Pink Floyd / Definitive Chicago 1977 / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Definitive Chicago 1977 / 2CD / Sigma
Soldier Field, Chicago, IL, USA 19th June 1977

Play sample :

Click image to enlarge

The hidden treasure sound source of “IN THE FLESH Tour” accompanying “ANIMALS” has been brushed up. The highest peak update board polished by detailed mastering by “GRAF ZEPPELIN” is now available on press 2CD.
“June 19, 1977 in Chicago” was the place where this work was recorded. It is the best audience recording. At our shop, we have thoroughly archived PINK FLOYD’s all-career, and of course “IN THE FLESH Tour” has introduced various masterpieces. There are too many to list here … so let’s take a bird’s eye view of the show position from the whole tour.

《“Animals” released on January 21》
・ January 23-February 4: Europe # 1 (9 performances)
・ February 17-March 1: Europe #2 (11 performances)
・ March 15-31: UK (9 performances)
・ April 22-May 12: North America # 1 (12 performances) ← * ULTIMATE OAKLAND
・June 15th-July 6th: North America #2 (14 performances) ← Coco

This is the 1977 PINK FLOYD. The Chicago performance of this work is one act of “North America # 2” which is the final stage. This “North America # 2” is known as a mass production area for name recordings, and the latter two of the three major tour masterpieces “ULTIMATE OAKLAND”, “ULTIMATE BOSTON 1977” and “ROAR ENDS” were born. What kind of position will this work take in that? Let’s focus on the “North America #2” leg and compare it to our collection.

・June 15th + 17th (2 performances)
・ June 19: Chicago performance ← ★ this work ★
・June 21st + 23rd (2 performances)
・ June 25 “ONE FLEW OVER THE BOARD (Cleveland)”
・June 27 “ULTIMATE BOSTON 1977”
・ June 28: Philadelphia performance
・ July 1: MSG performance
・July 2 “DEFINITIVE MSG 1977”
・July 3 “MSG 1977 3RD NIGHT”
・July 4 “MSG 1977 FINAL NIGHT”
・July 6 “ROAR ENDS (Montreal)”
* Only representative press masterpieces on each day.

Eight live albums were crammed together, and this work was recorded at the very beginning. It was the third performance of “North America # 2”, and it was a concert about a week before “ULTIMATE BOSTON 1977”.
As with other performances, some records are known for this show, but we have introduced the best master as “CHICAGO 1977”. This work is also the same master, but it is a decision board that utilizes other records to update the longest / highest peak sound. In order to explain the contents, let’s organize the three types of masters used this time.

●A: Recorder 1 (Neonknight master)
“The best master of this show.” The stereo sound is excellent, and it is also the main sound source of this work like the previous work “CHICAGO 1977”.
● B: Recorder 1 (Weedwacker Master)
The path of the same recording as “A” is different. Gene is good, but quite monaural. A part missing in “A” was left, so it was used for compensation.
●C: Recorder 2
Completely separate recording different from the above. It’s clear and the feel is on, but there are many cuts, and some severe distortion is undeniable. Used for filling.

… and it looks like this. The previous work “CHICAGO 1977” was “A” as it was, but this work uses two more recordings and has updated the longest record ever. Moreover, the compensation is not a story of 10 seconds and 20 seconds. It has been recorded for more than 6 minutes before the performance, and the intervals between other songs are extended in many places. More importantly, the amount of performance parts that are essential is also increased. In particular, “Pigs (Three Different Ones)” was supplemented with two cuts in the song, making it a complete version as long as 1 minute and 37 seconds.
Such an increase alone is decisive, but the sound that runs through the entire volume of this work is also improved. If you have noticed this article, I think you have realized the accuracy of “GRAF ZEPPELIN” mastering, but what is particularly exquisite this time is the processing of hiss and noise. Hiss is also a characteristic of the “A” master, and if you try to remove it completely, it will also change the performance sound. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” determines the last-minute line where deterioration occurs on the band analysis. That one step … No, by stopping the dimension stop process half a step before, the performance is natural and the noise is wiped as much as possible. The left channel is particularly large. The greatest beauty of the “A” master is also the sense of stereo, and by combining it with strict phase correction, it became possible to enjoy the spatial sensation peculiar to “IN THE FLESH Tour” on the spot.
This is the highest peak update board realized by polishing the well-established best master and making full use of another master. In particular, this work is the first in history to completely record the performance part. As expected, it is not a type that threatens the stronghold of “ULTIMATE BOSTON 1977”, but it must be the top of the Chicago performance. On-site sound revived beyond the time and space of 46 years. Please fully enjoy the press 2CD that leaves the shine forever.

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(remastered memo)

★Sound source arrangement

Rec1 1st Gen Weedwacker (2010) ・・・Supplementary sound source this time. 1st Gen has good freshness but is monotonous / However, there are multiple long parts such as intro, so make the most of it
Rec1 2nd Gen Neonknight (2015) ・・・ Already released Sigma 147 This time also the main stereo sound source
Rec2 Low Gen (first half of the 2000s) … Compensation sound source this time.It is clear and very close, but the source has frequent distortions in the performance part.There are many cuts.

★Based on Rec1 2nd Gen, supplemented with two types of sub-sound sources to realize complete recording of all songs for the first time

* Phase correction

* Hiss is conspicuous in the main source, so after band analysis, correct the left channel.

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* The highest peak audience recording of “Chicago performance on June 19, 1977”. “GRAF ZEPPELIN” has refined the best master familiar with the previous work “CHICAGO 1977”, and it is the longest and highest peak update board realized by making full use of other masters. The extension of the recording time is remarkable, and it has been recorded for more than 6 minutes before the performance, and the performance part has been completely recorded. In particular, “Pigs (Three Different Ones)” is supplemented with two cuts in the song, which is 1 minute and 37 seconds longer. It is an upgrade board that raised the height of the Chicago performance at once.

『ANIMALS』に伴う“IN THE FLESH Tour”の秘宝音源がブラッシュアップ。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による細密マスタリングで磨き上げられた最高峰更新盤がプレス2CDで登場です。
そんな本作が吹き込まれたのは「1977年6月19日シカゴ公演」。そのベスト・オーディエンス録音です。当店ではPINK FLOYDのオールキャリアを徹底アーカイヴしており、当然“IN THE FLESH Tour”も様々な名作をご紹介してきました。ここでその一覧を載せる……には多すぎますので、まずはツアー全体像からショウのポジションを俯瞰してみましょう。

・4月22日ー5月12日:北米#1(12公演)←※ULTIMATE OAKLAND

これが1977年のPINK FLOYD。本作のシカゴ公演は、その最終盤である「北米#2」の一幕。この「北米#2」は名録音の量産地帯として知られ、ツアー3大名作『ULTIMATE OAKLAND』『ULTIMATE BOSTON 1977』『ROAR ENDS』のうち後者2つが生まれてもいます。その中で本作はどんなポジションになるのか。「北米#2」レッグにフォーカスし、当店コレクションと照らし合わせてみましょう。

・6月19日:シカゴ公演 ←★本作★
・6月25日『ONE FLEW OVER THE BOARD(クリーヴランド)』
・6月27日『ULTIMATE BOSTON 1977』
・7月2日『DEFINITIVE MSG 1977』
・7月3日『MSG 1977 3RD NIGHT』
・7月4日『MSG 1977 FINAL NIGHT』
・7月6日『ROAR ENDS(モントリオール)』

8本ものライヴアルバムがひしめき合っており、本作が記録されたのはその中でも最も序盤。「北米#2」の3公演目で、『ULTIMATE BOSTON 1977』の約1週間前にあたるコンサートでした。
他公演と同じように、このショウもいくつかの記録が知られていますが、当店ではベスト・マスターを『CHICAGO 1977』としてご紹介してきました。本作も同じマスターではありますが、他の記録も活用して最長/最高峰サウンドを更新した決定盤なのです。その内容をご説明する為にも、今回使用された3種のマスターを整理しておきましょう。

●A:Recorder 1(Neonknightマスター)
このショウのベスト・マスター。ステレオ・サウンドが絶品で、前回作『CHICAGO 1977』と同様に本作のメイン音源でもある。
●B:Recorder 1(Weedwackerマスター)
●C:Recorder 2

……と、このようになっています。前回作『CHICAGO 1977』は「A」そのままでしたが、本作はさらに2種の録音を使用し、史上最長を更新しています。しかも、その補填は10秒20秒の話ではありません。開演前から6分以上も長ーく収録していますし、その他の曲間が何ヶ所も伸張している。さらに重要なのは肝心要の演奏パートも増量したこと。特に「Pigs (Three Different Ones)」は曲中2ヶ所のカットが補填され、1分37秒も長い完全版になったのです。
そんな増量だけでも決定的ではありますが、本作はさらに全編を貫くサウンドも向上している。本稿に目を留められた方なら「GRAF ZEPPELIN」マスタリングの精度を実感されていると思いますが、今回特に絶妙なのはヒス・ノイズの処理でしょうか。ヒスは「A」マスターの特性でもあり、完全に除去しようとすると演奏音も変質させることになる。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」は、帯域分析の上で変質が発生するギリギリのラインを確定。その一歩……いや、半歩手前の寸止め処理に留めることで、演奏はナチュラルなままにノイズを可能な限り拭っているのです。特に大きいのは左チャンネル。「A」マスター最大の美点はステレオ感覚でもあり、厳密な位相補正と組み合わせる事で“IN THE FLESH Tour”特有の空間感覚を現場通りに味わえるようになったのです。
定評のベスト・マスターを磨き込み、さらに別マスターも駆使することで実現した最高峰更新盤です。特に演奏パートを完全収録したのは、本作こそが史上初なのです。さすがに『ULTIMATE BOSTON 1977』の牙城を脅かすようなタイプではありませんが、シカゴ公演の頂点には違いない。46年の時空を超えて甦った現場サウンド。輝きを永久に残すプレス2CDで存分に味わい尽くしてください。




Rec1 1st Gen Weedwacker (2010) ・・・今回補填音源。 1st Genで鮮度は良いがモノ寄り/但しイントロなど長い箇所が複数あるため、最大限に活用
Rec1 2nd Gen Neonknight (2015) ・・・既発Sigma 147 今回もメインのステレオ音源
Rec2 Low Gen(2000年代前半)・・・今回補填音源。クリアで非常に近いが、演奏部などにザラっとした歪みの頻発するソース。カットも多い

★Rec1 2nd Genをベースに二種類のサブ音源で補填し全曲完全収録を初めて実現




★「1977年6月19日シカゴ公演」の最高峰オーディエンス録音。前回作『CHICAGO 1977』でもお馴染みのベスト・マスターを「GRAF ZEPPELIN」が磨き込み、他マスターも駆使して実現した最長・最高峰更新盤です。録音時間の拡張は目覚ましく、開演前から6分以上も長ーく収録していますし、演奏パートは完全収録を実現。特に「Pigs (Three Different Ones)」は曲中2ヶ所のカットが補填され、1分37秒も長くなっています。シカゴ公演の高みを一気に引き上げたアップグレード盤です。

Disc 1 (59:51)
1. Introduction ★0:00-6:11Weedで補填。開始前がかなり長く収録されてるのは貴重
2. Sheep
3. Pigs On The Wing 1
4. Dogs ★16:56-17:13(演奏後)Weedで補填
5. Pigs On The Wing 2
6. Pigs (Three Different Ones) ★5:23-6:48 / 13:46-13:58Rec2で補填

Disc 2 (67:25)
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 1-5 ★0:00-0:15 / 13:37-13:44Weedで補填
2. Welcome To The Machine
3. Have A Cigar
4. Wish You Were Here ★6:01-6:06Rec2 / 6:06以降Weedで補填
5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Parts 6-9 ★0:00-0:02Weed / 0:02-0:23Rec2 / 19:45以降(演奏後曲間)Weedで補填
6. Money ★11:06以降(演奏後)Weedで補填
Sigma 307

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