Rolling Stones / Atlanta 2021 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Atlanta 2021 / 2CD / Non Label
Mercedes-Benz Stadium, Atlanta, GA, USA 11th November 2021

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Released at the same time this week is Atlanta on November 11th, the next live in Las Vegas. After all, Vegas had such a great sound pressure, especially the quality that was overwhelming with the closeness of Mick’s singing voice, but it is a balance that seems to be an audience recording with a little more realism, and it is in a state close to the sound image. Here. Although it is not as close as it is to Vegas, you can imagine that the “LOS ANGELES 2021 1ST NIGHT” is more stable with a good total balance.
Not only is the sound image close, but the balance of the entire performance is very good. Still, the rich and detailed presence that spreads to the left and right is exquisite. Since it is in such a recording state, I sometimes pick up conversations around me, but I’m only interested in the intervals between songs. The sound pressure of the performance will wipe them out. Only “Living in a Ghost Town” has a conversation during the performance, but this is a cold American new song, let’s give up (laughs). In that respect, it was great that “TAMPA 2021” showed great excitement in this song as well.
It may not be because of that, but as the performance approaches the second half, the timing when Mick asks the audience for call and response will be delayed, and the exchange with them will be developed as it is. Still, Mick’s tension was so high that as soon as the performance was over, the venue was lively to celebrate the victory of the World Series for the first time in 26 years by the local Atlanta Braves.

Of course, he and other members of Stones are also in great shape. The day started again with a pattern in which the early stages of the live continued to set numbers during the Brian period, but especially “19th Nervous Breakdown” is gaining momentum thanks to Steve. That “Teke ​​Teke” ending is also perfectly decided. Even if you take only this one song, it seems that the wonderful performance of the day was promised, but on top of that, after the start of this tour, the repertoire that will be the first appearance will be released in a row for the first time in a service.
First of all, “Shattered”. This is also a song that required a sense of speed and momentum when playing, but it was also a repertoire that was played less frequently on the stage in the last few years. In that respect, Steve’s drumming is a perfect match, and the sense of speed that was in the live performances of 1978 and 1981 has really revived for the first time in a while. It’s a song selection that I can’t help but groan, “Did you have this hand!”, And at the same time, it’s a finish that makes you want to continue playing. Not only Brian’s numbers, but Steve’s drums brought back to these songs.
The other is “She’s A Rainbow” by maniac madness. Although it is not frequent, the famous songs that are played occasionally will be shown on this tour. Not only is it a song that has gained popularity over the last two decades, but it’s also a great finish as a number that makes Chuck Leavell’s keyboard shine. It’s definitely a repertoire that I would like to see more, but it’s probably the only performance on this tour, and it’s a live version that lives up to it.

And in Tampa and Vegas, “Midnight Rambler” was becoming a development led by Mick, but Steve finally awakened here, and in the first half, he continued to carve a thrilling rhythm and reached the point where he could fan the band. Looking at the video of the day, Mick and Keith continued to support the performance while they were out to the tongue pit, and it was wonderful because they stopped the performance suddenly at the right timing with Ronnie and Darryl. It was the usual development from there, but I think the thrilling up to this point can be said to be a proof of Steve’s awakening.
After Charlie’s death, the members who had to raise their morale by going on a tour despite his absence, and Steve’s drumming that blows a new wind there as a result are excellent compatibility from the beginning of the tour. It’s clear that it was there, but it feels like the combination has reached the next level here. Even the final stage of the live “Jumping Jack Flash” was performed lively, and Mick sang enthusiastically. This sound source that you can enjoy them carefully with excellent quality. Tampa, Vegas, and Atlanta and the three best audiences for the 2021 tour are here!

★ Superb sound quality board using Schopes MK4 microphone.
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今週同時にリリースされるのはラスベガスの次のライブとして行われた11月11日のアトランタ。何しろベガスがあのような凄い音圧、中でもミックの歌声の近さに度肝を抜かされるクオリティであった訳ですが、もう少し臨場感を兼ね備えたオーディエンス録音らしいバランスで、なおかつ音像近めな状態なのがこちら。さすがにベガスのような異常な近さには及ばないものの、トータルなバランスの良さで「LOS ANGELES 2021 1ST NIGHT」をさらに安定感抜群にしたような状態と言えば想像してもらえるでしょうか。
音像が近いだけでなく、それでいて演奏全体のバランスが非常に良い。それでいて左右に広がる豊かできめ細やかな臨場感は絶品。そうした録音状態ですので、たまーに周囲の会話も拾っているのですが、それも気になるのは曲間だけ。演奏の音圧がそれらを一掃してくれます。唯一「Living in a Ghost Town」だけは演奏中も会話が入ってしまうのですが、ここは新曲に冷淡なアメリカです、諦めましょう(笑)。その点「TAMPA 2021」では本曲でも大きな盛り上がりを見せていた点が偉大でした。

そんな彼はもちろん、ストーンズ他のメンバーもまた絶好調。この日は再びライブ序盤がブライアン期ナンバー立て続けというパターンから始められていますが、特に「19th Nervous Breakdown」はスティーブのおかげで勢いが増す一方。あの「テケテケ」エンディングもばっちり決まっている。この一曲だけをとってみてもこの日の演奏の素晴らしさが約束されたようなものですが、その上で今回のツアー開始後、初登場となるレパートリーが二曲立て続けに投入というサービスぶり。
もう一つはマニア狂喜の「She’s A Rainbow」。頻繁ではないものの、折に触れて演奏されている名曲が今回のツアーでも披露。ここ二十年の間で一気に知名度の上がった曲ということだけでなく、チャック・リーヴェルのキーボードが映えるナンバーとして素晴らしい仕上がり。もっと取り上げてもらいたいレパートリーであることは間違いないでしょうが、おそらく今回のツアーではこれが唯一の演奏になるかと思われ、それに恥じないライブバージョンとなっています。

そしてタンパやベガスではミック主導の展開へとなりつつあった「Midnight Rambler」ですが、ここにきて遂にスティーブが覚醒、前半はスリリングにリズムを刻み続けてバンドを煽れるところまで到達。この日の動画を見ると、ミックやキースがタングピットへ繰り出している最中も演奏を支え続け、ロニーやダリルとタイミングを見計らって演奏を急停止させてみせたからお見事。そこからいつもの展開となった訳ですが、ここに至るまでのスリリングさがスティーブ覚醒の証と言えるのではないかと。
チャーリー亡き後、彼の不在にもかかわらずツアーを敢行したことで、いやおうにも士気を高めざるをえなかったメンバー、結果としてそこに新しい風を吹き込むスティーブのドラミングがツアー開始当初から相性抜群であったことは明白ですが、ここに来てそのコンビネーションがネクスト・レベルへと到達した感が。ライブ終盤「Jumping Jack Flash」までもがイキイキと演奏され、ミックも熱唱。それらが見事なクオリティでじっくりと楽しめる今回の音源。タンパ、ベガス、そしてこのアトランタと2021年ツアーの極上オーディエンス三強が出揃いました!

★Schopes MK4マイクを使用した極上音質盤。

Disc 1 (67:54)
1. Intro
2. Street Fighting Man
3. Let’s Spend The Night Together
4. 19th Nervous Breakdown
5. Words For Charlie
6. Tumbling Dice
7. Shattered
8. She’s A Rainbow
9. You Can’t Always Get What You Want
10. Living in a Ghost Town
11. Start Me Up
12. Honky Tonk Women
13. Band Introductions
14. Connection
15. Slipping Away

Disc 2 (61:26)
1. Miss You
2. Midnight Rambler
3. Paint It Black
4. Sympathy for the Devil
5. Jumping Jack Flash
6. Gimme Shelter
7. Satisfaction

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