Roger Waters / Berlin Wall Rehearsal 1990 / 3DVDR

Roger Waters / Berlin Wall Rehearsal 1990 / 3DVDR / Non label
Rehearsals at Potsdammer Platz, Germany 18th-20th July 1990

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A must-see for fans who recorded a total of 5 hours of rehearsals on 3 discs just before the wall live on an unprecedented scale at Potsdamer Platz in Berlin on July 21, 1990. High quality video.

Disc 1 mainly introduces scenes from a different perspective from the band performance, such as the equipment installation at the venue on July 18 and the choreography practice scenes of dancers and extras while playing Waiting For The Worms and Run Like Hell. doing. Checking the animation projected on the huge wall at Trial is powerful and you can see a wonderful scene that even the cameraman does not know where to shoot. Disc 2 is mainly recorded for band rehearsals. In the daytime scene on the 18th, the scene where Roger sings with an acoustic guitar in front of an unmanned field is impressive in the exposed set. You can also play the blues as a sound check, and you can also see Roger performing solo with Mother sung by Sinéad O’Connor in the actual performance. Goodbye Blue Sky checks the chorus group and acoustic guitar, but what’s interesting is that you can see a substitute vocal with a paper on the chest that says “JONI MITCHELL” standing on the stage. Empty Spaces is a performance with a full electric band. Don’t miss the scene where Roger puts his hand in his pocket and takes charge of only vocals.

The entire scene on the night of the 19th will be rehearsed throughout. Guest musicians who have already arrived are participating, but overall the stage production and progress are quite rough and slapstick, so on the contrary it looks very interesting. In The Flesh ?, you can also see the Scorpions coming down from the limousine and playing just like the actual performance. Ute Lemper will be the vocalist at The Thin Ice. In The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, the scene where the teacher’s giant doll appears is powerful. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 features Cyndi Lauper dressed as a punk-style schoolgirl. The scene of dancing with the guitar solo in the latter half as the background is professional and moving. You can also see that she is taking time to change the set to Mother. Sinéad O’Connor has not yet participated in the Mother. At Goodbye Blue Sky, Joni Mitchell will listen to great vocals as well as the actual performance. The sliding scenes on the walls in Young Lust and One Of My Turns, which are urban modern art style, are very impressive. At Comfortably Numb, you can see that something is happening on stage. The guitar solos of Rick Diffonzo and Snowy White of this song are the best. In The Flesh with the participation of Scorpions again, the large-scale production is remarkable. In Run Like Hell, a pig monster appears, and here you can also see the production of running down with an extra rope.

In the daytime footage on July 20, you can see the unusual scene of Bryan Adams singing Young Lust enthusiastically and the shirtless Roger dancing rhythmically to the song in the guitar solo part. Also, at the end of the disc, a really wonderful performance of Goodbye Blue Sky featuring Joni Mitchell and flute play is recorded again.

Disc 3 contains about 1 hour and 50 minutes of “Dress Rehearsal” held on the eve of the performance on July 20th. You can fully enjoy another “Berlin Concert” where all guest musicians gather and unfold with costumes and productions just like the actual performance.

In the production held on July 21, I made a big mistake that the vocal of Ute Lemper and the vocal of Mother’s Sinéad O’Connor were not output at Thin Ice. (In the official video, Thin Ice has a retake take, but Mother has edited and recorded the dress concert the day before because Sinido refused to retake it.)

★ In the EXTRA part of Disc 1, a video collection related to Berlin live such as promo is recorded as a bonus, but it is said that the vocal of Lemper will not be included in Thin Ice on the live TV broadcast on the day, and the performance will be interrupted in the middle. Valuable scenes are also recorded.

In any case, the first-class video document, which vividly and clearly records how hundreds of staff members work together to create a huge event live that is extremely confusing, is definitely a must-see for all Floyd fans! Not only is it valuable, but the content is also very interesting, so it is the best video title that I would definitely recommend to anyone other than Floyd fans.


ディスク1は、7月18日の会場の機材設置やWaiting For The WormsやRun Like Hellを流しながらのダンサーやエキストラらの振り付け練習シーンなど、バンド演奏とは別の視点からのシーンをメインに紹介しています。Trialでの、巨大な壁に映し出されるアニメーションのチェックは迫力満点でカメラマンもどこを撮ったらよいのか分からなくなるほどの凄いシーンを見ることができます。ディスク2はバンド・リハーサルを中心に収録。18日の昼間のシーンでは、ロジャーがむき出しのセットのなか、無人のフィールドを前にアコギで歌うシーンが印象的です。サウンドチェックも兼ねてブルースを演奏したり、本番ではシニード・オコーナーが歌ったMotherをロジャーが独演するシーンも見ることができます。Goodbye Blue Skyはコーラスグループとアコギのチェックを行いますが、面白いのは「JONI MITCHELL」と書かれた紙を胸に貼った代役ボーカルがステージに立っているのが見えることです。Empty Spacesはエレクトリックバンドがフルに入っての演奏。ロジャーがポケットに手を突っ込みながらボーカルだけ担当するシーンも必見です。

19日の夜のシーンは全体の通しリハが行われます。既に到着しているゲスト・ミュージシャンは参加していますが、全体的にステージプロダクションも進行もかなり荒く、ドタバタ調なので、逆に非常に面白く見れます。In The Flesh?で、本番さながらにリムジンからスコーピオンズが降りてきて演奏するという演出も見れます。The Thin Ice ではウテ・レンパーがボーカルを務めます。The Happiest Days Of Our Lives では先生の巨大人形が登場するシーンは迫力あります。Another Brick In The Wall Part 2ではパンク風の女学生に扮したシンディ・ローパーが登場。後半のギターソロをバックに本番さながらにダンスするシーンはプロフェッショナルで感動的です。Motherへのセットチェンジで手間取っている様子も分かります。そのMotherではシニード・オコーナーはまだ参加していません。Goodbye Blue Skyでは本番同様にジョニ・ミッチェルが素晴らしいボーカルを聴かせます。都会派モダンアート風のYoung LustやOne Of My Turnsでの壁へのスライドシーンは非常に見事です。Comfortably Numbではなにやらステージでもめている様子が分かります。この曲のリック・ディフォンゾとスノウィ・ホワイトのギターソロは最高です。再びスコーピオンズが参加してのIn The Fleshは大掛かりな演出が目を見張ります。Run Like Hellでは豚の怪獣が登場、ここではエキストラのロープで駆け下りる演出も見れます。

7月20日の昼間の映像では、到着したブライアン・アダムスがYoung Lustを熱唱するシーンやギターソロパートでは上半身裸のロジャーが曲に合わせてリズミカルにダンスするという珍しいシーンを見ることができます。またディスク最後には再びジョニ・ミッチェルとフルートプレイをフィーチャーしたGoodbye Blue Skyの実に素晴らしいパフォーマンスを収録。


7月21日に行われた本番ではなんとThin Iceでせっかくのウテ・レンパーのボーカルと、Motherのシニード・オコーナーのボーカルが出力されないという大失態を犯してしまいます。(オフィシャルビデオではThin Iceは撮り直しテイクが収録されています。しかし、Motherはシニードが撮り直しを拒否したので、前日のドレス・コンサートの様子を編集し収録しています。)

★ディスク1のEXTRAパートではプロモなどベルリンライブの関連映像集がオマケで収録されていますが、当日のテレビの生中継でThin Iceでレンパーのボーカルが入らず、演奏が途中で中断してしまうという貴重なシーンも収録されています。


Disc 1
Building The Wall

18th July 1990
1. Building The Wall feat Hey You 2. Dancers Rehearsing(Room) feat Waiting For The Worms
3. Dancers Rehearsing(On The Set) feat Run Like Hell & Waiting For The Worms
4. Outside Scenes feat Another Brinck In The Wall 2 5. Reporter Introductions
6. Lights & equipments check feat Nobody Home 7. Crew Interviews
8. Animation check feat Trial 9. Crew Interviews

19th July 1990
10. Outside Scenes 11. Night Scene feat Another Brick In The Wall Part 3
12. Crew Interviews


Another Brick 2 Promo(Berlin 21st July 1990) / EPK 1 / EPK 2 / Animation Gallery
Program / Power Loss / Phone Interview 9th July 1990 / Filmmakers Notes

Disc 2
Band Rehearsals

18th July 1990
1. Intro. 2. Roger sings acoustic 3. Blues 4. Mother 5. Goodbye Blue Sky 6. Empty Spaces
7. Young Lust

19th July 1990
8. In The Flesh? 9. In The Flesh? feat Scorpions 10. The Thin Ice feat Ute Lemper
11. Another Brick In The Wall Part 1 12. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
13. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 feat Cyndi Lauper 14. Mother
15. Goodbye Blue Sky feat Joni Mitchell 16. Empty Spaces 17. Young Lust
18. One Of My Turns 19. Don’t Leave Me Now 20. Another Brick In The Wall Part 3
21. The Last Few Bricks 22. Goodbye Cruel World 23. Comfortably Numb
24. In The Flesh with Scorpions 25. Run Like Hell 26. Waiting For The Worms
27. Stop 28. The Trial

20th July 1990
29. Giant “Teacher” Moving 30. Young Lust feat Bryan Adams 31. Soundcheck 1
32. Soundcheck 2 33. Soundcheck 3 34. Goodbye Blue Sky feat Joni Mitchell

Disc 3
Dress Rehearsals
20th July 1990

1. Intro. 2. MC 3. In The Flesh? feat Scorpions 4. The Thin Ice feat Ute Lemper
5. Another Brick In The Wall Part 1 6. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
7. Another Brick In The Wall Part 2 8. Mother feat Sinead O’Connor
9. Goodbye Blue Sky feat Joni Mitchell 10. Empty Spaces 11. Young Lust feat Bryan Adams
12. S.E. 13. One Of My Turns feat Jerry Hall 14. Don’t Leave Me Now
15. Another Brick In The Wall Part 3 16. The Last Few Bricks 17. Goodbye Cruel World
18. Intermission 19. Hey You 20. Hey You(Cont.) 21. Nobody Home 22. Vera
23. Bring The Boys Back Home 24. Comfortably Numb feat Van Morrison 25. In The Flesh
26. Run Like Hell 27. Waiting For The Worms feat Scorpions 28. Stop
29. The Trial 30. The Tide Is Turning

COLOUR NTSC Approx. 310min.

Roger Waters – Vocals, Bass, Guitar

(The Bleeding Heart Band) Rick DiFonzo – Guitars Snowy White – Guitars
Andy Fairweather-Low – Guitar, Bass, Vocal Peter Wood – Keyboards Nick Glennie-Smith – Keyboards
Graham Broad – Drums Stan Farber – Backing Vocals Joe Chemay – Backing Vocals
Jim Haas – Backing Vocals John Joyce – Backing Vocals

(Scorpions) Klaus Meine – Vocals Rudolf Schenker – Guitar Matthias Jabs – Guitar
Francis Buchholz – Bass Herman Rarebell – Drums
(The Band) Levon Helm – Vocals Rick Danko – Vocals Garth Hudson – Accordion, Soprano Saxophone

Ute Lemper – Vocals Cyndi Lauper – Vocals Thomas Dolby – Synthesizer & vocals.
Sinead O’Connor – Vocals The Hooters – Acoustic Instruments Joni Mitchell – Vocals
James Galway – Flute Bryan Adams – Vocal, Guitar Jerry Hall – Vocals Paul Carrack – Vocals
Van Morrison – Vocals Tim Curry – Vocals Marianne Faithfull – Vocals Albert Finney – Vocals

The Rundfunk Orchestra Directed by Michael Kamen The Rundfunk Choir
The Military Orchestra of the Soviet Army

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