Jimi Hendrix Experience / Skane 1967 / 1CDR

Jimi Hendrix Experience / Skane 1967 / 1CDR / Non Label
Stora Salen, Akademiska Foreningen, Lund, Skane, Sweden 10th September 1967

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About a week after the Stockholm tour in September 1967, this time Jimi Hendrix and his group are holding a show in the same country called Skane in Sweden. The audience album which recorded the first stage among the shows performed twice there is this gift. Anyway, it is amazing to hear that wonderful sound quality. This is also a surprise to the degree of freshness and clearness that I do not think that it is an audience recording of 1967, and the on degree of the sound image.
This sound source seems to have been released only in the box of the semi-official release called “HENDRIX LIVE IN SCANDINAVIA VOL. 1” in 2007 at the time, but this time Jimi Heng · It is based on the version recorded with the best sound quality from the master tape which has been distributed in the famous “ATM” series on the net among traders. Moreover, the pitch which was slightly crazy is adjusted exactly at the time of this release.

Overall, it is a short stage of less than 40 minutes like Jimi of this period, and the scale of the performance itself is still compact. I really regret that the recording was interrupted at the beginning of the rare R & B cover “Mercy Mercy” played in such a place, but since the audience is quieter than in Stockholm, this sound source is really easy to hear. If there is a reaction of the audience of this day even if the reaction seems to be reflected even in the light night, the performance in the first half is not so much heated when it becomes a intense song, “Catfish Blues” etc. are burning in Stockholm that much. It is true that it does not extend to
However, in “Fire”, you can hear the high-tension performance that doesn’t even make such audiences, but it is only if you have a good time Jimi and experience. In addition, I can listen to the performance of the famous song “The Wind Cries Mary” that is brighter because it is a quiet venue. Please enjoy the lively performance with a sense of presence different from the one in the United States, which is likely to be noisy. In addition, the “Manic Depression”, which was not featured in Stockholm a week ago, was exhibited, and it was amazing to have a show that makes you feel even a certain calming atmosphere, completely different from Stockholm’s in both content and performance It is a high quality gift captured by a vintage audience with a great sound quality.

この音源は2007年になって「HENDRIX LIVE IN SCANDINAVIA VOL. 1」という、当時幅を利かせていたセミ・オフィシャル・リリースのボックスだけでリリースされたことがあったようですが、今回はジミヘン・トレーダーの間ではネット上の有名な「ATM」シリーズで出回っていたマスターテープから最高の音質にて収録したバージョンを元にしています。しかも若干ながら狂っていたピッチを今回のリリースに際してきっちりとアジャスト。

全体的にはこの時期のジミらしく40分足らずという短めなステージであり、演奏自体の尺もまだまだコンパクト。そんな中で演奏されたレアなR&Bカバー「Mercy Mercy」が始まったところで録音が途切れてしまったのが本当に悔やまれますが、ストックホルム以上に観客が静かなのでこの音源は本当に聞きやすい。ともすれば反応が淡泊にすら映ってしまうこの日の観客の反応もあってか、前半は激しめな曲になるとあまり演奏が白熱せず「Catfish Blues」などはあれほど燃え上がっていたストックホルムの演奏には及ばないのは事実。
しかし「Fire」ではそんな観客をものともしないハイテンションな演奏が聞かれるのが、さすがは活きのいい時期のジミとエクスペリエンスならでは。さらに静かな会場だからこそ一段と映える名曲「The Wind Cries Mary」の演奏には聞きほれてしまう。騒がしくなりやすいアメリカとは違った臨場感で活きのいい演奏をじっくりと味わってください。さらに一週間前のストックホルムでは取り上げられなかった「Manic Depression」が披露されるなど、内容面と演奏面の両方においてストックホルムの時とはまったく違った、ある種の落ち着いた雰囲気さえ感じさせるショーを驚異的な音質のビンテージ・オーディエンスにて捉えたハイクオリティなギフトです。

1. Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band 2. Foxy Lady. Catfish Blues
4. Fire 5. The Wind Cries Mary 6. Mercy Mercy 7. Manic Depression 8. Purple Haze

Jimi Hendrix – Guitar, Vocals Noel Redding – Bass Mitch Mitchell – Drums

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