Thin Lizzy / Jailbreak U.S Tour 1976 / 2CD

Thin Lizzy / Jailbreak U.S Tour 1976 / 2CD / Zodiac
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, IL, USA 21st April 1976 STEREO SBD(UPGRADE)
Ford Auditorium, Detroit, MI, USA 14th May 1976

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

THIN LIZZY in 1976, who made a breakthrough and entered the golden age. A decision board that couples the strongest sound board is born! Appeared as a press 2CD that permanently preserves the highest quality polished by meticulous mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.
There are two types of soundboards engraved on this work. It is a two-disc set with “Chicago performance on April 21, 1976” on DISC 1 and “Detroit performance on May 14” on DISC 2. Speaking of 1976, the two major albums “Jailbreak” and “Sagiri Johnny” are folded, and the meaning changes depending on the time this time. This week, “HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1976 (Zodiac 535)” will be released at the same time, so let’s check the position on the schedule.

・ January 16-February 10: UK # 1 (7 performances)
《Completion of “Jailbreak” in February》
・ March 5-April 4: UK # 2 (29 performances)
・ April 17-June 10: North America (36 performances) ← here
・ July 11: London performance
《August “Johnny the Heron” production》
・ September 4-November 18: Europe (40 performances) ← * HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1976

This is THIN LIZZY in 1976. “JOHNNY THE FOX” will be produced in the summer, but before that it was the “JAILBREAK Tour”, and from the beginning of autumn it was the “JOHNNY THE FOX Tour”. The two performances of this work are the former. It was a concert corresponding to the 4th performance (DISC 1) and 22nd performance (DISC 2) of the “JAILBREAK Tour” “North America” leg.
These two performances are also known to have been broadcast on FM, and are a great classic that has produced a number of already-released groups. If you have caught your eye in this article, you may have experienced something already released, but this work is the “strongest soundboard album in the JAILBREAK era” that sets the best master.
In fact, the quality is the highest ever. First of all, the Chicago performance (DISC 1) is the one that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” polished the best master who was also loved in our existing “WILD EYED BOYS”. The quality is exactly “official grade”. However, if you imagine “Official = LIVE AND DANGEROUS” here, it is a bit different. In the first place, “LIVE AND DANGEROUS” is “almost a studio album” as producer Tony Visconti has revealed. Instead, the official here is the excavation masterpiece “UK TOUR ’75”. Unlike “LIVE AND DANGEROUS”, it has the quality as an official work while keeping the vividness of the live performance alive. Chicago SBD (DISC 1) of this work is also a supreme piece that stands in line with “UK TOUR ’75” in terms of both sound quality and vividness.
And the other Detroit performance (DISC 2) is a newly discovered, updated master of the highest peak. It has also been known for a long time, but this work uses a new master recently announced by the prestigious “JEMS”. Because it was a monaural broadcast, it does not reach the Chicago performance (DISC 1), but the master freshness, the thickness of the sound, and the amount of information are upgrades that are different from the existing board.
Moreover, the “JEMS” public version is not as it is. Like the Chicago performance (DISC 1), it is finished with detailed mastering of “GRAF ZEPPELIN”, and the discomfort of coupling is eliminated as much as possible. Another point is “Me And The Boys”. Actually, there is a lack in both the conventional board and the new master of “JEMS”, but the part is different. In this work, it is the first complete version in history that complements the missing.

Moreover, the degree of perfection of the processing is more natural than the “JEMS” version. We are pursuing the highest peak by drilling finely.
The 2-performance soundboard of such supreme quality depicts the passionate performance of the golden age. Here, let’s organize the set while comparing it with the two official works “LIVE AND DANGEROUS” and “UK TOUR ’75”.

● Common songs for both days (9 songs)
・ Jailbreak: Jailbreak (*) / The Boys Are Back In Town (*) / Emerald (*) / Warriors (*)
・Other: It’s Only Money (★) / Sha La La / Suicide / Rosalie / Baby Drives Me Crazy
●Daily song
・Chicago (DISC 1): Blues Boy (*) / Angel From The Coast (*) / The Rocker
・Detroit (DISC 2): Still In Love With You/Me And The Boys (★)
*Note: “★” marks are “LIVE AND DANGEROUS”, and “*” marks are songs that cannot be heard on “UK TOUR ’75”.

… and it looks like this. “UK TOUR ’75” was “FIGHTING Tour”, and “LIVE AND DANGEROUS” was after “JOHNNY THE FOX Tour”. On the other hand, the two performances of this work are “JAILBREAK Tour”, a position that connects the two official works. In addition to “Blues Boy” and “Angel From The Coast” that cannot be heard by both, you can follow the changing set on the sound board.
A truly “absolute board”. It is the highest peak update board, the strongest sound board named along with the official masterpiece. A big decision board of “JAILBREAK Tour” which “GRAF ZEPPELIN” carefully refined the existing best master. Please enjoy it anytime, forever with the press 2CD that leaves the shine forever.

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(remastered memo)

* A new successor to the existing WILD EYED BOYS (2CD), which will be the coupling board in 1976.

Disc 1 is a remaster of Disc 2 of the already released WILD EYED BOYS.

Due to the high sound quality originally, there is almost no touch, and in addition to phase correction, the band is corrected slightly.
By the way, the same sound source with different branches and leaves can be confirmed among traders, but it is quite poor sound, and the master of the current main board is flashy and reverb is also applied, but it seems to be the best.

Disc 2 is the first FM (Mono) sound source for the label.The familiar JEMS master has been remastered.

The same performance has a Bondage board already released, but it seems to be analogue, and the sound was quite thin, probably due to the influence of sound processing. Although it is not as good as the Chicago performance,

The freshness, depth of sound, and amount of information are different from the existing Bondage edition, and this time is higher, making it a perfect live for a coupling sound source.

Last “Me And The Boys”: From around 5:44 onwards, it was originally covered by the Bondage board when JEMS was released, but the connection was bad, so it was reconnected from scratch. :49-2:12 part was missing in the corresponding part of Bondage board, so this board is recorded for the first time.

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* Superb sound board recording of “April 21, 1976 Chicago performance” + “May 14 Detroit performance”. Both are classics from old times, but this work is the highest peak update board that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” polished the existing best master. The Chicago performance (DISC 1) is of the highest quality on par with the official “UK TOUR ’75”, and the Detroit performance (DISC 2) is also a meticulous board discovered by the prestigious “JEMS”. It is exactly the biggest decision board of the strongest JAILBREAK Tour.

ブレイク・スルーを果たし、黄金時代に突入した1976年のTHIN LIZZY。その最強サウンドボードをカップリングした決定盤が誕生! 「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングで磨き上げた最高峰クオリティを永久保存するプレス2CDで登場です。
そんな本作に刻まれているサウンドボードは2種。「1976年4月21日シカゴ公演」をDISC 1に、「5月14日デトロイト公演」をDISC 2に配した2枚組です。1976年と言えば、2大名盤『脱獄』『サギ師ジョニー』を畳みかけられ、今回時期によって意味が異なってくる。今週は『HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1976(Zodiac 535)』も同時リリースとなりますので、合わせてスケジュールでポジションを確認しておきましょう。

・9月4日ー11月18日:欧州(40公演)←※HAMMERSMITH ODEON 1976

これが1976年のTHIN LIZZY。夏場に『JOHNNY THE FOX』を製作するわけですが、それ以前が“JAILBREAK Tour”で、秋口からが“JOHNNY THE FOX Tour”でした。本作の2公演は、前者。“JAILBREAK Tour”「北米」レッグの4公演目(DISC 1)と22公演目(DISC 2)にあたるコンサートでした。
実際、そのクオリティは過去最高。まずシカゴ公演(DISC 1)ですが、これは当店の既発『WILD EYED BOYS』でも愛されたベスト・マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き直したもの。そのクオリティはまさに「オフィシャル級」です。ただし、ここで「オフィシャル=LIVE AND DANGEROUS」とイメージされるとチョット違います。そもそも『LIVE AND DANGEROUS』はプロデューサーのトニー・ヴィスコンティが明かしているように「ほとんどスタジオ・アルバム」。そうではなく、ここでいうオフィシャルとは発掘系の名作『UK TOUR ’75』の方。『LIVE AND DANGEROUS』とは違ってキッチリと本番ライヴの生々しさが生きていながら、オフィシャル作品としてのクオリティも兼ね備えている。本作のシカゴSBD(DISC 1)も、サウンドクオリティと生々しさの両面で『UK TOUR ’75』に並び立つ至高の1枚なのです。
そして、もう一方のデトロイト公演(DISC 2)は新発掘の最高峰更新マスター。こちらも古くから既発が知られてきましたが、本作はそれとは異なり、最近になって名門「JEMS」が発表した新マスターを使用しています。モノラル放送だったためにシカゴ公演(DISC 1)には及びませんが、マスター鮮度・音の厚み・情報量は既発盤とはケタ違いのアップグレードです。
しかも「JEMS」公開版そのままでもない。シカゴ公演(DISC 1)と同様に「GRAF ZEPPELIN」の細密マスタリングで仕上げられており、カップリングの違和感も可能な限り解消している。さらにポイントなのが「Me And The Boys」。実は従来盤でも「JEMS」の新マスターでも欠けがあるのですが、その箇所が異なる。本作では欠落を補完した史上初の完全版になっているのです。

そんな至高クオリティの2公演サウンドボードが描き出すのは、黄金時代の燃え上がる熱演。ここでは2つのオフィシャル作品『LIVE AND DANGEROUS』『UK TOUR ’75』と比較しながらセットを整理しておきましょう。

・脱獄:Jailbreak(*)/The Boys Are Back In Town(*)/Emerald(*)/Warriors(*)
・その他:It’s Only Money(★)/Sha La La/Suicide/Rosalie/Baby Drives Me Crazy
・シカゴ(DISC 1):Blues Boy(★*)/Angel From The Coast(★*)/The Rocker
・デトロイト(DISC 2):Still In Love With You/Me And The Boys(★)
※注:「★」印は『LIVE AND DANGEROUS』で、「*」印は『UK TOUR ’75』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。『UK TOUR ’75』は“FIGHTING Tour”でしたし、『LIVE AND DANGEROUS』は“JOHNNY THE FOX Tour”以降。それに対し、本作の2公演は“JAILBREAK Tour”であり、オフィシャル2作品を繋ぐポジション。両者では聴けない「Blues Boy」「Angel From The Coast」だけでなく、変化していくセットをサウンドボードで辿ることができるのです。
まさに「絶対盤」。オフィシャルの名作と並び称される最強サウンドボード、その最高峰更新盤です。現存するベスト・マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が入念に磨き直した“JAILBREAK Tour”の一大決定盤。どうぞ、輝きを永久に残すプレス2CDでいつでも、いつまでもお楽しみください。




★既発WILD EYED BOYS(2CD)の新規後継盤で1976年のカップリング盤となる

Disc1は既発WILD EYED BOYSのDisc2のリマスター。





ラスト”Me And The Boys”:5:44付近以降が元々JEMS公開時からBondage盤で補填されていましたが、繋ぎが悪かったので、改めてゼロから独自に繋ぎ直されています。なお本盤1:49-2:12部分はBondage盤の該当部では欠落していたため、本盤が初収録。よって本盤が擬似的ながら”Me And The Boys”初の完成版テイク収録盤となります。


★「1976年4月21日シカゴ公演」+「5月14日デトロイト公演」の極上サウンドボード録音。どちらも古くからの定番ですが、本作は現存するベスト・マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き上げた最高峰更新盤。シカゴ公演(DISC 1)は公式『UK TOUR ’75』と並び立つ至高のクオリティですし、デトロイト公演(DISC 2)も名門「JEMS」が発掘した細心盤。まさにJAILBREAK Tour最強最高の一大決定盤です。

Disc 1 (60:48)
Riviera Theatre, Chicago, IL, USA 21st April 1976

01. Intro.
02. Jailbreak
03. The Boys Are Back In Town
04. Emerald
05. It’s Only Money
06. Blues Boy
07. Warriors
08. Rosalie
09. Suicide
10. Angel From The Coast
11. Sha La La incl. Drums Solo
12. Baby Drives Me Crazy
13. The Rocker


Disc 2 (62:57)
Ford Auditorium, Detroit, MI, USA 14th May 1976

01. Jailbreak
02. It’s Only Money
03. Emerald
04. The Boys Are Back In Town
05. Still In Love With You
06. Warriors
07. Rosalie
08. Suicide
09. Sha La La incl. Drum Solo
10. Baby Drives Me Crazy
11. Me And The Boys


Phil Lynott – Bass, Vocals
Brian Robertson – Guitar
Scott Gorham – Guitar
Brian Downey – Drums

Zodiac 536

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