Queen / Budokan 1981 Final Night Complete Master / 2CD

Queen / Budokan 1981 Final Night Complete Master / 2CD / Wardour
Budokan, Tokyo, Japan 18th February 1981

Play sample :

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QUEEN in the “THE GAME” era, where both albums and singles were sent to No. 1 in the United States, and “GREATEST HITS” became a historic blockbuster. Two unreleased masters who have vacuum-packed the performance in Japan and have been unveiled for the first time in the world have been unearthed at the same time! It is a miracle simultaneous release decision. Although the two masters this time were excavated from a route that has nothing to do with each other, they were recorded on the same day. It is a shocking audience recording of the “February 18, 1981: Nippon Budokan” performance.

[New excavation of shock that transcends all conventional recordings] Although four types of recordings have been known for this show, both of these two are the best impact masters for the first time. The simultaneous release “BUDOKAN 1981 FINAL NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER (Wardour-472)” was the ultimate miracle sound, but unfortunately it was incompletely recorded. On the other hand, this work is a complete recording board of a full show that is imposing for the first time. Of course, if it’s just a complete recording, it won’t be a permanent storage press. The sound quality is also the highest level without complaint, and even if it does not reach “DEFINITIVE MASTER (Wardour-472)”, it is a talented master with higher quality than any of the four types of recordings known so far.
In fact, what came out of the new master was a mysterious sound that had never been known before. Anyway clear & vivid. It’s not as close as “DEFINITIVE MASTER”, which has no sense of distance, but the details are clear and the sound is neat. Of course, Freddie’s vocals are also beautiful recordings that are clear and clear word by word. In particular, the natural and lustrous sound is exquisite, and it is fresher than the best recordings of the past, yet it adds only dynamism deliciously without hiding the subtleties of the ensemble.

[Complete recording live album full of moving points] And the best thing is the complete recording of the show. Of course, it is inevitable to cut the tape change of the era, but a part of “Now I’m Here” that was missed in the recording is complemented by utilizing the simultaneous release “DEFINITIVE MASTER”. You can enjoy the whole show (there is another tape change after “Tie Your Mother Down”, but it’s waiting for Angkor, so it has nothing to do with the performance).
What is the complete form of such a show? Speaking of 1981, the official work “QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL” is famous, but this work is similar and different. To explain that, let’s look back at the show’s position in the panoramic view of “THE GAME Tour” and then look at the set comparison.

● 1980
<< June 30 “THE GAME” released >>
・ June 30-July 14: North America # 1 (14 performances)
・ August 5th-September 30th: North America # 2 (35 performances)
“December 8” FLASH GORDON “released”
・ November 23-December 18: Europe (17 performances)
● 1981
・ February 12-19: Japan (6 performances) ← ★ Coco ★
・ February 28-March 21: Latin America # 1 (7 performances)
・ September 25-October 18: Latin America # 2 (6 performances)
“October 26,” GREATEST HITS “, single” Under Pressure “released”
・ November 24th + 25th: North America # 3 (2 performances) ← * Official

・ Queen of Dread: Keep Yourself Alive
・ Sheer Heart Attack: Killer Queen / Now I’m Here
・ A Night at the Opera: Death On Two Legs (★) / I’m In Love With My Car / Love Of My Life / Bohemian Rhapsody
・ A Day at the Races: The Millionaire Waltz (★) / Tie Your Mother Down / Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) (★)
・ News of the World: We Will Rock You (2 takes) / Get Down Make Love / Sheer Heart Attack / We Are The Champions
・ Jazz: Let Me Entertain You / Mustapha (★)
・ The Game: Play The Game / Rock It (Prime Jive) (★) / Save Me / Dragon Attack / Crazy Little Thing Called Love / Another One Bites The Dust
・ Flash Gordon: Vultan’s Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men) (★) / Battle Theme (★) / Flash / The Hero
・ Others: Sakura Sakura (★)
* Note: “★” marks are songs that cannot be heard in “QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL”.

… And it looks like this. It’s generally similar to “QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL”, but the details are different. Of course, there is no “Under Pressure” before the single was released, but instead (?) You can listen to “Rock It (Prime Jive)” and “Mustapha”. Even more historic are “Vultan’s Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men)” and “The Millionaire Waltz”. The former “Vultan’s Theme” is performed as the beginning of the “FLASH GORDON” medley, but this song was only included in the Japanese performance. And while “The Millionaire Waltz” is just the piano intro to “Play the Game,” Freddie played this song for the last time.
And speaking of Japan, “hold hands” and “Sakura Sakura” are also available. Especially, “holding hands” is very moving. I was playing before “We Will Rock You” the day before, but on this day I rushed to “We Are the Champions” and the show was over … I thought, “God Save the Queen” “Does not flow. As the audience, who foresaw further encores, made desperate calls, they were performed with a moist piano play. At the very end of the final day, the show ends with a big chorus of excitement.
The first appearance, two new excavation masters who have dismissed all the existing ones. The sound book momentary record and the reality of the trouble scene are not as good as “DEFINITIVE MASTER (Wardour-472)”, but as a musical work, this work is the perfect one. In any case, both are historic discoveries. Please enjoy it with the permanent storage press CD.

★ Recording of the best audience of the performance of “February 18, 1981: Nippon Budokan”. It’s a new excavation master that hasn’t appeared on the market so far, and it sounds better than any conventional recording. Although the direct feeling is less than the same day live album “DEFINITIVE MASTER (Wardour-472)” released at the same time, this is a complete recording of the show. Freddie’s last “The Millionaire Waltz”, “Vultan’s Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men)” which was only in Japan, “Hand in hand” to be shown at the end, etc. are full of moving points because it is a full live album. It’s a masterpiece.

★★ Complete first appearance sound source. Complete recording, the finest recording board. There is no doubt that this board will be the best of the day!

アルバムもシングルも全米No.1に送り込み、『GREATEST HITS』も歴史的大ヒットとなった『THE GAME』時代のQUEEN。その来日公演を真空パックした全世界初公開の未発表マスターが2本同時に新発掘! 奇跡の同時リリース決定です。今回の2本のマスターは互いに何の関係もないルートから発掘されたにも関わらず、なんと同日録音。「1981年2月18日:日本武道館」公演の衝撃オーディエンス録音なのです。

このショウはこれまで4種の録音が知られてきましたが、今回の2本はどちらも初公開にして極上の衝撃マスター。同時リリースの『BUDOKAN 1981 FINAL NIGHT: DEFINITIVE MASTER(Wardour-472)』は究極的な奇跡サウンドでしたが、残念ながら不完全録音。それに対し、本作は初登場にして堂々たるフルショウの完全収録盤なのです。もちろん、単に完全収録だけなら永久保存プレス化はしない。サウンド・クオリティも文句ナシに極上レベルでして、『DEFINITIVE MASTER(Wardour-472)』には及ばずとも、これまで知られてきた4種録音のどれよりよりもハイクオリティな逸材マスターなのです。
実際、新マスターから流れ出てきたのは、これまで知られていなかったのが不思議なほどのサウンド。とにかくクリア&鮮やか。距離感ゼロな『DEFINITIVE MASTER』ほどド密着ではありませんが、ディテールも微細部まで克明で鳴りも端正。もちろん、フレディのヴォーカルも一語一語までハッキリ・クッキリとした美録音です。特にナチュラルで艶やかな鳴りは絶品で、従来のベスト録音よりも瑞々しく、それでいてアンサンブルの機微まで隠さずにダイナミズムだけを美味しく添加しているのです。

そして何より素晴らしいのはショウの完全収録。もちろん、時代柄テープチェンジのカットは避けられないのですが、録音漏れとなった「Now I’m Here」の一部分も同時リリースの『DEFINITIVE MASTER』を活用して補完。ショウの全編を楽しめるようになっているのです(もう1ヶ所「Tie Your Mother Down」の後にもテープチェンジがありますが、ここはアンコール待ちなので演奏にはまったく関係ありません)。
そんなショウの完全形とはどんなものか。1981年と言えば公式作『QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL』が有名ですが、本作は似て非なるもの。それを説明するためにも、ここで“THE GAME Tour”の全景でショウのポジションを振り返り、続いてセット比較も見てみましょう。

《6月30日『THE GAME』発売》
《12月8日『FLASH GORDON』発売》
・2月12日ー19日:日本(6公演) ←★ココ★
《10月26日『GREATEST HITS』・シングル『Under Pressure』発売》
・11月24日+25日:北米#3(2公演) ←※公式

・戦慄の王女:Keep Yourself Alive
・シアー・ハート・アタック:Killer Queen/Now I’m Here
・オペラ座の夜:Death On Two Legs(★)/I’m In Love With My Car/Love Of My Life/Bohemian Rhapsody
・華麗なるレース:The Millionaire Waltz(★)/Tie Your Mother Down/Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together)(★)
・世界に捧ぐ:We Will Rock You(2テイク)/Get Down Make Love/Sheer Heart Attack/We Are The Champions
・ジャズ:Let Me Entertain You/Mustapha(★)
・ザ・ゲーム:Play The Game/Rock It (Prime Jive)(★)/Save Me/Dragon Attack/Crazy Little Thing Called Love/Another One Bites The Dust
・フラッシュ・ゴードン:Vultan’s Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men)(★)/Battle Theme(★)/Flash/The Hero
・その他:Sakura Sakura(★)
※注:「★」印は『QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL』で聴けない曲。

……と、このようになっています。大筋で『QUEEN ROCK MONTREAL』にも通じるのですが、ディテールは異なる。シングルが出る前だった『Under Pressure』は当然ないわけですが、代わり(?)に「Rock It (Prime Jive)」や「Mustapha」も聴けます。さらに歴史的なのが「Vultan’s Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men)」と「The Millionaire Waltz」。前者「Vultan’s Theme」は『FLASH GORDON』メドレーの冒頭として演奏されますが、この曲まで組み込まれたのは日本公演だけでした。そして「The Millionaire Waltz」は「Play the Game」のピアノ・イントロでしかありませんが、フレディがこの曲を弾いたのは、この日が最後でした。
そして日本ならではと言えば、「手をとりあって」や「さくらさくら」も。特に「手をとりあって」は感動的。前日は「We Will Rock You」の前に演奏していましたが、この日は何事もなく「We Are the Champions」まで突き進み、ショウは終わり……かと思いきやお約束の「God Save the Queen」が流れない。さらなるアンコールを予感した観客達が必死のコールを繰り広げる中で、しっとりとピアノの弾き語りで披露される。最終日の最後の最後、感動の大合唱でショウの幕が閉じられるのです。
初登場にして、あらゆる既発を一蹴してしまった新発掘マスター2連発。サウンド簿瞬間最高記録やトラブル現場のリアリティは『DEFINITIVE MASTER(Wardour-472)』に及びませんが、音楽作品としては完全体の本作にこそ軍配が上がります。いずれにせよ、どちらも歴史的な大発見。どうぞ、永久保存プレスCDで併せてたっぷりお楽しみください。

★「1981年2月18日:日本武道館」公演の極上オーディエンス録音。これまで出回ってこなかった新発掘マスターで、従来のどの録音よりも音が良い。ダイレクト感では同時リリースの同日ライヴアルバム『DEFINITIVE MASTER(Wardour-472)』に一歩及ばないものの、こちらはショウの完全収録。フレディが弾く最後の「The Millionaire Waltz」や日本だけだった「Vultan’s Theme (Attack of the Hawk Men)」、ラストに披露される「手をとりあって」等々、フルライヴアルバムだからこその感動ポイント満載な大傑作です。



Disc 1 (54:27)
1. Intro
2. We Will Rock You (Fast)
3. Let Me Entertain You
4. The Millionaire Waltz
5. Play the Game
6. Mustapha
7. Death on Two Legs
8. Killer Queen
9. I’m in Love With My Car
10. Get Down, Make Love
11. Rock It (Prime Jive)
12. Save Me
13. Now I’m Here
14. Dragon Attack
15. Now I’m Here(Reprise)
16. Sakura Sakura
17. Love of My Life

Disc 2 (54:00)
1. Keep Yourself Alive
2. Drum Solo
3. Guitar Solo
4. Vultan’s Theme
5. Battle Theme
6. Flash
7. The Hero
8. Crazy Little Thing Called Love
9. Bohemian Rhapsody
10. Tie Your Mother Down
11. Another One Bites the Dust
12. Sheer Heart Attack
13. We Will Rock You
14. We Are the Champions
15. Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together)★この位置で演奏。感動!
16. God Save the Queen


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