U2 / The Ritz 1982 1st Night / 1CDR

U2 / The Ritz 1982 1st Night / 1CDR / Uxbridge
Live at The Ritz, New York, NY, USA 17th March 1982 SBD

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U2 in 1982, who did not know the breakthrough yet and challenged the world with passion. Introducing a masterpiece full soundboard where you can enjoy the fiery live music of a young rock band.
“March 17, 1982 New York performance” is included in this work. It is a sound board recording recorded by the traditional club “The Ritz”. U2 at that time had just embarked on a national domination with the “OCTOBER Tour”, and the pattern is familiar from the press masterpiece “HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981 (Wardour-451)”. First, let’s look back on the schedule at that time and confirm the position of the show.

● 1981
・ January 23-February 21: Europe # 1 (22 performances)
・ March 3rd-May 31st: North America # 1 (57 performances)
・ June 4-9: Europe # 2 (4 performances)
<< August “OCTOBER” completed >>
・ August 16-September 2: Europe # 3 (6 performances)
“October 12,” OCTOBER “released”
・ October 1st-November 4th: Europe # 4 (29 performances)
・ November 13-December 13: North America # 2 (23 performances) ← * HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981
・ December 20 + 21: London (2 performances)
● 1982
・ January 23-26: Ireland (3 performances)
・ February 11th-March 30th: North America # 3 (32 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
<< September-November “WAR” production >>
・ December 1-24: Europe # 5 (20 performances)

This is U2 in 1981/1982. “Europe # 3” to “North America # 3” are called “OCTOBER Tour”, and “The Ritz” is “November 20, 21 and 22, 1981” and “March 17, 1982.” A total of 5 performances were held on the 18th. The New York performance of this work was the 23rd performance of “North America # 3”, which is the final stage of the tour.
Such a show is also known for its sound board recordings, and has been loved as a staple of the “OCTOBER Tour”. In fact, it’s no wonder that the sound of this work has become a staple. It was introduced from the Uxbridge label because it is monaural, but the sound quality itself is not defeated by “HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981”. It’s not strange even if it becomes.
The quality that should be called such a semi-official class is a full show that far surpasses “HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981”. Let’s organize them while comparing them here.

● Boy (9 songs + α)
・ Another Time, Another Place / A Day Without Me / An Cat Dubh (★) / Into the Heart (★) / The Cry / The Electric Co. / I Will Follow (★) / Twilight / Out of Control / The Ocean ( ★)
● Irish October (7 songs)
・ Gloria / I Threw a Brick Through a Window / Rejoice / I Fall Down / October (★) / Tomorrow (★) / Fire (★)
● Others
・ 11 O’Clock Tick Tock (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard on the sound board press name board “HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981”.

…… And it looks like this. All songs except “Stories for Boys” and “Shadows and Tall Trees” were performed from “BOY”, and of course, “OCTOBER” also behaved in a big way. “Another Time, Another Place”, “Rejoice”, “Tomorrow”, “Fire”, etc. This is the time when there are many delicious masterpieces. And the performance that spells such a set is hot. After all, the average age of the four people at that time was 20.5 years old. It’s a rock band with a hot passion, unlike the bands that are highly conscious in later years. The single-mindedness of believing only in their own music and pushing forward is drawn with a feeling of close contact only with the sound board.
Anyway, a special and delicious initial set and a youthful enthusiasm. It is a masterpiece of a close-fitting sound board that pours them directly into the brain. The real thrill of stereo is given to “HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981”, but the full set is an inevitable piece that greatly surpasses the listening response. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ Sound board recording of “March 17, 1982 The Ritz Performance”. It was introduced from the Uxbridge label because it is monaural, but the sound quality itself is official grade. And most of all, it’s a complete recording of the full show. While focusing on 9 songs from “BOY”, 7 songs from “OCTOBER” also behave in a large scale. This is an absolute board where you can enjoy a full show of delicious masterpieces such as “Another Time, Another Place”, “Rejoice”, “Tomorrow”, “Fire”, etc. on the sound board.

そんな本作に収められているのは「1982年3月17日ニューヨーク公演」。伝統の名クラブ“The Ritz”で記録されたサウンドボード録音です。当時のU2は“OCTOBER Tour”で全米制覇に乗り出したばかりで、その模様はプレス名盤『HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981(Wardour-451)』でもお馴染み。まずは、そんな当時のスケジュールを振り返ってショウのポジションを確かめてみましょう。

・11月13日ー12月13日:北米#2(23公演)←※HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981

これが1981年/1982年のU2。「欧州#3」から「北米#3」までが“OCTOBER Tour”とされていまして、“The Ritz”では「1981年11月20日・21日・22日」と「1982年3月17日・18日」の計5公演が実施されました。本作のニューヨーク公演はツアー終盤となる「北米#3」の23公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そんなショウはサウンドボード録音が残された事でも知られ、“OCTOBER Tour”の定番として愛されてきました。実際、本作のサウンドは定番になるのも当然の極上ぶり。モノラルなためにUxbridgeレーベルからのご紹介となりましたが、サウンド・クオリティ自体は『HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981』にも負けていない……と言いますか、それこそ『OCTOBER』にセットしてデラックス・エディションとなってもおかしくないくらいです。
そんな準オフィシャル級とでも呼ぶべきクオリティで描かれるのは、『HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981』を遙かに凌駕するフルショウ。ここで比較しながら整理してみましょう。

・Another Time, Another Place/A Day Without Me/An Cat Dubh(★)/Into the Heart(★)/The Cry/The Electric Co./I Will Follow(★)/Twilight/Out of Control/The Ocean(★)
・Gloria/I Threw a Brick Through a Window/Rejoice/I Fall Down/October(★)/Tomorrow(★)/Fire(★)
・11 O’Clock Tick Tock(★)
※注;「★」印はサウンドボードのプレス名盤『HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。『BOY』から「Stories for Boys」「Shadows and Tall Trees」以外の全曲が披露され、もちろん『OCTOBER』からも大盤振る舞い。「Another Time, Another Place」や「Rejoice」「Tomorrow」「Fire」等々。この時期だからこその美味しい名曲がてんこ盛りなのです。そして、そんなセットを綴る演奏こそが熱い。何しろ、当時の4人の平均年齢は20.5歳。後年の意識高い系バンドとはまるで違って丸出しのパッションが熱い一介のロックバンド。自分たちの音楽だけを信じて突き進むひたむきさがサウンドボードだけのド密着感で描かれていくのです。
とにもかくにも、特濃で美味しい初期セットと若々しい熱演。それらを脳みそに直接流し込んでくるド密着サウンドボードの大傑作です。ステレオ感の醍醐味は『HOLLYWOOD PALLADIUM 1981』に譲りますが、フルセットの聴き応えは大きく凌駕する不可避の1枚。どうぞ、心ゆくまで存分にお楽しみください。

★「1982年3月17日ザ・リッツ公演」のサウンドボード録音。モノラルなためにUxbridgeレーベルからのご紹介となりましたが、サウンド・クオリティ自体はオフィシャル級。そして何より嬉しいのがフル・ショウを完全収録していることです。『BOY』からの9曲を軸としつつ、『OCTOBER』からも7曲の大盤振る舞い。「Another Time, Another Place」や「Rejoice」「Tomorrow」「Fire」等々、この時期だからこその美味しい名曲がてんこ盛りのフルショウをサウンドボードで楽しめる絶対盤です。

1 Gloria
2 Another Time, Another Place
3 I Threw a Brick Through a Window
4 A Day Without Me
5 An Cat Dubh
6 Into the Heart
7 Rejoice
8 The Cry / The Electric Co.
9 I Fall Down
10 October
11 Tomorrow
12 I Will Follow
13 Twilight
14 Out of Control
15 Fire
16 11 O’Clock Tick Tock
17 The Ocean


Uxbridge 1592

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