Rolling Stones / Roseland Ballroom 2002 / 2CD

Rolling Stones / Roseland Ballroom 2002 / 2CD / Non Label

Roseland Ballroom, New York City, NY, USA 30th September 2002

Play sample :

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Twenty years have already passed since the LICKS tour of the Rolling Stones, which was carried out from 2002 to 2003. The style is a tour with an aggressive attitude even if you look back, with three types of venues selected, stadium, arena, and theater, and the set list varies greatly depending on the size of the venue, and has been a support member since 1989. It was one of the goals of the Stones Tour, which was held in the formation that introduced. Above all, the US tour in the fall of 2002 was the essence of the LICKS concept. The set list changes every time attracted a lot of attention.
Of course, the theater gig was very popular among enthusiasts. In the first place, the LICKS tour did not accompany a new studio album, but instead the concept of taking the best album and playing abundant past numbers was epoch-making. Therefore, we set three venues for each use, and also change the set list according to each size. The most epoch-making thing was that we took in a small venue theater with a club-gig atmosphere as part of the tour.
Of course, when it comes to theaters, the set list will have a rare number on parade. Especially in the first half of the tour, various songs were performed as a review of the repertoire. For example, in Boston, the first place of the tour, “Parachute Woman”, “Heart Of Stone”, and then in Chicago, “Torn And Frayed”, and so on, the astonishing repertoire was generously shown.

The final stage of the theater gig in the first half of the LICKS tour was the Roseland Ballroom in New York, which was held at the end of the tour in September 2002. The R & B ballad “She Smiled Sweetly” from the album “BETWEEN THE BUTTONS” was unveiled there. The live performance of the song has been held for this time only (there is a record sung on TV when the album was released, but unfortunately it is not left in any form), and as a result, the LICK Tour 2002 It was by far the rarest day of the theater gigs in the early game.
As was the case with the Budokan the following year, it was a theater gig on the LICK tour where it was extremely difficult to obtain tickets, but even so, there were multiple tapers that sneaked into Roseland, and the precious scenes were recorded firmly. Thanks to this, “recorder 1” has been released as VGP “SO GLAD TO BE NEW YORK CITY” and “recorder 2” has been released as “BALLROOM BLITZ” in the rear tie.
Of these, the one that was excellent in sound quality was “recorder 1”. The surroundings of “recorder 2” were very noisy. However, even with “recorder 1”, there was a painful scene in which a conversation of a size that interrupted the performance was entered when “She Smiled Sweetly” approached the third. In addition, each title has been equalized to a greater or lesser extent with the technology of 2002, and it is undeniable that it now feels like the times. Above all, it has been a long time since it became difficult to obtain both titles, and now that 20 years have passed since then, there are many enthusiasts who do not even know the fact that super valuable numbers were being played.

In addition to such a rear tie sound source, this gig also had a third audience recording, that is, “recorder 3”. However, it was distributed almost 10 years after the gig, and even that is now difficult to find, so many enthusiasts do not even know the existence of such a sound source. Isn’t it? Rather, it should be easier to find the VGP board files on the net. Such a hidden rare audience is finally released on a limited press CD.
Of these gig sound sources, “recorder 1” is the best translation in terms of sound proximity, but while the sound image of this sound source is farther than the other two, the surroundings are much quieter than those. That is a big advantage. Furthermore, when it comes to R & B-style ballads, “She Smiled Sweetly,” the point is to listen in this calm environment. Of course, there is no conversation that interrupts the performance, and it is not a noisy situation like “recorder 2” from beginning to end. In addition, by applying the equalization by the latest technology of the present, both the distant sound image and the dark feeling are alleviated at once.
Although it still falls short of “recorder 1”, the balance is exceptional because the conversation around it is not big. With this equalization, it has evolved into a sound quality that looks great on speakers. Of course, the three types of Roseland Ballroom audiences all have sound quality that is more enjoyable to play through speakers than headphones, but this processing has made it even more prominent in this sound source.

And only on this day, “She Smiled Sweetly” was played because this song was used in the movie together with “Ruby Tuesday” in the movie “THE ROYAL TENNBAUMS” which was released the previous year and became a big hit. Received. Mick also mentioned that in the MC before the performance, and I think it was a good opportunity to try this song live. The performance is arranged with a higher key than the album version, and it is interesting to feel a little like Mick’s solo number “Party Doll”. In addition, Keith was harmonious like the original song, and it was so good that I could have continued to play it as a repertoire.
However, even without “She She Smiled ~”, the LICKS theater mode explosive set list of the day is too gorgeous. It starts firmly in the early stages, but it is an on-parade of rare numbers that flips from “Hand Of Fate”. Like “She Smiled ~”, it is a luxury that even “That’s How Strong My Love Is”, which is an R & B ballad of the Brian period, is played. Also, Keith’s 2002 version of “You Don’t Have To Mean It” is soberly valuable, and it is treated that it was played only a few times in 2002 after this day.
The theater concept of such a LICKS tour also becomes a routine as the tour progresses, so there is something that is even more attracted to the ambitious set list here. However, it seems to be Stones at the beginning of the tour that you can catch a glimpse of the scene where Bobby Keys seems to fly the timing of playing the saxophone in “Neighbours” or the intro of “Can’t You Hear Me Knocking” is sluggish. .. The forgotten sound source of the legendary theater gig at the beginning of such a LICKS tour literally unveils!

当然シアターともなればセットリストはレア・ナンバーのオンパレードが確定。特にツアー前半はレパートリーのおさらいも兼ねて本当に様々な曲が披露されていたものです。例えばツアー最初の地であるボストンでは「Parachute Woman」に「Heart Of Stone」次のシカゴでは「Torn And Frayed」といった具合に、今みても驚愕のレパートリーが惜しげもなく披露されていたのでした。

そんなLICKSツアー前半戦におけるシアター・ギグの極めつけであったのが同ツアー2002年9月の締めとして行われたニューヨークはローズランド・ボールルーム。そこではアルバム「BETWEEN THE BUTTONS」に収録されたR&Bバラード「She Smiled Sweetly」が披露されたのです。同曲のライブ演奏は現在に至るまでこの時限りで(同アルバムリリース時にテレビで歌われた記録がありますが、残念なことにいかなる形でも残されていません)あり、結果としてLICKツアー2002年序盤戦におけるシアター・ギグの中でも群を抜いてレアな日となりました。
翌年の武道館がそうだったように、チケットの入手が困難を極めたLICKツアーのシアター・ギグですが、それでもローズランドに忍び込んでくれたテーパーは複数おり、その貴重な場面をしっかり記録。おかげでリアタイでも「recorder 1」がVGP「SO GLAD TO BE NEW YORK CITY」として、また「recorder 2」が「BALLROOM BLITZ」としてリリースされています。
これらの内、音質的に秀でていたのは「recorder 1」。「recorder 2」の方は周囲が非常に騒がしかった。ところが「recorder 1」の方でもよりによって「She Smiled Sweetly」が三番に差し掛かったところで演奏を遮るような大きさの会話が入ってしまうという痛恨の場面があったのです。おまけにそれぞれのタイトルが2002年当時の技術で大なり小なりイコライズされており、それが今となっては時代を感じさせる感触なのが否めない。何よりどちらのタイトルも入手困難になって久しく、あれから20年が経過した今となっては超貴重なナンバーが演奏されていたという事実すら知らないマニアも少なくないのでは。

そうしたリアタイ音源だけでなく、本ギグはさらに第三のオーディエンス録音、つまり「recorder 3」が存在していました。しかし流通したのはギグから10年近い歳月が経った後であり、それすら今では簡単に見つけられなくなってしまうという状況へ陥ったことで、そうした音源の存在すら知らないマニアも多数を占めるのではないでしょうか。むしろネット上ではVGP盤のファイルを見つける方が簡単なはず。そんな隠れたレア・オーディエンスが限定プレスCDにて遂にリリース。
本ギグ音源の内、音の近さという点では「recorder 1」がベストな訳ですが、今回の音源は他二つと比べて音像に距離がある反面、それらよりもはるかに周囲が静かであるというのが大きなアドバンテージ。ましてやR&B調のバラードである「She Smiled Sweetly」ともなれば、この落ち着いた環境で聞きこめるのがポイントが高い。もちろん演奏を遮るような会話もありませんし、「recorder 2」のような終始騒がしい状況でもない。おまけに現在の最新テクノロジーのよるイコライズを施したことで、遠い音像と暗い感触の両方を一気に緩和。
それでも「recorder 1」の域には及ばないのですが、やはり周囲の会話が大きくないバランスは格別。それが今回のイコライズによって非常にスピーカー映えする音質へと進化してくれたのです。もっともローズランド・ボールルーム三種類のオーディエンスはどれもヘッドフォンよりスピーカーから鳴らした方が楽しめる音質ではあるのですが、それが本音源においても今回の処理によって一層際立つようになりました。

そしてこの日に限って「She Smiled Sweetly」が演奏されたのは前年に公開されて大ヒットした映画「THE ROYAL TENENBAUMS」の中で「Ruby Tuesday」と共に本曲が劇中で使われていたことを受けてのもの。ミックも演奏前のMCでそのことに触れており、本曲をライブで試してみるいい機会だと思ったのでしょう。その演奏に際してはアルバム・バージョンよりもキーを上げたアレンジとなっており、ちょっとミックのソロ・ナンバー「Party Doll」っぽい雰囲気を感じさせるのが面白い。さらに原曲と同じようにキースがハモっており、このままレパートリーとして演奏し続けてもよかったのではないかと思えるほどの出来栄えでした。
しかし「She Smiled~」を抜きにしてもこの日のLICKSシアターモード炸裂なセットリストは豪華すぎる。序盤こそ手堅く始めますが、「Hand Of Fate」からめくるめくレア・ナンバーのオンパレード。「She Smiled~」と同様ブライアン期のR&Bバラードである「That’s How Strong My Love Is」まで演奏されるという豪華さ。また地味に貴重なのがキースの2002年版「You Don’t Have To Mean It」でして、この日の後も2002年中で数回演奏されただけという扱い。
こうしたLICKSツアーのシアター・コンセプトもツアーが進むにつれてレパートリーがルーティーン化するので、なおさらここでの意欲的なセットリストに惹かれるものがある。とはいえ「Neighbours」でボビー・キーズがサックスを吹くタイミングをフライングしそうになったり、あるいは「Can’t You Hear Me Knocking」のイントロがもたついたりといった場面が垣間見れるのがツアー序盤のストーンズらしいところ。そんなLICKSツアー序盤における伝説のシアター・ギグの忘れ去られた音源が文字通りベールを脱ぎます!

Disc 1 (65:44)
1. Intro
2. Start Me Up
3. You Got Me Rocking
4. All Down The Line
5. Hand Of Fate
6. Sweet Virginia
7. She Smiled Sweetly
8. Neighbours
9. Dance
10. Everybody Needs Somebody To Love
11. That’s How Strong My Love Is
12. Going To A Go Go
13. Ain’t Too Proud To Beg
14. Band introductions
15. You Don’t Have To Mean It

Disc 2 (55:53)
1. Before They Make Me Run
2. Midnight Rambler
3. Rock Me Baby
4. Stray Cat Blues
5. Can’t You Hear Me Knocking
6. Honky Tonk Women
7. Brown Sugar
8. Jumping Jack Flash


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