Pink Floyd / Wish You Were Here Nimbus Supercut / 1CD

Pink Floyd / Wish You Were Here Nimbus Supercut / 1CD / Harvest SHVL 814

Side 1: SHVL 814 A1 MPT JH Nimbus England & Side 2: SHVL 814 B1 MPT JH. MONO/STEREO

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“Nimbus Super Cut” is a dream crystal that collectors who want a high-quality sound board have longed for. The masterpiece “Wish You Were Here”, which is drawn with the ultimate sound that is said to be a phantom, is now available on the permanent preservation press CD.

[Miracle “Nimbus Super Cut” that could have the ultimate high-quality sound in an object] “Nimbus Super Cut”, which is also famous for The Beatles and Wings. This name may no longer be synonymous with “Holy Grail” for collectors. Not limited to rock, the masterpieces of music are destined to be sought for the ultimate sound, and all possibilities are explored. It may be a new technology media, a Mato 1LP pursuing young genes, a digital transfer by a craftsman, or a master copy created by a coincidence of history. Regardless of the difference in method, various labels and collectors are dying and approaching, aiming for the ultimate goal of “sound blown into the master tape” and “sound that was ringing in the studio”.
The answer to such a journey is different for each album, but it is rumored that it is the ultimate one regarding “flame” is “Nimbus Super Cut”. Please forgive me for being a little muddy here as “rumored”. Normally, “affirmation” is appropriate, but the Nimbus board is so rare that even a core collector cannot easily hear it. After all, it is an LP board produced in 1984, more than 35 years ago, and it is only a special mail order for readers of the British audio magazines “PRACTICAL HI-FI” and “HI-FI TODAY”. No general sales have been realized, and the number of presses is 1000 or less. Nowadays, tens of thousands of yen is commonplace even for ordinary second-hand goods, and it was a rare mega-rare-class board that costs more than 100,000 yen for near mint.
Of course, it’s not just rare. Nimbus Records borrowed the original master tape and pressed it with its own technology “Super Cut”. Moreover, it seems that ICI (Imperial Chemical Industries: a group of the world’s leading chemical companies based in London) is particular about using special pure vinyl, and the pressing accuracy is different. If it’s just a moss threat, it’s just a story of audiophiles who were lucky enough to get a rare LP (or don’t put a thread on gold), but it became a legend because the sound proved the process. It was even called the Holy Grail.

[The shocking “flame” that contains the reality of the studio itself] The introduction has become quite long, but this work is “Flame: I want you to be here” of such “Nimbus Super Cut”. Although it is an extremely rare LP, this work has been precisely digitized from the mint quality board. Because the material and condition are combined, there is no surface noise, let alone needle crackling. The sound of the “master tape itself” that has not been subjected to any limiter processing will flow out.
Actually, the natural feeling is unexplored (although the members who actually produced the album may have heard it). Speaking of high-quality CDs of “flame” (also familiar with our gifts), the SBM CD board “CK 53753” is famous, so I tried to compare it, but I laughed. It was so different. First of all, the sound pressure is too different only for the 80’s LP, so I turned up the volume saying “Don’t be fooled by the sound pressure for the time being”, but it is natural whether you raise it or not. It’s already over the volume of the SBM CD, but it doesn’t feel noisy at all. Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean “the volume is too low”. Distortion and clogging do not occur even if the volume is raised from the same volume as a general CD, and on the contrary, the subtleties can be clearly understood even at a low volume.
Moreover, this “subtlety” is not average, and it is not at the level of noticing detailed phrases and sound effects. The realism of the dimension that the instrument is ringing there now, the skin of the drum and the strings of the guitar / bass are trembling, and the area is passing through the gap of the wire mesh of the microphone. To be honest, the SBM CD board also has a fairly high sound quality, so I don’t notice the “new sound with a hidden taste” anymore, but even if I turn up the volume, I can see the beautiful sound world “Oh, Roger is in front of me. It even has the feeling that “I’m singing” and “Gilmore is playing.”

“Nimbus Super Cut” was difficult to listen to because it was mega rare among many high-quality sound boards. It is a miracle press CD that digitized the mint board in the highest peak environment. Even if you can buy a Nimbus board by hitting a lot, it is not necessarily a mint board, and few people have a playback environment that brings out all of their abilities. This work is a CD that overcomes all such barriers so that anyone can enjoy the “highest sound of the highest peak”. Please enjoy it with a press CD that will not lose its brilliance forever.

★ In 1984, it was a direct transfer from the extremely rare UK version “Nimbus Supercut”, which was released by mail order for readers of the audio magazines “Practical Hi-Fi” and “Hi-Fi Today” for the UK. The Nimbus Supercut board has become a legend among audiophiles as a high-quality sound board that surpasses Mobile Fidelity. It has been digitized from the LP, which is owned by an overseas enthusiast and is in the best condition.

★ A finely digitized version of “Flame? I want you to be here” by “Nimbus Super Cut”, which is often called the highest quality in history. The Nimbus board is a special mail-order board for readers of the British audio magazines “PRACTICAL HI-FI” and “HI-FI TODAY” in 1984. Although it is a mega rare board that was never sold to the general public, the press accuracy using original cutting technology and special vinyl by ICI is different. Hundreds of thousands of mint boards are digitized with the latest technology, and the sound without needle cracks or even surface noise is exactly the master tape itself. It is a press CD that you can enjoy the highest peak sound “flame” forever.


 そんな旅路の回答はアルバム1枚1枚で異なるのですが、こと『炎』に関して究極の1枚と噂されているのが“ニンバス・スーパーカット”なのです。ここで「噂されている」と若干濁し気味になってしまうのはご容赦いただきたい。本来であれば「断言」こそが相応しいのですが、ニンバス盤はあまりにもレア過ぎて、コアなコレクターと言えどもそうそう簡単には耳にできない。何しろ、35年以上前の1984年に制作されたLP盤であり、しかも英国のオーディオ専門誌『PRACTICAL HI-FI』『HI-FI TODAY』の読者を対象とした特別企画の通信販売のみ。一般販売は一切実現せず、プレス枚数は1000枚以下。現在では通常の中古でも数万円は当たり前で、ニア・ミントともなれば十数万円では済まないというメガレア級の稀少盤だったのですから。
 実際、そのナチュラル感は前人未踏(実際にはアルバムを制作したメンバー達は耳にしていたのでしょうが)の域。『炎』の高音質CDと言えば(当店のギフトでもお馴染みな)SBM CD盤『CK 53753』が有名ですので「比べてやるぞ!」と気合いを入れて臨んだのですが、笑ってしまうほどに違いました。まず、80年代LPだけに音圧が違いすぎるので「とりあえず音圧にごまかされないようにね」と音量を上げて行ったのですが、上げても上げてもナチュラル。とっくにSBM CD盤の音量を超えているのに、まったくうるさく感じない。念押ししておきますが、これは「音量が小さすぎる」という意味ではありません。一般CDと同じ聴感の音量からドンドン上げていっても歪みや詰まりが起きず、逆に小さい音量でもしっかりと機微が分かるのです。
 しかも、この「機微」が並ではなく、細かなフレーズや効果音に気づくというレベルではないのです。楽器が今そこで鳴っている、ドラムの皮やギター/ベースの弦が震えている、マイクの金網のスキマを域が通り抜けている……という次元の現実感。正直なところ、SBM CD盤もかなりの高音質なために、今さら「隠し味の新しい音」に気づくわけではありませんが、ガンガン音量を上げても美しい音世界に「あ、ロジャーが目の前で歌ってる」「ギルモアが弾いてる」という実感まで宿っているのです。
★1984年、イギリス国内向けのオーディオ誌『Practical Hi-Fi』『Hi-Fi Today』の読者向け通信販売で約1000枚のみリリースされた激レアUK盤「Nimbus Supercut」からダイレクトトランスファーしたものです。Nimbus Supercut盤は、Mobile Fidelityを超える高音質盤としてオーディオマニアの間では伝説的な存在となっています。海外のマニア所有のこれ以上ない極美品コンディションのLPからデジタル化されています。
★史上最高峰クオリティとの呼び声も高い“ニンバス・スーパーカット”による『炎?あなたがここにいてほしい』を精緻にデジタル化した1枚。ニンバス盤は1984年に英国のオーディオ専門誌『PRACTICAL HI-FI』『HI-FI TODAY』の読者を対象とした通信販売の特別企画盤。一般販売は一切なかったメガレア盤でありつつ、独自のカッティング技術やICI社による特殊ビニールまで使用したプレス精度がケタ違い。数十万はするミント盤を最新技術でデジタル化したもので、針パチどころかサーフェスノイズさえもが皆無なサウンドは、まさにマスターテープそのもの。最高峰サウンドの『炎』を永遠に楽しめるプレスCDです。
01. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts I-V)
02. Welcome To The Machine
03. Have A Cigar
04. Wish You Were Here
05. Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts VI-IX)


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