Paul McCartney & Wings / Fly South New Master Definitive Edition / 1DVD

Paul McCartney & Wings / Fly South New Master Definitive Edition / 1DVD / Non label
Live at Myer Music Bowl, Melbourne, Australia 13th November 1975 PRO-SHOT (UPGRADE)

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Wings A must-see live video Melbourne that captures the stage of 1975 in perfect condition. The limited press DVD “FLY SOUTH NEW MASTER” released as the best version of it was sold out with great popularity. However, since it is an excellent professional shot video that can be enjoyed with peace of mind from beginners to enthusiasts, here is a suggestion from the video provider who wants to brush up the video by taking advantage of this opportunity at the timing when I thought of the second press. In response, it evolved into the release of a renewed version of this masterpiece live video.
“FLY SOUTH NEW MASTER” (hereinafter referred to as “existing board”) itself was a best-selling product because it was a masterpiece that greatly improved the quality of the 75 years Melbourne Pro Shot that had been on the market until then. However, this time, I dared to remaster again. That said, the dimensions are different from the easy reworking, where you simply adjust the color tone. What is noteworthy in this restoration is that it cleanly eliminates the phenomenon that the dark colors that are often seen in old video images are shifted like a ghost. It was noticeable every time the blue Judo-style costume worn by Paul and the red hakama-style costume of Jimmy McCulloch were caught at a slightly squinting angle, but this time this unnaturalness was completely eliminated.
Also, when it comes to reddish or bluish scenes, color bleeding (also a symptom that is often seen in old videos) caused viewing stress, but it has also been reborn into a surprisingly easy-to-see state. Is. One of the scenes where it is easy to realize is that the moment the intro of “Junior’s Farm”, which is the centerpiece of the Melbourne video, began, the stage was dyed in red. If it was an already released board, it was so blurring and color shift that I couldn’t understand what I was doing, but this time it’s so easy to see that each member can be seen properly.
Another minor problem with the existing board is that sometimes the movement of a person becomes a little slow motion. Especially, it was remarkable in Paul’s “Yesterday”, but even this unnaturalness was completely resolved, and finally the hue and movement of the person are also natural, and you can enjoy it in a more stress-free state than the previous edition It’s the upper version.

And this time it will be released at the same time as the image in Wing’s popularity in Seattle the following year, but the fact that the same band’s live is so different at intervals of half a year is surprising. In Seattle and Kingdome, which will be released this time, the appearance of a king has been transmitted, but in Melbourne six months ago, the performance is still loose. Encore “Soily” etc. really start loosely, and there are scenes where the performance is likely to fall apart.
It seems loose that Denny Lane plays the acoustic guitar while crossing the legs with “Bluebird”. The chorus harmony in the same song is more uneven than in the US, and the back chorus of “Magneto And Titanium Man” is also uneven. Even in the United States with improved chorus work, it was completely re-recorded when released later, so I will be reminded how they were loose here. And it’s also interesting that the stage costumes of the members themselves are not as hard as they were in America. Above all, the visual difference is too big.
As you can see from this, it is not just a stage where the atmosphere is different from the United States, but this image is different from the later live album “OVER AMERICA” and the movie “ROCK SHOW”, it is a pure student who has not been modified at all. It is also valuable in that it is a video with live audio. That’s why the already released version has become a big bestseller, but the upper feeling this version shows is truly definitive. In addition, the new version, which has been reborn with a clear and stable feeling, was able to thoroughly appreciate the appearance of Wings who is truly enjoying a big performance.

Refly full version of “Fly South New Master”
-Fixed the problem that there was color shift to the right and color bleeding (especially red and blue)
・Fixed screen clutter on Yesterday
・Full block noise reduction by video noise reduction processing

★ To achieve the highest image quality, this release is a dual layer DVD with one layer on each side.

ウイングス1975年のステージを完全な状態で捉えた必見ライブ映像メルボルン。そのベストバージョンとしてリリースされた限定プレスDVD「FLY SOUTH NEW MASTER」は大好評の内に売り切れとなってしまいました。しかし初心者からマニアまで安心して楽しめる秀逸なプロショット映像ということから、ここはセカンドプレスを…と思ったタイミングで映像提供者の方からこの機会を活かして映像をブラッシュアップし直したい、という提案を受け、この傑作ライブ映像のリニューアル版としてのリリースへと進化することに相成りました。
「FLY SOUTH NEW MASTER」(以下、既発盤と称します)自体がそれまでに出回っていた75年メルボルン・プロショットのクオリティを大幅に刷新してみせた名作だったことからベストセラーとなった訳ですが、そこに今回は改めてリマスターを敢行。とはいっても、単に色調を調整しただけ…というような安直な焼き直しとはまるで次元が違う。今回のレストアで特筆すべきは、古いビデオ映像にありがちな、発色の濃い色の部分がまるでゴーストのようにズレてしまう現象を綺麗に解消しているのです。それはポールが着ている青い柔道着風コスチュームやジミー・マカロックの赤い袴風な衣装が少し引き気味のアングルで捉えられる度に顕著だったのですが、今回はこの不自然さがすっかり解消。
また赤味や青味の強い場面になると色のにじみ(これも昔のビデオにありがちな症状)が鑑賞上のストレスを感じさせていたものですが、それも驚くほど見やすい状態へと生まれ変わっているのです。それを実感しやすい場面としては、メルボルン映像の目玉でもある「Junior’s Farm」のイントロが始まった瞬間、ステージ上が照明によって真っ赤に染まります。ここが既発盤ですと滲みや色ずれが激しく何をやっているか解らないほどだったのですが、今回は各メンバーの姿がちゃんと確認できるほど見やすくなっている。

かと思えばデニー・レインは「Bluebird」で足組みしながらアコギを弾いているのがまたルーズ。それに輪をかけて同曲でのコーラス・ハーモニーはアメリカの時よりも不揃いですし、「Magneto And Titanium Man」のバックコーラスがまた何とも不揃い。コーラスワークの向上したアメリカですら、後にリリースされる際は全面的に録り直された訳だから、いかにここでの彼らがルーズであったかを思い知らされます。そしてメンバーのステージ衣装そのものがアメリカの時より垢抜けないというのも面白い。何よりビジュアル面での違いが大きすぎ。
このことからも分かるように、アメリカとはまるで雰囲気の違うステージということにとどまらず、本映像は後のライブアルバム「OVER AMERICA」や映画「ROCKSHOW」と違い、一切の修正が加えられていない純生ライブ音声を伴った映像であるという点も価値が高い。だからこそ既発盤が大ベストセラーとなった訳ですが、今回のバージョンが示したアッパー感はまさしくディフィニティブ。さらにクッキリと安定感抜群に生まれ変わったニューバージョンにて大らかな演奏を心から楽しんでいるウイングスの姿をじっくり鑑賞されたし。

「Fly South New Master」のリマスター完全版



1. Venus And Mars
2. Rock Show
3. Jet
4. Let Me Roll It
5. Spirits Of Ancient Egypt
6. Little Woman Love / C Moon
7. Maybe I’m Amazed
8. Lady Madonna
9. The Long And Winding Road
10. Live And Let Die
11. Picasso’s Last Words (Drink To Me)
12. Richard Cory
13. Bluebird
14. I’ve Just Seen A Face
15. Blackbird
16. Waltzing Matilda / Yesterday
17. You Gave Me The Answer
18. Magneto And Titanium Man
19. Go Now
20. Call Me Back Again
21. My Love
22. Listen To What The Man Said
23. Letting Go
24. Medicine Jar
25. Junior’s Farm
26. Band On The Run
27. Hi, Hi, Hi
28. Soily


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