Queen / Yamaguchi 1979 / 2CD

Queen / Yamaguchi 1979 / 2CD / Wardour
Live at Yamaguchi Prefectural Gymnasium, Yamaguchi, Japan 2nd May 1979

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Translated text:

The phantom hidden record that only core collectors knew so far. Finally, the permanent preservation press appears in 2CD.
It was this Japan that the treasure was recorded. “May 2, 1979: Yamaguchi prefectural gymnasium” performance of the 3rd Japan tour which celebrated the popularity peak. Its masterpiece audience recording. Anyway, “Jazz Japan tour 1979” is said to be the height of popularity of Japan. Archive with many masterpieces in our shop. The major masterpiece “DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1979 (Wardour-315)” released the other day is also a remarkable new place. First of all, let’s review the schedule of the time and let’s organize the summary collection.

· April 13: Nippon Budokan “BUDOKAN 1979 1ST NIGHT”
· April 14: Nippon Budokan “BUDOKAN 1979 2ND NIGHT”
· April 19th + 20th: Festival Hall “DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1979”
· April 21: Practice Ethics Memorial Hall
· April 23: Nippon Budokan “PRIDE AND JOY”
· April 24: Nippon Budokan
· April 25: Nippon Budokan “BUDOKAN 1979”
· April 27: Kobe Central Gymnasium
· April 28: Nagoya International Exhibition Hall “THE PLEASURE CHEST”
· April 30th + May 1st: Fukuoka Kyushu Gymnasium “MEMORIAL GYM”
· May 2: Yamaguchi prefectural gymnasium ← ★ This work ★
· May 5th + 6th: Makomanai Ice Arena
※ Note: Only for masterpieces on each day.

Over all, 15 performances. The overwhelming number of performances including Nippon Budokan 5 shows is No. 1 in Qanten’s history of arrival in Japan. It was undoubtedly a vertex tour in Japan. Recordings such as Tomei Osaka and Fukuoka have been popular so far, but this work is a record of the Yamaguchi performance that they became the only one.

【Secret recording of illusion finally saw the eyes of the sun】
Such a work is truly a treasure. Actually, the existence of the recording was known even in the top, but only the core collector can actually hear it. It is a recording that has been kept confidential, almost not even circulated between trades. This work is a superb item that will become a master quality even with such secret sounds. In recent years, an incomplete version of another sound source has been on the net, but the length and the quality are completely different from that.
Actually, the sound of this work is excellent. Anyway the overwhelming thing is clear. At the beginning, the scene where pause is repeated will be scary (Do not worry because it is not a malfunction of the playback machine), but when it starts at “We Will Rock You” it spreads a lot of wonderful sounds. Although it is not a close contact sound like a mistake with a sound board, the sense of air is totally transparent, and a solid singing voice and performance reaches straight. I do not know the acoustics of the Yamaguchi prefectural gymnasium, but as if it is outdoors, there are few Hall echoes, and I will jump in hand with the details clearly.
Moreover, the audience / noise is unusually small. Of course, at the time of the performance and among the songs it’s gorgeous and exciting so it’s not silky. A greeting like a scream that welcomes the MC, which is only once in history, “I am happy that we are able to come to Yamaguchi” is amazing. However, as the performance begins, there are few clapping handsets (even with a bit of rhythm), and the jokes that are boiling in places are also far from bothering. This tour is not only a popular hight but also a strong voice with a yellow voice, but this work is different. It is a name recording that you can fully immerse yourself in plenty and beautifully arranged music and singing voice.

【The truth of wonderfully fun Yamaguchi performance】
The show drawn with such exquisite sounds is also wonderful but funny. There should be tiredness that will be the 13 th tour of Japan, but in that case Freddie’s voices are well coming out, and if there is momentum and tension, it is also expensive (although it seems rumbling in the final “Bohemian Rhapsody”). “Do not Stop Me Now” which was set once was restored, and we can hear one of the most beautiful singing voices in the 1979 visit to Japan.
And this work is also fun. Brian’s MC called Brian ‘s good … … after “Do not Stop Me Now” is funny, “Teo Torriatte” smiles at Freddie. Forgetting the lyrics, it becomes humming with “La la la”. Moreover, it is funny that the Japanese part is singing good. As it is, No. 2 is also quite suspicious, and it will resurrect when it becomes Japanese again. Hanamogera You can listen to foreign performances like English and beautiful Japanese.
Further special ” 39 ‘. There seems to be a foreigner group on the scene, and there are some fussy voices. So when Freddie asked “Are you from Japan?”, Laughter happens at the venue, and if you continue with “You are Navy?” The foreign group returns “No!” It is not exciting separately, the atmosphere is very humorous. Even more funny is Freddie asking “You guys like YMCA?” (Actually, in Japan in 1979, “Young Man” was a huge hit. It seems that the staff of Japan taught the people of QUEEN, it seems that it was a bamboo keeper when it was a monster.

Truly a treasure. In addition to the opening scene, there is a temporary stop at “Tie Your Mother Down” “Sheer Heart Attack”, etc. It is not completely indispensable. However, quality is so wonderful that whatever it is, such a show is too fun. It is unlikely that this fun and enjoyment will definitely want to be monopolized. It is a treasure that has been kept secret since it is wonderful. Two sheets set that permanently preserves such Yamaguchi performance. In February 2019 number one title definitely never listen board. Please, please fully enjoy from corner to corner!

★ Yamaguchi performance · Yamaguchi performance · High sound quality board which some maniacs were concealed was kept secretly, and finally booted for the first time through 40 years! It is a long-awaited release that I can assert you the most this year.

その秘宝が記録されたのは、なんとこの日本。人気絶頂を迎えた3度目のジャパン・ツアーの「1979年5月2日:山口県立体育館」公演。その傑作オーディエンス録音です。何しろ、“JAZZ JAPAN TOUR 1979”と言えば、日本人気の絶頂期。当店でも数多くの傑作でアーカイヴ。先日リリースされた大傑作『DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1979(Wardour-315)』も記憶に新しいところです。まずは、当時の日程を振り返り、その絶頂コレクションを整理してみましょう。

・4月13日:日本武道館『BUDOKAN 1979 1ST NIGHT』
・4月14日:日本武道館『BUDOKAN 1979 2ND NIGHT』
・4月19日+20日:フェスティバルホール『DEFINITIVE OSAKA 1979』
・4月23日:日本武道館『PRIDE AND JOY』
・4月25日:日本武道館『BUDOKAN 1979』
・4月28日:名古屋国際展示場『THE PLEASURE CHEST』
・4月30日+5月1日:福岡九電体育館『MEMORIAL GYM』
・5月2日:山口県立体育館 ←★本作★


実際、本作のサウンドは絶品。とにかく圧倒的なのはクリアさ。冒頭で一時停止が繰り返されるシーンにはギョッとします(再生機の故障ではありませんのでご安心ください)が、いざ「We Will Rock You」で開演するや素晴らしいサウンドがいっぱいに広がる。サウンドボードと間違えるような密着サウンドでこそないものの、空気感がやたらと透き通っており、芯もしっかりとした歌声と演奏が真っ直ぐ届く。寡聞にして山口県立体育館の音響は知りませんが、まるで野外のようにホールエコーが少なく、ディテールまではっきりとしたまま手元に飛び込んでくるのです。

そんな絶品サウンドで描かれるショウがまた素晴らしくも面白い。来日13公演目となる疲れもあるはずですが、それにしてはフレディの声も良く出ていて、勢いもあればテンションも高い(終盤の「Bohemian Rhapsody」ではさすがにキツそうですが)。一度はセット落ちした「Don’t Stop Me Now」も復活させ、1979年の来日公演でも屈指の見事な歌声を聴かせてくれるのです。
そして、本作は楽しくもある。「Don’t Stop Me Now」後の「よく聞こえますか? よく見えますか! 良かった……」というブライアンのMCも面白いですが、フレディに微笑んでしまうのは「Teo Torriatte」。歌詞をド忘れし、「ラララ」とハミングになってしまうのです。しかも、可笑しいのは日本語パートはキッチリ歌えていること。そのまま2番もかなり怪しく、やはり日本語になると復活する。ハナモゲラ英語と綺麗な日本語という、外人らしからぬパフォーマンスが聴けるのです。
さらにスペシャルなのが「’39」。どうも現場には外人集団がいたらしく、何やら騒ぎ声が立つ。そこでフレディが「Are you from Japan?」と訊くと会場に笑いが起こり、さらに「お前ら海軍か?」と続けると外人集団が「No!」と返す。別に殺気立っているわけではなく、雰囲気は非常にユーモラス。さらに可笑しいのはフレディが「お前ら、YMCAは好きか?」と訊くのです。(実は、1979年の日本では「ヤングマン」が大ヒット中。QUEENの面々も日本のスタッフに教えてもらったらしく、モノマネしてはバカウケだったそう。)

まさに秘宝。開演シーンだけでなく、「Tie Your Mother Down」「Sheer Heart Attack」で一時停止がある等、完全無欠ではありません。しかし、そんな事はどーでも良くなるほどクオリティが素晴らしく、ショウが楽しすぎる。この面白さ、楽しさは、確かに独り占めしたくなるのも無理はない。素晴らしいからこそ、秘匿され続けてきた名宝なのです。そんな山口公演を永久保存する2枚組。2月にして2019年のナンバー1タイトル間違いなし必聴盤。どうぞ、隅から隅まで存分にご堪能ください!



Disc 1 (62:46)
1. Intro.
2. We Will Rock You (slow / fast) フレディ「私たちは、山口に来れて嬉しいです!」
3. Let Me Entertain You
4. Somebody To Love
5. Death On Two Legs
6. Killer Queen
7. Bicycle Race
8. I’m In Love With My Car
9. Get Down, Make Love
10. You’re My Best Friend
11. Now I’m Here
12. Teo Torriatte 手拍子!サビの英語を忘れてララと言ってる(日本語は歌えてるのに)2番の歌詞も怪しい
13. Don’t Stop Me Now ブライアンMC 日本語で「よく聞こえますか?よく見えますか? 良かったー」
14. Dreamers Ball
15. Love Of My Life

Disc 2 (52:33)
1. ’39 外人集団に向かって「Are you from Japan ?」 (会場笑い)「Are you in a navy ?」(外人集団”No-!!”)、「Do you like YMCA ?」 ★西城秀樹の「YMCA」が流行っていた時期
2. It’s Late
3. Brighton Rock
4. Guitar & Drum Solo
5. Brighton Rock (reprise)
6. Keep Yourself Alive
7. Bohemian Rhapsody 流石にフレディ辛そう
8. Tie Your Mother Down
9. Sheer Heart Attack
10. We Will Rock You
11. We Are The Champions
12. God Save The Queen


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