Pink Floyd / Earls Court 1980 Final Night New Master Cassette / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Earls Court 1980 Final Night New Master Cassette / 2CD / Sigma
Earls Court, London, UK 9th August 1980

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The 1980/1981 “THE WALL Tour”, which is the gold standard of the story live and overturned the concept of “rock concert”. Two new live albums will be released at the same time, allowing you to experience the 40th anniversary of the scene. These two works are new masterpieces of sisters by the same recorder. This work is a transcendental audience recording of the first “August 9, 1980 Earl’s Court Performance”.
Speaking of “THE WALL Tour”, it is famous that many performances were held in the same city and venue because the regular style tour could not be done due to the large-scale stage production and huge cost. It can be a bit confusing, especially at Earl’s Court, a well-known venue in London, as it was held in both 1980 and 1981. Here, let’s confirm the position of the show from the schedule at that time.

● 1980
・ February 7-13: LA, USA (7 performances)
・ February 24-28: Nassau, USA (5 performances)
・ August 4-9: Earl’s Court in the UK (6 performances) ← ★ This work ★
● 1981
・ February 13-20: West Germany Dortmund (8 performances)
・ June 13-17: Earl’s Court, UK (5 performances)

[Completely new excavation recording of transcendental quality] All 31 performances above, 11 of which are at Earl’s Court. Speaking of “1980 Earl’s Court”, professional shots and sound boards that mix the final two performances “August 8 + 9” are famous, but this work is a full recording of the final performance. I think the collectors were reminded of the masterpiece “EARLS COURT 1980 FINAL NIGHT (Sigma 141)” from this date and title, but in reality this work is completely different. It wasn’t a version difference such as a remaster recurrence or a young Gene Master, but a completely different recording was unearthed.
It’s surprising that a new excavation is made 40 years after the site, but the sound is more than that. That “Sigma 141” also surpasses! I hope you don’t make a mistake, but “Sigma 141” was a masterpiece with no price. Although it is partial, as you can see from the fact that the sound board / pro shot is pressed even if it is a famous show, the tremendous clearness and vivid details to the fine parts are enormous, and it is simply “the best of the last day”. Not only that, it was one of the best masterpieces in 1980. However, this new recording has surpassed that masterpiece.
First of all, the surroundings are quiet. In “Sigma 141”, the on-site feeling of being enthusiastic about the spectacle show of the century was real, but this work has strangely no surrounding voice. The clapping and cheering aren’t close at hand, and they don’t come in between the thick playing sounds as if they were spreading from beyond the large venue. However, that is just a bonus story. What is really amazing is the performance sound that dominates the whole story, and the direct feeling and dynamism are overwhelming and beautiful. Although the “Sigma 141” is vivid, the sense of distance due to the sound of the hall is undeniable, and it is characterized by the sharpness of the edge that cuts through the feeling of air. However, this work is different. The density of the core itself is tightly packed, and there is no feeling of squishy. There is no time lag in the core of the FM sound source level, and it jumps into your ears with a sense of zero distance. On the other hand, the edges are not so sharp, but they are not “rounded” either. Rather, it is a “natural feeling” that faithfully conveys the sound of the instrument itself, and on the contrary, now that I know this work, the edge of “Sigma 141” is spiky and I feel it is an unnatural feeling of processing.

[Super-reality sound that makes you want to check the reality unintentionally] On top of that, the exquisite hall noise is breathtaking. It doesn’t feel like the space of “Sigma 141” at all, and it’s a casual level that you can barely notice by listening with headphones, but it still surely colors the core. Playing a single acoustic guitar accentuates the solemn silence, and when the band is united, it creates a magnificent spectacle. Although it is extremely sound board-like, it perfectly depicts the dynamism that would not be possible if the PA sound was output as it was.
When talking about “sounding” too much, it might be misunderstood as boa boi, but it is scary, but reality is still what I want to do. This power is especially felt in relation to SE, for example, a fighter. In “Sigma 141” (…, in most recordings), “Oh, the sound of flight is beautiful” is the biggest compliment, but this work has a different dimension. When I listen to it with headphones, I suddenly look out the window without thinking, “What? Is the plane flying at this time?” The sense of reality is unwavering even with the chirping of birds and the sound of the wind. If you want this product, please experience it with headphones. You’ll probably want to take off your headphones and see if there are any birds in the room or if it’s the sound of the wind outdoors. Not only is the performance sound beautiful, but you can also experience the story of “THE WALL” with that level of reality.

Anyone will have the experience of “seeing” an incredible sight twice. The sound of this work is that feeling. I literally doubt my ears, “Is there such a good sound?” “It’s not the sound of reality around me !?”, and repeatedly confirms what is “recording” and what is “reality.” This awesomeness is an experience because it is a transcendental audience recording. A super-real world that you can’t even enjoy on a sound board, let alone a hundred guest records. It is a new excavation master that makes you want to call it a “sound attraction”. Please fully enjoy it with the permanent storage press 2CD.

★ A transcendental audience recording of “August 9, 1980 Earl’s Court Performance”. Although it is a popular show even if it has already been released, this work is a new recording of a complete diff that was recently excavated. The surroundings are quieter and easier to hear than the masterpiece “EARLS COURT 1980 FINAL NIGHT (Sigma 141)”, but the sound itself is even more shocking. The direct feeling and dynamism are overwhelming and beautiful. The density of the core itself is tightly packed, and there is no feeling of squishy. There is no time lag in the core of the FM sound source level, and it jumps into your ears with a sense of zero distance. The reality is tremendous, and the sound of the fighter’s flight makes me look out the window without thinking, “Is the plane flying at this time?” It is a miracle new excavation live album that you will want to call “sound attraction”.
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物語ライヴの金字塔であり、「ロック・コンサート」の概念を覆した1980/1981年の“THE WALL Tour”。40周年となる現場を極上体験できる新発掘ライヴアルバムが2作同時リリース決定です。今回の2作品は同一録音家による姉妹の新名盤。本作は、その第一弾となる「1980年8月9日アールズコート公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音です。
“THE WALL Tour”と言えば、大規模な舞台演出と膨大なコストによって通常形式のツアーが行えず、同都市・同会場で何公演も行われた事でも有名。特に母国ロンドンの名会場アールズコートでは1980年と1981年の両方で実施されたために、やや混乱しがちでもあります。ここで当時のスケジュールからショウのポジションを確認しておきましょう。


以上の全31公演で、そのうちアールズコートでは11公演。「1980年アールズコート」と言えば、最終2公演“8月8日+9日”を混ぜたプロショットやサウンドボードが有名ですが、本作は最終公演のフル録音です。コレクター諸兄は、この日付ととタイトルから名作『EARLS COURT 1980 FINAL NIGHT(Sigma 141)』を思い起こされたと思いますが、実は本作はまったくの別物。それもリマスター再発や若ジェネ・マスターといったバージョン違いではなく、完全に別の録音が新たに発掘されたのです。
現場から40年も経ってから新発掘されるだけでも驚きですが、それ以上なのがサウンド。あの『Sigma 141』も凌駕している! カン違いしないで頂きたいのですが、『Sigma 141』は掛け値なしの名作でした。部分的とは言え、サウンドボード/プロショットが有名なショウであってもプレス化されている事からも分かる通り、凄まじいクリアさも微細部まで鮮やかなディテールも絶大で、単に「最終日のベスト」と言うだけでなく1980年トータルでも屈指の名作でした。しかし、今回の新録音は、あの名作をもサクッと超えてきたのです。
まず何と言っても周囲が静か。『Sigma 141』では世紀のスペクタクル・ショウに熱狂する現場感覚がリアルでしたが、本作は不思議なほどに周囲の声がない。手拍子も声援も間近ではなく、広い会場の彼方から広がっていく感覚で極太な演奏音との間に入ってこないのです。しかし、それはあくまでオマケの話。本当に凄いのは、全編を支配する演奏音そのもので、ダイレクト感もダイナミズムも圧倒的で、しかも美しい。『Sigma 141』は鮮やかではあるものの、ホール鳴りによる距離感は否めず、その空気感を切り裂くエッジの鋭さに特徴がありました。しかし、本作は違う。芯そのものの密度がみっちりと詰まっており、スカスカ感が皆無。FM音源レベルの芯がタイムラグもなく、ゼロ距離感覚で耳に飛びこんで来るのです。その一方でエッジはそこまで鋭くもないのですが、それも「丸み」ではない。むしろ、楽器そのものの鳴りを忠実に伝わってくる「ナチュラル感」であり、逆に本作を知った今では『Sigma 141』のエッジがトゲトゲしく、不自然な加工感に感じてしまうほどです。

その上で、絶妙すぎるホール鳴りも息を飲む素晴らしさ。『Sigma 141』のような空間感覚にはまったくならず、ヘッドフォンで耳を澄ましてやっと気づくレベルのさり気なさなのですが、それでも確実に芯を艶やかに彩っている。アコギ1本の弾き語りでは厳かな静寂を際立たせ、バンドが一丸になると壮大なスペクタクルを演出する。極めてサウンドボード的でありながら、もしPAの出音そのままだったら味わえないであろうダイナミズムを見事に描き出しているのです。
あまり「鳴り」について語るとボワボワと誤解されそうで怖いのですが、それでも行っておきたいのがリアリティ。この威力は特にSE関係で感じられるのですが、例えば戦闘機。『Sigma 141』では(……と言いますか、ほとんどの録音では)「おぉ、飛行音まで綺麗だ」が最大の賛辞になるのですが、本作は次元が違う。ヘッドフォンで聴いていると「あれ? こんな時間に飛行機が飛んでる?」と思わず窓の外を見てしまうのです。その現実感が小鳥のさえずりや風の音でも揺るがない。本作をお求めになったら、ぜひヘッドフォンでご体験ください。恐らくヘッドフォンを外して部屋の中に鳥がいないか、屋外の風の音ではないかを確認したくなることでしょう。演奏音が美しいだけでなく、そんな次元のリアリティで『THE WALL』の物語を体験できてしまうのです。


★「1980年8月9日アールズコート公演」の超絶級オーディエンス録音。既発でも人気のショウですが、本作は最近発掘された完全ディフの新録音です。名作『EARLS COURT 1980 FINAL NIGHT(Sigma 141)』よりも周囲が静かで聴きやすいのですが、それ以上に衝撃なのがサウンドそのもの。ダイレクト感もダイナミズムも圧倒的で、しかも美しい。芯そのものの密度がみっちりと詰まっており、スカスカ感が皆無。FM音源レベルの芯がタイムラグもなく、ゼロ距離感覚で耳に飛びこんで来る。リアリティも絶大で、戦闘機の飛行音も「こんな時間に飛行機が飛んでる?」と思わず窓の外を見てしまうほど。「サウンド・アトラクション」とでも呼びたくなる奇跡の新発掘ライヴアルバムです。


Disc 1 (54:38)
1. Intro
2. In the Flesh?
3. The Thin Ice
4. Another Brick in the Wall Part 1
5. The Happiest Days of Our Lives
6. Another Brick in the Wall Part 2
7. Mother
8. Goodbye Blue Sky
9. Empty Spaces / What Shall We Do Now?
10. Young Lust
11. One of My Turns
12. Don’t Leave Me Now
13. Another Brick in the Wall Part 3
14. The Last Few Bricks
15. Goodbye Cruel World

Disc 2 (54:23)
1. Hey You
2. Is There Anybody Out There?
3. Nobody Home
4. Vera
5. Bring the Boys Back Home
6. Comfortably Numb
7. The Show Must Go On
8. In the Flesh
9. Run Like Hell
10. Waiting for the Worms
11. Stop
12. The Trial
13. Outside the Wall
14. Outro

Sigma 288

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