YES / Vancouver 1976 / 2CDR

YES / Vancouver 1976 / 2CDR / Non label

Live at Pacific Coliseum, Vancouver, Canada 22nd July 1976

Play sample :

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From the “Solo Tour” held mainly in North America from the end of May to August in 1976, Canada recorded the Vancouver performance in high-quality audience recording on July 22 in the middle of the tour. It is recorded with high sound quality that there is no problem even if this board is made into a press CD as it is, and fans will be greatly surprised by the excellent sound quality with excellent separation feeling at the beginning Siberian Khatru and Soundchaser! !! All the musical tones are recorded sharply and clearly, but what is noteworthy is the bass sound that allows you to hear all the notes firmly, and it is a masterpiece that the exquisite balance pops out with a full groove feeling. I’ve Seen All Good People The beat part of the latter half also has a loud feeling of bass, which makes the performance more attractive. In the 6-minute range, the voice of the audience, which seems to be around the recorder, came in a little louder, and I think it was somehow, but it soon settled down. The Gates Of Delirium also has a punchy sound that fits nicely into a dramatic tune, giving it an outstanding effect. You can experience a very powerful sound because it is recorded with the best sound quality that does not become muddy, including the part where the whole is excessively overlapped and becomes a noisy sound image. The clear sound you hear in the Soon part gives you a good idea of ​​how close this take is to the master. The keyboard solo that follows Long Distance Runaround is also quietly listened to by the audience, so you can listen to the vintage keyboard sound. Clap is also recorded with a deep and ideal sound with high notes, so it is a perfect score to listen to. John’s harp solo is also recorded firmly with a calm sound image. Following the short MC entwined with John’s Van Cooper, Heart Of The Sunrise has a wonderful bass sound as mentioned above, and it is recorded with the highest sound quality that can be declared “best” for the audience recording in 1976. It can be said that it is a wonder for the audience recording at that time that the whole musical sound is on so far, but the sound is not muddy at all and is surprisingly separated. The gorgeous sound barrier remains the same even when you enter the song part, and you can enjoy the texture, dynamic excitement and the best sound experience in various places. The greatness of the speed part in the middle part may be that the sound is good, but anyway, it is very powerful. The last big circle is also stunning, and you can enjoy the best version of the 1976 audience recording for Heart Of The Sunrise anyway. It’s a pity that Ritual has a tape on / off near the first minute in the intro, but it’s perfectly recorded from the point where the whole thing goes into a bang. In the original sound, the beginning part of the 13th minute was recorded separately, but since the Omoto is connected, that part is also corrected appropriately, and that part is edited so that it can be enjoyed uncut. (However, there is a cut that seems to be a tape change at 16 minutes and 50 seconds) The instrumental and spectacular excitement of the end part is just overwhelming. Roundabout, an arrangement unique to this period that starts from a percussive intro, is also recorded with a wonderful sound that makes you feel a sense of speed, but the latter half after 5:15 is supplemented with another sound source and finished in a complete version. The definitive edition of the 1976 solo tour that you can enjoy with outstanding sound quality and stable recording! !! This is really recommended.

★ This is a review summary of beatleg magazine vol.127 (February 2011 issue). For your reference.

A 2-disc set that completely recorded the performance of Jesus on July 22, 1976 in Vancouver, Canada when he was enrolled in Patrick Moraz. Since “Relayer” was released in 1974, Moratz was a tour that proved that he had been enrolled in Yes for almost two years, and at that time each member made a solo album and it was called “Solo Tour” as a tour to show it off. However, probably because there was too much difference in quality between the songs of the solo album and the songs of Yes, the solo songs were withdrawn early and the tour was continued with a set list similar to “Relayer Tour”. .. There is a slight glimpse of Moratz’s solo part and John Anderson’s solo part, but for Yes fans, it’s still more responsive to some stimuli and changes than the same set list every time. .. Moratz shows an more electrical keyboard solo than Rick Wakeman in an excerpt from “i”, and John listens to a floating mini harp performance that is the same as the world view of “Olias of Sunhillow”. .. The performance time is shorter than usual due to the change in the set list, but the two songs “Door of Confusion” and “Ritual” let you hear the overwhelming performance. Both songs were played on the previous year’s “Relayer Tour”, so it seems that they are accustomed to it, and even with this, a powerful performance with a strong push is developed. This work is easy to listen to with a good person while recording the audience. Recommended.

★ The sound quality is also good and it is a recommended piece.

1976年、5月末から8月にかけて北米を中心に行われた「ソロ・ツアー」より、ツアー中盤の7月22日、カナダはバンクーバー公演を高音質オーディエンス録音で完全収録。本盤をこのままプレスCD化しても全く問題ない程の高音質で収録されており、冒頭のSiberian Khatru、Soundchaserでの分離感抜群の極上音質にファンは大いに驚かれることでしょう!!全ての楽音がシャープかつクリアーに収録されていますが、特筆すべきは、全てのノートがしっかりと聴き取れるベースサウンドで、絶妙なバランスでグルーブ感いっぱいに飛び出してくる様は圧巻です。I’ve Seen All Good People後半のビートパートもベースのラウド感が演奏の魅力をより素晴らしいものしています。6分台でレコーダー周りと思われる観客の声がやや大きめに入ってきて、何とごとかと思いますが、直ぐに収まります。The Gates Of Deliriumもパンチの効いたサウンドがドラマチックな曲調に上手くはまっており、抜群の効果を出します。全体が過剰に重なりノイジーな音像になるパートも含め、濁らないベストな音質で録音されており、非常に迫力あるサウンドを体感できます。Soonパートで聴ける澄み切ったようなサウンドから、本テイクがいかにマスターに近いかが良く判ります。Long Distance Runaroundに続くキーボードソロも観客が静かに聞き入っているのでヴィンテージなキーボードサウンドに聴き入ることができます。Clapも高音が効いた深みのある理想的な音で録音されているので聴きごたえ満点。ジョンのハープソロも落ち着いた音像でしっかりと録音されています。ジョンのヴァンクーバーに絡めた短めのMCに続いてのHeart Of The Sunriseは前述の通りベースサウンドの見事さもあり、1976年のオーディエンス録音としては「ベスト」と断言できる最高音質で収録されています。全体の楽音がここまでオンでありながら、音が全く濁らず驚く程分離しているのは当時のオーディエンス録音としては、まさに驚異と言って良いでしょう。ゴージャスな音の壁はソングパートに入ってもそのままで、各所各所のキメ、ダイナミックな盛り上がりと最高のサウンド・エクスペリエスを堪能できます。中間部のスピードパートの凄さは音の良さもあるのでしょうが、とにかく凄い迫力です。最後の大団円も呆気にとられるほどの素晴らしさで、とにかくHeart Of The Sunriseに関しては1976年の観客録音のベスト・ヴァージョンを楽しむことができます。Ritualはイントロに一分目付近にテープのオンオフがあるのが残念ですが、全体がガーンっと入るところからは完璧に収録されています。原音では13分冒頭パートが分離されて収録されていましたが、大元は繋がっているので、その部分も適正に補正し、その部分はノンカットで楽しめるように編集してあります。(ただし16分50秒にテープチェンジと思わるカット有)エンドパートの器楽的な壮絶な盛り上がりはまさに圧巻。パーカッシブなイントロからスタートするこの時期ならではのアレンジのRoundaboutも疾走感を多分に感じさせる素晴らしい音で録音されていますが、5:15以降の後半は別音源で補填し完全版に仕上げてあります。抜群の音質と安定した録音で楽しめる1976年ソロ・ツアーの大決定版!!これは本当にお薦めです。

★beatleg誌 vol.127(2011年2月号)のレビュー要約です。ご参考まで。



Disc 1
1. Apocalypse 2. Siberian Khatru 3. Soundchaser 4. I’ve Seen All Good People
5. The Gates Of Delirium 6. Long Distance Runaround 7. Moraz Solo

Disc 2
1. Clap 2. Harp Solo 3. Heart Of The Sunrise 4. Ritual 5. Roundabout

Jon Anderson – Vocals Steve Howe – Guitars Chris Squire – Bass Patrick Moraz – Keyboards
Alan White – Drums


Non label

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