Wishbone Ash / St Charles 2022 Soundboard / 2CDR

Wishbone Ash / St Charles 2022 Soundboard / 2CDR / Uxbridge

Arcada Theater, St. Charles, IL, USA 4th March 2022

Play sample :

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The original WISHBONE ASH in 2022, which stood at the 50th anniversary of the historical daimyo board “ARGUS”. The latest soundboard album has arrived.
“March 4, 2022 St. Charles performance” is recorded in this work. It is the super superb stereo sound board recording. This recording is now the latest master that is attracting attention in the collector world. The factor of the topic is the tremendous sound quality, but first of all, the position of the show. Let’s check the latest schedule together with the recent situation.

● 2022
《February: Joseph Crabtree left → Mike Truscott joined》
・February 23-March 23: North America #1 (24 performances) ← Coco
・April 3: Appearance at HRH Prog XI
・ April 21-July 23: North America # 2 (27 performances)
・ August 27: Appearance at Ino-Rock Festival
・October 15-November 19: Europe #1 (31 performances)
● 2023
・January 10-February 10: Europe #2 (25 performances)
・ February 22-March 19: North America # 3 (23 performances)
・ April 15-December 17: Europe #3 (88 performances)

This is the schedule for 2022/2023 that has been announced so far. The name of the tour has changed in detail depending on the leg, such as “ARGUS LIVE: 50th Anniversary” and “LIVE DATES: LIVE US Tour”, but the St. Charles performance of this work is “LATE TO THE PARTY! USA 50th Anniversary”. One act. It was a concert that was the 8th performance of “North America # 1”. If you are an avid collector, our shop’s “SELLERSVILLE 2022 (Uxbridge 1632)” is also fresh in your memory, but this work is also 15 days before that.
It’s been a while since the show, but it’s only recently that recordings have appeared. Moreover, it is a super-superb item that attracted attention at once with its sound quality. In fact, the sound can only be called “complete official class”. It is not an “excavation class”, but a “masterpiece class” that has been polished with a budget. Actually, it looks like a matrix of sound board recording and audience recording, but I can’t feel the audience element even if I listen with headphones.
Although it is not possible to say for sure because the individual source sound sources have not been made public, the audience elements are probably the cheers between songs and the extremely faint luster. The twin guitars that intertwine with the separate feeling peculiar to the sound board are exquisite, and the harmony of the moist sound is too delicious than a simple mix table direct connection system. Not only the guitar, but also Andy Powell’s deep singing voice, the unobtrusive bass with clear lines, and the drums that have depth in each beat … everything is super beautiful.
A full show of the latest WISHBONE ASH, which exudes the taste of British rock from the whole body, is depicted with such an “official masterpiece class” sound. As I mentioned earlier, many of you have already checked “SELLERSVILLE 2022”, so let’s bid on the set while comparing.

● Classics (8 songs)
・Hyakugan no Kyojin Argus: The King Will Come/Warrior/Throw Down The Sword/Time Was/Blowin’ Free
・Other: Standing In The Rain/Phoenix (★)/Jail Bait
● Recent songs (5 songs)
・Bona Fide: Bona Fide/Enigma
・Others: Eyes Wide Open/Way Down South/We Stand As One
* Note: “★” marks are songs that could not be heard in “SELLERSVILLE 2022”.

… and it looks like this. “SELLERSVILLE 2022” was a complete reproduction show of “ARGUS”, but this work is a normal format. Of course, even so, the axis is “ARGUS”, and all songs other than “Sometime World” and “Leaf and Stream” will be shown. Also, when you actually listen to it, it is more fun as a show if it is not “ARGUS” reproduction. The album reproduction is exciting at the start, but it gradually cools down because I know that the next song, the next song, and the next one will be played. Moreover, in the parts other than reproduction, the songs have been solidified in recent years, and this is too unfamiliar. On the other hand, this work has a mini feature of “ARGUS” in the middle, and new songs and standard songs are scattered, so you won’t get tired of it. If it is a one-time concert site, there is also the joy of album reproduction and commemoration, but if it is a live album, the normal set is more satisfying to listen to. Moreover, by reducing the number of “ARGUS”, the major song “Phoenix” is also included in the set. It will liven up a lot for about 15 minutes.
In any case, you can enjoy the latest tour with a completely official-class transcendental sound. I will do my best. 53 years since formation, 50 years since “ARGUS”. WISHBONE ASH is a band that deserves to be called a “long-established store”. A symbol of British rock that continues to shine with oxidized silver. Full show, which is the latest form, please fully enjoy this superb work.

★ Stereo sound board recording of “St. Charles performance on March 4, 2022”. It is a matrix sound source of sound board recording and audience recording, and the sound is “complete official grade”. The twin guitars that intertwine with the great separate feeling peculiar to the soundboard are exquisite, and the harmonies that sound more moist than the direct connection to the mix table are also delicious. While centering on the “ARGUS” number, you can enjoy a variety of full shows up to the new song of “COAT OF ARMS”.

歴史的大名盤『ARGUS』から50年の節目に立っていた2022年の本家WISHBONE ASH。その最新サウンドボード・アルバムが到着です。
・4月3日:HRH Prog XI出演
・8月27日:Ino-Rock Festival出演
 これが現在までに公表されている2022年/2023年のスケジュール。“ARGUS LIVE: 50th Anniversary”、“LIVE DATES: LIVE US Tour”等、レッグによって細かくツアー名が変わっていたりもしますが、本作のセント・チャールズ公演は“LATE TO THE PARTY! USA 50th Anniversary”の一幕。「北米#1」の8公演目にあたるコンサートでした。熱心なコレクター諸兄なら当店の『SELLERSVILLE 2022(Uxbridge 1632)』も記憶に新しいとこですが、本作はその15日前でもあります。
 そんな「オフィシャル名盤級」サウンドで画かれるのは、全身から英国ロックの滋味を発散する最新WISHBONE ASHのフルショウ。前述のように『SELLERSVILLE 2022』もチェック済みの諸兄も多いでしょうから、比較しながらセットを競りしてみましょう。
・百眼の巨人アーガス:The King Will Come/Warrior/Throw Down The Sword/Time Was/Blowin’ Free
・その他:Standing In The Rain/Phoenix(★)/Jail Bait
・ボナファイド:Bona Fide/Enigma
・その他:Eyes Wide Open/Way Down South/We Stand As One
※注:「★」印は『SELLERSVILLE 2022』で聴けなかった曲。
……と、このようになっています。『SELLERSVILLE 2022』は『ARGUS』完全再現ショウでしたが、本作は通常形式。もちろん、そうは言っても軸は『ARGUS』で、「Sometime World」「Leaf and Stream」以外の全曲が披露されます。また、実際に聴いてみると『ARGUS』再現ではない方がショウとしては楽しい。アルバム再現はスタートこそワクワクするのですが、次曲も次々曲もその次も何か演奏されるか分かっているので徐々に冷める。しかも再現以外パートでは近年曲が固められ、これはこれで馴染みが薄すぎてしまう。それに対し、本作は中盤に『ARGUS』のミニ特集を配しつつ、新曲と定番が散らされていて飽きない。一度きりのコンサート現場ならアルバム再現も記念の喜びもありますが、ライヴアルバムだとやはり通常セットの方が聴き応えがある。しかも、『ARGUS』ナンバーを減らしたことで大代表曲「Phoenix」もセット入り。約15分に渡って大いに盛り上げてくれるのです。
 とにもかくにも、完全オフィシャル級の超絶サウンドで最新ツアーが楽しめる。コレに尽きます。結成53年、『ARGUS』からも50年。WISHBONE ASHほど「老舗」と呼ぶに相応しいバンドはないでしょう。今なおいぶし銀に輝き続ける英国ロックの象徴。その最新形となるフルショウ、どうぞ超極上の本作で存分に味わい尽くしてください。
★「2022年3月4日セント・チャールズ公演」のステレオ・サウンドボード録音。サウンドボード録音とオーディエンス録音のマトリクス音源で、そのサウンドは「完全オフィシャル級」。サウンドボード特有の絶大なセパレート感で絡み合うツイン・ギターが絶品ですし、単なるミックス卓直結系よりもしっとりとした鳴りのハーモニーも美味。『ARGUS』ナンバーを軸としつつ、『COAT OF ARMS』の新曲まで多彩なフルショウを楽しめます。
Disc 1(34:44)
1. Intro
2. Bonafide
3. Enigma
4. Eyes Wide Open
5. King Will Come
6. Warrior
7. Throw Down The Sword
Disc 2(67:30)
1. MC
2. Time Was
3. Way Down South
4. Stand As One
5. Standing In The Rain
6. Phoenix
7. Blowin’ Free
8. Jailbait
Andy Powell – guitar, vocals
Bob Skeat – bass, backing vocals
Mark Abrahams – guitar
Mike Truscott – drums, percussion

Uxbridge 1849

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