Pink Floyd / Ultimate Boston 1977 / 2CD

Pink Floyd / Ultimate Boston 1977 / 2CD / Sigma
Live at Boston Garden, Boston, MA, USA 27th June 1977

Play sample :

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A miraculous night that produced the symbolic sound source of “IN THE FLESH Tour” and Roger Waters also shouted “A Perfect Day!” The highest peak update board of the symbolic sound source is born. It is a release decision with a press 2CD that permanently preserves the detailed sound by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”.
The miraculous night was “June 27, 1977 in Boston”. It is the legendary audience recording. Speaking of Boston in 1977, it is no exaggeration to say that it is the highest peak of “IN THE FLESH Tour” in terms of both performance and sound. If you have caught your eye in this article, you will have experienced something in the past. This work is a vertex board that updates the highest peak sound of the legendary recording. Before the content that you care about, the position of the show aside. We have archived “IN THE FLESH Tour” with many masterpiece live albums, so let’s imagine the positional relationship while organizing the collection according to the schedule. Let’s start with an overview of the tour.

《“Animals” released on January 21》
・ January 23-February 4: Europe # 1 (9 performances)
・ February 17-March 1: Europe #2 (11 performances)
・ March 15-31: UK (9 performances)
・ April 22-May 12: North America # 1 (12 performances)
・June 15th-July 6th: North America #2 (14 performances) ← Coco

This is the 1977 PINK FLOYD. The Boston performance of this work was the final act of “North America # 2”. Then, what kind of masterpiece was near this work? Let’s focus more on the schedule.

・June 15th + 17th (2 performances)
・June 19 “CHICAGO 1977”
・June 21st + 23rd (2 performances)
・ June 25 “ONE FLEW OVER THE BOARD (Cleveland)”
・ June 27: Boston performance ← ★ this work ★
・ June 28: Philadelphia performance
・ July 1: MSG performance
・July 2 “DEFINITIVE MSG 1977”
・July 3 “MSG 1977 3RD NIGHT”
・July 4 “MSG 1977 FINAL NIGHT”
・July 6 “ROAR ENDS (Montreal)”
* Only representative press masterpieces on each day.

… and it looks like this. “IN THE FLESH Tour” is known for being irritated by Roger feeling a gap in consciousness with the audience as the schedule progresses, but this work is about a week left until its completion. It was a concert corresponding to 48 performances out of 55 performances.
“Well, let’s get down to business.” Such a show is also famous for producing the most promising candidate for the tour masterpiece. In particular, the master cassette recorded by the legendary master Steve Hopkins boasts an outstanding sound even in “IN THE FLESH Tour”, and the style in which the missing parts are complemented by Dan Lampinski recording is “IN THE FLESH Tour’s masterpiece”. reigns supreme in the seat of This work is also the equation of the king “Hopkins recording + Lampinski complement”, but it updates the highest peak. Such a work is neither a copy of the existing board nor an equalization recurrence. It is the latest version that has been re-mastered from scratch based on the 2022 standard, returning to the original source again. And “GRAF ZEPPELIN” was in charge of that work. In recent years, the polished version of the classic sound source has been very popular, but finally the “1977 Boston Recording” version has appeared.
The mastering accuracy of this work is truly the highest ever. Especially big this time is the natural master freshness. Since the conventional board has also used the master cassette version, it is in the same row as a gene, but this time it is extremely natural. The factor is the matching of two sources. The previous version tried to eliminate the sense of incongruity when connecting the two sources, so it was undeniable that it was somewhat processed. Rather than “bring B closer to A source”, narrow down both tightly and connect after making them look similar. As a result, the main Hopikin recording had a slightly too narrow midrange and a rumbling impression, and the sub Rampinski recording had a metallic feel.
It was not bad because it emphasized tightness, but it was a style with a question mark when it came to “Is it faithful to the sound because it’s Floyd?” In contrast, this work clarifies all priorities. The most important goal is “Floyd’s sound output reproduction”, and even if it is two sources, it firmly maintains the relationship of “Hopkin recording = master” and “Lampinski recording = slave”. While maximizing the natural feel of the Hopkin recording (master), the Rampinski recording (secondary) was arranged to match it, so as a result, the feeling of processing was greatly reduced for both sources.
Of course, Hopkin recordings are not unprocessed. Pitch/phase correction that does not allow deviations of 1/1000th of a second, balance adjustment after band analysis, noise processing that does not distort the performance sound, and so on. reproduction. While the focus is carefully set in the center, the stereo sense with an increased sense of width, “Sheep” where hiss is wiped clean, and the volume that was slightly disturbed after “Have A Cigar” is also stable. As expected, it is not “like a different thing” just because it is the original, but it is definitely updating the record high.

The legendary 1977 Boston recording that everyone loved. It is the highest peak updated version of the symbolic live album that has been said to be “If you listen to IN THE FLESH Tour, this is it.” A press 2CD that permanently leaves such a “extreme” sound. It is a new peak for collectors who have AId the conventional edition, and an eternal masterpiece that promises a deep and deep impression for those who touch it for the first time. Here is my grand birth.

★Legendary audience recording of “Boston performance on June 27, 1977”. Based on the original master of historical master Steve Hopkins, this is a complete live album complemented by Dan Lampinsky recording. Although there was a similar concept already released, this work is the highest peak update board by “GRAF ZEPPELIN”. The wider and more natural sound is wonderful, and the volume that was slightly disturbed after “Sheep” and “Have A Cigar” where hiss was wiped clean is also stable. It is a cultural heritage album that upgraded the representative work of “IN THE FLESH Tour”.

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(remastered memo)

Main: Hopkins sauce (2016 JEMS direct-to-digital transfer first used (maybe?) in Sigma 177)
★ Sub: Rampinski sauce (appeared around 2010, no updates since then)
★Phase correction and full bandwidth adjustment for both sources (no excessive processing).
Rampinski is very natural this time
★ The volume of the tracks from “Have A Cigar” to “Shine On 6-9” is rather low, so I raised it slightly.

Reorganized release version

[1] “PERFECT DAY (Ayanami-133)” / (recording) S. Hopkins Gen unknown
[2] “BOREDOM AND PAIN (Sirene-159)” / (recording) S. Hopkins Gen unknown
[3] “PERFECT END (Sigma 64)” / (recording) Dan Lampinski New source
[4] “DEFINITIVE BOREDOM AND PAIN (Sigma 65)” / *Sigma remastered version of [2] [5] “THE UNPROCESSED BOSTON 1977 (Sigma 78)” (Recording) S. Hopkins Master>DAT
[6] “BOSTON 1977: MASTER TAPES (Sigma 177)” (Recording) S. Hopkins Master 2016 Tranfer + Rampin
[7] “DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977 (Sigma 226)” S.Hopkins Master 2016 Tranfer + Rampin Remastered and newly edited

*In recent years, a third source has appeared, but it is omitted because it is not as good in terms of sound and content.

“IN THE FLESH Tour”の象徴音源を生み出し、ロジャー・ウォーターズも「完璧だ!(A Perfect Day!)」と叫んだ奇跡の夜。その象徴音源の最高峰更新盤が誕生。「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による細密サウンドを永久保存したプレス2CDでリリース決定です。
その奇跡の夜とは「1977年6月27日ボストン公演」。その伝説オーディエンス録音です。1977年ボストンと言えば、名演とサウンドの両面で“IN THE FLESH Tour”の最高峰と言っても過言ではない名作中の名作。本稿に目を留められた方なら、何かしらの既発でご体験のことでしょう。本作は、その伝説録音の最高峰サウンドを更新するまさかの頂点盤なのです。その気になる内容の前に、何はさておきショウのポジション。当店では数々の名作ライヴアルバムで“IN THE FLESH Tour”をアーカイヴしておりますので、日程でコレクションを整理しながら位置関係をイメージしてみましょう。まずは、ツアーの全体像から。


これが1977年のPINK FLOYD。本作のボストン公演は、その最終盤である「北米#2」の一幕でした。それでは、本作の付近にはどんな名作があったのか。日程をさらにフォーカスしてみましょう。

・6月19日『CHICAGO 1977』
・6月25日『ONE FLEW OVER THE BOARD(クリーヴランド)』
・6月27日:ボストン公演 ←★本作★
・7月2日『DEFINITIVE MSG 1977』
・7月3日『MSG 1977 3RD NIGHT』
・7月4日『MSG 1977 FINAL NIGHT』
・7月6日『ROAR ENDS(モントリオール)』

……と、このようになっています。“IN THE FLESH Tour”は、日程が進むほどにロジャーが観客との意識のズレを感じて苛立っていった事で知られますが、本作はその完遂まで残り1週間ほどというタイミング。全55公演中48公演にあたるコンサートでした。
さて、本題。そんなショウはツアー最高傑作の最有力候補を生み出したことでも有名。特に伝説的な名手スティーヴ・ホプキンス録音のマスターカセットは“IN THE FLESH Tour”でもズバ抜けたサウンドを誇り、録音漏れパートをダン・ランピンスキー録音で補完したスタイルで「IN THE FLESH Tourの大代表作」の座に君臨しています。本作も王者の方程式「ホプキンス録音+ランピンスキー補完」ではありつつ、その最高峰を更新するものなのです。そんな本作は既発盤のコピーでもイコライズ再発でもありません。再び大元ソースに立ち返り、イチから2022年基準でマスタリングしなおされた最新バージョンなのです。そして、その作業を担ったのは「GRAF ZEPPELIN」。近年は、大定番音源の磨き直し盤が大好評を博しておりますが、遂に「1977年ボストン録音」盤が登場したわけです。
もちろん、ホプキン録音も無加工なわけではありません。1/1000秒の狂いも許さないピッチ/位相補正、帯域分析を経た上でのバランス調整、演奏音を歪ませない限界ギリギリのノイズ処理等々、偏執的にお細かい作業を積み重ねることで現場音を再現。丁寧にセンターに焦点が定まりつつもワイド感の増したステレオ感覚、ヒスもキレイに拭われた「Sheep」、「Have A Cigar」以降で微妙に乱れていた音量もビシッと安定。さすがに元が元なだけに「まるで別物」とはなっていませんが、確実に過去最高を更新してもいるのです。

万人を納得され、誰もが愛した伝説の1977年ボストン録音。「IN THE FLESH Tourを聴くなら、ますはコレ」と言われてきた象徴ライヴアルバムの最高峰更新盤です。そんな“極み”のサウンドを永久に残すプレス2CD。従来盤をAIしてきたコレクター諸兄には新たなる頂点であり、初めて触れる方には深い深い感動を約束する永遠の大名盤。ここに堂々の誕生です。

★「1977年6月27日ボストン公演」の伝説オーディエンス録音。歴史的名手スティーヴ・ホプキンスの大元マスターをベースに、ダン・ランピンスキー録音で補完した完全版ライヴアルバムです。同様コンセプトの既発もありましたが、本作は「GRAF ZEPPELIN」による最高峰更新盤。よりワイドでナチュラルなサウンドが素晴らしく、ヒスもキレイに拭われた「Sheep」、「Have A Cigar」以降で微妙に乱れていた音量もビシッと安定。“IN THE FLESH Tour”の代表作がアップグレードした文化遺産アルバムです。




★メイン: ホプキンスソース(Sigma 177で初使用(多分?)された2016年JEMS direct-to-digital transfer)
★サブ: ランピンスキーソース(2010年頃登場・その後の更新なし)
★”Have A Cigar”から”Shine On 6-9″までのトラックは音量全体に小さめなので若干持ち上げ


【1】『PERFECT DAY (Ayanami-133)』 / (録音)S・ホプキンス ★Gen不明
【2】『BOREDOM AND PAIN (Sirene-159)』 / (録音)S・ホプキンス ★Gen不明
【3】『PERFECT END (Sigma 64)』 / (録音)ダン・ランピンスキー ★新ソース
【4】『DEFINITIVE BOREDOM AND PAIN (Sigma 65)』 / ※【2】のSigmaリマスター版
【5】『THE UNPROCESSED BOSTON 1977 (Sigma 78)』(録音) S・ホプキンス★Master>DAT
【6】『BOSTON 1977: MASTER TAPES (Sigma 177)』(録音) S・ホプキンスMaster 2016 Tranfer+ランピン
【7】『DEFINITIVE BOSTON 1977 (Sigma 226)』S・ホプキンスMaster 2016 Tranfer+ランピン ★リマスターのうえ新たに編集




Disc 1 (53:16)
1. Sheep ★0:00-0:16補填 / 序盤のヒス増える所を補正(0:35?1:27)
2. Pigs On The Wing 1 ★0:16-0:25補填
3. Dogs ★演奏後の曲間カット補填
4. Pigs On The Wing 2
5. Pigs(Three Different Ones)

Disc 2 (76:06)
1. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 1-5 ★0:00-0:06補填
2. Welcome To The Machine
3. Have A Cigar
4. Wish You Were Here
5. Shine On You Crazy Diamond Part 6-9 ★10:26-15:04補填
6. Money
7. Us And Them

Sigma 304

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