Thin Lizzy / Helsinki 1999 / 1DVDR

Thin Lizzy / Helsinki 1999 / 1DVDR / Shades

Tavastia Club, Helsinki, Finland 16th December 1999

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The reunion THIN LIZZY in 1999, which had inherited the legacy of the late Phil Lynott centered on John Sykes. Introducing a masterpiece shot that can be called the video version of the only work “ONE NIGHT ONLY”.
This work was shot at “December 16, 1999 Helsinki performance”. It is the super-superb view audience shot. THIN LIZZY is still active (sporadically) in parallel with BLACK STAR RIDERS, but Sykes took the lead from 1994 to 2009. It’s also a good opportunity, so let’s look back on the scale of our activities over the 16 years and check the position of the show.

・ 1994 (8 performances in Japan)
・ 1995 (1 performance in the UK)
・ 1996 (3 performances in the UK)
・ 1997 (4 performances in the US)
・ 1998 (8 performances in Europe)
・ 1999 (24 performances in Europe) ← ★ Coco ★
・ 2000 (37 performances in Europe)
・ 2001 (9 performances in the US)
・ 2002 (1 performance in Norway + 6 performances in the US)
・ 2003 (39 performances in Europe + 6 performances in the US)
・ 2004 (3 performances in Europe + 35 performances in North America)
・ 2005 (6 performances in the UK)
・ 2006 (18 performances in Europe + 1 performance in the US)
・ 2007 (38 performances in Europe)
・ 2008 (36 performances in Europe)
・ 2009 (2 performances in Europe)

This is the 16 years of “Sykes LIZZY”. There were some years when it was quite irregular and only one stage was on stage like 1995, and there were times when it was a solid tour like 2003/2004. Under such circumstances, in 1999, when this work was filmed, he toured Europe on a medium-sized tour, and the only official work “ONE NIGHT ONLY” was also produced. Although the detailed recording date of “ONE NIGHT ONLY” is unknown, the Helsinki performance of this work was the 23rd concert of the final stage of the tour.
This work recorded at such a show is truly a superb view with “super”. Although it was shot with a single camera from the back of the venue, the viewpoint was unnaturally high, passing far overhead from the arena seats on the first floor and looking directly at the stage. Not only is there no obstruction, but the height of the line of sight is almost the same as the members. And a great sense of stability. It seems that the venue is not set up, but the screen that is so bold that the waist-up of each member fills the screen is a wonderful thing that can not be thought of as an era without a camera shake prevention function. In terms of type, it can only be called an “audience shot”, but the spectacular view is not what is called an audience shot. Rather, it’s a visual beauty that makes me think that it was taken by a band member for reference (although the actual place is unknown).
What is drawn in such a superb view is a full show that is exactly the “video version of ONE NIGHT ONLY”. The official live album took about 71 minutes to fit on one CD, but this work took about 92 minutes to shoot all at once. Of course, they will also show off a repertoire that cannot be heard on the official live version. Let’s organize by comparing here.

・ Nightlife: Still In Love With You
・ Fighting !!: Suicide / Rosalie
・ Jailbreak: Jailbreak / Emerald (★) / Cowboy Song / The Boys Are Back In Town
・ Johnny the Fox: Don’t Believe A Word / Massacre (★)
・ Bad Reputation: Bad Reputation
・ Live & Dangerous: Are You Ready?
・ Black Rose: Waiting For An Alibi / Black Rose
・ Thunder & Lightning: Cold Sweat / The Sun Goes Down
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard on the official version “ONE NIGHT ONLY”.

… And it looks like this. Although omitting the Snowy White era, it is a delicious set that covers a wide range of masterpieces from the twin era. You can enjoy THIN LIZZY’s “moving Greatest Hits” just by playing it in the room without a maniac perspective. And the performance of spelling the famous songs is also hot. Scott Gorham played with a momentum over the 1980s, and his combination with Kousu improved. Tommy Aldridge’s power drumming feels more like WHITESNAKE than THIN LIZZY (bitter smile), but it goes very well with Marco Mendoza. Three years after this work, they will all be recruited to the reorganized WHITESNAKE, but that is also a convincing iron wall.
John Sykes was silent when he thought he would return to solo after leaving the reunion THIN LIZZY. It is a video work that you can fully enjoy the full show when he was still fine. Originally, I wanted to keep not only “ONE NIGHT ONLY” but also a professional shot video work, but this work is the best one that heals the dryness. Now that rumors of several resurrections have been whispered, this is a video masterpiece that you should definitely touch.

★ A superb view video that allows you to experience the special seats of the reorganization era centered on John Sykes. This is an audience shot of “December 16, 1999 Helsinki Performance”. From the back of the venue, pass through the arena seats on the 1st floor and look directly at the stage. Not only is there no obstruction, but the height of the line of sight is almost the same as the members, and the sense of stability is as if the people involved took the picture for the material. You can witness a delicious full show of “Emerald” and “Massacre”, which are the same tour as the official live album “ONE NIGHT ONLY” but cannot be heard in the official version.

ジョン・サイクスを中心に亡きフィル・ライノットのレガシーを語り継いでいた1999年の再結成THIN LIZZY。唯一作『ONE NIGHT ONLY』の映像版とも言うべき傑作ショットが登場です。
そんな本作が撮影されたのは「1999年12月16日ヘルシンキ公演」。その超・絶景オーディエンス・ショットです。現在もBLACK STAR RIDERSと平行しながら(散発的に)活動しているTHIN LIZZYですが、サイクスが主導していたのは1994年から2009年まで。良い機会でもありますので、その16年間の活動規模を振り返り、ショウのポジションも確かめてみましょう。


これが「サイクスLIZZY」の16年間。かなり不定期で1995年のように1回しかステージに立たない年もあれば、2003年/2004年のようにしっかりツアーしていた時期もある。そんな中で本作が撮影された1999年は欧州を中規模ツアーで巡っており、唯一の公式作『ONE NIGHT ONLY』も制作されました。『ONE NIGHT ONLY』の詳しい収録日は分かっていないものの、本作のヘルシンキ公演はツアーも最終盤の23公演目にあたるコンサートでした。
そんな超絶景で描かれるのは、まさに「ONE NIGHT ONLYの映像版」となるフルショウ。公式ライヴアルバムはCD1枚に収めるためなのか約71分ほどでしたが、本作は一気の通し撮影で約92分。もちろん、公式ライヴ盤では聴けないレパートリーも披露してくれます。ここで比較しながら整理しておきましょう。

・ナイトライフ:Still In Love With You
・脱獄:Jailbreak/Emerald(★)/Cowboy Song/The Boys Are Back In Town
・サギ師ジョニー:Don’t Believe A Word/Massacre(★)
・バッド・レピュテイション:Bad Reputation
・ライヴ&デンジャラス:Are You Ready?
・ブラックローズ:Waiting For An Alibi/Black Rose
・サンダー&ライトニング:Cold Sweat/The Sun Goes Down
※注:「★」印は公式盤『ONE NIGHT ONLY』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。スノーウィ・ホワイト時代を省略してはいるものの、ツイン時代の名曲を幅広く網羅した美味しいセット。マニアックな観点抜きで単に部屋で流しているだけでもTHIN LIZZYの「動くグレイテスト・ヒッツ」が楽しめるのです。そして、その名曲群を綴るパフォーマンスも熱い。スコット・ゴーハムは80年代を超える勢いで弾きまくり、際kすうとのコンビネーションも上達。トミー・アルドリッジのパワー・ドラミングはどうしてもTHIN LIZZYというよりはWHITESNAKEのような気がしてしまいますが(苦笑)、マルコ・メンドーザとの相性は非常に良い。本作の3年後には揃って再編WHITESNAKEにリクルートされるわけですが、それも納得の鉄壁ぶりです。
再結成THIN LIZZYを抜け、ソロに戻るかと思ったら沈黙してしまったジョン・サイクス。そんな彼がまだ元気だった頃のフルショウをたっぷり楽しめる映像作品です。本来なら『ONE NIGHT ONLY』だけでなくプロショット映像作も残して欲しかったところですが、本作はその乾きを癒してくれる最高の1枚です。幾度めかの復活の噂も囁かれている今だからこそ、ぜひ触れていただきたい映像傑作です。

★ジョン・サイクス中心の再編時代を特等席体験できる絶景映像。「1999年12月16日ヘルシンキ公演」のオーディエンス・ショットです。会場後方から1階アリーナ席の遙か頭上を素通りしてステージを直視。単に遮蔽物がないというだけでなく、メンバー達とほぼ同じ目線の高さが素晴らしく、ビシッとした安定感もまるで関係者が資料用に撮影したかのよう。公式ライヴアルバム『ONE NIGHT ONLY』と同じツアーながら公式版では聴けない「Emerald」「Massacre」も美味しいフルショウを目撃できます。

1. Intro
2. Jailbreak
3. Waiting For An Alibi
4. Don’t Believe A Word
5. Cold Sweat
6. Emerald
7. The Sun Goes Down
8. Are You Ready?
9. Bad Reputation
10. Massacre
11. Still In Love With You
12. Cowboy Song
13. The Boys Are Back In Town
14. Suicide
15. Rosalie
16. Black Rose

John Sykes – Guitar, Vocals
Scott Gorham – Guitar, Vocals
Marco Mendoza – Bass, Vocals
Tommy Aldridge – Drums
Darren Wharton – Keyboards, Vocals

COLOUR NTSC Approx.92min.

Shades 1340

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