcomed our return to Japan for the first time in five years with a voice of joy.
In this work, the third performance, the performance at Shibuya Public Hall in Tokyo on January 26, is recorded with a stereo sound board sound source. It’s a pity that the recording time is about half that of the live performance, which is an incomplete version, but the Y & T sound of the heyday is condensed into about 44 minutes, such as excellent brightness, powerful sound image, and ease of listening to the performance backed by a good balance. doing.

Like the album “BLACK TIGER”, the opening of the live that continues from the majestic intro “Open Fire” to “Open Fire” is literally the momentum and heat that blows fire. The cheers and enthusiasm of the venue are contained just before and after the song, and the listener will enjoy listening to the official live work.
The songs from the new work “DOWN FOR THE COUNT” at that time are not recorded here. However, from a different point of view, it can be said that the focus is only on the most delicious parts of Y & T, from “EARTHSHAKER” to “IN ROCK WE TRUST”. The flow to “Lipstick And Leather” and “Don’t Stop Running” is a comfortable word with a good balance between catchiness and speed. The bass of Phil Kenemore, which supports the guitar, is also very impressive.
The following “I Believe In You” and “Midnight In Tokyo” will give you a taste of the excellent melody of the band. In particular, the intro of “Midnight In Tokyo”, which has an impressive twin lead, should give you a sense of the goodness of this work (you can’t miss the MC with Meniketti’s Japanese at the beginning). The last of this work is Y & T’s rock hymn “Rock & Roll’s Gonna Save The World”. The songs and performances that excite the listeners, and the sense of unity in the interaction, seem to bring to mind the appearance of the fans singing in a big chorus!

It seems that there were days when the audience was slow to start on this visit (like the Osaka performance on the first day), but the band’s performance overwhelmed the audience with full play without any omissions. Not only Y & T fans but also hard rock fans can’t miss this incandescent stage with the official sound of excellent sound!

 Y&Tが2度目の来日を果たした1986年1月のジャパンツアー。その3公演目となる1月26日,東京・渋谷公会堂でのライヴがギフト・タイトルでリリース決定! 音質極上のステレオ・サウンドボード音源を用いた本作は、全てのY&Tファン必聴の一本です。
 Y&Tは’83年の「MEAN STREAK」に、続く’84年の「IN ROCK WE TRUST」でY&T流のメロディアスでハードな音楽性を完成させ、そのキャリアもいよいよピークに差し掛かりました。その彼らがヘヴィメタル人気全盛の’85年に発表したのが「DOWN FOR THE COUNT」。キーボードを大きくフィーチャーしたキャッチーな曲を中心にしつつも、Y&Tらしいメロディと切れ味を備えた内容は、時代性を反映した良質な作風に仕上がっていました。同作からは「Summertime Girls」と「All American Boy」の2曲がビデオ・クリップ化され、バンドはよりメジャーな方向性をも志向するようになっていました。
 その「DOWN FOR THE COUNT」を引っ提げたY&Tは、アルバム発表直後の’86年1月に久しぶりのジャパンツアーを実現しました。前述したバンドのメジャー志向もあって、一部の一本気なハードロック/メタル・マニアは「バンドがポップ化した」と難色を示しましたが、熱心なY&Tファンは’81年7月以来約5年ぶりの再来日を、歓喜の声で迎えたのです。
 アルバム「BLACK TIGER」と同じく、荘厳なイントロ「Open Fire」から「Open Fire」へと続くライヴのオープニングは、文字通り火を噴くような勢いと熱さ。場内の歓声や熱気も曲の前後で過不足なく収められており、聴き手は公式ライヴ作品を聴くような気持ちで楽しめるでしょう。
 ここでは当時の新作「DOWN FOR THE COUNT」からの楽曲は未収録です。しかし見方を変えれば、「EARTHSHAKER」から「IN ROCK WE TRUST」までの、Y&Tでも一番美味な部分のみに焦点が絞られているとも言えます。「Lipstick And Leather」と「Don’t Stop Running」への流れはキャッチーさとスピード感のバランスは心地よいの一言。ギターを底支えするフィル・ケネモアのベースも大変に印象的です。
続く「I Believe In You」と「Midnight In Tokyo」は、バンドの身上である優れたメロディを思う存分味わえるでしょう。特にツイン・リードが印象的な「Midnight In Tokyo」のイントロは、本作の良さを実感できるはずです(冒頭におけるメニケッティの日本語を交えたMCも聴き逃せません)。 本作ラストはY&Tのロック賛歌「Rock & Roll’s Gonna Save The World」。聴き手の心を躍らせる曲想と演奏、そして掛け合いでの一体感は、大合唱するファンの姿が目に浮かんできそうです!
1. From The Moon 2. Open Fire 3. Lipstick And Leather 4. Don’t Stop Running 5. I Believe In You
6. Midnight In Tokyo 7. Forever 8. Rock & Roll’s Gonna Save The World
Dave Meniketti – Guitar, Vocals Joey Alves – Guitar Phil Kennemore – Bass, Vocals
Leonard Haze – Drums
Non label

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