Rolling Stones / Europe 2022 Volume 3: Multicam / 3DVDR

Rolling Stones / Europe 2022 Volume 3: Multicam / 3DVDR / Uxbridge

Johan Cruijff Arena, Amsterdam, Netherlands 7th July 2022
King Baudouin Stadium, Brussels, Belgium 11th July 2022
Ernst Happel Stadion, Vienna, Austria 15th July 2022

Click image to enlarge

A multi-camera video collection that has become very popular during the 60th anniversary tour “Sixty”. The second half of the compilation will be released at the same time.
Speaking of “Sixty” multi-camera footage, our store mainly releases gift titles. It was also an annual event as a series of tours running side by side. However, now that the tour has been completed, it will be difficult to collect one by one. Therefore, our store has released “EUROPE 2022: MULTICAM”, which is set for several performances, from the Uxbridge label. So far, we have introduced “VOL.1 (Uxbridge 1678)” and “VOL.2 (Uxbridge 1698)”, which are the first half of the tour, and this week we will release two works in the middle / latter half. Third bullet. Moreover, it is not just a collection of gift titles, but a 3-disc set that also includes a new version that has been further upgraded.
“Then which shows will be seen in this work?” Together with the series so far, let’s organize the collection according to the schedule.

・ June 1 “EUROPE 2022 VOL.1 (Madrid)”
・ June 5 “EUROPE 2022 VOL.1 (Munich)”
・ June 9 “EUROPE 2022 VOL.1 (Liverpool)”
“Mick’s new corona infection”
・June 21 “EUROPE 2022 VOL.2 (Milan)”
・ June 25 “EUROPE 2022 VOL.2 (Hyde Park)”
・July 3 “EUROPE 2022 VOL.2 (Hyde Park)”
・July 7: Amsterdam performance ←★Disc 1 of this work (first appearance)★
・July 11: Performance in Brussels ←★This work DISC 2 (New Ver)★
・July 15: Vienna performance ←★This work DISC 3★
・July 19 “EUROPE 2022 VOL.4 (Lyon)”
・July 23 “EUROPE 2022 VOL.4 (Paris)”
・July 27 “EUROPE 2022 VOL.4 (Gelsenkirchen)”
・ July 31: Stockholm performance
・ August 3: Berlin performance
* Note: Only representative works on each day.

This is an overview of the “EUROPE 2022: MULTICAM” series that has been released to date. This work has set 3 performances “Amsterdam performance on July 7, 2022”, “Brussels performance on July 11”, and “Vienna performance on July 15”. Only the Stockholm/Berlin performances are not included in the set, but the Stockholm performance has been well received with “STOCKHOLM 2022 THE VIDEO (Uxbridge 1721)”, which is a set with a one-cam video, and the Berlin performance is available as a gift board. .
Among the 3 performances recorded in this work, the Amsterdam performance (DISC 1) is the highlight. Although it is the oldest stage in this work, the video is the latest. I have introduced the gift title “AMSTERDAM 2022 MULTICAM” before, but this work is a completely new work that is completely different from that. It is a different edited version recently released by a person named “Midimannz”. Of course, there is only a latecomer and the quality is higher in this work. The biggest difference is the number of images used. Depending on the scene, the same image is used, but the switching is more detailed, and the viewpoint changes frequently. The quality of multi-camera footage depends on the amount of material and the amount of work involved in editing, but it improves over time. Moreover, it is open to the public because there is confidence that it surpasses the previous version from the maniac who puts out later. You can enjoy plenty of editing by a craftsman backed by that confidence.
Of course, the remaining Brussels performance (DISC 2) / Vienna performance (DISC 3) are also the best quality versions. The Vienna performance on the 3rd day has the same content as the gift board, but the Brussels performance on the 2nd day sets the latter, which is more complete, out of the two works “BRUSSELS 2022: MULTICAM” and “THE NEW EDITION”. The best quality you can see is the 4 performances in the latter half of the tour, which began to play more diverse songs. Let’s put the set together here.

● Common songs for 3 performances (14 songs)
・Street Fighting Man/Tumbling Dice/Out Of Time/You Can’t Always Get What You Want/Living In A Ghost Town/Honky Tonk Women/Miss You/Midnight Rambler/Paint It Black/Start Me Up/Gimme Shelter/Jumping Jack Flash/Sympathy For The Devil/(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
● Daily songs (12 songs)
・Disc 1: Let’s Spend the Night Together (★) / Sweet Virginia (★) / Can’t You Hear Me Knocking
・Disc 2: 19th Nervous Breakdown / Bitch (★) / Beast of Burden
・Disc 3: Let’s Spend the Night Together (★) / Like a Rolling Stone / Wild Horses
・ Keith Corner: You Got the Silver (Disc 1) / Happy (Disc 1, 3) / Slipping Away (Disc 2, 3) / Connection (Disc 2)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that were not seen in the previous works “EUROPE 2022 VOLUME 1: MULTICAM” and “Same VOLUME 2”.

… and it looks like this. There were days when there were few songs in this “Sixty”, but all 3 performances of this work are full of 19 songs. There are few duplications, and you can enjoy a total of 26 songs. Among them were songs that first appeared on the tour, especially “Sweet Virginia” in Amsterdam (DISC 1) and “Bitch” in Brussels (DISC 2) were once-in-a-lifetime performances.
The Vienna performance (DISC 3) seems to have few precious songs, but it actually has the most highlights. It was “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” that was shown in the first encore song. Boys and girls choirs dressed in Ukrainian-coloured logo shirts will appear. The famous songs colored by the clear singing voice are beautiful and even solemn. If the ensemble itself is also wonderful, the scene where Mick introduces “They came a really long way to come here tonight” is also impressive. Even with such “Sixty”, you can experience an exceptional song with a multi-camera.

Now that the tour is complete, we’ve released a superb live album that represents the tour, as well as multi-camera footage of all the performances. The rest is “Complete”. The EUROPE 2022: MULTICAM series is an extremely convenient set, whether you want to fill in the gaps in your multi-camera collection that you’ve overlooked, or start collecting them all at once. This work is the third edition responsible for the middle stage, and a decision board that allows you to enjoy another version of Amsterdam with a higher degree of perfection. Please enjoy the full 3 performances with the highest peak version!

★ A 3-disc set with audience shots of “July 7, 2022 Amsterdam performance / July 11 Brussels performance / July 15 Vienna performance”. Each is a collection of masterpieces edited with multi-cameras. In particular, “Amsterdam Video (DISC 1)” is a completely new version that is different from the gift board version, and “Brussels Video (DISC 2)” is also set with a more complete best version. It is a super entertainment blockbuster that allows you to “take a quick look” at the best images of the three performances in the middle of the tour, which has become more diverse in performance repertoire.

 “Sixty”のマルチカメラ映像と言えば、当店ではギフト・タイトルを中心にリリース。ツアーを併走するシリーズ物として恒例ともなっていました。しかし、ツアーが完遂された現在となっては、1本ずつ集めるのも難しくなるもの。そこで、当店では数公演ずつセットした『EUROPE 2022: MULTICAM』をUxbridgeレーベルから通常リリースしてきました。これまでにツアー前半篇となる『VOL.1(Uxbridge 1678)』『VOL.2(Uxbridge 1698)』をご紹介しており、今週リリースとなるのは中盤/後半の2作品で、本作は第3弾。しかも、単にギフト・タイトルを集めたものではなく、更なるアップグレードを果たした新バージョンも盛り込んだ3枚組なのです。
・6月1日『EUROPE 2022 VOL.1(マドリード)』
・6月5日『EUROPE 2022 VOL.1(ミュンヘン)』
・6月9日『EUROPE 2022 VOL.1(リバプール)』
・6月21日『EUROPE 2022 VOL.2(ミラノ)』
・6月25日『EUROPE 2022 VOL.2(ハイドパーク)』
・7月3日『EUROPE 2022 VOL.2(ハイドパーク)』
・7月7日:アムステルダム公演 ←★本作DISC 1(初登場)★
・7月11日:ブリュッセル公演 ←★本作DISC 2(新Ver)★
・7月15日:ウィーン公演 ←★本作DISC 3★
・7月19日『EUROPE 2022 VOL.4(リヨン)』
・7月23日『EUROPE 2022 VOL.4(パリ)』
・7月27日『EUROPE 2022 VOL.4(ゲルゼンキルヒェン)』
 これが現在までにリリースされている『EUROPE 2022: MULTICAM』シリーズの概要。本作は3公演「2022年7月7日アムステルダム公演」「7月11日ブリュッセル公演」「7月15日ウィーン公演」をセットしています。ストックホルム公演/ベルリン公演のみセット化されていませんが、ストックホルム公演はワンカメ映像とセットになった『STOCKHOLM 2022 THE VIDEO(Uxbridge 1721)』が好評を賜っており、ベルリン公演はギフト盤で入手可能です。
 本作収録の3公演でも特に目玉なのがアムステルダム公演(DISC 1)。本作の中で一番古いステージになるわけですが、映像は最新。以前ギフト・タイトル『AMSTERDAM 2022 MULTICAM』をご紹介した事もありますが、本作はそれとはまったく別の完全新作。「Midimannz」なる人物が最近になって公開した別編集バージョンなのです。もちろん、後発だけあってクオリティは本作の方が上。一番の違いは、使われている映像数。シーンによっては同じ映像も使われておりますが、スイッチングがより細かく、クルクルと視点が頻繁に変わるのです。マルチカメラ映像の質は素材の数と編集の手間によって左右されますが、それは時間をかければかけるほど向上していく。しかも後発を出すマニアからすれば前バージョンを超えている自信があるからこそ公開している。その自信に裏打ちされた匠の編集がたっぷりと楽しめるのです。
 もちろん、残るブリュッセル公演(DISC 2)/ウィーン公演(DISC 3)もベスト・クオリティ版。3日目のウィーン公演はギフト盤と同内容ですが、2日目ブリュッセル公演は2作品『BRUSSELS 2022: MULTICAM』『同 NEW EDITION』のうち、より完成度の高い後者をセットしています。そんなベスト・クオリティで観られるのは、より多彩な曲を演奏するようになったツアー後半の4公演。ここで、そのセットもまとめて整理しておきましょう。
・Street Fighting Man/Tumbling Dice/Out Of Time/You Can’t Always Get What You Want/Living In A Ghost Town/Honky Tonk Women/Miss You/Midnight Rambler/Paint It Black/Start Me Up/Gimme Shelter/Jumping Jack Flash/Sympathy For The Devil/(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction
・ディスク1:Let’s Spend the Night Together(★)/Sweet Virginia(★)/Can’t You Hear Me Knocking
・ディスク2:19th Nervous Breakdown/Bitch(★)/Beast of Burden
・ディスク3:Let’s Spend the Night Together(★)/Like a Rolling Stone/Wild Horses
・キース・コーナー:You Got the Silver(ディスク1)/Happy(ディスク1・3)/Slipping Away(ディスク2・3)/Connection(ディスク2)
※注:「★」印は前作『EUROPE 2022 VOLUME 1: MULTICAM』『同 VOLUME 2』で観られなかった曲。
……と、このようになっています。今回の“Sixty”では曲の少ない日もありましたが、本作の3公演はいずれもフルの全19曲。ダブりも少なく、トータルで26曲が楽しめる。その中にはツアー初登場曲もあり、特にアムステルダム公演(DISC 1)の「Sweet Virginia」とブリュッセル公演(DISC 2)の「Bitch」は1回こっきりの一期一会なパフォーマンスでした。
 ウィーン公演(DISC 3)は貴重曲の少なそうですが、実は一番の見どころがある。それはアンコール1曲目で披露された「You Can’t Always Get What You Want」。ウクライナ・カラーのロゴシャツに身を包んだ少年・少女合唱団が登場するのです。その澄んだ歌声で彩られた名曲は美しく、荘厳ですらある。アンサンブル自体も素晴らしければ、ミックが「彼らは今夜ここに来るために、本当に長い道のりを来てくれたんだ」と紹介するシーンも感動的。そんな“Sixty”でも格別の1曲をマルチカメラで体験できるのです。
 ツアーが完了し、ツアーを代表する超極上ライヴアルバムや全公演のマルチカメラ映像も出揃いました。残るは「コンプリート」です。EUROPE 2022: MULTICAM』シリーズは、見逃していたマルチカメラ・コレクションの穴を埋めるにも、今から一気に集めるにも、便利極まりないセットです。本作は、その中盤を担う第三弾であり、さらに完成度の高いアムステルダムの別バージョンまで味わえる決定盤。どうぞ、3公演丸ごと最高峰バージョンでお腹いっぱいお楽しみください!
★「2022年7月7日アムステルダム公演/7月11日ブリュッセル公演/7月15日ウィーン公演」のオーディエンス・ショットをセットした3枚組。それぞれマルチカメラ編集された傑作揃いです。特に「アムステルダム映像(DISC 1)」はギフト盤バージョンとも異なる完全新作で、「ブリュッセル映像(DISC 2)」もより完成度の高いベスト・バージョンでセット。演奏レパートリーも多彩になってきたツアー中盤の3公演を極上映像で「一気見」できる超娯楽大作です。
Disc 1(126:22)
Johan Cruijff Arena, Amsterdam, Netherlands 7th July 2022
1. Intro/Charlie Watts Tribute
2. Street Fighting Man
3. Let’s Spend The Night Together
4. Tumbling Dice
5. Out Of Time
6. Sweet Virginia
7. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
8. Living In A Ghost Town
9. Can’t You Hear Me Knocking
10. Honky Tonk Women
11. Band Introductions
12. You Got The Silver
13. Happy
14. Miss You
15. Midnight Rambler
16. Paint It Black
17. Start Me Up
18. Gimme Shelter
19. Jumpin’ Jack Flash
20. Sympathy For The Devil
21. Satisfaction
COLOUR NTSC Approx.126min.
Disc 2(122;49)
King Baudouin Stadium, Brussels, Belgium 11th July 2022
1. Intro/Charlie Watts tribute
2. Street Fighting Man
3. 19th Nervous Breakdown
4. Tumbling Dice
5. Bitch
6. Out Of Time
7. Beast Of Burden
8. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
9. Living In A Ghost Town
10. Honky Tonk Women
11. Band Introductions
12. Slipping Away
13. Connection
14. Miss You
15. Midnight Rambler
16. Paint It Black
17. Start Me Up
18. Gimme Shelter
19. Jumping Jack Flash
20. Sympathy For The Devil
21. Satisfaction
COLOUR NTSC Approx.123min.
Disc 3(132:43)
Ernst Happel Stadion, Vienna, Austria 15th July 2022
1. Intro/Charlie Watts Tribute
2. Street Fighting Man
3. Let’s Spend the Night Together
4. Tumbling Dice
5. Like a Rolling Stone
6. Out of Time
7. Wild Horses
8. Living in a Ghost Town
9. Paint It Black
10. Honky Tonk Women
11. Band Introductions
12. Slipping Away
13. Happy
14. Miss You
15. Midnight Rambler
16. Sympathy for the Devil
17. Start Me Up
18. Gimme Shelter
19. Jumping Jack Flash
20. You Can’t Always Get What You Want (with Ukraine Choir)
21. Satisfaction

Uxbridge 1719

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