WASP / Zurich 1997 / 1CDR

W.A.S.P / Zurich 1997 / 1CDR / Shades

Volkshaus, Zurich, Switzerland 21st May 1997

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1997 W.A.S.P., whose ally Chris Holmes has returned and regained the original ferocious sound with the super-radical board “KILL FUCK DIE”. Introducing a live album where you can experience the scorching scene in the best possible way.
It was the “May 21, 1997 Zurich performance” that was imbued with this work. It is a powerful audience recording. The other day, I introduced the live album “BONN 1992 (Shades 1349)” of “THE CRIMSON IDOL Tour”, but after the tour, Blackie Lawless announced “STILL NOT BLACK ENOUGH” which is the second solo system. However, the tour was not conducted and the activity was silenced, and Chris’s return was realized in August 1995. And then one and a half years. In 1997, he fully resumed full-scale activities. It was the release of “KILL FUCK DIE” that became the signal smoke, and it was the first tour in 5 years. First, let’s look back on such a “one year of restart” and confirm the position of the show.

・ January 27-February 7: Europe # 1 (7 performances)
・ April 24-27: Europe # 2a (4 performances)
“April 29,” KILL FUCK DIE “released”
・ April 30-May 30: Europe # 2b (23 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ June 8th-July 11th: North America (20 performances)
・ September 17-21: Japan (4 performances)

This is the 1997 W.A.S.P. The first step in the full-scale return was a European tour before and after the album release, but this Zurich performance is the 20th performance of “Europe # 2”. The performance in Japan is also memorable on this tour, but this work is four months before that.
This work recorded at such a show is a clear sound that will awaken your eyes. You can feel the sense of space in the snare sound, but the straight core is as bright and sharp as a laser beam, and the details are very delicate. Of course, it doesn’t make sense if the sound is too vivid and hurts your ears, but I don’t have to worry about it in this work. It’s insanely natural, and the freshness that doesn’t distort peaks or fine dust is tremendous. If you liken this feeling to Japanese recording, I would like to call it “like a prestigious kinnie.” A sound that pursues “the beauty unique to an audience” by placing the highest priority on clearness rather than the closeness of a sound board. Of course, this work is just a metaphor, not a Kinney recording, but it is a crystal clear brand that the world of Mine is revived.
The sound of such brilliance is a violent show that is the opposite of the beauty of the sound. In “THE HEADLESS CHILDREN” and “THE CRIMSON IDOL”, Blackie was extremely dramatic in the straightforward heavy metal, but he returned to the violent line when he revived. He called himself “Snuff Rock” and developed an aggressive stage that surpassed the shock rock at the time of his debut. On the other hand, the set was also Greatest Hits, where the representative songs were lined up in a row. Let’s organize the contents here.

● Opening Medley
・ Majinden: On Your knees / Hellion
・ Electric Circus: I Don’t Need No Doctor
・ Crimson Idol: Chainsaw Charlie (Murders In The New Morgue)
● Others
・ Majinden: Animal (Fuck Like A Beast) / L.O.V.E. Machine / I Wanna Be Somebody
・ Last Command: Wild Child / Blind In Texas
・ Headless Children: The Real Me
・ Kill Fuck Die: Killahead / U / Kill Your Pretty Face / The Horror

…… And it looks like this. It is a style that added the encore “Blind In Texas” to DISC 1 of the official live board “DOUBLE LIVE ASSASSINS” of the same tour. A medley of about 10 minutes from the opening suddenly creates a highlight-like excitement, and after that, it feels like shifting the two axes “W.A.S.P.” → “KILL FUCK DIE” with the representative songs of each era. It is a show where the aggression gradually increases.
Under such circumstances, the new songs of “KILL FUCK DIE”, which seemed to be all about violence, also let us hear a surprising expression. It was a cold industrial sound on the album, but on the stage it has a flesh like a live performance, and it is surprisingly familiar with classics. Of course, that taste was also felt in “DOUBLE LIVE ASSASSINS”, but it feels even more vivid in this work recorded by the audience.
After that, Blackie & Chris broke up again with “UNHOLY TERROR” in 2001. However, these two were still special. A new excavation live album where you can witness the scene of such a famous combination revival with a super clear superb sound. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ A powerful audience recording of “May 21, 1997 Zurich Performance”. It is a clear recording that will awaken your eyes, and the core that reaches straight is as vivid and sharp as a laser beam, and the details are extremely delicate. Of course, it doesn’t make sense for a sound that hurts your ears, but this work is insanely natural and has a great freshness that does not distort peaks or fine dust. It is a sound that pursues “beauty unique to the audience”. This is a new excavation live album where you can experience the full show that ally Chris Holmes has just returned.

盟友クリス・ホルムズが復帰し、超・過激盤『KILL FUCK DIE』で本来の凶暴サウンドを取り戻した1997年のW.A.S.P.。その灼熱の現場を極上体験できるライヴアルバムが登場です。
 そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1997年5月21日チューリッヒ公演」。その強力オーディエンス録音です。先日は“THE CRIMSON IDOL Tour”のライヴアルバム『BONN 1992(Shades 1349)』をご紹介しましたが、そのツアー終了後にブラッキー・ローレスはソロ体制第2弾となる『STILL NOT BLACK ENOUGH』を発表。しかし、ツアーは行われずに活動は沈黙し、1995年8月にクリスの復帰が実現します。そして、それから1年半。1997年になって満を持して本格的な活動を再開。その狼煙となったのが『KILL FUCK DIE』のリリースであり、5年ぶりのツアーでした。まずは、そんな”再始動の1年”を振り返り、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。
《4月29日『KILL FUCK DIE』発売》
 そんな輝きのサウンドで描かれるのは、音の美しさとは真逆な暴虐のショウ。『THE HEADLESS CHILDREN』『THE CRIMSON IDOL』では正道ヘヴィメタルのドラマティシズムを極めていたブラッキーですが、復活に際して暴虐路線に回帰。「Snuff Rock(ぶっ殺しロック?)」を自称し、デビュー当時のショックロックを上回る攻撃的なステージを展開していました。その一方で、セットは代表曲がズラリと並んだグレイテスト・ヒッツでもあった。ここでその内容も整理しておきましょう。
・魔人伝:On Your knees/Hellion
・エレクトリック・サーカス:I Don’t Need No Doctor
・クリムゾン・アイドル:Chainsaw Charlie (Murders In The New Morgue)
・魔人伝:Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)/L.O.V.E. Machine/I Wanna Be Somebody
・ラスト・コマンド:Wild Child/Blind In Texas
・ヘッドレス・チルドレン:The Real Me
・キル・ファック・ダイ:Killahead/U/Kill Your Pretty Face/The Horror
……と、このようになっています。ぶっちゃけた話が同じツアーの公式ライヴ盤『DOUBLE LIVE ASSASSINS』のDISC 1に、アンコールの「Blind In Texas」を追加したスタイルです。オープニングから約10分のメドレーでいきなりハイライトのような盛り上がりを作りだし、その後は各時代の代表曲を交えつつ、2本軸『W.A.S.P.』→『KILL FUCK DIE』をズラしていく感じ。徐々にアグレッションが増していくショウです。
 そんな中で暴虐一辺倒のように思えた『KILL FUCK DIE』の新曲たちも意外な表情を聴かせてくれる。アルバムでは冷徹インダストリアルなサウンドだったわけですが、ステージではいかにも生演奏らしい肉感が宿り、意外なほどクラシックスと馴染んでいる。もちろん、その旨みは『DOUBLE LIVE ASSASSINS』でも感じられましたが、オーディエンス録音の本作ではより一層生々しく感じられるのです。
 その後、2001年の『UNHOLY TERROR』をもって再び袂を別ってしまうブラッキー&クリス。しかし、この2人はやはり特別でした。そんな名コンビ復活の現場を超クリアな極上サウンドで立ち会える新発掘ライヴアルバム。どうぞ、心ゆくまで存分にお楽しみください。
1. The End (Intro)
2. On Your Knees
3. I Don’t Need No Doctor
4. Hellion
5. Chainsaw Charlie (Murders In The New Morgue)
6. Wild Child
7. Animal (Fuck Like A Beast)
8. L.O.V.E. Machine
9. Killahead
10. I Wanna Be Somebody
11. U
12. The Real Me
13. Kill Your Pretty Face
14. The Horror
15. Blind In Texas
Blackie Lawless – lead vocals, rhythm guitar
Chris Holmes – lead guitar
Mike Duda – bass, backing vocals
Stet Howland – drums, backing vocals

Shades 1354

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