Robert Plant / Phoenix 1990 / 2CDR

Robert Plant / Phoenix 1990 / 2CDR / Uxbridge
Veterans Memorial Coliseum, Phoenix, AZ, USA 7th August 1990

Play sample :

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Despite overcoming the exploratory period after ZEP’s dissolution and having a great commercial success in his solo career, 1990’s is now completely overlooked. “MANIC NIRVANA” tour.
Because of that, “SAN DIEGO 1990 MIKE MILLARD MASTER CASSETTES” was released as a shocking masterpiece at a time when items were almost non-existent.
It was a shocking fact that he even followed the plant tour, but it was a very epoch-making release in the sense that you could enjoy the “MANIC NIRVANA” tour with truly mirrored quality. .
However, this month, a shocking new sound source appeared on the internet that directly challenged the unique mirrored recording of the “MANIC NIRVANA” tour.
That was the Phoenix performance on August 7th. Two days before “SAN DIEGO 1990 MIKE MILLARD MASTER CASSETTES” (hereinafter referred to as “existing board”). In that sense, it can be called a new sound source that appeared as if to challenge the world’s mirrored recordings.

This is the first appearance of the audience this time, but the shocking high sound quality that surpasses the mirrored recording of the already released board. It is common with Millard in that the sound image is surprisingly close, but the sound source this time has even higher freshness and a rich sound spread.
If the mirrored recording did not exist, it would have definitely been released on a press CD (I really regret the timing of that point being delayed) outstanding quality. We guarantee that the recording is in a state where everyone from beginners to enthusiasts can listen with confidence. A level that is completely on par with the existing board.

Also, it’s interesting that the atmosphere is different, even though it’s a record of the concert two days before the already-released album. Robert feels more relaxed on this day, and the extreme scene was the ZEP number “Living Loving Maid”, which was also the highlight of this tour.
On this day, before starting the same song, Robert was in a good mood and hummed a country-style ad-lib song, and the guitarist immediately accompanied him on the acoustic guitar, which was quite a rare scene.
Such “Living Loving~” is played in a slightly rockabilly arrangement, which is typical of this tour, and listening to it now is fresh and really enjoyable. It also has a great appeal in that this precious live performance can be heard with the highest sound quality.

Another highlight of this tour was the closing number “Wearing And Tearing” of “CODA”. Before the performance started on the already released board, Robert explained, “It was a song recorded about ten years ago …”, but here he clearly stated, “It was a song that was conscious of punk at that time.” Being there is precious.
And it is also the charm of this tour that Robert’s early solo repertoire such as “In The Mood” and “Little By Little” is played harder with the Eighties feeling diminished, and its lively performance is also wonderful Enjoy the sound quality.
From the now nostalgic “MANIC NIRVANA” tour, the shocking first appearance and the highest quality audience album has surpassed the mirrored!

ZEP解散後の模索的な時期を乗り越え、彼のソロ・キャリアの中では商業的な成功も大きかった時期であったにもかかわらず、今となってはすっかり見過ごされてしまっている1990年の「MANIC NIRVANA」ツアー。
そのせいでアイテムなど皆無に等しかった時期の衝撃的な名作としてリリースされたのがマイク・ミラード録音による「SAN DIEGO 1990 MIKE MILLARD MASTER CASSETTES」でした。
彼がプラントのツアーまで追っかけてくれていたというだけでも衝撃の事実だった訳ですが、さすがのミラード・クオリティで「MANIC NIRVANA」ツアーが楽しめるという意味でも大変に画期的なリリースとなったもの。
ところが今月、そんな「MANIC NIRVANA」ツアーにおける唯一無比のミラード録音に真っ向から挑んできた衝撃の新たなる音源がネット上に現れたのでした。
それは8月7日のフェニックス公演。何と「SAN DIEGO 1990 MIKE MILLARD MASTER CASSETTES」(以下“既発盤”と称します)の二日前。そういう意味でも天下のミラード録音に挑戦状を叩きつけたかのごとく現れた新音源だと呼べるのでは。


そして既発盤から二日前のコンサートの記録でありながら、雰囲気が異なるのも面白い。ロバートはこの日の方がリラックスしている感じで、その極めつけの場面がこのツアーの目玉でもあったZEPナンバー「Living Loving Maid」。
そんな「Living Loving~」はちょっとロカビリーチックなアレンジで演奏されているのもこのツアーらしいところで、今聞くと新鮮で実に楽しい。この貴重なライブ演奏が最高の音質で聞かれるという点でも大きな魅力を持っているのです。

またこのツアーにおけるもう一つの目玉であった「CODA」のクロージングナンバー「Wearing And Tearing」。既発盤でも演奏が始まる前にロバートが「今から十年くらい前に録音した曲で…」と説明していましたが、ここでは「あの当時のパンクを意識した曲だった」とはっきり述べているのが貴重。
そして「In The Mood」や「Little By Little」といったロバート初期のソロ・レパートリーもエイティーズ感が薄まってよりハードに演奏されているのもこのツアーの魅力でして、その活気ある演奏ぶりがまた素晴らしい音質で楽しめる。
今となっては懐かしい「MANIC NIRVANA」ツアーから衝撃の初登場かつ極上クオリティのオーディエンス・アルバムはまさかのミラード越え!

Disc 1 (43:20)
1. Watching You
2. Nobody’s Fault But Mine
3. Billy’s Revenge
4. Tie Dye On The Highway
5. In The Mood
6. No Quarter

Disc 2 (66:06)
1. Liars Dance
2. Going To California
3. Little By Little
4. Nirvana
5. Immigrant Song
6. Hurting Kind
7. Ship Of Fools
8. Wearing And Tearing
9. Living Loving Maid
10. Tall Cool One

Robert Plant – Vocal
Doug Boyle – Guitar
Charlie Jones – Bass
Phil Johnstone – Keyboards
Chris Blackwell – Drums


Uxbridge 1725

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