Vixen / Nottingham 1990 / 1CDR

Vixen / Nottingham 1990 / 1CDR / Shades
Rock City, Nottingham, UK 11th September 1990


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In 1990, VIXEN was in the middle of a golden age, having released their two major works, “VIXEN” and “REV IT UP.” Two new excavation masters who convey the site are newly excavated! The unparalleled beauty of these two works will be released at the same time.
This work is the second of two simultaneous releases. This is a superb audience recording of “September 11, 1990 Nottingham Performance”. Both of these sister works are part of the “REV IT UP Tour.” First of all, let’s take a look at the schedule of the activities at that time and check the position of the show.

《“REV IT UP” released in July》
・August 11th + 25th: North America #1 (2 performances)
・August 30th – September 12th: Europe #1 (9 performances) ←★Here★
・September 19th – December 5th: North America #2 (48 performances)
・January 16th-24th: North America #3 (8 performances)
・February 8th – March 21st: Europe #2 (30 performances) ←※REV IT UP IN GERMANY
・May 11th + June 6th: North America #4 (2 performances)
“activity break”

This is the overall picture of the “REV IT UP” era. Both of these sister works are live albums recorded in “Europe #1”, and the Nottingham performance of this work is the 8th performance. The concert was held four days after the simultaneously released sister work “MANCHESTER 1990 (Shades 1825)” (after three performances).
This work, which is a vacuum-packed version of such a show, is truly the best. Like the sister work “MANCHESTER 1990”, it is a recording collection by the famous master “Stephane”, but to be honest, the sound of this work is better. Perhaps it was because of the sound output at the time, the acoustics of the venue, the influence of the position, or perhaps the goddess of recording simply smiled…probably all of them. Anyway, the core is extremely thick and powerful, and there is no sense of distance. “It’s like a sound board” or “it’s like an official”. VIXEN did not leave an official live album from their heyday, but if you have this work, you don’t need it…I can say that it is a transcendent album.
What is depicted with that miraculous and transcendent sound is a special show that concentrates and reduces his masterpiece. On this day, it was coupled with JAGGED EDGE (nostalgic!), but the main song was VIXEN, which lasted about 80 minutes. Let’s organize the full set here.

●Vixen (5 songs)
・Cruisin’/Cryin’/Hell Raisers/I Want You To Rock Me/Edge Of A Broken Heart
●Rev It Up (8 songs)
・Streets In Paradise/Rev It Up/Not A Minute Too Soon/Hard 16/Love Is A Killer/Bad Reputation/How Much Love/Wrecking Ball

…and it looks like this. The set is the same as it is just after the sister work “MANCHESTER 1990″. 8 out of 11 songs from “REV IT UP” were released on a large scale, and 5 special songs from the debut album were fused there. This is the ultimate best set packed with the best times.
Anyway, amazing high sound quality, the ultimate best set, and the band’s potential at its peak. This is a live album that brings together the three elements of an excellent piece of music: good sound, good songs, and good performance. It is a masterpiece that is on par with “VIXEN” and “REV IT UP”…or even better. This is a new masterpiece that all fans of HR/HM should definitely experience. This is the grand birth!

★Superb audience recording of “September 11, 1990 Nottingham Performance”. This is a recording collection by the much-talked-about master “Stephane”, and the sound is just like a soundboard… or should I say, “just like official”. VIXEN did not leave an official live album from their heyday, but with this work, there is no need for it…I can say with certainty that it is a transcendental album.

2大代表作『VIXEN』『REV IT UP』を畳みかけ、黄金時代の真っ直中にいた1990年のVIXEN。その現場を伝える新発掘マスター2種が新発掘! 絶世の美姉妹作が同時リリース決定です。
本作は2作同時リリースの第二弾。「1990年9月11日ノッティンガム公演」の超極上オーディエンス録音です。今回の姉妹作はどちらも“REV IT UP Tour”の一幕。まずは、当時の活動概要をスケジュールで俯瞰し、ショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

《7月『REV IT UP』発売》
・2月8日ー3月21日:欧州#2(30公演)←※REV IT UP IN GERMANY

これが『REV IT UP』時代の全体像。今回の姉妹作はどちらも「欧州#1」で記録されたライヴアルバムであり、本作のノッティンガム公演は、その8公演目。同時リリースの姉妹作『MANCHESTER 1990(Shades 1825)』の4日後(3公演後)にあたるコンサートでした。
そんなショウを真空パックした本作は、まさに極上。姉妹作『MANCHESTER 1990』と同じく話題の名匠「Stephane」氏による録音コレクションなのですが、ハッキリ言ってサウンドは本作の方が上。当時の出音のせいか、会場音響のせいか、ポジションの影響か、あるいは単に録音の女神が微笑んだのか……恐らくは、その全部。とにかく芯が極太で力強く、距離感ゼロ。「まるでサウンドボード」と申しますか「まるでオフィシャル」。VIXENは全盛期の公式ライヴアルバムを残さなかったわけですが、本作があれば必要ない……そう断言できる超絶級の1枚なのです。
その奇跡の超絶サウンドで描かれるのは、代表作を濃縮還元した特濃のショウ。この日はJAGGED EDGE(懐かしい!)とのカップリングでしたが、メインはVIXENで持ち時間も約80分たっぷり。ここで、そのフルセットを整理しておきましょう。

・Cruisin’/Cryin’/Hell Raisers/I Want You To Rock Me/Edge Of A Broken Heart
・Streets In Paradise/Rev It Up/Not A Minute Too Soon/Hard 16/Love Is A Killer/Bad Reputation/How Much Love/Wrecking Ball

……と、このようになっています。姉妹作『MANCHESTER 1990』の直後だけあってセットは同一。『REV IT UP』の全11曲中8曲が大盤振る舞いされ、そこにデビュー作からの必殺5曲が融合。まさに一番オイシイ時期がギュウ詰めになった究極のベスト・セットです。
とにもかくにも凄まじい高音質と究極のベスト・セット、そして絶頂のバンド・ポテンシャル。優れた音楽作品の三要素「良い音・良い曲・良い演奏」の極みが揃ったライヴアルバムです。それこそ『VIXEN』『REV IT UP』と同等……いや、それ以上と言ってもいい最高傑作。HR/HMを愛するすべてのファンにぜひ、是非とも、是が非にでもご体験いただきたい新名盤。ここに堂々の誕生です!


01. Intro
02. Streets in Paradise
03. Rev It Up
04. Not a Minute Too Soon
05. Cruisin’
06. Hard 16
07. Cryin’
08. Bass Solo / Drum Solo
09. Hell Raisers
10. Love Is a Killer
11. Bad Reputation
12. How Much Love
13. Wrecking Ball
14. I Want You to Rock Me
15. Edge of a Broken Heart

Janet Gardner – Vocal
Jan Kuehnemund – Guitar
Share Pedersen – Bass
Roxy Petrucci – Drums

Shades 1826

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