Who / Complete Woodstock 1969 / 1CD

Who / Complete Woodstock 1969 / 1CD / Non Label
Woodstock Festival, Bethel, New York, USA 17th August 1969

Play sample :

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Following the popular Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young’s “COMPLETE WOODSTOCK 1969”, this time the Who’s Woodstock complete & highest sound quality version will be released on a limited press CD. Their stage also saw the light of day in the 38-disc set of raging waves three years ago, but still no single release has been realized. As you can see from the movie of the event, their performance on this day is suitable for the word historical masterpiece, and Woodstock, which can be asserted as the most important live sound source in The Who’s stage career, is still readily available. I have to say that the situation that I can’t do it is a grave situation.
However, in the mania area, a sound source that captures their stage at Woodstock, which seems to be a PA-out mixing board recording, has been released since the 1980s. “WOODSTOCK 1969” has been considered the definitive edition.
However, while they were a two-CD set (with bonus tracks unrelated to Woodstock), this time it’s a single CD. However, it was the 38-disc set that was the basis of this time that completely recorded the pattern of the dokkoi stage, and rather it was the past releases that had cuts. There was a cut in the interlude of “See Mee, Feel Me”, and even the scene asking for an encore was cut considerably. In other words, it became clear in comparison with this time that it was released in such a format, even though there was no need to make it a two-disc set. There is no way to say that the 38-disc set is as expected in that area.
And most of all, past underground sound sources were monaural, but this time it’s stereo from a brilliant multi-track. You can enjoy the sound quality of Foo’s unique live sound, which is made up of three players and creates a thick sound by making each band sound loud, resounding in Woodstock. Among them, it is unique to multitrack that it captures the sound of John Entwistle’s heavyweight bass, which occupies the left channel, with plenty of power.

In this way, it is natural that it is a perfect sound source in terms of sound quality, but for this release, the scene before the appearance of Fu that was in the original 38-disc version was cut. There were only scenes unrelated to Fu’s performance, such as the scenery of political activist Abbie Hoffman’s “speech” that would later appear on the stage during Fu’s performance, and the noise of preparations on the stage, so I deleted it and put it on the CD. I edited it so that it starts smoothly with the band announcement that is announced in an impressive voice by that Chip Monk when playing.
More than anything else, Hoffman burst into the stage after finishing “Pinball Wizard” and tried to give a speech without being discouraged, but Pete said, “Get lost!” As you can see from the applause sent to Pete, thank you for kicking out the unpredictable activist who appeared at the rock concert! The excitement is clearly transmitted. On the contrary, even this happening seems to play a role in elevating the Fu stage at Woodstock to legend.
And as you can see from the remaining footage, Fu was caught completely concentrating on the performance, ignoring such happenings on this day. Their experience of going around clubs and theaters with “TOMMY” since May must have been a testament to their experiences. On this day, we were in front of a huge hippie crowd at a large outdoor festival. By showing a perfect performance even in such an away situation, he was promoted to a legendary performance in Woodstock.

At this point, the live performance of “TOMMY” was not the full version, but the short version, in which the opening “Overture” and “Tommy Can You Hear Me?” have not yet been introduced. They will be set in from the autumn tour, so if you compare them with the popular “LONDON COLISEUM 1969” on sale, you will find that there is a clear difference even in the same 1969 “TOMMY”. Such a short version at that time was also successful at Woodstock, which was a festival appearance with a limited performance time, and “Sparks” and the finale “We’re Not Gonna Take” created from the “TOMMY” part here It” is once again reminded that it was a tremendous performance.
As a result, they came up to the Woodstock stage with an aggressive composition of “TOMMY” as the main and less old songs, but the encore “My Generation” was another great performance. This has also been proven in images such as “THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT”, but the impact is tremendous even if you listen only to the audio in this way. After all, there should be no objection that it was the best stage record of The Who in 1969. The best version that was released three years ago, even though it was a great performance during the Woodstock event as a whole. Following the hugely popular CSN&Y, you can listen to The Who’s rare masterpieces on a single CD, and get the legendary stage at your fingertips with the handy version of Woodstock that maniacs all over the world have been waiting for.

大好評クロスビー・スティルス・ナッシュ&ヤングの「COMPLETE WOODSTOCK 1969」に続いて今回はザ・フーのウッドストックのコンプリ&最高音質版が限定プレスCDにてリリースの運びとなりました。彼らのステージもまた三年前に怒涛の38枚組セットの中で日の目をみたものの、未だに単体でのリリースは実現せず。同イベントの映画を見れば解るように、この日の彼らのパフォーマンスは歴史的名演という言葉が相応しく、ザ・フーのステージ・キャリアにおいても最重要ライブ音源だと断言できるウッドストックが未だ手軽に入手できないという状況は由々しき事態だと言わざるを得ません。
もっともマニア界隈では古くからPAアウトのミキシングボード録音とおぼしきウッドストックでの彼らのステージを捉えられた音源が80年代からリリースされており、その後CDでも「THE VIOLENT SIDE」、それの紙ジャケ再発盤「WOODSTOCK 1969」が決定版とされてきました。
ところが、それらがCD二枚組(ウッドストックと無関係なボーナストラック入り)であったのに対して今回はCD一枚ですっぽり収まっている。ところがどっこいステージの模様を完全収録しているのは今回の元になった38枚組の方で、むしろカットが生じていたのはそうした過去のリリース群だったのです。そこではよりによって「See Mee, Feel Me」の間奏でカットが生じており、なおかつアンコールを求める場面までもかなりカットされていた。つまり二枚組にする必要がまったくなかったのにもかかわらず、そうしたフォーマットでリリースされていたことが今回との比較で明らかとなったのです。その辺りが38枚組の方はさすがだとした言いようがありません。

そのホフマンはよりによって「Pinball Wizard」を終えた後のタイミングでステージに乱入して性懲りもなく演説しようとするものの、ピートに「失せろ!」と言われてあえなく退散。そんなピートに拍手喝采が送られていることからも解るように、会場もロックコンサートに現れた空気の読めない活動家を追い出してくれてありがとう!的な盛り上がりがはっきり伝わってきます。それどころか、このハプニングすらウッドストックでのフーのステージを伝説へと昇格させる役割を果たしているようにすら思えるほど。

この時点での「TOMMY」ライブ披露はフルバージョンではなく、オープニング「Overture」や「Tommy Can You Hear Me?」がまだ導入されていないショートバージョン。それらがセットインするのは秋のツアーからですので、好評発売中「LONDON COLISEUM 1969」と聞き比べると同じ69年の「TOMMY」でもはっきりとした違いがあることが解るでしょう。そんな当時のショートバージョンがまた演奏時間に制限のあるフェス出演であったウッドストックでは功を奏しており、ここでの「TOMMY」パートから生み出された「Sparks」やフィナーレ「We’re Not Gonna Take It」が改めて凄まじい名演であったことを思い知らされます。
結果として「TOMMY」メインで旧曲少なめという攻めな構成でウッドストックのステージに上がった彼らですが、アンコール「My Generation」がまた相当な名演。これもまた「THE KIDS ARE ALRIGHT」などの映像にて証明済みですが、こうして音声だけで聞いてもそのインパクトは凄まじい。やはり1969年ザ・フー最上のステージの記録であったということに異論はないはず。ウッドストックのイベント全体からしても名演中の名演でありながら、三年前にしれっとリリースされていたベスト・バージョン。大好評CSN&Yに続いてザ・フー稀代の名演をCD一枚でサクッと聞ける、世界中のマニアが待ち望んだお手軽版ウッドストックで伝説のステージをお手元に。

1. Intro
2. Heaven And Hell
3. I Can’t Explain
4. It’s A Boy
5. 1921
6. Amazing Journey
7. Sparks
8. Eyesight To The Blind
9. Christmas
10. Acid Queen
11. Pinball Wizard
12. Abbie Hoffman Incident
13. Do You Think It’s Alright
14. Fiddle About
15. There’s A Doctor
16. Go To The Mirror
17. Smash The Mirror
18. I’m Free
19. Tommy’S Holiday Camp
20. We’re Not Gonna Take It
21. Summertime Blues
22. Shakin’ All Over
23. My Generation
24. Outro


Non Label

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