Rolling Stones / In Stereo 1964-1966 / 1CD

Rolling Stones / In Stereo 1964-1966 / 1CD / Non Label

IN STEREO 1964-1966

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As you know, early Rolling Stones albums mixed sound sources recorded in various studios, and in the CD era, stereo and monaural were mixed in one album. On the contrary, before “AFTERMATH”, there was no album in which all of the songs were recorded in stereo. To make things even more confusing, the songs recorded in stereo at Chess Studios in Chicago when he moved to the United States in 1964 were also released in monaural in real time, and later promoted to stereo when edited versions and CDs were released. How to do it.
In addition, the phenomenon that songs released as singles are only made in basic monaural is a natural phenomenon until the mid-1960s, and with regard to Stones, “Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?” Some songs even have no stereo mix. However, stereo has been discovered in the underground world for single songs such as the same song and “The Last Time”, and it would be nice if you could summarize the existing early Stones stereo mixes, regardless of whether they are official or unofficial, even if they are not enthusiasts. … you would have hoped.
The recently talked about remixer mania Prof. Stoned made such a convenient culmination possible. If you think about it, it’s natural for him to put together the Stones-related sound sources as long as he calls himself “Stoned”, but he showed a wonderful editing sense and put together a stereo sound source. .

First of all, up to “Down The Road Apiece”, the officially released stereo has been compiled and the sound quality has not been modified. However, it seems that he is adjusting the subtle problems firmly regarding the stereo mix of “Around The Around” and “Confessin’ The Blues”.
For some reason, when those songs were first released in stereo in 2002, the first note was distorted. In particular, Prof. Stoned used the latest technology to adjust the kink that caught my attention in the intro of “Around The Around”. Isn’t this kind of meticulous attention to detail his true worth?
In addition, since “Tell Me Baby, How Many Times”, we have compiled the stereo versions that have been circulating in the underground, including unreleased songs. Regarding them, since versions of quality comparable to official ones have been released in the last 10 years, he recorded them here without any modification.
Among them, the stereo mix of “The Last Time” and “Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?”, which I mentioned at the beginning, showed exceptionally Prof. Stoned’s ability. Although these stereos, which are still unreleased officially, were excavated by the nostalgic Scorpio “DARTFORD RENEGADES” and became a hot topic, the sound quality itself was not as good as the official range. In recent years, an upgraded version was discovered at “REEL TIME TRIP”, but it was still undeniably rough compared to the current remastered CD.
Prof. Stoned used the latest technology to reinvent it to a level comparable to other sound sources, so I can only say that it is brilliant. It is a finish that is not ashamed of the culmination of the stereo mix, and there is no sense of discomfort when listening to it in total.
And the stereo mix of “Everybody Needs Somebody To Love”, which is still official but can only be heard in the edited version of the LP “ROCK ‘N’ ROLLING STONES”, was recorded with a quality that is in no way inferior to the current remastered CD. So nothing to say. A long-awaited piece of mania that is too convenient, a culmination of the early Stones stereo that has never been seen before. Prof. Stoned has done it again!

おまけにシングルでリリースされた曲は基本モノラルしか作られないという現象は60年代半ばまでは当たり前の現象であって、ストーンズに関しては「Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?」まで未だにステレオ・ミックスの存在しない曲すらあるときた。ところが同曲や「The Last Time」といったシングル曲もアンダーグラウンド界ではステレオが発掘されており、マニアでなくともオフィシャル、アンフィシャル問わず現存する初期ストーンズのステレオ・ミックスをまとめてくれたらいいのに…と願っていたことでしょう。
そんな便利な集大成を実現してくれたのは最近話題のリミキサー・マニアのProf. Stoned。考えてみれば「Stoned」と名乗っている以上ストーンズ関連の音源を彼がまとめてくれるのは当然と言えるのですが、そこは見事な編集センスを発揮してステレオ音源をまとめ上げてくれました。

まず「Down The Road Apiece」までは公式リリース済みのステレオをまとめていて音質に手は加えられていません。ところが「Around The Around」や「Confessin’ The Blues」のステレオ・ミックスに関しては微妙な問題をしっかりアジャストしてくれているのが彼らしいところ。
というのも2002年にそれらの曲のステレオが初めてリリースされた際、どういう訳か最初の一音がヨレていたのです。特に「Around The Around」のイントロで気になったヨレをProf. Stonedは最新技術できっちりとアジャスト。こうしたきめの細かい気づかいこそ彼の真骨頂ではないでしょうか。
さらに「Tell Me Baby, How Many Times」以降は未発表曲も含めアンダーグラウンドに出回っていたステレオ・バージョンをまとめている。それらに関してもここ10年の間にオフィシャルと遜色のないクオリティのバージョンが出回ったことから、ここでも彼は手を加えることなく収録。
そうした中で例外的にProf. Stonedらしい手腕を見せてくれたのは最初に触れた「The Last Time」や「Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing In The Shadow?」のステレオ・ミックス。今なおオフィシャル未発表なままとなっているこれらのステレオは懐かしのスコルピオ「DARTFORD RENEGADES」で発掘されて話題を呼んだものの、音質自体はオフィシャルの域に及ばないものでした。近年「REEL TIME TRIP」にてアップグレード版が発掘されましたが、それでも現行リマスターCDと比べると粗さが否めなかった。
そこをProf. Stonedは最新テクノロジーを駆使して他の音源と遜色ないレベルにまで生まれ変わらせてみせたのだからお見事だとしか言いようがない。正にステレオ・ミックスの集大成に恥じない仕上がりとなっており、トータルで聞き通した時の違和感のなさといったら。
そして未だにオフィシャルながら編集版LP「ROCK ‘N’ ROLLING STONES」でしか聞かれない「Everybody Needs Somebody To Love」のステレオ・ミックスに関しても、現行リマスターCDと何ら遜色のないクオリティで収録してくれたのだから言うことなし。あまりにも便利なマニア待望の一枚、今までありそうでなかった初期ストーンズ・ステレオの集大成。Prof. Stonedがまたしてもやってくれました!

01. It’s All Over Now
02. I Can’t Be Satisfied
03. If You Need Me
04. Empty Heart
05. 2120 South Michigan Avenue
06. Confessin’ The Blues
07. Around And Around
08. Look What You’ve Done
09. Down The Road Apiece
10. Tell Me Baby, How Many Times *
11. Down In The Bottom *
12. Don’t Lie To Me ^
13. What A Shame
14. Time Is On My Side
15. Heart Of Stone ^
16. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love #
17. The Last Time ^
18. Play With Fire
19. (I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction ^
20. Get Off Of My Cloud ^
21. 19th Nervous Breakdown ^
22. Paint It, Black
23. Have You Seen Your Mother, Baby, Standing in the Shadow?

24. Hi-Heel Sneakers *
25. Stewed and Keefed *
26. Looking Tired *

All Tracks are Stereo.

* Never officially released
^ Never officially released mix
# Never officially released digitally

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