Pink Floyd / The Wall Flat Transfer- 2nd Press / 2CD

Pink Floyd / The Wall: Flat Transfer-2nd Press / 2CD / Sigma

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A miraculous masterpiece that recorded a big hit will be restocked with the 2nd press! A reprint of the highest peak ever of the monumental concept album “The Wall”.

●What is the “FLAT TRANSFER” series that makes miracles a reality?
“Now, what is the identity of this work?” It is straight out “the wall with the best sound”.
In the first place, excellent musical works are destined to search for the “best sound”. Sometimes it’s a digital remaster, sometimes it’s a media board with new technology, sometimes it’s an excavation of a very rare Mato 1… maniacs all over the world are driven by the instinct of “I want to listen to it with excellent sound”. The “best sound” has been pursued by making full use of every means. In particular, PINK FLOYD had a high awareness of acoustics in both the band and fans, and the journey of exploration for enthusiasts was the best in the rock world. This work is the terminal station of such a journey of “The Wall”.
The reason why we can say that we are determined to finish in a variety of possibilities is because this work is “FLAT TRANSFER MASTER”. This is “Umaguma (no Live DISC)”, “More”, and “Atomic Heart Mother”. A master tape newly discovered in a European country, brought by our own route. In the first place, when the album is pressed in each country, the master is distributed from the band’s home country (the UK in the case of FLOYD, of course), and the stamper is made based on it. This work is based on (probably) the distribution master. It is neither a product LP raising nor a cutting master. It’s been digitized from zero-degradation master tapes that have never been converted to physical grooves.
In addition, it can be considered a distribution master because the content was complete. Mixdown and mastering are perfectly finished, not the kind of demos and rough mixes that tend to be found in outflows. However, the sound quality was the best I’ve ever experienced. This is the impact of the “FLAT TRANSFER” series, and maniacs all over the world were shook by “Umaguma” and “Atomic Heart Mother”, which were full of their dreadfulness.

● The joy of meeting “the real wall” in a different dimension than before
And this is the latest in the series, “The Wall”. It sounds as good as ever… no, better than ever. A completely new experience from the start “In The Flesh?”. The fine SE at the beginning is also beautifully reproduced to the subtleties, but even if a dynamic performance comes in there, the natural feeling will not move. Unlike the current remastered version of the “strongly made sound”, you can feel the vibration of the guitar strings and drum skins, and you can clearly see that the magnitude of the amplitude creates dynamism. And the clearer is more vivid as the ensemble thickens towards the highlights. In the remastered edition, the emphasis is on excitement, so even the reverberation is emphasized and it gets boggy, but this work is completely unprocessed. Because the vibration of each instrument is fortissimo, the outline is beautifully drawn without filling the depth of the silent part. The three-dimensional effect that resides in one sound and the three-dimensional effect of the ensemble assembled by the performances are extremely vivid.
It was so obvious that I couldn’t help but write, but this alone is the story of only 3 minutes and 20 seconds of “In The Flesh?”. After that, one song after another, listening to each moment continues incessantly. For example, the slide guitar of “Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1)”. In the remastered version, emphasis was placed on the attack sound and there was no growth, but in this work it is strangely well-developed, and it is very long until the moment it disappears. The drum of “The Happiest Days Of Our Lives” that continues. That “Don! Don!” is really beautiful. On the remastered version, it felt like metal objects popped out from the deep bass sound, probably because of the equalizing, but in this work, the hi-hat and bass drum are completely synchronized. You can clearly understand the tone that Nick was originally aiming for. Even in the following “Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2”, unlike the remastered version where the drum hitting peak was pushed up, it is natural, and yet the subtleties are clarified, so the three-dimensional effect / reality that is drawn is even more. It’s getting brighter. The children’s chorus also stands up like a wall, and the surface is carved with subtleties that make it possible to see each person’s face.
It’s been a long time again, but it’s still 15 minutes from the start, and there are other things such as the unevenness of the winding strings, the detailed bass vibe of the synth, the reality and depth that dwells in many SEs, etc. . If I continue to write all 80 minutes and 44 seconds as I am thinking, it will be a nuisance to the people who will read it. I will never go back to any other official CD. The rich sound world is spreading so far.
“Oops, this way of writing may be misleading.” I’m not saying, “PINK FLOYD’s remastered board is a waste!” Rather, it is so good that the dimension is different from other bands. It can be said that it is exceptional as a rock. In fact, I have enjoyed it without complaints so far, but when I know the “real sound” in this work, I can no longer listen to it. Really not good at all. “Is this kind of sound included?” “Was it so detailed?” If this is real, it’s the “The Wall” I’ve been listening to… I’m driven by such thoughts.

“The Wall” is so wonderful that it makes you unintentionally sentimental. That is what this work is about. Originally, I want to redo 43 years with this sound. But even if it doesn’t come true, it’s not too late. Because you can enjoy the joy of meeting “The Wall” once again. A wall approaching with excitement that transcends the dimension of simply “the best sounding masterpiece”. Please enjoy the first experience as much as you want with the permanent preservation 2nd press CD.

★ “The Wall” edition of the “FLAT TRANSFER” series that shocked the world. It has been digitized without processing from the newly excavated master tape before LP cutting, and you can enjoy “The Wall”, which is the highest quality in history and close to the sound of the production studio. The natural feeling, the subtleties, the reality that you can feel the existence of the instruments and the performance company, etc., the sound far exceeds any official CD is overwhelming. It is a very impressive 2-disc set that allows you to redo the first meeting with “the real wall”.

大ヒットを記録した奇跡の名作が2ndプレスで再入荷決定! コンセプト・アルバムの金字塔『ザ・ウォール』の史上最高峰盤が復刻です。

●奇跡を現実にしてくれる“FLAT TRANSFER”シリーズとは?
そもそも優れた音楽作品は、「一番良い音」が探し求められるのが宿命。時にデジタル・リマスターであったり、時に新技術のメディア盤であったり、時に激レアなマト1の発掘であったり……世界中のマニアは「優れた音で聴きたい」という本能に突き動かされ、あらゆる手段を駆使して「一番の音」が追い求められてきました。特にPINK FLOYDはバンドもファンも音響への意識が高く、マニアに探求の旅はロック界随一でもあった。本作は、そんな『ザ・ウォール』の旅の終着駅なのです。
さまざまな可能性がある中で終着鋭気を言い切れるのも、本作が“FLAT TRANSFER MASTER”だからに他なりません。これは『ウマグマ(のライヴDISC)』『モア』、そして『原子心母』……数々の大名盤の最高峰盤をご紹介してきたシリーズ。欧州のある国で新発掘されたマスター・テープで、当店の独自ルートでもたらされたものです。そもそもアルバムが各国でプレスされる際には、バンドの本国(FLOYDの場合は当然英国)からマスターが配布され、それを元にスタンパーが作られます。本作の元になっているのは(恐らく)その配布マスター。商品LPの起こしでもなければ、カッティング原盤でもない。一度も物理的な溝に変換されていない、劣化ゼロのマスター・テープからデジタル化されているのです。
さらに付け加えますと、配布マスターと考えられるのは内容も完全だったから。流出モノにありがちなデモやラフミックスの類ではなく、ミックスダウンもマスタリングも完璧に仕上がっている。それでながらサウンド・クオリティだけが体験した事がないほどに優れていた。これこそが“FLAT TRANSFER”シリーズの衝撃であり、その凄味を湛えた『ウマグマ』や『原子心母』に世界中のマニアが震撼したのです。

そして、そのシリーズ最新弾となる『ザ・ウォール』篇が本作。そのサウンドはこれまでと同じく……いや、これまで以上。スタートの「In The Flesh?」からして完全に新体験。冒頭の微細なSEも機微まで綺麗に再現されていますが、そこにダイナミックな演奏が入ってきてもナチュラル感が微動だにしない。現行リマスター盤のような「作られた強音」ではなく、ギター弦やドラムの皮の振動まで感じられ、その振幅の大きさがダイナミズムを宇生み出しているのがよく分かる。そして、ハイライトに向かってアンサンブルが分厚くなるほどにクリアさが鮮烈。リマスター盤では盛り上げ重視なために残響まで強調されてボワボワしてしまっていますが、本作は完全無加工。楽器1つひとつの振動がフォルテッシモであるため、無音部の深みが埋められることなく、輪郭も綺麗に描かれる。1音に宿る立体感も、演奏同士が組みあげるアンサンブルの立体感も極めて鮮やかなのです。
あまりにも明らかに素晴らしくて思わず筆が走ってしまいましたが、これだけでも「In The Flesh?」の3分20秒だけの話なんです。その後も1曲1曲、一瞬一瞬で聴きどころが絶え間なく続く。例えば、「Another Brick In The Wall (Part 1)」のスライド・ギター。リマスター盤ではアタック音に重点が置かれて伸びがありませんでしたが、本作では異様なほど伸びが良く、消え去る瞬間までえらく長いのです。さらに続く「The Happiest Days Of Our Lives」のドラム。あの「ドン! ドン!」が物凄く綺麗。リマスター盤ではイコライジングのせいか重低音の鳴りの中から金物が飛び出す感じでしたが、本作ではハイハットとバスドラが完全シンクロ。本来ニックが狙っていたであろう音色がしっかりと分かるのです。さらに続く「Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2」でもドラムの打音ピークが突き上げ気味だったリマスター盤とは違ってナチュラルであり、それでいながら機微まで克明だから描かれる立体感/現実感は一層鮮やかになっている。子供コーラスも壁のようにそそり立ちつつ、その表面には1人ひとりの顔が見えそうな機微が刻まれている。
おっと、この書き方も語弊があるかも知れませんね。「PINK FLOYDのリマスター盤は駄作だ!」と言っているのではありません。むしろ、他バンドとは次元が違うほど出来が良い。ロックとしては破格と言っても良いでしょう。実際、これまでは不満もなく楽しんできたのですが、本作で「本当の音」を知ってしまうと、もう聴けなくなってしまう。本当に、全っ然ダメ。「こんな音が入ってたのか」「ここまで細かかったのか」「リマスター盤の鳴りは加工だったんじゃないか」等々、実は知らなければそれなりに幸せだった真実が浮かび上がり続ける。これが本物なんだとしたら、今まで聴いてきた『ザ・ウォール』なんだったんだ……そんな想いにまで駆られてしまうのです。


★全世界に衝撃を振りまいた“FLAT TRANSFER”シリーズの『ザ・ウォール』篇。新発掘されたLPカッティング前のマスター・テープから無加工でデジタル化されており、史上最もハイクオリティであり、制作スタジオの音に近い『ザ・ウォール』が楽しめる。そのナチュラル感、機微の細かさ、楽器や演奏社の存在まで感じ取れるリアリティ等々、あらゆる公式CDを遙かに超えたサウンドは圧倒的。「本物のザ・ウォール」と初対面をやり直せる大感動の2枚組です。

Disc 1(39:08)
1. In The Flesh?
2. The Thin Ice
3. Another Brick In The Wall, Part 1
4. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives
5. Another Brick In The Wall, Part 2
6. Mother
7. Goodbye Blue Sky
8. Empty Spaces
9. Young Lust
10. One Of My Turns
11. Don’t Leave Me Now
12. Another Brick In The Wall, Part 3
13. Goodbye Cruel World

Disc 2(41:54)
1. Hey You
2. Is There Anybody Out There?
3. Nobody Home
4. Vera
5. Bring The Boys Back Home
6. Comfortably Numb
7. The Show Must Go On
8. In The Flesh
9. Run Like Hell
10. Waiting For The Worms
11. Stop
12. The Trial
13. Outside The Wall

Sigma 268


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