Thin Lizzy / Detroit 1977 / 1CDR

Thin Lizzy / Detroit 1977 / 1CDR / Shades

Live at Masonic Temple, Detroit, MI, USA 26th October 1977

Play sample :

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This week’s THIN LIZZY collection, where the ultimate real album “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977 (Zodiac 541)” is born. Another masterpiece that will be its sister work will also be released at the same time.
“Performance in Detroit on October 26, 1977” is imbued in this work. It is the close contact audience recording. As I mentioned in the commentary on the sister work “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977”, in 1977, one half of the twin leads changed depending on the time. Gary Moore played in “DEFINITIVE SEATTLE 1977 (Zodiac 537)” released the other day, and Brian Robertson played in “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977” released at the same time. So what about this work? Let’s check the tour schedule immediately.

“November 1976: Robo injured → Gary participated”
* January 3: London performance
* January 18-March 18: North America # 1 (37 performances) ← * SEATTLE 1977
《March 25: Announcement of Robo’s withdrawal → Formation of a trio》
《Completion of “BAD REPUTATION” in June》
《July 20: Robo’s Return Announcement》
・ August 6-September 4: Europe # 1 (12 performances)
・September 21-November 5: North America #2 (32 performances) ← Coco
・ November 11-December 17: UK (28 performances)
*Note: Shows marked with “・” are Robo’s, and shows with “*” are Gary’s participation.

This is THIN LIZZY in 1977. Robo was injured in a fight at the end of the previous year, and Gary participated in the help. He acted as a pinch hitter in “North America #1”. After that, Robo announced his withdrawal in March, but he returned in July. I will accompany the tour for one year until I withdraw again in July 1978. The Detroit performance of this work was the 26th performance of “North America # 2” during such a return to Robo. I think some people have already come to the pin, but this week’s new press masterpiece “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977” is also the same “North America # 2” live album. Let’s focus more on the schedule here.

・September 21-October 19 (21 performances)
☆October 20 “PHILADELPHIA 1977 1ST NIGHT” & Official L&D
・October 21: Philadelphia performance ← *Official L&D
・October 22: Performance in New York
☆October 23 “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977”
☆October 26th: Detroit performance ←★This work★
・October 28: Toronto performance ← *Official L&D (?)
・October 29-November 5 (5 performances)
*Note: The “☆” marks are live performances that can be heard in our collection.

… and it looks like this. “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977” and this work are in between the Philadelphia performances and Toronto performances that became the original story of the historical masterpiece “LIVE AND DANGEROUS”. It was also the next stage of the Boston performance.
This work, which is a vacuum-packed version of such a show, is both a prestigious and a new excavation master. “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977” was also a new excavation by the prestigious “Krw_co”, but this work is another prestigious product announced by “JEMS”. And this work is also the best sound. Although it is a monaural recording, the thick core reaches your ears with zero sense of distance, and the details are fine and vivid. The freshness of the master is also excellent, and if the separate is beautiful, the luster is super beautiful, with no dubbing deterioration seen at all.
Moreover, this work is the highest peak board that “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has refined with detailed mastering. Originally natural and beautiful, “GRAF ZEPPELIN” without powerful processing doesn’t change much … I thought, but when I listened to it, the big difference was the pitch. As a matter of fact, the original sound released by “JEMS” has been precisely adjusted for the sound whose pitch was almost half-tone out of order, and has been reborn as a crisp and stable sound.
A show different from “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977” is drawn with that thick sound. Actually, it is an incomplete recording, but on the other hand, there are songs that were not played in “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977” the day before. Let’s sort it out while comparing at the end.

●Songs heard in “Live and Dangerous”
・Jailbreak: Jailbreak/Emerald/Warriors/Cowboy Song/The Boys Are Back In Town
・Others: Still In Love With You/Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed/Massacre (★)/Dancing in the Moonlight (It’s Caught Me in Its Spotlight)/Southbound/Are You Ready
● Songs that cannot be heard in “Live and Dangerous”
Infamy: Soldier Of Fortune/Opium Trail/Bad Reputation
・Other: Johnny
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard on the press masterpiece “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977 (Zodiac 541)” released at the same time.

Although it was introduced from the Shades label due to its monaural recording and incompleteness, the sound quality is official grade far from the audience, and the content of the show is the magnificence of the peak era. No way that miracle level recording was left for two performances in a row …. Originally, a three-disc press set with “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977” was suitable, but we decided to give it a different title so that even those who are underestimating the audience recording can experience it widely. First of all, the full live album “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977” is a must-listen. It doesn’t shake even a speck of dust. However, once you experience “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977”, you will think “more!” A sister version that responds to such dryness. Please enjoy it to your heart’s content.

★ Close audience recording of “Detroit performance on October 26, 1977”. Ultra-direct recording announced by the prestigious “JEMS”, the thick core reaches the ear with zero sense of distance, and the details are fine and vivid. The freshness of the master is also excellent, and if the separate is beautiful, the dubbing deterioration can not be seen at all, and the luster is super beautiful. You can experience the golden show of the same period as “LIVE AND DANGEROUS” with a powerful sound far from the audience.

究極のリアル・アルバム『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977(Zodiac 541)』が誕生する今週のTHIN LIZZYコレクション。その姉妹作となるもう1つの傑作も同時リリース決定です。
 そんな本作に吹き込まれているのは「1977年10月26日デトロイト公演」。そのド密着オーディエンス録音です。姉妹作『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』の解説でも触れましたが、1977年は時期によってツイン・リードの片割れが交代。先日リリースされた『DEFINITIVE SEATTLE 1977(Zodiac 537)』ではゲイリー・ムーアが、同時リリースの『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』ではブライアン・ロバートソンが弾いていました。では、本作は? 早速ツアー・スケジュールで確認してみましょう。
*1月18日ー3月18日:北米#1(37公演)←※SEATTLE 1977
 これが1977年のTHIN LIZZY。前年暮れにロボが喧嘩で負傷し、ゲイリーがヘルプ参加。「北米#1」で代打を務めました。その後、3月にロボが脱退を表明するのですが、7月になって復帰。翌1978年7月に再び脱退するまでの1年間ツアーに同行します。本作のデトロイト公演は、そんなロボ復帰中の「北米#2」の26公演目にあたるコンサートでした。もうピンと来ている方もいらっしゃると思いますが、今週のプレス新名盤『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』も同じ「北米#2」のライヴアルバム。ここで日程をさらにフォカスしてみましょう。
☆10月20日『PHILADELPHIA 1977 1ST NIGHT』&公式L&D
・10月21日:フィラデルフィア公演 ←※公式L&D
☆10月26日:デトロイト公演 ←★本作★
・10月28日:トロント公演 ←※公式L&D(?)
……と、このようになっています。歴史的名盤『LIVE AND DANGEROUS』の元ネタとなったフィラデルフィア公演やトロント公演が居並ぶ中で、『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』も本作もその合間。ボストン公演の次のステージでもありました。
 そんなショウを真空パックした本作は、名門も新発掘マスターでもある。『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』も名門「Krw_co」による新発掘でしたが、本作はもう1つの名門「JEMS」が発表した銘品なのです。そして、本作も極上サウンド。モノラル録音ではありますが、極太な芯は距離感ゼロで耳元に届き、それに伴ってディテールも細やか&鮮やか。マスター鮮度も絶品で、セパレートも美しければ、ダビング劣化もまるで見られない艶も超美麗なのです。
 しかも、本作は「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が細密マスタリングで磨き込んだ最高峰盤。もともとがナチュラル&美麗なため、迫力加工をしない「GRAF ZEPPELIN」ではあまり変わらない……かと思いきや、聴いて一発の大きな違いがピッチ。実のところ「JEMS」が発表した原音はピッチがほとんど半音も狂っていたサウンドを精密調整しており、ビシッと安定したサウンドに生まれ変わっています。
 その極太サウンドで描かれるのは、『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』とも違ったショウ。実は不完全収録だったりするのですが、その一方で前日『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』では演奏していない曲もある。最後に比較しながら整理しておきましょう。
・脱獄:Jailbreak/Emerald/Warriors/Cowboy Song/The Boys Are Back In Town
・その他:Still In Love With You/Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed/Massacre(★)/Dancing in the Moonlight (It’s Caught Me in Its Spotlight)/Southbound/Are You Ready
・悪名:Soldier Of Fortune/Opium Trail/Bad Reputation
※注:「★」印は同時リリースのプレス名盤『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977(Zodiac 541)』で聴けない曲。
 モノラル録音かつ不完全なためにShadesレーベルからのご紹介となりましたが、サウンド・クオリティはオーディエンス離れしたオフィシャル級ですし、ショウの中身は絶頂時代の凄まじさ。まさか奇跡レベルの録音が2公演連続で残されたとは……。本来であれば、『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』とセットで3枚組プレスこそが相応しかったのですが、オーディエンス録音を侮っている方にも広くご体験いただけるように別タイトルといたしました。まずは何よりフル・ライヴアルバムである『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』こそが必聴。それは微塵も揺るぎません。しかし『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977』を体験してしまえば、あまりの素晴らしさに「もっと!」と思われることでしょう。そんな乾きに応える姉妹篇。どうぞ、併せて思う存分お楽しみください。
★「1977年10月26日デトロイト公演」のド密着オーディエンス録音。名門「JEMS」が発表した超ダイレクト録音で、極太な芯は距離感ゼロで耳元に届き、それに伴ってディテールも細やか&鮮やか。マスター鮮度も絶品で、セパレートも美しければ、ダビング劣化もまるで見られない艶も超美麗。オーディエンス離れした強力サウンドで『LIVE AND DANGEROUS』と同時期の黄金のショウを現場体験できます。
01. Introduction
02. Soldier Of Fortune
03. Jailbreak
04. Emerald
05. Still In Love With You
06. Johnny The Fox Meets Jimmy The Weed
07. Warriors
08. Dancing In The Moonlight
09. Opium Trail
10. Massacre
11. Southbound
12. Cowboy Song
13. The Boys Are Back In Town
14. Johnny
15. Bad Reputation
16. Are You Ready
Phil Lynott – Bass, Vocals
Brian Robertson – Guitar
Scott Gorham – Guitar
Brian Downey – Drums

shades 1622

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